The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
I'm just looking at what's been listed on the MH website - can anyone who already has the Tempest suggest a shopping list for someone on the other side of the world who needs to get everything in 1 order? (I don't need induction heater attachments.)

I'm thinking
Tempest with tt sleeve (I already have a Revolve 2 wood sleeve)
A spare bowl screen?
A spare retaining screen?
I'll probably get the boro and SiC balls. Maybe even stainless as well.
Spare O-rings
Ceramic tweezers? (Do you need these?)

Everything else looks like heater attachments or random parts of the oven/indicater - am I missing anything that I'd need?
Looks good. I like having a dedicated wood sleeve for the tempest, it’s all I use on it now. Bowl screens are a good idea but, when you run through them you can grab some from amazon. There’s a link on this thread somewhere. (I’m assuming you’re in the US). I’d grab two retaining screens just because you never know and they’re not pricey. Two packs of o-rings. As far as the tweezers, again not pricey and if you ever needed to do work on the VI it’d prob come in handy.

Like many have said, I’ll echo the same, the reload is CLUTCH! It’s so useful! I use it every time I puff on the tempest. If you don’t have one, get one. It is vital for the… workflow :spliff:
The poker (de-bowler) is also the screwdriver for the retaining screen as well as the tool to set the bowl screen. So well thought out.

You might want to think about a selection of balls @HashOnMyMind has a nice post about the differences of the balls over at post #5,121


Pranayama; of a sort.
I'm just looking at what's been listed on the MH website - can anyone who already has the Tempest suggest a shopping list for someone on the other side of the world who needs to get everything in 1 order? (I don't need induction heater attachments.)

I'm thinking
Tempest with tt sleeve (I already have a Revolve 2 wood sleeve)
A spare bowl screen?
A spare retaining screen?
I'll probably get the boro and SiC balls. Maybe even stainless as well.
Spare O-rings
Ceramic tweezers? (Do you need these?)

Everything else looks like heater attachments or random parts of the oven/indicater - am I missing anything that I'd need?
There is a pack specifically for people who have a beta as well

I feel your pain being also on the other side of the world but "I want it all" :)\

  • Long Sessions: Zirconia balls are the best choice due to their ability to store heat longer and provide smooth, consistent vapor.
  • Quick Hits: Borosilicate glass balls heat up rapidly, perfect for short, immediate vaping sessions.
  • Balanced Experience: Stainless steel balls offer a middle ground, suitable for those who want a mix of quick heating and good heat retention.
  • Punchy Hits: SiC balls deliver strong and immediate vapor, ideal for users who enjoy powerful hits but are okay with frequent reheating.
I'll pay that - I haven't used SS and I have mixed feelings about using SS


Well-Known Member
I think this may be the device that I’m looking for. Requesting this communities assistance to guide me. For the last 3-4 years I’ve unfortunately been primarily a live resin cartridge smoker due to convenience and potency.

I bought a volcano hybrid a couple years ago. It’s great, i love it. But it’s not what i would call an “every day device.” For a couple reasons, i have a teenager at home and he can be a little judgy so i don’t use it when he’s there. It’s also a bit of a process because i keep it stored away. It needs to be taken out, heated up, dosing capsule loaded, put into chamber, wait a few minutes for temp, and fill bag. It’s a little more time consuming than i would prefer on a week day.

On top of that, i know this is a weird niche complaint, but im not super excited about the dosing abilities of the volcano where it pertains to bowl sizes. The standard bowl is great for a group, way too much for 1 person. Most of the time I’ll fill up a dosing capsule I’ll fill a bag at 185c and then fill another bag at 220c. 2 bags later i usually feel an itch to hit my live resin 510 shortly after.

Because of this i think im looking for a “heavy hitter” but if I post that to Reddit most recommends will be for the TM2, mighty or venti. I think that I’m probably looking for a portable ball vape style. Although I’ve heard that the TM2 hits pretty hard.

Truth be told I would just like to get ripped more conveniently. But a desktop ball vape doesn’t really work for me. I want to avoid glass pieces and I’m not comfortable with a hot heater sitting around.

Does anyone who has used a tempest think it would fit what I’m looking for?

