The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
Only the TA's have interested me since I got the Tempest as I was interested in the heritage of the Tempest as its grandfather (lol) is the Thermal Accumulator and I didn't have one... I love them both but - but the Tempest is unique. Ever since I got a powerful Induction Heater I am struggling to use anything else other than the Tempest and TA's

Well sometimes I use the Vapvana Screwball, Its the only other player on my desk that gets used
Haha, I actually forgot about that. I do fancy having a TA, it is the forerunner after all and I definitely fancy having one. Plus it has a really appealing price.
I agree on Tempest, Reload, wand being the best set up. When indoors it feels like a powerful desktop. The experience of sitting by a river with this set up is just wild. Doesn't feel like a compromise like most portables.
Last big bike ride I went on, when all the hard techy bits were done, I loaded up on the side of a hill, took my time with it, then rolled slowly and happily all the way home along by a rather peaceful local waterway.
For a portable it's just awesome.
Word. Pretty much the same story with me.

I still like my desktop unit, but it's more fiddling...tho it hits and tastes better, but like you said, looks like being in a lab lol. Tempest is more like a smooth operator, elegant, discreet, fast...

Sooo excited about the official release! :clap:
I can't wait either, might not be able to afford a second like I intended, but I'll be buying loads of bits and spares for it.


Well-Known Member
No doubt that being vegan encourages me to roll in vegan circles, which obviously sways my sphere of influence
Maybe someone could confirm but I was pretty sure at least early on the plan was that the case was made from vegan leather? Maybe that changed?

This is the flattened version which will be folded in half, it's not ready yet. Black vegtan leather with thick threading and titanium branded tag finished to match the cooling unit color.
Sorry I was confused, it's vegtan or vegetable tanned leather, not vegan leather!

Edit. Mods please combine my post and delete, apologies for the double post (again :doh:)
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@Brenyo i saw your post about you waiting for stuff to come in from china does that mean we’re looking real good still for a June or early July release? No rush I know it’s hard work just new to the forums so just wanted to get a clearer picture thank you for your time and hard work!


Well-Known Member
Definitely agree, really wish they had a metal case option like the anvil or wood like dynavaps. I can’t stand the feel or smell of leather even without considering the ethical implications.
I'm excited to get the leather one. I'm not using anything at the minute. When I use it outdoors I have the Tempest loaded in my front shirt pocket. So I have to make sure the Reload cools it all the way before I put it back.

I used to have an Anvil and agree the metal case was nice. I didn't like the extra weight. I mainly liked how slim it was. Maybe we see something like that for the Tempest one day.


Putin is a War Criminal
I wanted to take my Tempest out and about and I did not want to wait for Brenyo's case, so I bought one of these leather cases from this French vendor. It was a little pricey for just a case but I really like it. Brenyo's case will likely be a backup but I appreciate that it is included. When I order my update kit I will also be adding on another head for use on glass so I don't have to keep stripping it off of my stems for home use, a Rosewood stem, and some other backup parts like ball retainer disks.


New Member
Info from the Tempest page under Description of Tempest Wood.
Does it mean we get Titanium Revolve Sleeve instead of Tempest Radiator Sleeve?
Or we get both?

"You can get an additional 10% discount by changing the Tempest Cooling Unit assembly to the Revolve Gen 2's CU in BLACK color. There is no performance difference; we just need to make space for new stock. It will also come with a Black Titanium Revolve Sleeve from our factory seconds.
Use the code "BLACK-GEN2-CU" to apply the change after adding the Tempest Wood to your cart.
If you want to save even more, we can offer 15% off by choosing a Rainbow color Revolve Gen 2 CU, which also comes with a Rainbow Titanium Revolve Sleeve.
Use the code "RAINBOW-GEN2-CU"
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Info from the Tempest page under Description of Tempest Wood.
Does it mean we get Titanium Revolve Sleeve instead of Tempest Radiator Sleeve?
Or we get both?

"You can get an additional 10% discount by changing the Tempest Cooling Unit assembly to the Revolve Gen 2's CU in BLACK color. There is no performance difference; we just need to make space for new stock. It will also come with a Black Titanium Revolve Sleeve from our factory seconds.
Use the code "BLACK-GEN2-CU" to apply the change after adding the Tempest Wood to your cart.
If you want to save even more, we can offer 15% off by choosing a Rainbow color Revolve Gen 2 CU, which also comes with a Rainbow Titanium Revolve Sleeve.
Use the code "RAINBOW-GEN2-CU"
You got the wood stem as that’s what you're ordering, you can then change your cooling unit to the revolve one to save 10/15% and you get a free revolve stem. To rephrase up, you get the wood stem and the revolve stem and you would have to buy the radiator sleeve separately if you wanted it.


