Well I received my Hercules about 10 days ago along with a few KISS carts (always have to do larger orders as in EU). Extremely happy I went to ISO soak my Hercules and whilst waiting put on the 7.4v KISS cart 5ohm with the 7.4v battery set up as I always have done. After about 10 secs I noticed it heating up and suddenly smoke was coming out the side with burning plastic smell. I immediately unscrewed the top, let it cool down and tried again with 3.7v set up just to see if still worked and sure enough looks like the top burnt out. Can't understand why as did nothing different that had been doing last couple months...suppose the new cart may have had something wrong or Persei got too excited with the new cart... : /
Anyways, feeling pretty devestated created a support ticket immediately as being in EU will always take longer to resolve and also far more costly. I purchased mine from eBay from a legitimate seller (mainly as shipping costs were so reasonable) and therefore would need to purchase the warrantee at $60 on top of shipping so was wondering whether was worth even creating a support ticket.
Support responded fairly quickly and really kindly said that they were looking into sorting a replacement top for me! Was extremely happy as thought would either a) have to pay for a new one which couldn't afford right now having spent near $1000 on Uptech products last 3 months lol and b) the time this process would take is too much for me staring at my Herc day in lol.
This was about 8 days ago and have messaged a couple times back to see if any news but haven't heard back from support yet? Was hoping that maybe THCScientific may read this and try help me out as I know how great you guys are at support which is also why bought into the brand
Am dreaming daily of using my new Herc 7.4! Also very much hoping to purchase the triton as soon as available to improve my okeanos experience as has been somewhat difficult to say the least - broke glass - my fault, replaced glass, glass now little too big and leaks, added orings, added another oring as per suggestion but still clogging : / Actually works ok without water tho! And I still love it. I'm sure it's a very sound investment though as have full confidence in the makers!
Be really appreciative if support could help me out or let me know an ETA/Update. Obviously if have to purchase a new one I will reluctantly do so in the next 2-3 weeks as have all the attachments and moreover LOVE my Persei

Has literally changed my smoking life!
Thanks and apologies for rambling..
P.S Where is it possible to buy a replacement cart for the Okeanos? I was just using another KISS cart which worked fine until I read that a specific one was need to work with it. I have so many I cant remember which bottom part it was in case wanted to recyle...Thanks