Active Member
OMG!!!!!! THANK U!!!! 
I bet this thin wil atleast revolutinise how i vape, now where did i put that ISO

I bet this thin wil atleast revolutinise how i vape, now where did i put that ISO

Bluntcrush said:So ThermoVape,
How would you load The Revolution? Can you give us any idea how that will work? I Must admit, it's lookin' pretty nice!![]()
Stu said:@TV Did I hear correctly that this can be used with all kinds of concentrates including water-based hashes (i.e. bubble hash)? How about pressed kief?
Sorry, I'm a little late to the party. I'm waiting for a Monday arrival, so I've got some catching up to do!
rufrothy said:sessnet said:So...After about a week of the ThermoVape...I've regressed back to the MLFB yesterday.
Sorry to hear. I can totally relate. I had the same experience but with the MFLB. had a cool unit, got a 2nd one, read the FAQ many times and tried lots of tricks, 2700Mah batteries and it just never got the job done for me. I spent many hours trying to make it work effectively. Who knows...
I had fits with my omicron too at first (wasn't sucking hard enough) and now I just love the omicron.
My EQ and Solo worked great straight out of the box.
Good idea. No problem at all. Will be fun.ThermoVape said:Great review. I have to tell you I am very excited about the ThermoVape going on your travels with you! If you could take pictures of the ThermoVape in all those countries we will build a gallery on our website! Your ThermoVape and it's international adventures would make for a very cool gallery!
We will make it worth your while!
ThermoVape said:The Revolution will begin, 7pm Pacific Standard time, here on the FC forum!
We have them ready, final stages of getting them added to the website are occurring.
ThermoVape said:The Revolution will begin, 7pm Pacific Standard time, here on the FC forum!
We have them ready, final stages of getting them added to the website are occurring.
ThermoVape said:The Revolution uses only inert materials that are capable at functioning at temperatures much hotter then the Revolution.
Stu said:ThermoVape said:The Revolution uses only inert materials that are capable at functioning at temperatures much hotter then the Revolution.
I think some clarification is needed here.
t-dub said:Stu said:ThermoVape said:The Revolution uses only inert materials that are capable at functioning at temperatures much hotter then the Revolution.
I think some clarification is needed here.
That means the device can't outperform the materials its made of.
Thermovape Website said:You must have a ThermoVape AND a adapter interface OR a 510 compatible high voltage (or variable voltage capable of 6V operation) device in order to use the Revolution.
Note: The Revolution Universal Concentrate Vaporizer is designed and was tested to be used with the ThermoVape, we make no claims nor any guaranty it will work correctly, or perform as well as it does on the ThermoVape when used with a device made by another manufacturer.
Same here. As an Omicron user, the release of the Revolution is very exciting.Stu said:TV,
I tried to order but the checkout seems to have a problem. There are no shipping options available and it won't let me proceed.
Stu said:TV,
I tried to order but the checkout seems to have a problem. There are no shipping options available and it won't let me proceed.