Discontinued ThermoVape


Well-Known Member
Vitolo said:
No the solder and fiberglass does not scare me any more than the same components in an Ecig scare me

Well I don't have an Ecig so I'll continue to be scared of solder and fiberglass in both.

Vitolo said:
I find it objectionable that a maker would resort to maligning the products of others to make their product look good by comparison.

Hmmm what are you referring to? The (admittedly biased) maker of the TV tore apart an Omicron and then his own cartridge. The results should speak for themselves, though not if your ears are plugged up!



I've just finished looking at the "breakdown" video. Great!

Am i right to conclude there are 2 main cavities? One is the bowl with the other just below, sealed around the heater element. This 2nd cavity would be where the air gets heated before it enters the vaporisation chamber it seems, meaning little or no heating is intended to occur outside that heater cavity. Right?


SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
Vitolo said:
I own over 2 dozen vapes (32 actually).. and I am biased and dismissive with MANY that I own myself!
I am also dismissive where I feel there is something to be skeptical about.
This is my right!
Of course I will also endorse those that I find to be acceptable for use with the community of MMJ patients that I serve.
No the solder and fiberglass does not scare me any more than the same components in an Ecig scare me.
What is going on inside of the Omicron cart is Hash oil being introduced to a hot element, in exactly the manner that one would "dab" onto a red hot skillet. The inhalations are restricted to 5-6 seconds This is not the same as drawing long inhalations of air from a heat source in a vapor path designed to heat herb to 375 and higher.
While I am pleased that some folks are very happy with the TV, I have found most of the videos to be comprised of showmanship, irrelevancies (I do not care about it surviving a fire, or 100 drops), and I find it objectionable that a maker would resort to maligning the products of others to make their product look good by comparison.
I just find it kinda funny that the same lovable, helpful character we all know from the No2, MFLB, 7th floor, Zap and Omicron threads is the same guy that is posting ITT almost exclusively in tones bordering on rude, i've read alot of your posts and respect your opinion but your posts here along with your near fanboy level defense of any of your accepted models when anyone questions them will most likely take your endorsements with a grain of sand from now on
SF Giant,


Vapor Sloth
Vitolo said:
While I am pleased that some folks are very happy with the TV, I have found most of the videos to be comprised of showmanship, irrelevancies (I do not care about it surviving a fire, or 100 drops), and I find it objectionable that a maker would resort to maligning the products of others to make their product look good by comparison.

Nate from video: "So we're not really here to bash anyone's products, its not our business but, you know I think anybody who makes this stuff, you should be able to pull it apart and see what's going on . . ."

What is wrong with seeing the mystery? I don't get it. Transparency is good, information is power. These guys are not "resorting" to anything. And the ASSEMBLY videos speak not to the tests but to the quality of the materials, the beauty and simplicity of the design of the system, the safety etc etc. The clues are there if you look, at least for me they are.

Edit: Clue: Medical grade ceramics. Weren't the space shuttle tiles made of a type of ceramic? Hmmm . . . a porous, inert medium, one of which is a heat reflector . . I am going to read the patents for sure.


Vaporizer Manufacturer
Egzoset said:

I've just finished looking at the "breakdown" video. Great! http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/41.gif

Am i right to conclude there are 2 main cavities? One is the bowl with the other just below, sealed around the heater element. This 2nd cavity would be where the air gets heated before it enters the vaporisation chamber it seems, meaning little or no heating is intended to occur outside that heater cavity. Right?


In regard to the ThermoVape t1 you are 100% correct, there is the heater core that you can see below the small holes in the bowl. The air id forced through this chamber and then passes through the bowl (second chamber that I think you are referring to).




SF Giant said:
... i've read alot of your posts and respect your opinion but your posts here....
If you think that I am most usually helpful, that is good.
If you think my opinions have been good, I appreciate that too.
The fact that you find my opinion and comments here in this case to be so divergent from my norm should say something in itself!
I have 5 people I am in touch with that bought this vape and so far only one is keeping his.
This is what I am basing my opinion on.
pakalolo said:
Skeptical is what FC is about. Dismissive and biased I have not seen.
Thank you pakalolo. I am very skeptical about this product and I admit it. My 4 associates that bought it and are dissatisfied are not helping my skepticism any. I have one good friend who is enjoying his... that is t-dub, and I am listening carefully to each word he says about his unit.
It also says nothing about my objectivity if I find the videos insufficient... These are my opinions..
and if you respected my opinions before... but are only now upset at my opinion ITT....
Then you perhaps are not being objective yourself.
(Were I dismissive I would not have watched 3 people use the TV on Skype... with 2 more set up for Monday!)


