Discontinued ThermoVape

Well that No one must be me. I bought some batteries from them last week and I bought some of them from them at the Cannabis Cup....
I don't understand do you want a congratulations for paying over double the normal price of the batteries? :clap:


Portable Vaporist
Hmm...maybe I'm mistaken then. Since my only other positive experience vaporizing, is with my volcano, I've never combusted. What I do know, is two of the 8 hits hit me pretty hard, and a bit of of the herb appeared to be kind of black (Maybe it was just REALLY brown).

I was doing what I could to keep it from combusting ( pulsing the on switch, breathing slowly). This next bowl, I'll just go balls out on it, and see what happens.

Unfortunately it happend to me too.... First two trys on the T1 I combusted. I guess I am warming it up too much.... 3rd try coming up later....
No, I'm asking you to back up you claim, laugh it off as you wish..... But then don't expect us to take you seriously?

Note that same vendor's 'deal' on two pairs?

Those are still much cheaper than what TV sells....

Edit: I wonder why you are so against people saving any money on their TV products by buying from an outside source.... It's almost like you work for the company or something :shrug:... I'll have VTAC look into that.
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While that would be a good observation if by 3 steps you mean " preheat, slow draw to begin drawing hot air over the herb, then a continous steady inhale"....been there, done that.
I read the majority of this thread before purchasing, including paying attention to techniques and watching vids/tutorials.
I'm sorely disappointed.

I'd think you were right if I had an issue with all vapes but my mflb is fantastic, my solo is great, volcano....well....too simple to be included.
Only problem is the TV.

I packed up the kit last night after one more failed attempt. And ive tried all 3 sets of batteries fully charged.
This thing is going back or being sold. Very, very close to brand new.

Bottom line, its uncomfortable to hit, and thus can't be right for me UNLESS this one is indeed defective.

Dont give up man. The TV is an awesome device. Try this technique : Make sure your heater glows fully bright red (15 seconds). Then change the batteries to a freshly charged pair. Pack it to the brim. Slide the switch up fully and hold it there for 20- 25 seconds. Then hit it with a strong inhale for up to 30 seconds. Skip the slow inhale.

If you dont get a huge hits from this then its probably defective and i dont recommend selling it unless you want to have an unhappy buyer.


Portable Vaporist
Dont give up man. The TV is an awesome device. Try this technique : Make sure your heater glows fully bright red (15 seconds). Then change the batteries to a freshly charged pair. Pack it to the brim. Slide the switch up fully and hold it there for 20- 25 seconds. Then hit it with a strong inhale for up to 30 seconds. Skip the slow inhale.

If you dont get a huge hits from this then its probably defective and i dont recommend selling it unless you want to have an unhappy buyer.

That's basically what I did this morning that combusted.... The grind is quote fine. I wonder if the finer particles are dropping into the core and prompting the combustion. Last night it was just a little fire today I got a massive hit of smoke as I was drawing hard when it hit.

I will pre-heat less next time....

Luckily I have other vapes like the Revo and the Solo that don't have any real learning curve and you can just use while I figure the evo and T1 out....


Well-Known Member
Those are still much cheaper than what TV sells....

Edit: I wonder why you are so against people saving any money on their TV products by buying from an outside source.... It's almost like you work for the company or something :shrug:... I'll have VTAC look into that.

Please stick to the point, they are way more than half the TV price. Can you back your claim up?

Hey, I'm all in favor of free enterprise, you misjudge me. In fact, I think you should take advantage of this gouging you think you've uncovered, buy some and offer them for less. Steal all TV's business?

Yet another wild treat acknowledged. No, I don't work for them or anyone (I'm retired), feel free to throw stones.



Portable Vaporist
Please stick to the point, they are way more than half the TV price. Can you back your claim up?

Hey, I'm all in favor of free enterprise, you misjudge me. In fact, I think you should take advantage of this gouging you think you've uncovered, buy some and offer them for less. Steal all TV's business?

Yet another wild treat acknowledged. No, I don't work for them or anyone (I'm retired), feel free to throw stones.


Why Bother...

I spent that money with TV for convenience, I know that I will get one stop support and service, and I want to support an organization that is working hard to support americans and californians. Its that simple... I buy stuff from amazon every week. I the consumer had a choice and I chose to buy from TV and am I happy about it. Now back to learning how to use my new toys....