Also is there a functional difference from torch to something like the inspire wand? A torch seems more convenient because you aren’t a slave to batteries. But because I will occasionally use this device out and about, it would probably be more discreet to use an IH I assume?

Thanks yall.


Well-Known Member
Truth be told I would just like to get ripped more conveniently.

Does anyone who has used a tempest think it would fit what I’m looking for?

Also is there a functional difference from torch to something like the inspire wand? A torch seems more convenient because you aren’t a slave to batteries. But because I will occasionally use this device out and about, it would probably be more discreet to use an IH I assume?

Thanks yall.
The tempest is probably more convenient than the volcano. Sure is smaller and you’re able to conceal it a little better. It’s a heavy hitter but you can reel it back in if need be. The half a bowl setting is plenty for folks with low tolerances. You can always pack another bowl.

I don’t think there’s a functional difference between a torch and the wand. The tempest was designed with a torch AND the wand / IH in mind. As far as convenience and discreetness I don’t think you can beat the wand / IH. The battery thing, idk man, they’re pretty cheap from imr batteries (about $5). Same site you can get a good charger.

You can get a heavier stoney effect or a lighter “sativa” like effect by heating higher or lower on the heating ring (?🤷? I don’t know if it’s called the heating ring lol) with the torch. You can also do the same by adjusting the glass (in the wand) up or down.

At this point with the tempest, wand, reload (which is a must imo), and batteries, you’re looking at a hefty price. I don’t think that’ll bother you too much seeing as you have a volcano just chillaxin’ in your closet right now. Add a wooden sleeve to the order, keeps the tempest cool to the touch when going back to back and I think it adds a little class. It looks really nice. I’ll get pics up soon. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I think this may be the device that I’m looking for. Requesting this communities assistance to guide me. For the last 3-4 years I’ve unfortunately been primarily a live resin cartridge smoker due to convenience and potency.

I bought a volcano hybrid a couple years ago. It’s great, i love it. But it’s not what i would call an “every day device.” For a couple reasons, i have a teenager at home and he can be a little judgy so i don’t use it when he’s there. It’s also a bit of a process because i keep it stored away. It needs to be taken out, heated up, dosing capsule loaded, put into chamber, wait a few minutes for temp, and fill bag. It’s a little more time consuming than i would prefer on a week day.

On top of that, i know this is a weird niche complaint, but im not super excited about the dosing abilities of the volcano where it pertains to bowl sizes. The standard bowl is great for a group, way too much for 1 person. Most of the time I’ll fill up a dosing capsule I’ll fill a bag at 185c and then fill another bag at 220c. 2 bags later i usually feel an itch to hit my live resin 510 shortly after.

Because of this i think im looking for a “heavy hitter” but if I post that to Reddit most recommends will be for the TM2, mighty or venti. I think that I’m probably looking for a portable ball vape style. Although I’ve heard that the TM2 hits pretty hard.

Truth be told I would just like to get ripped more conveniently. But a desktop ball vape doesn’t really work for me. I want to avoid glass pieces and I’m not comfortable with a hot heater sitting around.

Does anyone who has used a tempest think it would fit what I’m looking for?

Also is there a functional difference from torch to something like the inspire wand? A torch seems more convenient because you aren’t a slave to batteries. But because I will occasionally use this device out and about, it would probably be more discreet to use an IH I assume?

Thanks yall.
I've owned a Volacano Hybrid. The Tempest is much more efficient, and enjoyable. I would recommend it over any other vape on the market considering your criteria.

You are correct, Reddit will tell you TM2. TM2 is an amazing vape, but it's not as powerful as people make out. It's better as a low temp taster. But it won't compete with the Tempest in terms of power and extraction speed.

The TI stem also cools enough to where I can inhale the full 0.15g bowl to complete extraction, in one huge lungful, with no coughing. So it's a small package, that gives you the power and cooling of a desktop ball vape with bong.

I only use mine with the wand, and I love the experience. However some much prefer the torch. The fact you have the choice is a big bonus.


New Member
I also want to get the tempest really bad, coming from a volcano and mighty :)
I would like to ask you guys, if you can tell me if all the materials used are completely safe when heated and inhaled? Like all the different balls and whatsoever..


