The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Pranayama; of a sort.
@VapingYogi wow 16 seconds! What balls are you using? (And almost closed airflow like the TA?)
I am using EDIT: 3mm - I had to measure one as I had forgotten - it is the size of the last post from Brenyo about 14/Feb - I believe the release is going to have 3mm Zrc

I have the forge set up to a estimated power level / joules, I have only been playing around with it for a few hours, but it seems to be a decent run with the settings I have at the moment...

The Tempest is "closed" airflow on the cap, or as closed off as I can get it to be as I prefer a very restricted draw.

It really is a impressive combination and I'm getting a better - more consistent - avb than when I was playing with the torches
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Well-Known Member
@VapingYogi wow. I supposed it was with glass it can be even faster :o
It´s a shame i dont like the forge, a truly flame substitude for home use

(Edit: i like the wand. But there is noticeable difference between flame and wand, even if i use the wand 80% of the time. And the power gets worse when the batteries are at 60/70%)


Pranayama; of a sort.
@VapingYogi wow. I supposed it was with glass it can be even faster :o
It´s a shame i dont like the forge, a truly flame substitude for home use

(Edit: i like the wand. But there is noticeable difference between flame and wand, even if i use the wand 80% of the time. And the power gets worse when the batteries are at 60/70%)
That's the thing I hate the wand, its drives me bonkers. I have liked that the Forge is that its powerful enough to cherry the TA in as few as 15 seconds and gentle enough to heat the Tempest and the Tempest reacts well to being heated from every angle at once inn a way that seems to be avoiding some of the issues I was having with excess radiant heat or bowl scorching - at least in the 20 or so hits I have done with the Tempest today.

I was thinking the "Flare" was going to be a better companion to the Tempest, it hasn't dropped yet so but its one that I was watching to pair with the Tempest so I am interested to see what happens when that drops.

I will swap to boro and do a test to see the time difference.
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Well-Known Member
I was thinking the "Flare" was going to be a better companion to the Tempest, it hasn't dropped yet so but its one that I was watching to pair with the Tempest so I am interested to see what happens when that drops.
I’m waiting for the Flare too. But i think they have problems… In the beta video the guy needed to add a copper fmj to the anvil duracore to reach 105W instead 55W (firmware things i suppose). And we didn’t see the tempest with it (the final version of the yllih didn’t recognize the tempest and the flare is based on the yllih). Another point is how much time the 18650 battery can hold 110/120W. Maybe they need to use 21700….we’ll see we’ll see…


Vape swap shop
I’m waiting for the Flare too. But i think they have problems… In the beta video the guy needed to add a copper fmj to the anvil duracore to reach 105W instead 55W (firmware things i suppose). And we didn’t see the tempest with it (the final version of the yllih didn’t recognize the tempest and the flare is based on the yllih). Another point is how much time the 18650 battery can hold 110/120W. Maybe they need to use 21700….we’ll see we’ll see…

I am waiting on the flare as well. Its in production right now, should be June.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, new FC user here. Been lurking on this thread in anticipation of the Tempest :)

Q: a few pages back, someone mentioned discoloration on the colored part of their Tempest bowl. does everybody with a colored Tempest experience this? I'm less concerned about aesthetics (I enjoy a good patina), more about whether I'll be inhaling dye of some kind :tinfoil:

I know next to nothing about anodization so let me know if this concern is unfounded!


Well-Known Member
What’s the Flare?
Induction heater by Battery Free Ganz (BFG), maker of the Dani TED
Hi all, new FC user here. Been lurking on this thread in anticipation of the Tempest :)

Q: a few pages back, someone mentioned discoloration on the colored part of their Tempest bowl. does everybody with a colored Tempest experience this? I'm less concerned about aesthetics (I enjoy a good patina), more about whether I'll be inhaling dye of some kind :tinfoil:

I know next to nothing about anodization so let me know if this concern is unfounded!
I have a little of this, too, and I'm pretty sure it's due to tiny amounts of vapor condensation


Well-Known Member
I think DLC and PVD finishes are better with high heat than an anodize finish. I have a black unit (DLC) and it does have a slight discolouration. IMO, of no concern, but unfinished is an option.


Well-Known Member
Induction heater by Battery Free Ganz (BFG), maker of the Dani TED

I have a little of this, too, and I'm pretty sure it's due to tiny amounts of vapor condensation
i definitely dont think its vapor build up. Check my picture a few pages back it's a perfect circle at the top of where the wand adapter heats the tempest.
For people that have the tempest and or revolve gen 2. Is it better to get a WPA like the one they sold on their site 10mm to 14mm or get a separate 10mm piece just for that.


