Im with you there. A lot of people on here just burn off the ISO or just let that the iso air dry.After I pull it out of ISO do I need to rinse with water to get the ISO off? How should I dry it? I don't want to be vaping in ISO chemicals...
i specifically asked G if i should dry burn it like i did with my old pen or rinse it off under water and let it air dry. He suggested the rinse and air dry. Thats what i have done and have gotten great results. People here say that if you let the iso air dry thats good enough but id rather be safe than sorry.
So what i do is, soak in Iso for about an hr. Rinse under sink for a few seconds. Blow off/out/away any excess moisture and let air dry for a few hours. Should be good to go. Best to do it at night, that way you dont have to wait for it to dry