Please elaborate on your technique, I'm sure many would be interested. My defective Herc has very low vapor production, no clouds.Refining my technique on herc (using earwax consistency extract), has increased efficiency 3x at least!
You better have a chair close by for this (Hercules, of course)
I'm compiling a list of cleaning instructions and some warnings for all of the new Hercules owners from what I've read so far in this thread.
Please inform me if I have any incorrect information, or if something needs to be added.
Since some people have encountered issues from boiling the bottom connector, outer sleeve and mouth piece, I figured an ISO soak, followed by a rinse in some very hot water might be a better idea.
1. Completely disassemble the Hercules.
**DO NOT boil the bottom connector, outer sleeve or the mouth piece**
2. Soak the bottom connector, outer sleeve and the mouth piece in 99% ISO for 5 minutes and then do a rinse in VERY HOT water.
3. Put all of the remaining pieces into a stainless mesh strainer and soak in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes.
4. Once you've boiled the remaining pieces for 5 minutes, remove them and set with the bottom connector, outer sleeve and mouthpiece. Blow as much of the water out of all of the pieces and then let them sit to dry for 10-15 minutes.
5. Reassemble your Hercules and dry fire for 30 seconds allowing it to cool down 1 minute. Repeat this process 5 times.
Cleaning and break in are now complete. You are now ready to begin using your Hercules!
**Never load more then .2g-.3g of oil in the tank**
**Always begin inhaling just before you activate the Persei and continue for 10-20 seconds after deactivating the Persei**
**Never breathe into the Hercules**
**The bottom connector is not completely sealed and the heating element needs to have a bit of movement so that it will not crack during heavy use**
10-30 second warm up for thick oils and wax.
**Always begin inhaling just before you activate the Persei and continue for 10-20 seconds after deactivating the Persei**
**10-30 second warm up time for thicker oils and waxes - when you hear the sizzle be prepared for massive clouds**
So are you supposed to be inhailing on the warm up time?
Because I thought no which would make those 2 statments contradictive.
Sorry but hese aren't good instructions to me.
It sounds like your saying to start hitting before activating and continue during warm up 10-30 seconds actually get your hit and continue to hit for 10-20 more seconds. Who can really continuously draw in air for close to a minute.
I know thats not what you are really saying cause I have been paying attention to how all of these people are using them. but to someone with no knowledge about these at all might not understand correctly.
I've heard you should always be inhaling a bit... and then I've heard wait for it to warm up a little and then hit a bit...
This is just info based on what everyone's said so far, including G, but I'll remove those notes since I guess they'll cause confusion...
I dont think yo need to change both statements maybe just the the part about inhaling first.keep the cool down part.
And keep to hole other part about 10-30 seconds then hit. Thats good info.
Sorry i dont me to be nit picky just trying to help.
I have found the most important thing is to prime or prep your load, after I put about half of my .3g in I melt it into plate w/bic not to much heat just melt it, then put in the rest and melt! Now your ready for mass clouds w/very little wait time.
I'm compiling a list of cleaning instructions and some warnings for all of the new Hercules owners from what I've read so far in this thread.
Please inform me if I have any incorrect information, or if something needs to be added.
Since some people have encountered issues from boiling the bottom connector, outer sleeve and mouth piece, I figured an ISO soak, followed by a rinse in some very hot water might be a better idea.
1. Completely disassemble the Hercules.
**DO NOT boil the bottom connector, outer sleeve or the mouth piece**
2. Soak the bottom connector, outer sleeve and the mouth piece in 99% ISO for 5 minutes and then do a rinse in VERY HOT water.
3. Put all of the remaining pieces into a stainless mesh strainer and soak in a pot of boiling water for 5 minutes.
4. Once you've boiled the remaining pieces for 5 minutes, remove them and set with the bottom connector, outer sleeve and mouthpiece. Blow as much of the water out of all of the pieces and then let them sit to dry for 10-15 minutes.
5. Reassemble your Hercules and dry fire for 30 seconds allowing it to cool down 1 minute. Repeat this process 5 times.
Cleaning and break in are now complete. You are now ready to begin using your Hercules!
**Never load more then .2g-.3g of oil in the tank**
**10-30 second warm up time for thicker oils and waxes - when you hear the sizzle be prepared for massive clouds**
**Preheating your oils a little once they're in the tank but before loading the tank into the Hercules will drastically decrease warm up times**
**Always continue to hit the Hercules for at least 10-20 seconds after your last hit to cool it down properly**
**Never breathe into the Hercules**
**The bottom connector is not completely sealed and the heating element needs to have a bit of movement so that it will not crack during heavy use**
So does that mean it will be white PFTE like the prototype was?guys looks like we are moving into Teflon on the outside shell and the bottom insulator.
So are you supposed to be inhailing on the warm up time?
Because I thought no which would make those 2 statments contradictive.
Sorry but hese aren't good instructions to me.
It sounds like your saying to start hitting before activating and continue during warm up 10-30 seconds actually get your hit and continue to hit for 10-20 more seconds. Who can really continuously draw in air for close to a minute.
I know thats not what you are really saying cause I have been paying attention to how all of these people are using them. but to someone with no knowledge about these at all might not understand correctly.
They ought to give bonus grouplikeyou points or whatever they are for this sort of thing. Summaries and FAQs that people gather, even without popping them on vpedia, should be praised to the skies.
I praise thee to the skies.
Thanks for the kind words JDR, I'm just trying to make life easier for everyone!
If I knew how, I'd definitely make a Hercules page for vaporpedia so everyone could view and update it as we gather more information!
Thats Awesome, i was one of the first to post about the spinning threaded part where the mouthpiece screws in, it finally came off but now i can just snap it on or off!!!guys looks like we are moving into Teflon on the outside shell and the bottom insulator.
its for the bender. to act as a screen to keep herb from sucking throughorganic cotton???