The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie


Well-Known Member
I did use the manual

oh this is huge, thanks! I never considered that my wand insert might be the problem. Here is a picture of my tempest in the wand with the vi pointing towards me:

You can see that the VI is completely obscured and useless. What do you think would be a good way for me to get a good wand insert? Do I literally have to buy 3 of them and hope one is good? @Brenyo is this an issue MH is aware of? Do I have any options to get a working wand insert through MH?
Try drawing on the device about 9-10 seconds while in the wand. The Tempest is very easy and consistent to gauge extraction strength this way. I do it all the time when looking through the adaptor is tricky.

General Disaster

Of cabbages and Kings.
Revolve gen 2, just wanted the full tempest experience with the heat shield. thankfully got a factory second right after i posted this.
FYI: I've found the wood sleeve's work really well with the Revolve2 + Tempest head & bowl and so little difference from a wood Tempest it's not worth mentioning (says he, while mentioning it).
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