The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Nah, she's cactus, I completely mangled the spring trying to get it back in. I've already sent Brenyo a message, he seemed a little surprised by just how badly buggered it was!

Now I wait for replacement parts...

The positive I guess is that get to "just" be disappointed. Even before messaging Brenyo I had confidence in MH as a company to help me fix the problem, so I never had to worry about being angry. (Yet!)
Damn, I'm truly sorry to hear that you're having such issues with your device.. I know that once you get your replacement parts and your head put back together and back up and running you will have a completely different experience. I've only had 11 bowls out of this tempest so far since I received it on September 7th and I'm in absolute awe at the quality, thickness, and flavor and vapor quality. As well as just amazed at the engineering of the heaters head. I haven't touched my ball vapes other than to turn them on , "just in case." I haven't found myself wanting to use any of my other vapes just yet. I'm very curious to see how long this lasts. I'm terribly sorry about your experience so far. Sending positive energy and vibes your way. Hoping those replacement parts come ASAP!
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Well-Known Member
Unfortunately my 2nd impression isn't amazing either! I'm only getting one click on the heat up, and I'm not getting a cool down click.

I'm not having my best day 1 with this device :(
I think sometimes when you buy something, and there's something about it that's really pissed you off, it can have a detrimental effect on your overall experience.

I get your stance on the sleeve, totally understand, but it's done and it was sent. The animals aren't killed to make tempest sleeves, better for the material to not to go waste now, and you've got someone who won't let it go to waste, send it, forget about it.

Your tempest, you can still use it while your waiting on new parts.
Are you using it in the wand or with a torch?


Well-Known Member
I think sometimes when you buy something, and there's something about it that's really pissed you off, it can have a detrimental effect on your overall experience.

I get your stance on the sleeve, totally understand, but it's done and it was sent. The animals aren't killed to make tempest sleeves, better for the material to not to go waste now, and you've got someone who won't let it go to waste, send it, forget about it.

Your tempest, you can still use it while your waiting on new parts.
Are you using it in the wand or with a torch?

Nah, I really can't - I'm using a torch, and the spring is (as confirmed by Brenyo) no longer reliable for the visual or audible click.

That's ok. I have like 2 dozen vapes, I'm not short on vapes. I was just super, super excited for it to get here.

I'd dug out the Anvil case and gotten excited about how perfectly they fit together, I'd been playing with the airholes, grateful that I had experience with Revolve stems before getting this black one, I'd put a bunch of my desktop stuff into cleaning today expecting that I'd be playing with the Tempest for all of today.

It was just a massive bummer.


While I think of it, someone had asked about the Anvil/Vestratto case - the Tempest fits the Anvil case with the XL cap like an absolute glove, and it (along with it's magnet and the ability to use a smaller flame) is going to make this a really great travelling device. But it won't fit the standard cap.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I really can't - I'm using a torch, and the spring is (as confirmed by Brenyo) no longer reliable for the visual or audible click.

That's ok. I have like 2 dozen vapes, I'm not short on vapes. I was just super, super excited for it to get here.

I'd dug out the Anvil case and gotten excited about how perfectly they fit together, I'd been playing with the airholes, grateful that I had experience with Revolve stems before getting this black one, I'd put a bunch of my desktop stuff into cleaning today expecting that I'd be playing with the Tempest for all of today.

It was just a massive bummer.


While I think of it, someone had asked about the Anvil/Vestratto case - the Tempest fits the Anvil case with the XL cap like an absolute glove, and it (along with it's magnet and the ability to use a smaller flame) is going to make this a really great travelling device. But it won't fit the standard cap.
No worries, you can still use it, I'd just screw on the indicator housing without the indicators fitted and start timing it and seeing how it goes.

If you had a wand you can easily do it, but agreed it will be trial and error with a torch.

I'd still be giving it a go though 😂
Hopefully it's a speedy delivery and you can get back on it soon.
Sorry to hear of your issues though, always a bummer when things don't go to plan.


It finally arrived in Australia!

To be brutally honest, my first impression isn't great - my order notes requesting it be sent in pieces (for customs reasons) and that they keep their leather sheath were ignored.

Not sending it in pieces obviously didn't really matter, it made it through. But I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this piece of animal hide that a cow was needlessly tortured for, because it's not even going to be used. In my opinion that's pretty insensitive, it was an entirely reasonable request, made very politely.

I've cleaned it, it's currently drying - so hopefully my impressions after use are much, much more positive.
Glad to hear it made it in! Tracking is saying mine is in Sydney awaiting clearance, fingers crossed there's no issues 🤞


Well-Known Member
Just got my upgrade kit.

90 minutes later, still fighting with getting the spring in the new indicator housing.

Perhaps some way to ship them assembled needs to be thought of as many people that use for medical reasons have poor dexterity (including me). 😕

Sounds like we've had similar days...

Have you checked the video on the website? It makes it look so easy!
Sounds like we've had similar days...

Have you checked the video on the website? It makes it look so easy!
Yes, many times. It looks very easy on there!

I can't twist the spring to the correct angle easily, then it won't go over the posts while the spring is through the outer hole!

