Well-Known Member
Has anyone gotten one recently? I was expecting to get one next time @villekille2 makes a batch but I haven't heard anything from him
Mine (V2) was delivered this week.Has anyone gotten one recently? I was expecting to get one next time @villekille2 makes a batch but I haven't heard anything from him
Mine (V2) was delivered this week.
A week ago.When did you order, may I ask?
A week ago.
Hi @Ratchett, the VA needs a bit higher learning curve than the Mighty. But then it's over all performance is much better IMO. Nearly no draw resistance, delicious flavour and enourmous clouds - all on demand as you like it and - it looks much better than the Mighty
Hi @Ratchett, it is possible to combust if you don't care. But you have 10 settings for temperature + boost taster. You decide from amazing flavour hits until thick fog. You'll find your sweetspot in use very soon.
Thanks for that!
I guess the main question is - if I set it to a temperature around say 400F, can I assume I will not combust. Or is there still a chance I will combust even with the temp setting?
I'm seriously tempted to buy one of these, I've been wanting a halogen powered vape for a while now. Does it use a standard 18650 battery or something proprietary?
I consider it a "session" convection vape.I like to extract until dark brown ABV, depending on dryness of material/air temperature, when sessioning I set on 6or 7 (out of 10 settings)
When 7 is too hot it can char a little so I go back to 6 next session and ABV is spent / no more vapor no charring (with abv being on differents shades of brown (I never stir with apollo2).
What I like most with this vape (besides no stirring) is 1 hit full extraction:40/45 secs preheat and I got one huge hit extracting a new vape pax spoon load, maybe 0.1 (after light tamp there is 1-2mm of material on the screen), and if marerial is well cured/dry you can double the load and still get almost everything out of 1 choking hit
Standard 18650 20 A
Edit: keep in mind halogen lamp is always on, if you forget to hit it, radiation can overcook and eventually char if set on high temp, because of this I consider it not 100% on demand.
It is a very powerfull tool, if misused it can char and combust (had only 1 event of combustion though, the first day I received it)
I consider it a "session" convection vape.Still a daily driver. The v2 though, double that power!!
1 bad mamba jamba
A stand that leans like the lsv stand. I pump it through a whip (with your mighty song attached to the top of the units glass) and glass. Been that way for years broThanks for all the help guys. Ever since my Crafty died, I've been contemplating what I wanted as replacement in my personal collection of daily drivers. The Mighty was creeping up on the list (along with the Solo2), but I think I want the Apollo2 instead.
I've already reached out to @villekille2 and waiting on an invoice. I'm sure you'll be seeing a new category for the Apollo on my store in the near future![]()
Hey All!
I've been curious to know what everyone's thoughts are on the V2? How does it compare against the Mighty?
I've wanted to try an Apollo for a while now, but nobody around me has one! @virtualpurple did you ever get your Apollo?
Incredible post brother!I rarely get on this forum these days, but I, like many other familiar names I still see in this thread, am an early pioneer of the V1 Apollo.
I also have a Mighty. I can't remember the last time I have used the Mighty.......but I also don't vape outdoors without water. In that situation, I would probably use the Mighty as it doesn't have glass pieces to break and there are less exposed hot parts.
But indoors, it is no contest. Apollo is far better.
You can search through my posts on this thread for some of the mods that I've done. The new V2 bowl and cooling unit does look intriguing.
But not having this setup, my favorite stem mod is to use a short 19mm stem with screen (basically Milaana setup) off of one end of the Apollo tube that I sit the 19mm male bowl end into the original Apollo bowl. The Apollo bowl then forms the connection between the 19mm glass bowl and the heater screen it normally does.
Then coming out of the other end of the quartz Apollo tube, I have another 19mm piece of male glass that forms my link to a 19mm female waterpiece.
Both 19mm glass stems are joined to the Apollo tube with a silicone tube around the 19mm glass stem that provides a strong friction fit.
Push silicone tubing of the appropriate size over the stem ends of the 19mm glass stems (non-joint side) and then tuck the ends of the silicone into the 19mm stem (@Vape Dr. method) and you can push these into either end of the Apollo quartz tubes and get a very good friction fit.