New Member
You got the wood stem as that’s what you're ordering, you can then change your cooling unit to the revolve one to save 10/15% and you get a free revolve stem. To rephrase up, you get the wood stem and the revolve stem and you would have to buy the radiator sleeve separately if you wanted it.
Is there any confirmed information on how wood stems perform in a tempest, regarding taste and heat transfer?


Hit It & Quit It
@dmitriitkachuk wood stem has nothing to do with flavour as it's lined with stainless steel tube. Its main task is heat isolation which works as it's supposed to, besides neat aesthetics.
I'd recommend getting it as an add-on, besides original titanium stem.
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Putin is a War Criminal
Because the wood stems are lined, I would not expect much difference in "performance" (vapor production and density) between the wood and the titanium. The main differences should be as regards the temperature of the device you are holding in your hand. The wood stems should definitely be cooler to handle (hold) than the titanium stem, just like they are with the Revolve.

Oops, I see @BushRanger beat me to it.

Added: I honestly don't know whether the wood stems absorb the same amount of heat from the vapor or (possibly) less than the titanium ones. I would guess that the titanium may be a little better at cooling based on the fact that it gets warmer. If it is better, it is close enough that I can't easily tell.
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Putin is a War Criminal
Speaking for myself, I'd have to say that the comedy I found in your post was more along the lines of that you were bummed out that the device comes with a case. I think that's pretty funny. I also think it's funny that the arbitrariness of what comes in the box should be up to you and not the vendor. I really couldn't care less about how you feel about leather.

Then again, since I'm apparently a small minded, rude, insensitive jerk, I guess it doesn't matter.


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
Wow. Quite a few more rude, insensitive jerks here than I anticipated.

Someone prompts you to think of the ethical and environmental impacts of unnecessarily using leather and your reaction is to laugh?

I couldn't imagine being so small minded.
I came to the realization that there are many more that don't care than is good for the health of this planet. Majority of countries are consuming more than what the planet can give. It's the truth, even if it hurts our vas.. To stay on topic, I still want a tempest but I'm also responsible for my consumption habits

For those interested, look up Earth Biocapacity & Earth overshoot day..:
"Overshoot occurs when:
The data:
Btw what @AndyO is doing is being a responsible inhabitant of our planet
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Well-Known Member
I'm excited to get the leather one. I'm not using anything at the minute. When I use it outdoors I have the Tempest loaded in my front shirt pocket. So I have to make sure the Reload cools it all the way before I put it back.

This is the case I use. It fints the tempest perfectly and won't fall out. I just needed something to put my hot vape in for the time being. I'm sure the official case will be nicer, but this works perfectly for now.


Well-Known Member
Speaking for myself, I'd have to say that the comedy I found in your post was more along the lines of that you were bummed out that the device comes with a case. I think that's pretty funny.

I'm bummed out that we pay for a case, whether we want it or not, made from a material that's horrific for the animals and for the environment. I made an ethical decision to try and avoid animal products, and whether anyone else wants to make that decision or not, it's insensitive for any product retailer to make that decision on anyone's behalf using their customers' money.

Is it a big enough issue to stop me buying a Tempest? No. (And I'm aware of issues along the supply line with plenty of vapes.)

Was it perhaps thoughtless, insensitive, and completely unnecessary for MH to force it on their customers, a cannabis community that is largely progressive and more likely to consider such issues? Obviously I think so.

Anyway, that's the last I'll say on it, I momentarily forgot that you're not allowed to say anything negative about the Tempest on FC.

I came to the realization that there are many more that don't care than is good for the health of this planet.

Maybe it's my view and experience of the cannabis community that's wrong, and that apathy outweighs progressiveness...


Pranayama; of a sort.
I'm bummed out that we pay for a case, whether we want it or not, made from a material that's horrific for the animals and for the environment. I made an ethical decision to try and avoid animal products, and whether anyone else wants to make that decision or not, it's insensitive for any product retailer to make that decision on anyone's behalf using their customers' money.
I honestly didn't think about it, I sort of assumed vegan leather which now I think about it was probably dumb of me. I get the hole ethical discussion and farming for meat is the number one deforestation issue and contributor to climate change...