I need to sort it now as I will be without my Tempest if I don't 😐
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Well-Known Member
@Brenyo: Just in case. How do you change the O ring inside the spiral when you remove the mouthpiece ?
Pick it out with a needle.
Just got my upgrade kit.

90 minutes later, still fighting with getting the spring in the new indicator housing.

Perhaps some way to ship them assembled needs to be thought of as many people that use for medical reasons have poor dexterity (including me). 😕
I just realised that there was a very important step missing: "4. Move the pointer to the starting position."


Well-Known Member
Sounds like we've had similar days...

Have you checked the video on the website? It makes it look so easy!
First time I tried it was impossibly difficult. Second time went much smoother. I think it's going to be one of those things that are just really difficult until you have done it.
Pick it out with a needle.

I just realised that there was a very important step missing: "4. Move the pointer to the starting position."

I just managed to do it by moving the indicator, then came back here and saw your post!

That was very frustrating 🤣

Hopefully it will be easier for others when the instructions are updated!

I was scared I would be without my Tempest. I've used it every day since November last year, so that would have been a disaster!


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear it made it in! Tracking is saying mine is in Sydney awaiting clearance, fingers crossed there's no issues 🤞

How were you able to get a more detailed tracking? I even downloaded the silly trckd app that it insists on but all it would tell me is “en route to final location”


Well-Known Member
How were you able to get a more detailed tracking? I even downloaded the silly trckd app that it insists on but all it would tell me is “en route to final location”
Plug the tracking number from the dpd email into the auspost tracker.


Active Member
How were you able to get a more detailed tracking? I even downloaded the silly trckd app that it insists on but all it would tell me is “en route to final location”
I think there was a link on the original tracking page that took you through to Aus post. Took me a while to find it it was at the bottom 🤔 I think. Maybe said continue tracking or something?

As Possum MD said you can use same tracking number to track with aus post.
Mine sat for about 2 days in Sydney then really quick up to Brisbane

Enjoy! It’s a ripper.
I like opening the tip anirflow, waiting for second click in wand then long throaty draws. I get two to three huge clouds with some small clouds to chase. No reheat as it’s well roasted and nice and even.


Well-Known Member
I swear I’ve tried searching this…it’s been asked before but I can’t find the answer…inductor users…what setting y’all using. Mine isn’t in hand yet, but I’d like to see if it works before asking my buddy if I can have my wand back…
I love it with the inductor, I am gonna tell you how I would go about it before I tell you what I do!

Place the inductor tip on the tempest induction sleeve at an angle, I hit it until it starts to get red and keep an eye on the visual indicator; mine is a beta so be aware my results may not be yours. I stop 1 line before desired, I try to get a slight cherry on both sides (so basically heat the other side as soon as one side gets red). Keep the tip at an angle though, do not lay it flat against the tempest (I have broken a tip doing that..)

I suggest starting lower and slower, the inductor is crazy powerful. That being said I run mine on max lol and have a ready to go tempest in <20secs (maybe quicker, never timed it cos it's more than fast enough for me).

I personally don't care if my tempest head or any part of it is pretty, so I don't value or worry about discoloration so if your worried about that you may wanna see if anyone who shares those values has some input. My tempest head was discoloured from hard use long before I had an inductor, and I kinda appreciate that.. We did those miles together! :)


Well-Known Member
I love it with the inductor, I am gonna tell you how I would go about it before I tell you what I do!

Place the inductor tip on the tempest induction sleeve at an angle, I hit it until it starts to get red and keep an eye on the visual indicator; mine is a beta so be aware my results may not be yours. I stop 1 line before desired, I try to get a slight cherry on both sides (so basically heat the other side as soon as one side gets red). Keep the tip at an angle though, do not lay it flat against the tempest (I have broken a tip doing that..)

I suggest starting lower and slower, the inductor is crazy powerful. That being said I run mine on max lol and have a ready to go tempest in <20secs (maybe quicker, never timed it cos it's more than fast enough for me).

I personally don't care if my tempest head or any part of it is pretty, so I don't value or worry about discoloration so if your worried about that you may wanna see if anyone who shares those values has some input. My tempest head was discoloured from hard use long before I had an inductor, and I kinda appreciate that.. We did those miles together! :)
thanks for this.


Active Member
Nah, I really can't - I'm using a torch, and the spring is (as confirmed by Brenyo) no longer reliable for the visual or audible click.

Sorry to hear about your tempest troubles ☹️

I just did a quick test with a cyclone triple flame.

It took approx 32-34 seconds to get my indicator a touch past the second marker. This is normally the same marker I get to using the "time over" wand method

I have mine set with cap airflow open, and stem closed off. I draw quite slowly, and it needed another cycle to finish the bowl. Reheat took 20 seconds and that left the AVB quite light


Putin is a War Criminal
Picked up the OZCHIN case and it fits very well. The case closes better without that accessory panel.



Well-Known Member
I received the reload gen2 after using the previous gen for quite some years, I didnt realized its way bigger than the first one 😳
Really liking it tho but will keep the gen1 when I’m out and about
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