Despite not having V2, I have replaced my bulb with a 50W bulb. It heats up at 100% power for 35 seconds and then drops to Power level 1 on the old V1 lower temp mapping that maxes out at 55% of total power.
The bulb then glows a very dull orange and keeps the bowl heat saturated without charring or cooking the herb too much.
Then I also have my boost set at high (110%) and then when I want a hit I push the boost button while drawing and it pretty well becomes an on-demand session vape that way.
Release the boost button when you get high density vapour flowing and keep pulling until it starts to thin which means that you are also cooling off the herb before the end of your draw.
If the density gets thicker, then you are on the verge of combustion.
STOP THE AIRFLOW IMMEDIATELY and you might have a chance to avoid this unpleasantness.
If this happens then lift the Apollo off from the water piece connected tube immediately (slide Apollo up off of tube) to pull the chamber away from the heat source (at least when it is inverted in a water setup) and then take some silicone tipped (no scratches on chamber this way) needle nose pliers and lift the original bowl off of the end of the 19mm male glass and check your herb. It will be either very dark or charred through the middle.
The Apollo is the only vape that can come the closest to combustion without actually getting there.....probably due to the very constant heat that it produces. But it still has more than enough power to easily combust if you push it too far and don't pay attention.
Since I also have a Milaana, which is also a very good on demand vape, I can compare it to that too....especially since I can literally use the same stem set up for both devices.
The Milaana takes more guesswork since it is unregulated and the battery power fluctuates and you have to keep adjusting for it.
The Apollo is far superior when set up and used correctly (especially in a group setting) since it can maintain a lower powered heat soak on level 1 of the 50W bulb and then become on-demand with a push of the button - and it is constant high heat rather than a declining power heat that you would have to heat up from a non-steady state, non-constant starting temperature with the Milaana vs a heat soaked level 1 Apollo steady state.
So for my usage, and the way I have my Apollo setup, the Apollo is an on-demand session style vape. But the sessions are also not that long since you can extract fully very quickly but on demand in the sense that in between hits the lower steady state level 1 temps keep things ready for the next inhalation while boosting.
The Apollo is an awesome vape, the best electrical vape I have. The only thing more powerful would be my flame powered Supreme - which is a completely different niche.
You won't regret your purchase!
Thanks for all the help guys. Ever since my Crafty died, I've been contemplating what I wanted as replacement in my personal collection of daily drivers. The Mighty was creeping up on the list (along with the Solo2), but I think I want the Apollo2 instead.
I've already reached out to @villekille2 and waiting on an invoice. I'm sure you'll be seeing a new category for the Apollo on my store in the near future![]()
Make sure setting is 4 tops to you get used to the power. Full crucible. Loosely packed. Grind or bud will work. I attach a whip and bubbler.Hot Damn Tamales, Ahab! This vape is a monster.....I loaded it wrong, preheated it, hit it early, coughed(x4), then I think I might have pressed the Hyperspace button because I saw a really bright light, like stars going past. Panicked and could not figure how to slow down, combusted, pulled hot bowl out of chamber, and then as a last ditch ripcord, I dumped the batteries.......I need some direction, once this massive buzz recedes a bit. Please help, @ShayWhiteGrow @GTAVaper , read all 54 pages. Clearly I need to be instructed how to harness this dragon. Not for the shy, or faint of heart. If you came to get down, welcome to Downtown!
Preheat without loaded bowl. Just put it there after the first 30sec when the massive shine fades away. Use the boost button only mildly.Hot Damn Tamales, Ahab! This vape is a monster.....I loaded it wrong, preheated it, hit it early, coughed(x4), then I think I might have pressed the Hyperspace button because I saw a really bright light, like stars going past. Panicked and could not figure how to slow down, combusted, pulled hot bowl out of chamber, and then as a last ditch ripcord, I dumped the batteries.......I need some direction, once this massive buzz recedes a bit. Please help, @ShayWhiteGrow @GTAVaper , read all 54 pages. Clearly I need to be instructed how to harness this dragon. Not for the shy, or faint of heart. If you came to get down, welcome to Downtown!