The 2.4 carts kickS my %$#*!
If you need more then go for it!
Isn't the order 1.5 - 5.0?
Can I have whatever YOUR VAPING?
just called out of work for my dentists appointment tomorrow
now i just hope the oil comes tomorrow !
Where is oil coming from?
as I'm not in a medical state I'd rather not state where/how I am receiving the oils. it's also against forum rules due to that so sorry but I can't
lets just say I know somebody that knows somebody that knows somebody's cousin that knows a guy who knows a guy in a medical state who knows a girl that dates a guy that happens to make fantastic oils.
lets also say that I'm pretty bored and that was all a bunch of bs. but yea forum rules .. illegal .. can't say. sorry
ohh ! well no not a collective. made by a guy who knows what he's doing though
& what's the gloc ?
honestly, is it a waste of time trying to fill a cartridge with a bic lighter? the manual says it's okay but that one youtube video where the guy uses the bic and it gets messy doesn't make it look very convincing. i don't own a butane lighter.
all i need now is the oil !
Nope.. Just take extra precaution to not get goop in the threads of the empty socket. I think some people had issue getting just one to work with a 3.7V battery (something got revised to fix it)? Never had the problem myself.
From a friend: BUBBA KUSH (TOP), CACTUS COOLER (BOTTOM)from a friend. can't say more
honestly, is it a waste of time trying to fill a cartridge with a bic lighter? the manual says it's okay but that one youtube video where the guy uses the bic and it gets messy doesn't make it look very convincing. i don't own a butane lighter.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I was looking at those really cheap lighters but I was worried about them blowing up in my faceif you've been using them and they haven't blown up yet they must be OK
I got my PERSEI on the way and just ordered a 5 pack of cartridges, some doob tubes, new mouthpieces, and extra 18650 battery. My roommates are gonna be so mad when I stop throwing down on spliffs![]()
I placed an order on the 4th for some new carts and it is still 'awaiting fulfillment.' What happened to the awesome customer service of delta9??? This is my 8th order from them and I have never had to wait this long for it to ship.. I should have ordered from planetvape.
haha sorry for all the questions recently
i noticed on the wiki that it says a USB pass thru system is in development? is this still happening, and if it does, wouldn't it limit you to only using certain cartridges at specific voltage settings in order to not exceed 1.5A? maybe i should just get an omi light for that, lol
also it said some people manually like to shove room temp earwax into the carts... anyone been doing this with regularity? i'm just worried about risk of damage to cartridges.
The 7.4v Hercules, with a 1.5 Ohm resistance, draws just a shade under 5 Amps at 7.4v - more with fresh-off-the-charger 8.4v cells. At 1.6 Ohms (the other reported measure, and what mine is), the current is about 6% less - little difference.My Hercules 7.4v is only doing two or three tanks on a freshly charged set of batteries before I have to recharge again. The herc is a battery hog