Discontinued ThermoVape


Vapor Sloth
Errl said:
Just a suggestion... Maybe instead of figuring out how to make this device work as a plug in you could release a quality USB passthrough?

I believe if you look back in the thread this issue was discussed briefly. USB pass-through is in development, OF had a concern about the 30 watt power consumption coming from a much smaller power supply. TV answered that if it was going to be easy then everyone would be doing it. This sounds sooo much like my father (rip), anyways, it will be extremely interesting to see what TV has in store for us on this one.


Noob Saibot
Where the hell is the review OF???

I'm still waiting for my Revolution...I thought you'd pick mine up??? :mad:


Well-Known Member
OK, without peeking back at the thread (yet) here comes my next few disjointed thoughts on the Revolution. Based on my first few tokes THIS THING WORKS. Wow, does it work. Maybe just 'beginners luck' but 3 was plenty, maybe one too many for objective testing. We'll have to try more later. No need to thank me, I'm glad to do my part.

My initial plan was to try some bubble hash, and I'll still do that, but that's not how it worked out. First up was a dab of some really sticky, messy taffy. Did I mention it made a sticky mess? It did, and that was part of the idea. Kind of a 'worst case'. It ended up stuck to the walls, even a bit made it outside somehow. A few seconds of heat and it started to melt down and disappear.

A word or two about the emitter. I had the rare treat of watching Nate (or was it Noah, they look alike....) hand make me one while I looked on. The two experts who make the production units were off (being Saturday and all) and the last good unit had been shipped to Puff it Up for all the other eager vapers out in vapeland. Double cool, as far as I'm concerned. The ceramic floor of the chamber is porous. It's also the top of the heater body. Under ten power it looks like a kitchen sponge only more open. The rest of the body is the same material, both pieces suck up the concentrate which turns it dark. The heater is wound on special high temperature ceramic rod in the center. It's heated internally (you can see the glow) and emits from within the material (I think). Very slick.

There's a bit of lag (about four or five seconds) while the heater brings the parts to working temperature but then the vapor starts to roll out. You can watch through the open window if you want. Understand this puppy is running about 15 Watts (half the TV) which is like three times the power of the Omicron. Once it gets rolling it's got a lot of steam on tap. Air enters the base above the threads (like on the Omicron) and comes up through the heater assembly and up to you. A very low restriction pull IMO.

As a guess I think it'll be harder on battery charges than the Omicron (but battery changes are fast and easy) and if the first test is any indication the clouds are in there waiting to get out......

Please stay tuned, more to follow.



Well-Known Member
Sound really nice. I am very interested to hear how many hits are possible on one set of batteries.

OF said:
OK, without peeking back at the thread (yet) here comes my next few disjointed thoughts on the Revolution. Based on my first few tokes THIS THING WORKS. Wow, does it work. Maybe just 'beginners luck' but 3 was plenty, maybe one too many for objective testing. We'll have to try more later. No need to thank me, I'm glad to do my part.

My initial plan was to try some bubble hash, and I'll still do that, but that's not how it worked out. First up was a dab of some really sticky, messy taffy. Did I mention it made a sticky mess? It did, and that was part of the idea. Kind of a 'worst case'. It ended up stuck to the walls, even a bit made it outside somehow. A few seconds of heat and it started to melt down and disappear.

A word or two about the emitter. I had the rare treat of watching Nate (or was it Noah, they look alike....) hand make me one while I looked on. The two experts who make the production units were off (being Saturday and all) and the last good unit had been shipped to Puff it Up for all the other eager vapers out in vapeland. Double cool, as far as I'm concerned. The ceramic floor of the chamber is porous. It's also the top of the heater body. Under ten power it looks like a kitchen sponge only more open. The rest of the body is the same material, both pieces suck up the concentrate which turns it dark. The heater is wound on special high temperature ceramic rod in the center. It's heated internally (you can see the glow) and emits from within the material (I think). Very slick.

There's a bit of lag (about four or five seconds) while the heater brings the parts to working temperature but then the vapor starts to roll out. You can watch through the open window if you want. Understand this puppy is running about 15 Watts (half the TV) which is like three times the power of the Omicron. Once it gets rolling it's got a lot of steam on tap. Air enters the base above the threads (like on the Omicron) and comes up through the heater assembly and up to you. A very low restriction pull IMO.

As a guess I think it'll be harder on battery charges than the Omicron (but battery changes are fast and easy) and if the first test is any indication the clouds are in there waiting to get out......