Well-Known Member
I also want to get the tempest really bad, coming from a volcano and mighty :)
I would like to ask you guys, if you can tell me if all the materials used are completely safe when heated and inhaled? Like all the different balls and whatsoever..
Only titanium, zirconium, stainless steel or glass are used in the tip and in the vapour path.

There is some plastic in the Ti mouthpiece, but thr air is cooled by the time it reaches the mp, meaning nothing will be off gassed.

All things considered it's about as pure as dry herb vapes get in terms of using safe materials.


Pranayama; of a sort.
I think this may be the device that I’m looking for. Requesting this communities assistance to guide me. For the last 3-4 years I’ve unfortunately been primarily a live resin cartridge smoker due to convenience and potency.

I bought a volcano hybrid a couple years ago. It’s great, i love it. But it’s not what i would call an “every day device.” For a couple reasons, i have a teenager at home and he can be a little judgy so i don’t use it when he’s there. It’s also a bit of a process because i keep it stored away. It needs to be taken out, heated up, dosing capsule loaded, put into chamber, wait a few minutes for temp, and fill bag. It’s a little more time consuming than i would prefer on a week day.

On top of that, i know this is a weird niche complaint, but im not super excited about the dosing abilities of the volcano where it pertains to bowl sizes. The standard bowl is great for a group, way too much for 1 person. Most of the time I’ll fill up a dosing capsule I’ll fill a bag at 185c and then fill another bag at 220c. 2 bags later i usually feel an itch to hit my live resin 510 shortly after.

Because of this i think im looking for a “heavy hitter” but if I post that to Reddit most recommends will be for the TM2, mighty or venti. I think that I’m probably looking for a portable ball vape style. Although I’ve heard that the TM2 hits pretty hard.

Truth be told I would just like to get ripped more conveniently. But a desktop ball vape doesn’t really work for me. I want to avoid glass pieces and I’m not comfortable with a hot heater sitting around.

Does anyone who has used a tempest think it would fit what I’m looking for?

Also is there a functional difference from torch to something like the inspire wand? A torch seems more convenient because you aren’t a slave to batteries. But because I will occasionally use this device out and about, it would probably be more discreet to use an IH I assume?

Thanks yall.
I have owned all the S&B devices except the Venty & I have them packed in boxes and never use them anymore

I just sold my TM2 - this week actually - as it just doesn't compare to the Tempest (or the TA's) which are the main devices I am using and I much prefer the experience, efficiency and effects from them than the TM2 - was glad someone else wanted it but it just doesn't deliver on effects for me.

The Tempest has all the power and more of the TM2 but with a level of conduction and radiant heat that allows for a more full extraction than I able to achieve with the TM2. It's not just conduction that does this, the bowl of the Tempest has airflow holes that allow the convection air currents to surround the herb which also allows the metal of the bowl to heat up from the heat of the air itself, a really cool feature.

Just on the effects, TM2 being really convection only, it doesn't have the same grounding that the Tempest does with the slight - but important conduction - from the housing to the bottom of the bowl; but also from the vapour to the metal to the herbs in the bowl... this both makes sure you can complete the bowl without stirring but also grounds the effects.

The Wand isn't my favorite device to use with the Tempest, the upcoming Flare is the more affordable IH that should have the power for the Tempest, I am using the Forge at the moment and the Tempest comes alive with a powerful IH.

Before the Forge I was paying with all the torches I could get my hands on and the Tempest can be used with any of them but they take a little bit of practice and technique to get down. I really like the Stingray with the Tempest as you can get the Flame to a good length to be able to control where you heat and not accidently overheat the bowl.

I have ball vapes on my desktop (Screwball, Taroma 360, Tidow wireless stuff, I still have the Cannabis hardware stuff I borrowed) that don't get used very much because the Tempest (and I bundle in my TA's with my Tempest) is the device that I reach for over and over again and I can get effects I am looking for from them - from smaller amount of herb - than using the larger devices which is a key thing for me.

That being said I often use my Screwball (although I am keenly waiting the ability to micro dose with the Screwball) being the one I would choose to keep if I had to get rid of all by PID controlled ball vapes

I also want to get the tempest really bad, coming from a volcano and mighty :)
I would like to ask you guys, if you can tell me if all the materials used are completely safe when heated and inhaled? Like all the different balls and whatsoever..
more than 8 months of daily use and I am fine :)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member

This looks amazing! Was this a pre-release or is this what the final purple looks like?


