is (most likely) vaping
You've just described my TA setup.Has anyone tried the standalone TA with a Dynavap WonG? That is to date my most treasured Dynavap stem, and I am hoping to snag a TA in the next drop. I’m just worried since it’s relatively small and thin compared to the PP stems or the more stout wooden WPAs I often see people using.
I’m also wondering if the heat would be overwhelming if going through a regular length Dynavap stem, would something like a RWW intercooler be sufficient to use the TA through the WonG directly?
I use an Ed's TnT ebony stem with a TRWW mouthpiece/condenser with an interecooler. And this is - by far - my favorite setup for the TA.
I've also tried a simrell vortex, a few glass stems, and other DV stems but the one above is the perfect setup for me.
I also should add that I've never found the vapor to be hot or uncomfortable with the TA (with any stem).

The TA is awesome.
Edit: spelling