While I understand your feelings, I understand it feels like the choice has been made for you and "forced" upon you - BUT I will argue that the materials that went into the battery you use for the Induction Heater you love - probably contains lithium - mine's for lithium are brutal for the planet both in deforestation, toxic run off and are a threat towards species extinction with more than one lithium mine being on the grounds of endangered species - 2 types of flamingo in Chile are at threat of extinction because of lithium mining.

I'm just being a devils advocate, I don't know what the cost of the "leather case" is or whether or not you can ask for it to be excluded from the purchase, It's a choice you have made and I don't see why Brenyo wouldn't be open to discuss it.

Maybe it's my view and experience of the cannabis community that's wrong, and that apathy outweighs progressiveness...
The community is made up of a lot of people that span a lot of different opinions. Thank you for sharing yours.

I can't wait either, might not be able to afford a second like I intended, but I'll be buying loads of bits and spares for it.
I am working on the misses to get her to approve the purchase, I really want to have 2 side by side and all the balls and all the bits... really is going to empty the last of my savings.
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Well-Known Member
As it's opinion time mine is that real apathy is what the system succeeds making people focus on numerous secondary lifestyle issues like veganism instead of the main social progress issues like the exploitation of masses of people and the environment by a wealthy happy few.
I'm not against veganism but you shouldn't be so judgemental, there are a lot of progressive people choosing other priorities around the world. People are still eating meat around the world so leather just exists and is well suited for this use. If you are so pure you should avoid transatlantic shipping for example as it's much worst climate wise than 10 cm of leather.


Pranayama; of a sort.
I'd say bashing random people on the web for accepting leather is like pissing against the wind.
Let's just leave it at its a personal choice and if its something that you don't want to support for whatever reason, have a chat with Brenyo and see what can be done
Was it perhaps thoughtless, insensitive, and completely unnecessary for MH to force it on their customers, a cannabis community that is largely progressive and more likely to consider such issues? Obviously I think so.
I just would like to know if you asked Brenyo if you could exclude it from your package? I think that asking for it to be excluded would be a protest of sorts - If you don't want to support the leather case I can respect that but the "force it onto their customers" without having asked Brenyo is a bit... much imo


Human (H. sapiens x H. neanderthalensis)
Maybe it's my view and experience of the cannabis community that's wrong, and that apathy outweighs progressiveness...
I was tired when I answered here. But I wasn't referring to anyone specific, and not anyone here either. It was more a general opinion about the world
As it's opinion time mine is that real apathy is what the system succeeds making people focus on numerous secondary lifestyle issues like veganism instead of the main social progress issues like the exploitation of masses of people and the environment by a wealthy happy few.
I'm not against veganism but you shouldn't be so judgemental, there are a lot of progressive people choosing other priorities around the world. People are still eating meat around the world so leather just exists and is well suited for this use. If you are so pure you should avoid transatlantic shipping for example as it's much worst climate wise than 10 cm of leather.
This. There is so much wrong with the system and it is not a conspiracy theory. We humans are using up more resources than earth's capacity to regenerate. But as Sativapo says there are those much more responsible for this.
But i still stand by what I said, about there still being too many that don't care much. But I don't mean that they are purposely doing harm & not giving a shit. The harm is done by an economic system that pushes consumerism, as an example.


Well-Known Member
The synthetic leather i tried on butane vapes was awful. It melted when i try to decap them. The real leather is great for its resistance to the heat. The BFG leather case is a great example of it.

@AndyO just tell brenyo to exclude your leathercase. It is a free accessory with a full tempest kit, you don’t pay for it.
Also it is easy to find other options on ali or similar webs. Example:

————-Off Topic Out—————

Guys how much do you take to heat up your tempest with flame? I read there are people who like to heat up the tempest with a single flame, and the times I tried I found it slow and the stem to get more hot that usual. I use dual or triple flame.
With a good triple flame I need ~20 seconds to reach the 2nd line and ~26/27 seconds to reach the 3rd one





Well-Known Member
I know it's easy to ask them to just not send me the leather case, but it bums me out just a little bit that it's a default option that I'm paying for.