Well-Known Member
I have owned all the S&B devices except the Venty & I have them packed in boxes and never use them anymore

I just sold my TM2 - this week actually - as it just doesn't compare to the Tempest (or the TA's) which are the main devices I am using and I much prefer the experience, efficiency and effects from them than the TM2 - was glad someone else wanted it but it just doesn't deliver on effects for me.

The Tempest has all the power and more of the TM2 but with a level of conduction and radiant heat that allows for a more full extraction than I able to achieve with the TM2. It's not just conduction that does this, the bowl of the Tempest has airflow holes that allow the convection air currents to surround the herb which also allows the metal of the bowl to heat up from the heat of the air itself, a really cool feature.

Just on the effects, TM2 being really convection only, it doesn't have the same grounding that the Tempest does with the slight - but important conduction - from the housing to the bottom of the bowl; but also from the vapour to the metal to the herbs in the bowl... this both makes sure you can complete the bowl without stirring but also grounds the effects.

The Wand isn't my favorite device to use with the Tempest, the upcoming Flare is the more affordable IH that should have the power for the Tempest, I am using the Forge at the moment and the Tempest comes alive with a powerful IH.

Before the Forge I was paying with all the torches I could get my hands on and the Tempest can be used with any of them but they take a little bit of practice and technique to get down. I really like the Stingray with the Tempest as you can get the Flame to a good length to be able to control where you heat and not accidently overheat the bowl.

I have ball vapes on my desktop (Screwball, Taroma 360, Tidow wireless stuff, I still have the Cannabis hardware stuff I borrowed) that don't get used very much because the Tempest (and I bundle in my TA's with my Tempest) is the device that I reach for over and over again and I can get effects I am looking for from them - from smaller amount of herb - than using the larger devices which is a key thing for me.

That being said I often use my Screwball (although I am keenly waiting the ability to micro dose with the Screwball) being the one I would choose to keep if I had to get rid of all by PID controlled ball vapes

more than 8 months of daily use and I am fine :)
This was my experience with the TM2. Had to use a lot of material to get intended effects. I think it's the best low temp tasting vape ever though. But I agree, the Tempest gets me more medicated, faster, and with less herb.

I would recommend TM2 all day as a supplementary vape. But I would recommend Tempest over it every time as a main daily driver.


Well-Known Member
I ordered the wand to use with the tempest.
Should be fine, right?
Or are there even better options ?

Yogi just wrote about that a few posts up:
The Wand isn't my favorite device to use with the Tempest, the upcoming Flare is the more affordable IH that should have the power for the Tempest, I am using the Forge at the moment and the Tempest comes alive with a powerful IH.
More info on the Flare can be found here:


New Member
@Brenyo do you have enough Reload to purchase with the Tempest later or get the Reload now? Would prefer to save on shipping.
@Brenyo kind of addressed this previously, but I'm in the same boat. Figured I'd order the Reload anyway because while it would be preferable to get that & the Tempest in the same order along with the 20% off the Reload- I really don't want to chance the Reload being OoS later in the month.

Also hoping the mini pots will be back in stock by that point.


Well-Known Member
@Brenyo do you have enough Reload to purchase with the Tempest later or get the Reload now? Would prefer to save on shipping.
Yes, got plenty put away for the launch and the resellers. will be up and running by the time the Tempest is ready for pre-order, correct?
Yes, hopefully it will be ready soon. Pre orders will start at the same time on both websites.

@Brenyo Any update on the Debowler/Digger for the Tempest? I know plans for the original one that wrapped around the cap were scrapped (wish I had it though). Any views on what the new one attached to the leather case will look like?
Stitching like on the top, but the leather quality is not good on that one, just below. The debolwer will have a better finish and the logo.



Well-Known Member
For people who purchased a pre-release Tempest, do you know what we get if we buy the additional kit when the Tempest is released?

I was looking to pick up a Reload Gen 2 but was wondering if I should wait until the kit is available to buy and pickup both at the same time.
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