Discontinued ThermoVape


Noob Saibot
I wonder what the life expectancy on the cores are, still..

Looking at the fair pricing I have seen so far I assume the cores will appropriately priced, unless that is the most expensive part on the unit?


Dab Trotter
I'm really ready to pull the trigger on the Revolution but I just want one clarification on the delrin sleeves.

I'm in the position right now where I truly have no use for the thermovape flower attachment as I don't really need a portable vaporizer for flowers, just do that at home. The revolution opens up a whole new world for me as far as efficiency is concerned for my concentrates, as well as using the solid concentrates. It really intrigues me. But I really don't want to be left out in the cold on the flower attachment if I later feel I really need it.

So I'd just like a clear explanation of how one would go about getting the delrin sleeve (will it be sold separately?) to go with the revolution, and furthermore how one would upgrade the revolution. is the revolution not going to get as hot with continued use? could I hit it 8-10+ times in a row without it getting too hot without a sleeve?

I'm really not trying to be cheap I just don't want something I don't really need at the moment, especially since I've had my eye on a UD twig as well for home use. But I remember you saying that every piece of the thermovape will be upgradable/go off the thermovape. and I thought that this meant the revolution kit could be turned back into a thermovape herb kit.

I can't be the only person out there wondering this though. It's really a matter of spending ~200 now and possibility of an additional 150ish later, or spending almost 400 dollars now to get everything, but have the flower attachment I don't really need right now.

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
Got mine ordered this morning, looking foreward to trying this thing out :)
SF Giant,


Well-Known Member
MarcellusWiley said:
So I'd just like a clear explanation of how one would go about getting the delrin sleeve (will it be sold separately?) to go with the revolution, and furthermore how one would upgrade the revolution. is the revolution not going to get as hot with continued use? could I hit it 8-10+ times in a row without it getting too hot without a sleeve?

OK, I don't have mine yet (I'll be leaving to pick it up in a couple of hours.....eat your collective hearts out.....) but my understanding of this is entirely different. The Delrin sleeve in question is the jacket on the battery section of the original TV. It is not used for the Revolution. The TV uses a lot of power (hence the short battery life) so the battery gets hot and you need an insulator. The Revolution uses much lower power levels (hence the much longer battery life) and no significant heat is developed in the battery, you don't need a sleeve so it's not included.

SF Giant said:
Got mine ordered this morning, looking foreward to trying this thing out :)

I'm picking mine up this morning..... Sorry you're on your own for a while, I think I'm about to get busy.....



Active Member
Marcellus :
At the moment there is no option buing either delrin ore the herb chamber on their web site, what willl happen in the future i wont say anything about, but at this moment u have to buy the thermo vape with the delrin sleeves if u want those parts, but if like u said u only need a consentrate vaporizer, why not just gpo for the revolution kit?

Personaly i went for the compleete package, even though i HATE the idea of just 10 hits with the herb chamber.
But why not? It is nice to have that part for times when u dont got any consentrates to vaporize ;)


Vaporizer Manufacturer
MarcellusWiley said:
I'm really ready to pull the trigger on the Revolution but I just want one clarification on the delrin sleeves.

I'm in the position right now where I truly have no use for the thermovape flower attachment as I don't really need a portable vaporizer for flowers, just do that at home. The revolution opens up a whole new world for me as far as efficiency is concerned for my concentrates, as well as using the solid concentrates. It really intrigues me. But I really don't want to be left out in the cold on the flower attachment if I later feel I really need it.

So I'd just like a clear explanation of how one would go about getting the delrin sleeve (will it be sold separately?) to go with the revolution, and furthermore how one would upgrade the revolution. is the revolution not going to get as hot with continued use? could I hit it 8-10+ times in a row without it getting too hot without a sleeve?

I'm really not trying to be cheap I just don't want something I don't really need at the moment, especially since I've had my eye on a UD twig as well for home use. But I remember you saying that every piece of the thermovape will be upgradable/go off the thermovape. and I thought that this meant the revolution kit could be turned back into a thermovape herb kit.

I can't be the only person out there wondering this though. It's really a matter of spending ~200 now and possibility of an additional 150ish later, or spending almost 400 dollars now to get everything, but have the flower attachment I don't really need right now.

You will be able to convert your Revolution Kit to a ThermoVape t1. We will offer a conversion kit with the parts you need (the Delrin Insulator, ThermoVape t1 upper section with Heater Core) the only assembly required would be to install the bottom Delrin insulator over the Revolution Base.

Everything is modular. It would be easier to convert the ThermoVape t1 to use the revolution (5 second swap of the ThermoVape t1 upper for the Revolution upper). That said, converting a Revolution to a t1 would be pretty easy, and we will never make you purchase anything you would not need, just the exact parts required.

Hope that helps!




Dab Trotter
Soulhunter said:
Marcellus :
At the moment there is no option buing either delrin ore the herb chamber on their web site, what willl happen in the future i wont say anything about, but at this moment u have to buy the thermo vape with the delrin sleeves if u want those parts, but if like u said u only need a consentrate vaporizer, why not just gpo for the revolution kit?

Personaly i went for the compleete package, even though i HATE the idea of just 10 hits with the herb chamber.
But why not? It is nice to have that part for times when u dont got any consentrates to vaporize ;)

I honestly feel like I'll just bite the bullet on the revolution kit. Because all I really want right now is another concentrate and e-cig option that is very nicely built and durable.

