Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution


Well-Known Member
thanks again OF

ill see what a few more mins on the charger will do for my tenergys. but does letting them sit around for a few days before use drain them? how did they drain in the storage tube...?

You're welcome, good luck. Not sure how they could drain, but the symptoms say that's what's up to me?



oh and i tried the rolled foil dummy with an ultrafire protected 3.7V 1200mAh in my Detonator, but no dice. no heat no nuthin.

put my good tenergys back in and the Dart fired right up.


Active Member
Hey OF, have they verified the resistances of the LV and 6v Evos yet? If so, what are they?
What is the process for loading the Evolution? It seems like it would be the perfect vape when stealth is necessary, like at a concert. How would it be to load this thing in the dark and without drawing attention to oneself?


Well-Known Member
What is the process for loading the Evolution? It seems like it would be the perfect vape when stealth is necessary, like at a concert. How would it be to load this thing in the dark and without drawing attention to oneself?

imo almost impossible unless some clever technique is employed. I have to use my finger as a funnel and use super ground up bud, the bowl is like 1/4" inner diameter (super skinny)


Well-Known Member
Hey OF, have they verified the resistances of the LV and 6v Evos yet? If so, what are they?

My lv evo reads 0.9 ohms :uhoh:

Edit: Well at the full 4.2v that comes out to 19.6 watts so I guess that's ok... thought it might have been a little high.


What is the process for loading the Evolution? It seems like it would be the perfect vape when stealth is necessary, like at a concert. How would it be to load this thing in the dark and without drawing attention to oneself?

i carry a small diameter amber jar... or vial almost. its preloaded with ground flowers and it lines up with the Evo tube nicely. i just kinda spin it back and forth allowing the flowers to fall in. works pretty well.

oh and i found that i can blow out the bowl pretty easily by unscrewing it, putting lips around threaded base and simply forcing air through it. works well. just dont do it when its hot.

what kind of grind consistency is everyone using? mine is moderate. not too chunky not too fine.


Well-Known Member
i carry a small diameter amber jar... or vial almost. its preloaded with ground flowers and it lines up with the Evo tube nicely. i just kinda spin it back and forth allowing the flowers to fall in. works pretty well.

oh and i found that i can blow out the bowl pretty easily by unscrewing it, putting lips around threaded base and simply forcing air through it. works well. just dont do it when its hot.

what kind of grind consistency is everyone using? mine is moderate. not too chunky not too fine.

Now that's a clever technique! (I wonder how the revolution or universal adapter plastic tubes would work?)

I grind as fine as I can get, I've learned from my mflb days that's how you get the thickest hits but it does mean your herb is spent sooner. Worth it imo for a pocket vape :ninja:
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in flavor country
Well, I feel if you grind too much, you just knock off the thc glands, unless you are catching them in a kif chamber in the grinder, there is a point where it starts to diminish the potency. IMO... I just keep some herb in my grinder, and scoop some up with the exposed Evo, works fine, quick and easy.


Well-Known Member
Well, I feel if you grind too much, you just knock off the thc glands, unless you are catching them in a kif chamber in the grinder, there is a point where it starts to diminish the potency. IMO... I just keep some herb in my grinder, and scoop some up with the exposed Evo, works fine, quick and easy.

Yeah I wasn't very clear, I just use a mini grinder as opposed to a regular size one (smaller holes)

and that's a good idea too!


Well-Known Member
Hey OF, have they verified the resistances of the LV and 6v Evos yet? If so, what are they?

As you know, such things are kind of hard to tie down when you're making prototypes. The target value is set by power, not resistance, actually. It's 20 Watts for both units. Since 'power equals Volts times Amps' if the product is 20 we can divide by the voltage and get the resistance. 20/3.7 gives us 5.5 Amps. Plugging to Ohm's Law (R=Voltage divided by current) we get 3.7/5.5 for .67 Ohms. 20/6 gives 3.3 Amps for 1.8 Ohms.

Notice, in broad terms, doubling the voltage also doubles the current so the power (Volts times Amps) goes up four fold (2 X 2) so the resistance must get a big change to cut the current back even further than it was before the voltage was raised. This effect is why our vapes fade so fast when the voltage sags. Not only does voltage go down, but it pulls the current down with it (by Ohm's Law) so the product of those two drops is a much bigger drop (a 20% drop in voltage gives a 40% drop in power).