BTW: OF the cup was crazy. Not sure its your scene.... It was nice to see everyone and fondle some new toys that I can't talk about from a number of different folks... Evidently no one vapes or smokes flowers anymore. All anyone was doing was dabbin, dabbin and more dabbin....

Lot of those Ego4 things around boy do they leak and make a mess and they TASTE AWFUL.....

I am digging my SV Revo Dart. Works flawlessy. no learning curve on that one... and no awful burnt plastic taste like the Ego4 thingy's that were being sold under various names...

Please stick to the point, they are way more than half the TV price. Can you back your claim up?

Hey, I'm all in favor of free enterprise, you misjudge me. In fact, I think you should take advantage of this gouging you think you've uncovered, buy some and offer them for less. Steal all TV's business?

Yet another wild treat acknowledged. No, I don't work for them or anyone (I'm retired), feel free to throw stones.

The two shipped from amazon have an all in price of $18.68. Two shipped from TV have an all in price of 26.19. Thats a saving of $7.51. If you buy five sets from amazon the all in price is $34.77. Five sets shipped from TV will cost you $54.60. Thats a saving of $19.83. But I guess those savings aren't marginal enough for you.
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Well-Known Member
The two shipped from amazon have an all in price of $18.68. Two shipped from TV have an all in price of 26.19. Thats a saving of $7.51. If you buy five sets from amazon the all in price is $34.77. Five sets shipped from TV will cost you $54.60. Thats a saving of $19.83. But I guess those savings aren't marginal enough for you.

The claim was half price being normal.......

Please don't keep trying to back away from those two claims.



Well-Known Member
Why Bother...

I spent that money with TV for convenience, I know that I will get one stop support and service, and I want to support an organization that is working hard to support americans and californians. Its that simple... I buy stuff from amazon every week. I the consumer had a choice and I chose to buy from TV and am I happy about it. Now back to learning how to use my new toys....

BTW: OF the cup was crazy. Not sure its your scene.... It was nice to see everyone and fondle some new toys that I can't talk about from a number of different folks... Evidently no one vapes or smokes flowers anymore. All anyone was doing was dabbin, dabbin and more dabbin....

Lot of those Ego4 things around boy do they leak and make a mess and they TASTE AWFUL.....

I am digging my SV Revo Dart. Works flawlessy. no learning curve on that one... and no awful burnt plastic taste like the Ego4 thingy's that were being sold under various names...

Understood. I too like 'value added' sellers and will often pay extra to support that. I'm just struck by the wild 'twice as much as normal' claim. Seems to be hollow?

Thanks for the feedback on the Cup. I wonder how long the shift to concentrates will stay 'under the radar'. Sorry to hear the Ego4 had a poor showing, but it makes sense that's how it would stand up. Hey, it may not perform as well as other vapes in the class, but it is a more expensive way to buy the (substandard) hardware?

I agree the DART is a very intuitive machine. Easy to figure out and a solid performer. IMO it's earned it's stripes.

Thanks again, best wishes.

The claim was half price being normal.......

Please don't keep trying to back away from those two claims.

You are trying to hard. I'm sorry it's not exactly 50% like I said. Savings are savings. Thats a good 30-40+% off right there.

On a side note I just read the guidelines and by what you have claimed to receive from the company technically you need to contact VTAC to receive retailer status. I'll do that for you.
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Well-Known Member
You are trying to hard. I'm sorry it's not exactly 50% like I said. Savings are savings. Thats a good 30-40+% off right there.

On a side note I just read the guidelines and by what you have claimed to receive from the company technically you need to contact VTAC to receive retailer status. I'll do that for you.

No, you're avoiding it. You've not shown a price even close to half for a pair. Nor anything to show it's "normal". You post instead a single price for a different quantity, I show that same vendor offers far less 'a discount' for two pairs (way less than half). And nothing showing it's "normal" in any way.

As to your side note, I'm confident I'm being ethical here. I have no agenda save honest opinions and observations. I'm sure we both appreciate your efforts here as a personal attack along the 'kill the messenger' line. You do realize my status really changes nothing WRT your claims?

So still no examples of 'half price being normal'?

No, you're avoiding it. You've not shown a price even close to half for a pair. Nor anything to show it's "normal". You post instead a single price for a different quantity, I show that same vendor offers far less 'a discount' for two pairs (way less than half). And nothing showing it's "normal" in any way.