Well-Known Member
PROPS TO YOU for making your device 510 compatible! Very cool of you to give consumers THE OPTION TO CHOOSE whether or not they want to use your battery (something the Omicron dudes refuse to do btw). I saw that this device was 510 compatible and instantly thought to myself man I'm going to get this oil adapter then throw in on a cheapy 510 6V battery, but then I looked at the price of the Revolution partial vs. Whole kit and saw it was only a 70 dollar difference.

You can't find many good 6V e cig batteries for that price... Especially not including batteries and a charger. Again, kudos!

Very good stuff, just got caught up on this device and I'm really liking what I see so far! I know someone asked this but how much oil/wax am I able to load in the Revolution at a time? And is the Revolution designed to be more like an e cig drip tip where you're reloading concentrates every hit, or can you throw a gram of oil in there and let er rip all day?

Vit I've never understood your support of the omicron folks. They create their device in ways that limit the options to the consumer and they bash every competitor out there every other post. The willingness of this company to rip its product apart and SHOW you whats going on is pretty cool and is something that you'd never catch THC scientific doing. That dude's attitude SUCKS big time!


As an Omicron user, I am glad to see what is going on inside of the carts. Not a fan of the fiberglass at all. Very informative video by ThermoVape.

Waiting on OF to give a direct comparison of the Revolution to the Omicron. A cart-free concentrate vaporizer is a serious game changer for me.


Dab Trotter
Just wanted to update:

I ordered around 11 this morning. Revolution kit and an e-cig atomizer.

Received my confirmation about a half hour after,

just received confirmation that it has shipped!

now comes that dreaded wait and checking of tracking numbers :uhoh:


Well-Known Member
It's a shame that 4 of Vito's Skype buddies don't like the TV, but I'm loving it. And it seems that most (not all) on this thread who actually have one like it as well. If you'd spoken to me on my first day or 2 I too would have been disappointed. But then I learned the pre-heat and draw technique that works for me and my product and I am absolutely blown away. I can get 10-12 amazing lung-fulls from a small bowl -- something I can't achieve in any of my other vapes.

Vito, it's absolutely your right to dismiss the ThermoVape and stick to your Vapir. I just think you and the MMJ community that respects you are missing out. Try to keep an open mind.


Vapor concierge
Vitolo said:
I have 5 people I am in touch with that bought this vape and so far only one is keeping his.
This is what I am basing my opinion on.

This is what we ask for around here...informed opinions. Too many times someone will drop in and say something with no basis whatsoever. We are all entitled to our opinion, but I don't see how we can fault someone's opinion when it has good research behind it.

Even more respect for Vitolo. I can't say that I've ever gone that far when critiquing a vape before.


Vaporizer Manufacturer
Errl said:
PROPS TO YOU for making your device 510 compatible! Very cool of you to give consumers THE OPTION TO CHOOSE whether or not they want to use your battery (something the Omicron dudes refuse to do btw). I saw that this device was 510 compatible and instantly thought to myself man I'm going to get this oil adapter then throw in on a cheapy 510 6V battery, but then I looked at the price of the Revolution partial vs. Whole kit and saw it was only a 70 dollar difference.

You can't find many good 6V e cig batteries for that price... Especially not including batteries and a charger. Again, kudos!

Very good stuff, just got caught up on this device and I'm really liking what I see so far! I know someone asked this but how much oil/wax am I able to load in the Revolution at a time? And is the Revolution designed to be more like an e cig drip tip where you're reloading concentrates every hit, or can you throw a gram of oil in there and let er rip all day?

Thank you, we thought people would appreciate it if they had a 6v device (almost all of them are 510 these days) and figured why not, saves people from having to purchase things they may not need or have the money for (although not a great business move, but if we wanted to get rich we would make everything over seas anyway ;)).

You can put a pretty big chunk of sticky, semi solid (taffy, ear wax etc.) into the chamber. If it is a truly a thin liquid then we recommend 5 drops at a time as a starting point.



SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
Vitolo said:
SF Giant said:
... i've read alot of your posts and respect your opinion but your posts here....
If you think that I am most usually helpful, that is good.
If you think my opinions have been good, I appreciate that too.
The fact that you find my opinion and comments here in this case to be so divergent from my norm should say something in itself!
I have 5 people I am in touch with that bought this vape and so far only one is keeping his.
This is what I am basing my opinion on.
pakalolo said:
Skeptical is what FC is about. Dismissive and biased I have not seen.
Thank you pakalolo. I am very skeptical about this product and I admit it. My 4 associates that bought it and are dissatisfied are not helping my skepticism any. I have one good friend who is enjoying his... that is t-dub, and I am listening carefully to each word he says about his unit.
It also says nothing about my objectivity if I find the videos insufficient... These are my opinions..
and if you respected my opinions before... but are only now upset at my opinion ITT....
Then you perhaps are not being objective yourself.
(Were I dismissive I would not have watched 3 people use the TV on Skype... with 2 more set up for Monday!)
It does say something in its self, unfortunately it may not be the message you were looking for.
Edit: i'm done derailing this thread, just keep in mind that you don't see me, or anyone else who likes their TV over in the Omi, MF or No2 threads casting doubt on those products.
SF Giant,


Vapor Sloth
stickstones said:
Even more respect for Vitolo. I can't say that I've ever gone that far when critiquing a vape before.

And I have never gone live on Skype while medicating, or made a vid of it either. I admit the FIRST use right out of the box was mixed. But I found the sweet spot, in short order, and the easy learning curve means that in 72 hours I am really getting the hang of it. I did a one-off, non rehearsed, vapor cloud video for Vito as well that I asked he didn't share since I am concerned about privacy (not sure why, I am completely "out" here effectively now for anyone who wants to look . .)

Edit: If find it interesting that a few people seem to have dismissed this vape and moved on after such a short period of time. So much for testing. Really looking forward to OF's thoughts on the Revolution.

@OF VVV Yes please start with the bubble . . . this is important for my lifestyle.

Edit: The regular TV is vaping kief sandwiches quite nicely I should add.


Well-Known Member
Egzoset said:

I've just finished looking at the "breakdown" video. Great! http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/41.gif

Am i right to conclude there are 2 main cavities? One is the bowl with the other just below, sealed around the heater element. This 2nd cavity would be where the air gets heated before it enters the vaporisation chamber it seems, meaning little or no heating is intended to occur outside that heater cavity. Right?


I just got back from picking up my Revolution and spending some time with Nick and Noah (two guys who look enough alike to be brothers, and then some). Most interesting trip, I'll need to think on it a bit before posting. Probably will test the new unit, which will delay it a bit more....

While there I saw part of this video (the part showing the insides of the Omicron) before we got sidetracked into other fun techie stuff. I also showed 'em my intact element from the Omicron. I think there was a fundamental misunderstanding about the construction, I for one don't see a big issue with silica fibers.

There are two sections of the Omicron cart. There's a 'kitchen match head' size vaporization chamber where the work is done. The silica wick goes through this chamber side to side. The lose ends are outside the chamber in the oil supply. A heater is wound around the center section of wick (the only part exposed to the air) which also keeps the fibers retained. However, the major issue I see is they are all 'glued' together with the oil. I seriously doubt a single fiber can be recovered downstream. Not the case in at least some of the e-cig units I've pulled down.

Sure, I wish they weren't there (just like the no doubt lead based solder), but I don't see it as a large risk.

FWIW just looking the Revolution it seems to me like it might be easier to load by dumping the goodies down the spout rather than trying to use the loading port. There's a ceramic floor that gets heated from the back side and melts then vaporizes your concentrates, absorbing them in the process. I think bubble hash would be a tough product to deal with, I think that's where I'll start?



Well-Known Member
ThermoVape said:
Thank you, we thought people would appreciate it if they had a 6v device (almost all of them are 510 these days) and figured why not, saves people from having to purchase things they may not need or have the money for (although not a great business move, but if we wanted to get rich we would make everything over seas anyway ;)).

You can put a pretty big chunk of sticky, semi solid (taffy, ear wax etc.) into the chamber. If it is a truly a thin liquid then we recommend 5 drops at a time as a starting point.



Awesome thanks! Honestly the gypsy threading trick the omi guys used was one of my biggest gripes with their products and business philosophy so much respect to you for taking the noble route... Seems to me like you're producing a high quality mechanical variable voltage battery at a price point that others can't or won't be able to compete with.


