Discontinued ThermoVape


Vaporizer Manufacturer
How much will the power supply retail for?

We are working out a final price. The body and actual switch (essentially the entire lower section with the DC barrel connection) will have a cost then it will be a + 6V wall adapter and/or DC6V adapter and/or 3.7V Adapter.




Onward Thru the Fog
Big O-Ring, out of the flow path keeps it in place with a friction fit. Nice and simple.


That holds the glass to the T1 bowl, if I understand the picture correctly. What's between the herbal load and the mouthpiece? I can't see any kind of screen. How hot does the mouthpiece get after, say, 6 or 8 big hits? I'm not a glass person... (yet)

The AC supply looks great, congratulations! Have a nice time this weekend. :whoa:
I guess i missed what you guys wrote at the bottom of your post. my bad.

There is one thing i dont understand. Is that a typo in the bottom of the catalogue? Does it really not include the wall adapter and cord?


Get your Freak on....
I guess i missed what you guys wrote at the bottom of your post. my bad.

There is one thing i dont understand. Is that a typo in the bottom of the catalogue? Does it really not include the wall adapter and cord?

Well I just ordered the complete Pipes unit(Including the power supply).. Got it all for $43 including shipping... So I wont need it but still cool they offering it..


Well-Known Member
There is one thing i dont understand. Is that a typo in the bottom of the catalogue? Does it really not include the wall adapter and cord?

I don't think so. There's only one adapter now, 6 VAC, but soon there will be 6 VDC and a LV version as well. All will use this same piece.

Why does your negativity not surprise me? I'd say its probably a deal at any price turning a nice clean portable vape (that your previous issue with was battery life) into a versatile home vaporizer as well. Now without any battery restrictions at all what are you complaining about?
I reported your post. No need for the personal attack and you are also putting opinions and words into my mouth. Nowhere was I negative or complaining. I just simply stated that I was scared to see what the price of this will be. A whole new base will have to be purchased along with the adapter. These things are not cheap.



Well-Known Member
I reported your post. No need for the personal attack and you are also putting opinions and words into my mouth. Nowhere was I negative or complaining. I just simply stated that I was scared to see what the price of this will be. A whole new base will have to be purchased along with the adapter. These things are not cheap.


Wanna report me too? I might not be as not surprised as DR is (I think I got that right?), but I too note what you've said, and the way it was said, in the past and wonder the same things.....

This is an optional upgrade, buy it or not as it fits your needs, fancy and finances.

I'm sorry, it might be true you think "Nowhere was I negative or complaining" but that's I think in they eye of the beholder, I beheld and agree with DR; I saw yet another opportunity for a cheap shot taken..... If, OTHO you'd been enthusiastic about it, I might have thought someone had hacked your account.

Wanna report me too? I might not be as not surprised as DR is (I think I got that right?), but I too note what you've said, and the way it was said, in the past and wonder the same things.....

This is an optional upgrade, buy it or not as it fits your needs, fancy and finances.

I'm sorry, it might be true you think "Nowhere was I negative or complaining" but that's I think in they eye of the beholder, I beheld and agree with DR; I saw yet another opportunity for a cheap shot taken..... If, OTHO you'd been enthusiastic about it, I might have thought someone had hacked your account.

Sure I will gladly report your post too. Another personal attack that has NOTHING to do with the product being discussed in this thread.

In other news I'm wondering if the new base will be the base sold with all thermovape products from now on or if it will be something only sold for the PA adapter.

Edit: My question above is the same as pipes below


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Couple questions.
Will the new PA base still support the use of batteries as well?
Is the power supply a good fit for the current Pipes PA?



Well-Known Member
Another personal attack that has NOTHING to do with the product being discussed in this thread.

I won't argue if it's an attack or statement of opinion, but please review my middle paragraph in view of you're "NOTHING to do with the product being discussed in this thread" part.......


Couple questions.
Will the new PA base still support the use of batteries as well?
Is the power supply a good fit for the current Pipes PA?

A couple of educated guesses, no you'll still want the normal battery assembly (or at least the inner tube) to use batteries. And yes, I bet it's the same connector (type M?).



Onward Thru the Fog
I was looking more closely in the catalog photos, and maybe there is a built in glass screen. Not sure though...


Well-Known Member
Don't know if anyone cares at this point, but ive had one for a week and feel i should comment/review. Im not sure if i love it, like it, or am ehhh.
Taste is great, learning curve is ok but it will get you medicated with or without big clouds. It is difficult to draw and restrictive.
I believe Im going through the typical "lung cleaning" for one who quit heavily smoking to medicate and now vapes it. I recall reading many of you going through this.
The restricted draw causes an aggravation of the issue, maybe once my body is converted ill be much happier.
Battery life is ok, like the car charger, and its very well built regarding durability and being a true portable convection vape.
Im very interested in a water pipe adapter and power unit.
Hopefully the water pipe adapter allows better airflow...

It's definitely good. I want to call it great. More time needed.

My .02


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
I was looking more closely in the catalog photos, and maybe there is a built in glass screen. Not sure though...
I was trying to make it out too. Might have a moulded groove for a screen to wedge into.
Similar to:

Just guessing though. A glass screen, possibly???


Well-Known Member
Keep trying to use it, but its very restrictive. Looks like its heating well.......hmm.
Side by side my mflb was soooo much easier to hit just now.

Is there a new trick, besides the slow inhales, puffs, milkshake pulls slowly but forcefully, etc?
I cleaned the top holes, but its still bad, and I would surely prefer to not sell it
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