No doubt that being vegan encourages me to roll in vegan circles, which obviously sways my sphere of influence - but I know so many people making this change for a kinder and healthier planet now (and human consumption of cows is both so cruel, and so bad for the planet), it would be much more sensitive to not be charging me for it, and instead offer it as an additional purchase if you want it.

Even aside from the unnecessary usage of cows, it's also going to be wastage, thus even more unnecessary for so many of us VAS sufferers (who are going to be the Tempest's early adopters.) I have an Anvil case and a Slingstash already, both which are hard cases, both which have different style decappers on them. I already have a leather Dani case that I forgot to ask Wesley not to send. So not only is it unnecessary, but it's inferior to what I have.

Whether it adds $1 or $10 to the price, it's pretty arbitrary to include a case but not, say, a full set of ball options, which I daresay would be of more use to more people.

I can fully understand as I also consider myself a vegan, although I know I can't by selling leather. However, I am very environmentally conscious and try to minimize the environmental impact of my packaging and products as much as possible.

I initially tried to create a hard case, but unfortunately it failed and I couldn’t find a good alternative that would be equally convenient for the user and affordable enough to include for free.

As far as I know, leather is a byproduct of the meat industry. Cows are not slaughtered specifically for their hides, which might otherwise go to waste so using leather could be seen as a more ethical choice, as it makes full use of the animal. You could argue that making a case from wood or metal might be worse for the environment in this case. Other leathers could be a completely different story ofc.

Happy to replace the case for anything in a similar price range, just leave a note with the order please.

@Brenyo i saw your post about you waiting for stuff to come in from china does that mean we’re looking real good still for a June or early July release?
That was for the Reloads, the Tempests are not on the way yet. I think there will be some delay as the cases and boxes are still not finished :(
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Hit It & Quit It
Guys how much do you take to heat up your tempest with flame? I read there are people who like to heat up the tempest with a single flame, and the times I tried I found it slow and the stem to get more hot that usual. I use dual or triple flame.
With a good triple flame I need ~20 seconds to reach the 2nd line and ~26/27 seconds to reach the 3rd one
Lately I prefer single flame with medium size torch, which takes me about 25 seconds to get a nice bright brown roast. I like the extra convection single flame offers.
Loading the Tempest with some Bangi Haze makes you jump around and do things lol.

Waiting to get my hands on some borosilicate balls to try'em with quad flame.

Aja, chevere camiseta, acompana bien las ultimas discusiones... :)
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New Member
Because the wood stems are lined, I would not expect much difference in "performance" (vapor production and density) between the wood and the titanium. The main differences should be as regards the temperature of the device you are holding in your hand. The wood stems should definitely be cooler to handle (hold) than the titanium stem, just like they are with the Revolve.

Oops, I see @BushRanger beat me to it.

Added: I honestly don't know whether the wood stems absorb the same amount of heat from the vapor or (possibly) less than the titanium ones. I would guess that the titanium may be a little better at cooling based on the fact that it gets warmer. If it is better, it is close enough that I can't easily tell.
But in manual there is an info that wood stem actually heats significantly more than original stem for Revolve 2


Well-Known Member
I'm bummed out that we pay for a case, whether we want it or not, made from a material that's horrific for the animals and for the environment. I made an ethical decision to try and avoid animal products, and whether anyone else wants to make that decision or not, it's insensitive for any product retailer to make that decision on anyone's behalf using their customers' money.

Is it a big enough issue to stop me buying a Tempest? No. (And I'm aware of issues along the supply line with plenty of vapes.)

Was it perhaps thoughtless, insensitive, and completely unnecessary for MH to force it on their customers, a cannabis community that is largely progressive and more likely to consider such issues? Obviously I think so.

Anyway, that's the last I'll say on it, I momentarily forgot that you're not allowed to say anything negative about the Tempest on FC.

Maybe it's my view and experience of the cannabis community that's wrong, and that apathy outweighs progressiveness...
Look, I’m not getting into the moralities of veganism/meat eating.
This is directly from google as the highlighted response: “Globally this would see 300 million hides wasted and 6.6 million tons of surplus emissions every year. The US leather industry is helping cattle ranchers target zero waste by currently recycling 85% of cattle hides produced compared to a worldwide estimate of just 60%.”
There is so much hide wasted, that making use of leftover leather would be better for the planet than not.
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