Blower of glass, grower of grass
The Beast 

Im sad mine burned up.
Older Tops.
Ah, so! That would be the one that went south and got replaced with the R prefix one? Thanks.
That means the 'which cart to use' chart is no longer valid as well, right? You basically can't use the third range in the chart or the center listing on the graph for each value on the bottom of:
Is this documentation still included in new Perseis? If so, I think it should be pulled out?
Your cart or your top? I hope the former..
I have a question for anybody that knows. PV is still selling the Persei kit with two tops. Is it safe to asssume those are all "old tops"?
Me too, me too, and again, but now we can't run mid voltage on the Core? (without buying an unregulated top) What?The tops. I was an early adopter of the SR-71 and managed to go a good 3+ months before I killed my OG Persei top with it. Replaced under warranty though, so no major downtime.
yeah, bummer. I am about to recieve a core, and I actually use 3.7 v herc the most, but I was hoping to use the pass through with the hammer for dabs.
@kindbeats,Damn, that's a bummer and a deal breaker for me at moment.I almost pulled the trigger on The Core but my ideal temps for perfect taste/large hits fall between about 5.8v to 6.2v, so it may not be worth it for me to invest in one at the moment. Can I use my Iris with the Core to achieve voltages in that range? I absolutely love the idea of a variable voltage pass through, but it won't help me much if I can't dial into the voltage I want.
EDIT: Perhaps you guys should add a disclaimer in the description on your site? I can imagine some folks would be pretty pissed only to discover the problem after purchasing it.
I've been ready to pull the trigger on the Core also(Right, Naomi?) and have been hesitant for the same reason.Are the new tops going be the solution to this problem for sure? I'm afraid to buy a core and see a core v2 come out a few months later...
Is that on an atmos battery?![]()
Adapter finally came in. What a joke. But finally.
Now I need to see if there's any piece of metal with 510 threading to cover the adapter. There must be!
Is that on an atmos battery?
Testing with a hammer top and core I can only use 3.5-4.3 then 6.5 and up.
So new mechanical tops/inserts are being made to fix this, what about a mech hammer for the bender.
I don't understand what your concern is. Your friend could hold down the button on a sr74 for minutes and you wouldn't have a nuclear meltdown (Well maybe he could melt/burn all the wax out of it but that's a different problem)I still have a few 5ohm carts going and the 6v setup is great for handing to a friend to try without worrying about a nuclear meltdown. (I find that no matter how thoroughly you try to make them understand to only touch the button for a couple secs and let off they invariably proceed to mash the button down and hold it)..
This makes me extremely wary of "upgrading" to a SR-71 if ultimately I may have to have the top replaced... Another option?