Active Member
Yeah I get Ohms Law, and I thought that you'd inferred the resistance already, I just didn't know if it had gotten confirmed yet. I tried to search, but "ohm" isn't long enough for the forum's search engine, hehe.

So the LV reads 0.9... that's pretty low.

I thought I might be able to get by the 2.5 amp limit by running it at 7 volts, but turns out my mod only does 6V max so I'm hung either way. I can't get the volts high enough to keep the current down. I guess I'll have to buy the whole kit if I try it. I knew I should've waited for the ProVari V2 :/


Well-Known Member
Yeah I get Ohms Law, and I thought that you'd inferred the resistance already, I just didn't know if it had gotten confirmed yet. I tried to search, but "ohm" isn't long enough for the forum's search engine, hehe.

I thought I might be able to get by the 2.5 amp limit by running it at 7 volts, but turns out my mod only does 6V max so I'm hung either way. I can't get the volts high enough to keep the current down. I guess I'll have to buy the whole kit if I try it. I knew I should've waited for the ProVari V2 :/

I seriously doubt we'll see official resistances from TV. I've actually had this discussion with them. The short of it is, this is a highly subjective reading to make. You handy neighborhood Ohm meter is not up to the task. At the very least, it only means something under working conditions (hot and serving a given load). Not to mention such things aren't specific values in the real production world, they're ranges that fit the AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) model in use (which most companies hold confidential). As a guess, we're probably taking a 10 to 20% window around the specified 20 Watt value, with 90% plus within half that?

Again, I don't know the specifics here, nor do I want to, but I'd expect a screening along the lines of 'fire it up at X.XX Volts and accept currents between 2.8 and 3.2' with the production process guys looking for 2.9 to 3.1. In a funny sort of way, they might never know what the resistance in Ohms is. They no doubt have in process measures (like 'start with a length of element that reads between x.xx and y.yy on your ZZ brand meter on the QQ range'), but those would be confidential, subject to change to support the AQL needs and not really at all useful to us. That's my understanding, anyway.

Perhaps most important to you, your logic is all wrong. If you're trying to get under a 2.5 Amp limit you need to lower, not raise the voltage. Follow the logic: For any given heater, raising the voltage raises the current....which gets you into trouble not out of it. So, if you have a 2.5 Amp max VV head (like I do) you need to drop the voltage to get the current down. The problem is power is coming down even faster. By the time we get low enough to not trip out it's not hot enough to vape any more. Life is like that. The bottom line is even if I could get TV to make me a custom heater (and I know where their shop is.....) I'm still caught up in the maximum ratings of my VV head. The best it can do is 2.5 Amps at 6.0 Volts and 15 Watts (2.5 x 6) is way short of 20 power wise. You're in the same boat, right? A hotter power supply is called for.

Sorry, I don't know what a 'Provari V2' is.... I'm sure there are lower cost options out there, I'm just not in the market so I never tried to figure that out I guess?



Active Member
I was operating using P/V = I

Where, in a given system, with a fixed load, current can be reduced by increasing voltage, but I think I've misapplied it as you say. My hypo relied on power remaining constant, which in hindsight, doesn't seem possible. V/R = I is the equation I should've used, which is why I was asking for specific measured resistances.


Well-Known Member
I was operating using P/V = I

Where, in a given system, with a fixed load, current can be reduced by increasing voltage, but I think I've misapplied it as you say. My hypo relied on power remaining constant, which in hindsight, doesn't seem possible. V/R = I is the equation I should've used, which is why I was asking for specific measured resistances.

Spot on, you broke the code. Now for the next step......(sorry, just kidding...bet it caught ya out though).

Great insight there. Kind of a fun puzzle, isn't it? BTW, one of the traditional Engineer versions of all this also can help the understanding as you perform those 'thought experiments', the substitution "I X R" for V in the base 'Watts is volts times Amps' so it becomes (I X R) X I which you change around to "I squared times R". Or as the little Engineers are taught, "Twinkle twinkle little star, power equals I squared R". I kid you not, whole generations of otherwise normal Engineers graduated the UC system whispering that under their breath at key times.....



Active Member
I'm a biologist by trade, and we have our own silly mnemonics, hehe.

"Kings play chess on fat girl's stomachs." Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.

I think the best thing for my provari could be a rebuild to a 7.2V fixed voltage setup. I just need a small 3.5-5A momentary switch, which I haven't been able to find yet.