Please stay tuned, more to follow.

Im getting excited about this thing might have to purchase soon..Hey @sessnet I hope our schedules dont conflict next week...:)


Well-Known Member
t-dub said:
@OF VVV Yes please start with the bubble . . . this is important for my lifestyle.

Edit: The regular TV is vaping kief sandwiches quite nicely I should add.

Oops, I blew that already. It's next, but If it gets all gummed up with plant matter (like it might) I was afraid it'd cover the surface and you couldn't watch it. If it came out a mess, I wouldn't have known why. I'll have bubble hash tested in the next few passes, in the next 24 hours I bet. Based on what I can see, and from what they told me, it's no big deal. It should be easy to wipe it out through the widow and in the end if nothing else works, boil it up. Time will tell, trust me to not keep what happens a secret?

t-dub said:
Errl said:
Just a suggestion... Maybe instead of figuring out how to make this device work as a plug in you could release a quality USB passthrough?

I believe if you look back in the thread this issue was discussed briefly. USB pass-through is in development, OF had a concern about the 30 watt power consumption coming from a much smaller power supply. TV answered that if it was going to be easy then everyone would be doing it. This sounds sooo much like my father (rip), anyways, it will be extremely interesting to see what TV has in store for us on this one.

This one's "only" 15 Watts, so half the problem as with the TV but still three times what Mr. Laptop is going to give you best case. Hey, maybe Obama has fixed the energy problem by repealing Ohm's Law?

pecosthecat said:
Sound really nice. I am very interested to hear how many hits are possible on one set of batteries.

Great question. Only I screwed that part up too by running it dry some and fiddling around. Next test I'll start with recharged batteries. FWIW, I suspect it's very dependent on the individual. I expect it to be somewhat like Omicron in that respect, that is several days heavy use, maybe .2 grams used? Good but not great. Then again, fresh batteries are cheap and easy enough to swap in if you don't have to do it too often.

All right guys, so I put in a fair bit of bubble hash, say .125 gram down the spout (not into the window). This might be an overfill, if so I'll have to dig some out I guess. As the maker suggested, no big lumps rather fine crumbs. I fired it up and got five serious hits trying to melt it all down. By the time I realized what I was doing and gave up trying to melt it down, I'd gone further than I should have. I was outside in the garden and just put the machine in my shirt pocket for a while as I gathered my wits. I haven't actually sat down for a side by side test (and don't think I should until I get grounded in this new machine), but I don't think I would have got in that deep that fast without realizing it with Omicron. You'd have to work at technique to get hits like I just got without paying much attention. Good show it shuts down fast when you 'hit the chicken switch'.

That's it so far. I'm keeping my Omicrons for now, they're smaller if noting else and do an excellent job given the right concentrate and technique. No complaints. OTOH, this guy has the potential to be 'something else' both in ability to use less premium concentrates and it's ability to really really hurt you when you're not looking out.

Serious medicine.

The quest continues for true enlightenment.....later.



Vapor Sloth
OF said:
This one's "only" 15 Watts, so half the problem as with the TV but still three times what Mr. Laptop is going to give you best case. Hey, maybe Obama has fixed the energy problem by repealing Ohm's Law?

Yes I understand that there is a MATH problem . . . lol I have been thinking about it myself . . . like I said it will be interesting.


Well-Known Member
Gotta jump to Vito's defense.
His showmanship comment(admittedly read the wrong way could sound blunt) is in line with his(and others) previous requests for videos of actual usage and performance. The initial TV tests were extremely impressive and novel (the device is brilliantly designed and built, kudos!!), BUT, really didn't feature function, and Vito's right, that had been somewhat lacking. This new video, again, informative and appreciated by all I'm sure, is not an exhibition of the TV's function. In that regard, the vids have been more marketing or "showmanship" than usage information.
I'm an early adopter of the TV, am very impressed with the product, have already gotten my shipping confirmation for my Revolution and Adapter, and will probably be a consumer for life. Learning curve is there but I think I'm getting the hang of it(as my Solo is currently back at Puff it Up) but for me, at this point, of all my vapes, the Omicron delivers best. Ease of use, efficiency, portability, and CLOUDS! So in that regard, again, I'm with V.
And whoever thinks G has a bad attitude needs to re-read the threads a bit more carefully. I'm loving TV's connection to the forum and the service has been great so far, no kidding, really an admirable business model so far, partly accounts for my early adoption decision, but G is almost always available, always trying to help.
There is likely to be a war in the forums over these two companies/products, but I'm very glad for both, they will make each other stronger.

Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.
Peace and long life.


Great first impressions OF! Sounds like the Revolution could be a potentially dangerous tool in the hands of a novice. :ko:

How would you compare the taste of the Revolution to that of the Omicron?


Vapor Sloth
Adobewan said:
Gotta jump to Vito's defense.

Absolutely wouldn't have it any other way.

Adobewan said:
His showmanship comment(admittedly read the wrong way could sound blunt) is in line with his(and others) previous requests for videos of actual usage and performance . . . (truncated) This new video, again, informative and appreciated by all I'm sure, is not an exhibition of the TV's function. In that regard, the vids have been more marketing or "showmanship" than usage information.

You are missing the point. The comments that spoke of "magic", "misdirection" those are what I took exception to. If you want to see the TV blowing clouds don't look to the manufacturer for vids, just look at VXL's experience trying to get started once info hits the web . . . TV can't even use PayPal at this point. We are lucky to have what we do.

adobwan said:
Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.
Yes. No need for a "war" as you put it. I love the fact that Vito and I can come at this thing from 2 different angles and still be friends. Absolutists who stake relationships on matters like we discuss will be in therapy in a few years, I assure you. The "bristling" of the Omicron crowd tells me this is going to be fun going forward as long as we can all keep it friendly.

Edit: @OF VVV (down below)
OF said:
It seems to me if they pull it off, everybody gets rich. I'm thinking we scale it up. Heat some water, make some steam, generate some electricity to heat some water.......

ok we all understand the laws of physics and whatnot, you are absolutely correct that things don't add up at this point. I am excited to see their approach. I consider this "entertainment".


Well-Known Member
t-dub said:
OF said:
This one's "only" 15 Watts, so half the problem as with the TV but still three times what Mr. Laptop is going to give you best case. Hey, maybe Obama has fixed the energy problem by repealing Ohm's Law?

Yes I understand that there is a MATH problem . . . lol I have been thinking about it myself . . . like I said it will be interesting.

For sure I don't wanna stand in front of these two guys and say 'it ain't happening'....look at what they've been doing.

It seems to me if they pull it off, everybody gets rich. I'm thinking we scale it up. Heat some water, make some steam, generate some electricity to heat some water.......

I'll go and stand over here and get ready to buy the beer when it happens. Or guys need consoling.



Vaporizer Manufacturer
Great discussion. I have not seen or heard anything but reasonable talking points ITT. Read closely and with great interest by all of us here at ThermoVape.

We welcome, request, and need your feedback, and we pay attention to everything that is written, it is a unparalleled resource and opportunity for us.

The only way we can innovate, and deliver the best vaporizer we can build (and then actually optimize enough to make so it does not require financing in order to purchase) is to listen to the community and continually improve to meet the expectations of the individual.

We have zero expertise in marketing, video production, social media, blogging, tweeting or the like. We are complete neophytes. We have expertise in medicine, nuclear engineering, medical device design and development, electronic nicotine inhalers, and vaporization technology innovation. We work to stay aware of out limitations.

So we really do value your input, several product recommendations from forum members are in the works, (filtered mouthpiece, glass adapter, inline powered external power supply), and we have only been on the forum for 3 weeks...

Early videos of someone using the device have been requested several time. All of our testing is within the medical community, so when one of the first ThermoVapes went out, it wen to a friend of a tester, also a medical user. He posted the first ThermoVape review, he contacted us the day he got it, and is actually now a rep for us top help engage the dispensaries and determine the fastest and most cost effective way to get our products to any medical patient who may want one in our area. So since he had already done a review for the ThermoVape we thought we would bribe him to shoot a early video with the Revolution if we gave him one for free.

So he took the payoff. Now we did not tell him what to say, he is who is, no script. That said, he is certainly is biased and not objective. I'll post a link because it provides two valuable pieces of info... you can see the device live and get more of a sense for it then in a picture. You can see how it performs at least to some extent.

I am not sure how to get objective early reviews, I have made the request earlier to anyone who knows a "professional" reviewer who is respected in the community as an unbiased expert.