As to your side note, I'm confident I'm being ethical here. I have no agenda save honest opinions and observations. I'm sure we both appreciate your efforts here as a personal attack along the 'kill the messenger' line. You do realize my status really changes nothing WRT your claims?

So still no examples of 'half price being normal'?

This is my last post on this topic because you just seem to nitpick with your agenda.

The two shipped from amazon have an all in price of $18.68. Two shipped from TV have an all in price of 26.19. Thats a saving of $7.51 on two sets. If you buy five sets from amazon the all in price is $34.77. Five sets shipped from TV will cost you $54.60. Thats a saving of $19.83 on 5 sets.
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High Plains Drifter
Understood. I too like 'value added' sellers and will often pay extra to support that. I'm just struck by the wild 'twice as much as normal' claim. Seems to be hollow?

Thanks for the feedback on the Cup. I wonder how long the shift to concentrates will stay 'under the radar'. Sorry to hear the Ego4 had a poor showing, but it makes sense that's how it would stand up. Hey, it may not perform as well as other vapes in the class, but it is a more expensive way to buy the (substandard) hardware?

I agree the DART is a very intuitive machine. Easy to figure out and a solid performer. IMO it's earned it's stripes.

Thanks again, best wishes.

If any switch to concentrates is going to happen, it's going to have to advance, squarely, beyond the days of BHO. That stuff tastes terrible, is terrible for your lungs, and is, more importantly, totally at odds with the entire reason for using a TV device to begin with (which is to excise all manner of harmful carcinogens from the air path). BHO and budder and all the rest just put contaminants right back into the vapor. It is completely antithetical to why I began vaporizing. CO2 extraction and Rick Simpson Oil/high temp water extraction oil is the way to go. That stuff tastes worlds' better through a DART, and taboot taboot, it is still very potent stuff with excellent terpene retention and expression. That's what I can see taking off. Still seems in it's infancy, though, because butane is still far too-prominent in the marketplace for my tastes.


Vapor Sloth
The way you are extending (multiplying out) the price savings of economies of scale from the order of 10 vs the order of 2, then comparing the final $, is a logical thinking error in your argument IMO. Its a non-sequitor. In one example we are ordering 1X10 to get a 10 cell price. In the TV example we are ordering 5X2, which still equals 10, but in a significantly different way. Why is it so hard to understand that if you buy 10 at a time the price/cell will be lower? If you buy 2 sets the price will be lower than 1 set, I see no great battery price conspiracy here tbh . . . :2c:

Edit: And I don't expect TV to devote the time, space, and personnel to become a battery wholesaler for me (and I suspect they don't want to either). I expect to be able to shop elsewhere and find a better deal from a company that specializes in wholesale style battery sales . . .
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OK disagree with me, I can't force you to be right


C'mon folks, can't you just ignore the troll? Or better yet click on his avatar and then click on ignore. Great feature.

mod note- Only staff can label someone as trolling. If you do it, it's just flaming.

natural farmer

Well-Known Member
I don't see trolling here... I see an honest try to help people with the cost of use of the Thermo. Someone else is sticking to exact words... I don't care if it's half the price or a little more than half! But I care if I want a bunch of batteries... The TV1 needs a lot for some users. Thanks ftvo! I wish ebay had such sellers too...


Well-Known Member
Yes, that's more or less it (at least the first two steps), the key bit is you draw hot air in until vaping actually starts before going to step 3, the hit. Sounds to me like that never happened? "begin drawing hot air over the herb, then a continuous (sp) steady inhale" is not a correct definition of step 2. The correct one includes a test (which it seems has never been passed?). At that point you should go back again to step 1 until you make vapor, then and only then go for the hit.

FWIW, I think you're still trying to rush through step 2 with the expected results. I don't think you've done it yet, sounds like you never completed step 2? You need more heat. Still.

Your call to send it back, of course, but I hope you weren't serious about selling it to some innocent if you think it might be defective?

Good luck.


No, I couldn't in good conscience sell this one. Id get it repaired/replaced, take the loss on shipping, then sell new unit. Last resort.
I have done almost identically to what you described. Drawing air to heat it up, tasting the herb a bit, then warming more before starting with a slow steady inhale, occasionally puffing or letting air in through the nose.
Trust me when I say Ive tried multiple heat up times, draw speeds, pre heats , "pre draws", loosening/tightening of pieces, etc.
I'm just bummed out over it, and hoping to make it right for myself somehow.

No response from TV or seller yet, but 24 hrs hasn't even passed.
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