Putin is a War Criminal
If you're using it on water, I skip the stem completely and attach the head of the Tempest to a WPA directly. With water, it really doesn't need the extra cooling of the stem and I would rather not have to clean it. Away from the house I use the regular stem without any glass. The stem does a decent job of cooling.
Same is true of my revolves. I put the dynavap tip and cap on a glass adapter directly when at home on water.
I use something like this


Well-Known Member
For people that have the tempest and or revolve gen 2. Is it better to get a WPA like the one they sold on their site 10mm to 14mm or get a separate 10mm piece just for that.
It’s a custom and you would need to reach out to request one but I have a sleeve made for the tempest by @Zasquatch and know he has made others, where the body of the sleeve fits 14mm, so you can use it in either 10mm or 14mm all while being able to still hit it native with all the cooling features of the stem itself. Or you can remove the cooling spiral/mp and just use it as a 14mm WPA so you can avoid dirtying the spiral as well. I usually just leave it all together cause I’m lazy haha or if it’s too long for a piece.

Definitely my favorite accessory I’ve bought for any of my vapes. Here it is in action:
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Well-Known Member
So neither of you use the official WPA? I'm just thinking about accessories at this point and am still unsure on the WPA.


Well-Known Member
So neither of you use the official WPA? I'm just thinking about accessories at this point and am still unsure on the WPA.
I don’t believe there is an “official” wpa for the tempest, the adapter they sell on the site is just an adapter to convert your 14mm piece to accept 10mm, which the Tempest mp is. You could get that adapter along with the tempest when available but you can also find the same adapter from many places, the one on the MH is unground though which is better to not scratch the mp if you go that route.

Before I got this sleeve, I would use my tempest on a Dynavap VonG stem which fit 14mm and 10mm natively so I could keep the Tempest stem cleaner when running through a piece.

The Tempest head fits any 8mm stem so that means any Dynavap or third party Dynavap stem. So you could essentially get any 8mm WPA to use if you wanted to have that as its own use for water when not hitting natively.


Any tips for getting the metal screen in and out for the balls? Also, where can I get more of this screens? I kind of mangled one


Well-Known Member
Vestratto Forge with the Tempest is as good or better than what I can achieve with a Torch...

Thermal Accumulator 4 (0:00-1:06) --> Anvil (1:07-2:00) --> Tempest (2:01-End)

The Tempest is on a vortex as my Revolve was warm after using my TA4 on it just before hand.... and my Tempest cooling unit needs a new mouth piece still...

I might just put away the torches... all freakin 5 of the new ones I just bought.... ah well - it was all for science & I wanted to test the Tempest in every possible way I could think of..... I have broken 2 tempest caps, a mouth piece and a visual indicator spring in my attempt to put the Tempest through *laughs* about 3 years worth of a normal persons use - compacted into 7 months of testing...

Anyway the video of the Forge & stuff

I am SO excited to see the updated website with the parts and things (I really want a little green indicator dial, just because), and I think we are all excited about the release version (and the updates to our beta devices) and finally having everything being calibrated to @Brenyo's level of satisfaction :) as we all know, he is very meticulous and has put so much work into this device, its just so cool seeing it almost over the line.... so close...

When we all have the click discs and visual indicators working, its going to take the guess work out of using the Tempest. It wasn't until I got the test click discs and vi that I was able to really dial in my technique with the torches and the wand (which I can throw away at LAST).
I see you held the Tempest in the hole. Does one have to hold it there or can it be hands free like the other 2?


Well-Known Member
Any tips for getting the metal screen in and out for the balls? Also, where can I get more of this screens? I kind of mangled one
If you have a small flathead screwdriver I’ve had that work, but the reload 2’s debowler is also shaped to fit it to unscrew them. The screen for the balls screws in and out.

As for replacements, possibly someone has found alternatives elsewhere if you search the thread, but you can get them from mad heaters site:
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Is microdosing doable with the Tempest? Or overkill? I ask as a low-tolerance microdoser (a.k.a "cheap date") whose nightly average is a loosely-packed quarter bowl in a Revolve Gen II.

I've been reluctant to take my Revolve to a noisy park out of fear of not being able to hear the click and combusting. A big draw of the Tempest, for me, is the visual indicator.

Any Tempest microdosers here? Would appreciate your feedback. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
As a torch-only user, I wonder if I could use the Tempest head on a rig without spinning the Tempest. Or is that a bad idea?
I feel that since you are only transferring heat to the balls and not the herb directly, it wouldn’t matter if it’s unevenly heated?
Or would heating one side for 10 seconds and then the other work?

Silly question, but maybe someone has an answer for the turning question as I very much liked that feature on the Anvil/Dani.
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Well-Known Member
Is microdosing doable with the Tempest?
Sure! You could load just half of the bowl in the half bowl setting for a minimal hit. Dyna style if ya will.
heating one side for 10 seconds and then the other work?
Hmm.. maybe. This would be more feasible to avoid an uneven roast but more time each side. Bushranger was moving his back and forth slowly which reminded me of it
Happy Easter everyone! :wave:
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