So here you go:
ThermoVape Revolution Part #1

ThermoVape Revolution Part#2

Hope hat is useful,




WOW! Those were some massive clouds! That thing hits like a BEAST. My Revolution is on it's way and I couldn't be more excited. Looking forward to all of the great new products and accessories from the ThermoVape team.
WOW :o this is making me very happy with my potential purchase. Hey OF please post a video of the Revolution ASAP please


Glass Blower
Buying something before even seeing a review is scary, but i really dont have any doubts now :) i think the rev kit is very fairly priced for the quality


Great Scott!
What I'm not liking at all right now is this comment by PsychoVape in his youtube comments.


"The MFLB is simple and effective but not as durable, fast heating, or efficient. My MFLB only lasted 5-10 hits until the battery dies and it broke within two months. The genie I used had this weird taste that was reminiscent of plastic. The size was huge compared to the ThermoVape. The Thermovape is definitely the smallest, portable, and most durable vaporizer I've seen...dropped once down some steps (accidentally) and still works!!"

The reason I don't like this comment is that in the same glowing ThermoVape video review he states that it is his first portable vaporizer around 1 min 56 seconds or so.

This is weird is it not? Call me paranoid but this is concerning me.

darkrom said:
What I'm not liking at all right now is this comment by PsychoVape in his youtube comments.

"The MFLB is simple and effective but not as durable, fast heating, or efficient. My MFLB only lasted 5-10 hits until the battery dies and it broke within two months. The genie I used had this weird taste that was reminiscent of plastic. The size was huge compared to the ThermoVape. The Thermovape is definitely the smallest, portable, and most durable vaporizer I've seen...dropped once down some steps (accidentally) and still works!!"

The reason I don't like this comment is that in the same glowing ThermoVape video review he states that it is his first portable vaporizer around 1 min 56 seconds or so.

This is weird is it not? Call me paranoid but this is concerning me.


Hey why not invite him to FC? but i also caught that from watching all 3 of his videos. But still darkrom what do you think about those clouds? :)


Vaporizer Manufacturer
darkrom said:
The reason I don't like this comment is that in the same glowing ThermoVape video review he states that it is his first portable vaporizer around 1 min 56 seconds or so.

This is weird is it not? Call me paranoid but this is concerning me.

What he should of said is that "it was the first portable vaporizer he purchased"
we don't know him that well, but the man is no virgin to the vaporizer world. :D

Full disclaimer already given, not an unbiased review by any means, more of a demonstration. Completely biased review. For unbiased, objective reviews, will have to continue to rely on this community for that!




Great Scott!
ThermoVape thanks for addressing my conspiracy theory. I should note I am following the thermovape with great interest but a current lack of funds :lol: I suppose that makes me higher at risk for being skeptical and actively looking for the downside since I'm considering one soon, but IMO a good company should encourage that, and it seems so far like you do. I've been dismissed by companies before and it feels like shit, so I am glad that you are doing the exact opposite.

I could tell hes used vapes before from his comment. Its quite possible he misspoke but it immediately caught my attention while reading the comments. I suppose it is not relevant to how well the TV actually performs, so I did keep that in mind. I guess I am just ready to distrust everyone until proven otherwise these days after a few bad experiences with a few other vapes. I will keep following along while saving up some extra cash when possible. I would like to try a TV, and am confident enough in the design to attempt to sell my only other portable to give it a shot.

I really do appreciate how open and willing to address any concerns you have been this whole time. It was the number one reason I considered your vape at first in fact. Keep that up and you will remain well liked here as long as the vape continues to deliver!


Great Scott!
BossBrew said:
You may doubt PsychoVape's credibility but you can't doubt those clouds. :cool:

I don't even necessarily doubt his credibility I was just freaked out by the contrasting statements. I admit his videos sound like sales pitches 100%, but at the same time from the clouds in those videos I'd be saying the exact same thing. Its just a tough subject at this point I guess. I find being over skeptical is a good thing rather than believing the hype right away. The thing is a lot of people seem to be selling the TV, but a lot of people have also said the MFLB "doesn't work" and I've been using mine for years now. So obviously a lot of it is user technique. I feel confident I could get any technique needed down after using so many different vapes, but I am always afraid of feeling duped again haha.


Vaporizer Manufacturer
Informational video on the ThermoVape Revolution uploading now, we will get it posted tonight.

Thanks for the kind words Darkrom, much appreciate.




Glass Blower
BossBrew said:
You may doubt PsychoVape's credibility but you can't doubt those clouds. :cool:
Thats exactly what i was thinking, go ahed and try to compose yourself in front of a camera and coordinate that without messing up once....after taking a nice BHO hit :) that cloud looked like a ti nail hit! huge!
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