Vaporist Extrordinair
Man, those guys at Thermovape are awesome! Sent Tim an email about an adapter to fit my TV1 so that I can use egig cartomizers along with my Evolution. $30 for an adapter interface and I will be able to carry my TV1 with my Evolution and a couple of 7 volt PG cartomizers and keep everything stealthy and compact.

The Evolution is the nicest, tiniest, best hitting sneaky vape I own, I cannot wait to receive my adapter. I will be passing along another review after receiving my interface.

With the adapter interface and my Evolution, I think I might have just found the perfect vaping set up. Thanks again to the Thermovape team, as far as I am concerned, you guys are the very best!


Well-Known Member
I'm a biologist by trade, and we have our own silly mnemonics, hehe.

"Kings play chess on fat girl's stomachs." Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species.

I think the best thing for my provari could be a rebuild to a 7.2V fixed voltage setup. I just need a small 3.5-5A momentary switch, which I haven't been able to find yet.

What a lightweight! How about the ten colors in the resistor color code? "Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls, But Violet Gives Willingly". Black, brown, red, orange, yellow, blue, violet, gray, white. Take that!

Yes not only is high current hard to come by but most are AC rated and DC ratings are a small fraction of that. Typical numbers might be 3 Amps 220 VAC, 6 A for 110 VAC and .5 Amps for 12 VDC. Without the periodic current reversals DC doesn't get the natural pause to break the arc on opening. Things would be just until one time you get flash, boom, smoke and need for fresh trousers. Auto stuff may be the best call. One of the vendors that sells DIY parts has 'horn buttons' IIRC. Small size is an issue as well, my favorite switch for this stuff is way too big.



Well-Known Member
What a lightweight! How about the ten colors in the resistor color code? "Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls, But Violet Gives Willingly". Black, brown, red, orange, yellow, blue, violet, gray, white. Take that!

Yes not only is high current hard to come by but most are AC rated and DC ratings are a small fraction of that. Typical numbers might be 3 Amps 220 VAC, 6 A for 110 VAC and .5 Amps for 12 VDC. Without the periodic current reversals DC doesn't get the natural pause to break the arc on opening. Things would be just until one time you get flash, boom, smoke and need for fresh trousers. Auto stuff may be the best call. One of the vendors that sells DIY parts has 'horn buttons' IIRC. Small size is an issue as well, my favorite switch for this stuff is way too big.


"But Violet Gives Willingly" or "Behind Victory Garden Walls" (memories Lol)



in flavor country
So, I am able to get one decent session at a time with my current battery set up, between charges, and I am finding that the Evo needs a good solid warm up, then it performs beautifully! You just have to be patient and let it get really hot at first. I judge based on how warm the battery chamber starts to get, once I feel some heat transferring over to the battery casing (with my lil'chuck) it seems to be sufficiently warmed up and then I start to take slow steady pulls. Once it gets hot, it stays pretty hot for a little while, so you can take a drag, then wait a min or so, and then activate it again, with only a few seconds waiting to get it warm enough to take the next pull. I also noticed once it's really heated up, and giving good vapor, you can stop heating it, but keep drawing on it for a few more seconds and still continue getting vapor from the heat build up in the chamber. I wonder how this will differ from the actual TV battery, as well as over all performance. That goes for the Dart as well, since I have been running the Dart on my ego batteries. Still have to say WOW on the level of medication the Evo delivers on such a small load.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Those of you who own TV Evos (or any TV) which type of grind would you say works best with this vape? Like a fine, coarse or medium grind? I have a couple of grinders I can use and was curious as to which type of grind would be most beneficial.


Staff member
I find a medium grind to work well. You don't want to grind it too fine (coffee grinder powder for example), but a good medium grind seems to work well for me.
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Well-Known Member
I find a medium grind to work well. You don't want to grind it too fine (coffee grinder powder for example), but a good medium grind seems to work well for me.

That is my method as well. I also do not want to go to fine to prevent any bits from falling through, even though the holes are fairly small.
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Well-Known Member
I find a medium grind to work well. You don't want to grind it too fine (coffee grinder powder for example), but a good medium grind seems to work well for me.

Thanks, Stu. I'm used to a medium grind anyway so I think I'll start there. Patiently waiting for my TV to arrive. :nod:
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