Errl said:
Vit I've never understood your support of the omicron folks...
I was a bit skeptical, since this is not vaporization of plant matter.
I watched the same as I did here, with great skepticism and waited until a number of those I skyped with showed me results.
My support of the Omicron is very simple. I am ill, and I like my meds to last as long as possible.
I have been making my own BHO, and getting remarkable yields (3.5 grams herb = .55 up to .7 grams concentrate)
My support for the Omicron began when I consistently began getting 300 to 400 hits from one gram of hash oil. I enjoy a gram of hash oil in a cartridge lasting me almost a month!
zmurder said:
Vito, it's absolutely your right to dismiss the ThermoVape and stick to your Vapir
I do not "stick to Vapir"..
The Vapir NO2 happens to be one of a dozen units I endorse to the MMJ community here, due to reliability, availability of parts, and the willingness of the manufacturer to provide special service, and parts to legitimate MMJ patients.
I happen to personally love and use a couple vapes that I do NOT endorse to the MMJ community in my area, for similar reasons.
I love my MagikWand vape, but have never recommended it to a patient... yet I use it daily!

SF Giant said:
It does say something in its self, unfortunately it may not be the message you were looking for.
I can not, in reviewing... or evaluating a potential tool for the MMJ community I serve, concern myself with the message that YOU may extrapolate from what I say ... in your interpretation.
"Unto thyself be true"
I calls 'em like I sees 'em!
SF Giant said:
just keep in mind that you don't see me, or anyone else who likes their TV over in the Omi, MF or No2 threads casting doubt on those products.
Casting doubts on a product you have doubts about is a part of the whole program!
I participate in 18 threads here.
Let the doubts be cast where the doubts are present!


Vapor Sloth
Sooo, I just did the full dis-assembly on my TV and am boiling it now. Came apart just like the video, no mysteries, I like that.

Question: How long do I boil? I am using a small screen thingy to keep the parts off the bottom of the pan, I have a gas range.

Edit: Just experimented with like a 5 minute boil. Everything looks great! Will let dry, reassemble, and test.

Edit: Well I have an active ThermoCore so everything went fine. Its making some cool hissing noises as it evaps some of the water out of the ceramic. I love it! So easy, simple and effective. Loving this. The whole operation took minutes to complete.

Edit: I am quickly becoming aware that the cleaning and maintenance on this thing is going to be a breeze. :) For a quick clean use a q-tip with ISO, or d-limonene possibly not sure yet, but NOT dripping to wipe out the bowl and cap quickly. I did wring out the q-tip so as to have a damp application not wet. Just damp enough to do the job. You could probably pour ISO into the ThermoCore and not hurt it, this is just my approach. I used to work with chemicals detailing cars, less is more when it comes to cleaners and chemicals IME etc . . . for instance always spray the "RAG", not what you're cleaning. You get like 100x more work out of your chemicals and a better result. Simple adherence to this rule can save automotive business mucho $$$ when compared to consuming/utilizing chemicals the other way.

Edit: Just used my TV for the first time after cleaning. Increased taste and performance no doubt.


Vaporizer Manufacturer
t-dub said:
Sooo, I just did the full dis-assembly on my TV and am boiling it now. Came apart just like the video, no mysteries, I like that.

Question: How long do I boil? I am using a small screen thingy to keep the parts off the bottom of the pan, I have a gas range.

Edit: Just experimented with like a 5 minute boil. Everything looks great! Will let dry, reassemble, and test.

If you are going "sterilization" 10 minutes will do the trick. If you just want to give it a good clean... I think your 5 minutes boil is plenty sufficient unless it is really been on an adventure!





Wondering if there were any plans in the works to let the tv and tv revolution run off of a plug in, i.e. a usb cord or such?


looks like i may be trying to pick one up next time im in the bay


Dab Trotter
norcal said:

Wondering if there were any plans in the works to let the tv and tv revolution run off of a plug in, i.e. a usb cord or such?


looks like i may be trying to pick one up next time im in the bay

TV has stated there is something in the works along those lines. It could be a while though.


MarcellusWiley said:
norcal said:

Wondering if there were any plans in the works to let the tv and tv revolution run off of a plug in, i.e. a usb cord or such?


looks like i may be trying to pick one up next time im in the bay

TV has stated there is something in the works along those lines. It could be a while though.

thanks MW, after going to their website i see they have a car adapter for the battery charger, which is just as good almost, as i have a usb plug in the truck and would love to use this technology in the car.


Well-Known Member
Just a suggestion... Maybe instead of figuring out how to make this device work as a plug in you could release a quality USB passthrough? I know the ecig community would

Along those same lines, do you have any idea if a 5V power source would be sufficient to power the Revolution?
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