--- Edit

The above post makes things much clearer for me, TV.

Thank you VERY much for the quick post. You just earned yourself a revolution kit and ecig atomizer buyer :D

I actually feel great about the purchase now, going to love having e-cig and concentrates on the same device!!!!!


Dab Trotter
Soulhunter said:
it is the same unit m8 ;)

Yea I wasn't really worried too much I just wanted to make sure that I'd be able to get the delrin separately. Now that he said there will be a conversion kit, ready to go!

Order sent. :D


Dab Trotter
Just made some BHO yesterday... have about 3-4gs of kief saved up. Gunna put this thing through some good testing with those two concentrates for you guys when I get it and I'll post a review and maybe some videos!

TV if one were to use kief in the revolution, would it be better to use straight powdered kief or press it first then crumble it?


atleast OF is getting his soon, will make the wait easier and harder hearing what he has to say :D

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
OF said:
going to pick mine up.....
Lucky guy, despite my username i am not close enough to make pickup worth it (i moved up to santa rosa years ago....just love the Giants lol)
SF Giant,

SF Giant

Reluctant vape collector
Soulhunter said:
You Amercans and your football :p
You (insert whatever place you are from here) and your poor knowledge of American sports, the SF Giants are a Baseball team, not a handegg team.
On topic: is there any chance of your concentrate liquifying and working its way out of that door, or worse yet getting in your mouth? Im sure there is some kind of filter between the chamber and mouthpiece.....right?
SF Giant,


Vaporizer Manufacturer
MarcellusWiley said:
Just made some BHO yesterday... have about 3-4gs of kief saved up. Gunna put this thing through some good testing with those two concentrates for you guys when I get it and I'll post a review and maybe some videos!

TV if one were to use kief in the revolution, would it be better to use straight powdered kief or press it first then crumble it?


atleast OF is getting his soon, will make the wait easier and harder hearing what he has to say :D

Either will work, most testers felt loose with a 5 second warm up to melt it down, and then a slow draw, "that will put you back in your seat" was how one tester put it.




Active Member
SF Giant said:
Soulhunter said:
You Amercans and your football :p
You (insert whatever place you are from here) and your poor knowledge of American sports, the SF Giants are a Baseball team, not a handegg team.
On topic: is there any chance of your concentrate liquifying and working its way out of that door, or worse yet getting in your mouth? Im sure there is some kind of filter between the chamber and mouthpiece.....right?

LOL, sorry for the off topic posts guys :p
But yes, I know wery litle about baseball and sports in general :p
I realy dont know why i even posted thart coment, must bee the beers i am drinking :p

But to stay litle on topic, i am realy considering making consentrates of all my herbs (and that is evenb before seeing the unit :p


Dab Trotter
Soulhunter said:
SF Giant said:
Soulhunter said:
You Amercans and your football :p
You (insert whatever place you are from here) and your poor knowledge of American sports, the SF Giants are a Baseball team, not a handegg team.
On topic: is there any chance of your concentrate liquifying and working its way out of that door, or worse yet getting in your mouth? Im sure there is some kind of filter between the chamber and mouthpiece.....right?

LOL, sorry for the off topic posts guys :p
But yes, I know wery litle about baseball and sports in general :p
I realy dont know why i even posted thart coment, must bee the beers i am drinking :p

But to stay litle on topic, i am realy considering making consentrates of all my herbs (and that is evenb before seeing the unit :p

haha go patriots, handegg is my favorite!

but seriously. making your own concentrates ends up being pretty fun and very medicating :p just make sure you do everything safely. don't want another blown up freezer pic in the concentrates section :p


Active Member
lol, yes i wil be carefull ;)
Just waiting for my paypal invice ;)

But just to keep it off topick here :p
i just read a realy funny story in the news here a couple weeks ago, Here in Norway some dude blew up his apartment playing with cannabis extraction. that part not so funny, but what was funnjy was teh official statement frome the police, according to them the guy was trying to make marihuana from cannabis oil!!!
I laughed so hard i fell off my chouch hahaha!!


the discount code isn't working for me. is it American savings only?

The discount does not meet the requirements set by the shop for this order

it's a 400 dollar order im trying to place... why won't it work?


Vaporizer Manufacturer
weedemon said:
the discount code isn't working for me. is it American savings only?

Has been working all morning. I'll reset it. Make sure you are putting in FCSHIPFREE




Vaporizer Manufacturer
SF Giant said:
On topic: is there any chance of your concentrate liquifying and working its way out of that door, or worse yet getting in your mouth? Im sure there is some kind of filter between the chamber and mouthpiece.....right?

It is our recommendation that the Revolution be placed upright after use, when using with oils. The oil's viscosity can be greatly reduced with high temperatures and it would be possible for it to leak out if placed upside down or loading window down (when on its side). Luckily the ThermnoVape t1 with revolution adapter or the Revolution Kit is made to stand up.

Once it cools down for a minute, everything kind of settles and stays put.

Also you will notice that the Revolution comes with its own mouthpiece included. This is a design specific for use with the Revolution (it will work with the t1 of as well) it has a narrow flow channel designed to trap large particulate. The heavy oil load in concentrate vapor quickly clogs any true filter, so this was the best we could come up with, works great.

The key is the more dry the concentrate (powder, ground solids) the slower the draw speed. This will keep you from applying too much vacuum force on the chamber.




Vaporizer Manufacturer

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