Well-Known Member
Was wondering if anyone has a video or clip showing The Toad in action?
New batch!
Stats for this batch - Top 5 Most Popular:
No. 081 - Misty pine landscape
No. 093 - Dark blue with abstract sumi ink
No. 089 - Cannabis plant
No. 088 - Cyanotype oak tree
No. 086 - Underwater scene with lily pads and toad eggs
I was lucky enough to get 88!!
Was wondering if anyone has a video or clip showing The Toad in action?
You have one of my favorite Toad designs I've ever seen - what a gorgeous device. I hope you love it!Truly, the ultimate in form and function.
Beautiful! Is that a stem cap you have? Just wondering where you found that.Truly, the ultimate in form and function.
get url for photo
And in case anyone owns some Imp/Impcognito stems from Mistvape, mine fit perfectly in my Toad, however, even with the wooden mouthpiece it’s a tad short on length.
No, it’s a Mistvape stem with a wooden mouthpiece.Beautiful! Is that a stem cap you have? Just wondering where you found that.
Considering the quality of product Dan puts out, he can take as long as he needs.Does anyone have any information on why it takes so long from selection/payment to receipt of the Toad?
Even when we're at the end of the process and he sends a message confirming that it will be sent soon, it still takes a long time for impatient children like us (and still a bit patient, given that 6 months have passed between the two).
I would have liked @Dan Morrison to give more explanations than the manufacturing process or to not give deadlines that he obviously has trouble meeting. (he was talking about a delay of about 2 months at the beginning).
says the man who's playing with his own...People have complained about the wait times before in this thread. If patience isn’t a virtue one possesses, then a Toad probably isn’t for you.
Nah this ain’t it. We’re can have discourse here, and I think it’s within reason after the deadline you were given by the man himself continually goes months and months longer then you were told when you paid. When I paid, our batch was told “it will take a couple of weeks to get the heaters and everything ready to ship” ~ 22 weeks later. It’s one thing to say “look, this is probably going to be a while, I’ll give you updates along the way but I don’t have a set timeframe.” Vs. “It’ll be 2 weeks for the heaters” and then watch him sell another batch before yours even ships. Is the most time consuming part not all the Art and making the Washi casing over the pear? That other batch didn’t materialize out of nowhere with full pictures looking like they’re ready to ship, clearly an enormous amount of time went into them, time that could have been spent shipping the batch that was paid forPeople have complained about the wait times before in this thread. If patience isn’t a virtue one possesses, then a Toad probably isn’t for you.
I know it’s going to take a long time, you know it, Duba knows it, everyone knows it, except Dan. Who continually has the wrong deadline, seemingly year after yearI guess my main point is this a known and heavily discussed issue with Dan and his products. Of course discourse is the main goal here, but wait times are pretty much what they are at this point. I, too, paid for a product that by all accounts appeared finished, yet waited several months after paying before it ever shipped. I was well aware from following this and the Nomad threads that this was par for the course, so it wasn’t anything to get anxious about.
I get the feeling of “what the hell is taking so long?”, but it seems counterproductive when the goal is to have Dan finishing and shipping products by deadlines versus taking time to answer questions already covered.