Any word on the 1701s? Trying to be as patient as possible, but im going bald from this hair-tearing time-lapse.
Any word on the 1701s? Trying to be as patient as possible, but im going bald from this hair-tearing time-lapse.
Unfortunately no battery that I know of can monitor temps without having a sensor inside the cartridge.
The battery And the cartridge MUST be used together. The Dabbler cartridge does have sensor inside the cartridge and in the battery.
I'm sure that statement is true, you don't know of such a system, or you'd likely tell us so.
However, you actually do know one of a sort, bit I don't think you recognize it. A while back we were discussing this very point as a feature of the SR71 heater, right? The resistance changes with temperature?
Put another way, if SR71 current reduces when it's hot, if I can measure the exact current I know how hot.
Exactly so. Matching the temperature vrs resistance 'curve' to the measured resistance at any point will tell you the temperature to some accuracy. Or at least you can do that. I can think of a couple of ways that might be done 'on the fly', can't you?
That means, of course, a match. "Any old cart" won't work.
As long as it's at least possible I'm not going to call the man a liar until I have some evidence he's not telling it straight.
If 'self regulation' is possible in SR71, I suggest the same technology could deliver 'smart regulation'?
Temp control implies no matter what cart I put on it it's going to be the same temp.
like I stated the cart and battery is matched for final output no controlling is needed.
As for the Herc self regulation then please show me any wire heater that works the same.
What your saying is that the device has a built in variable watt system like the kick in witch it limits the watts to 6 no matter what cartridge. If that's the case they would not need the "our cart only works with our device" statement again.
Only way is to take a 1.5 ohm cart and put it on the unit and compare it to the original and if the 1.5 cart gets hotter then no temp control exists.
If you think the ego batteries have that capability I have land on the moon I want to sell ya.
OF voltage is constant on most of these ego batteries, only a select few do a complete voltage (basically what ever the battery voltage is).
Your points are correct and I'm not saying your wrong. I'm saying no ego battery has this capability. I guarantee it so much that I'm willing to bet on it.
Your points are correct and I'm not saying your wrong. I'm saying no ego battery has this capability.
To say that voltage gets bumped up or drops because if wire resistance requires circuitry that just won't fit in that housing. The ego battery just simply provides voltage.
Now I can bet you also that the constant voltage of the battery coupled with the atomizer is what is being regarded as controlled.
If it detects temperatures then running it dry would mean that it will just simply shut down the current so as the atomizer does t over hear.
Let's get back to the how good of a job it does or doesn't in real life,with concentrates(or flowers for those who like it for that) not Rain Man numbers/theory. Just my.
Learn me on all these different "rods";white, blue, plaid?? I didn't see them on the website.
@Rhino420---Thank you very much for the very informative response to my post. I really appreciate you taking the time to do that. Would I have to "cut my coils" using the black rod? or is that just with the white rod? I will have nothing like PG(I assume you mean either that Pure Gold stuff i hear about or the Propylene Glycol stuff used in e-cigs), only using top shelf honeycomb,moonrock,waxy stuff, shatter and the like. Is that not recommended to use in the persei, all pass the foil test with flying colors. I hope the Persei isn't only for liquid-y type concentrates.
If the black rod can utilize the types of concentrates I use, maybe I should just wait for the black rod, no?
2-3 sessions per set of batts, kind of sounds a bit low, but I would possibly consider buying "the core" power supply that I read about on the Persei website. I would use my Persei all thru the day, so I may go poor buying batts if they only can handle 2-3 sessions per charge
Can you use the SS(the shorter one) body with these "rods"? That may be a deal breaker for me, I need the shorter body for stealth and portability reasons.
@Rhino420---Thank you very much for the very informative response to my post. I really appreciate you taking the time to do that. Would I have to "cut my coils" using the black rod? or is that just with the white rod? I will have nothing like PG(I assume you mean either that Pure Gold stuff i hear about or the Propylene Glycol stuff used in e-cigs), only using top shelf honeycomb,moonrock,waxy stuff, shatter and the like. Is that not recommended to use in the persei, all pass the foil test with flying colors. I hope the Persei isn't only for liquid-y type concentrates.
If the black rod can utilize the types of concentrates I use, maybe I should just wait for the black rod, no?
2-3 sessions per set of batts, kind of sounds a bit low, but I would possibly consider buying "the core" power supply that I read about on the Persei website. I would use my Persei all thru the day, so I may go poor buying batts if they only can handle 2-3 sessions per charge.
Can you use the SS(the shorter one) body with these "rods"? That may be a deal breaker for me, I need the shorter body for stealth and portability reasons.
Thanks again for your help Rhino420!
Of I'm not contesting the fact you can monitor the wire resistance and adjust accordingly.
What I am saying is look at the evidence. If it can control temperatures then it can control all other cartridges.
Now your turn.
I agree with OF, if there is a linear relationship between current and temp as characterized by the mfg, then a feedback system could be designed to use this value as a feedback system.
If another cart is used with different characteristics then it wouldn't work correctly
In fact the ego does not have that capability.
Agreed. No Ego supply I know regulates temperature either.
The topic, back when, was does the Dabbler do this however. Not Ego I thought. That's what was labeled "bs and straight out lies". I think it's at least possible to do with only two leads. It does not need a thermocouple, in fact all the vapes I know off hand except the Bud Toaster use thermistors. Much easier to use, which is why they're in such common use. That was my point, I really don't understand how Ego keeps showing up. I agree, if the topic is temperature control, Ego is not the product to look to.
Because the said unit is a ego battery and nothing else. That's why it's branded as an ego.
I missed that part, can you please show me where they claim it's an Ego? The web site claims it's made by 'Vape Pen' (whoever they are....) and features "Advanced microprocessor temperature monitoring" which standard Egos don't.
I threw some of those in my trash can to make room for my good stuff!The Dabbler is push-button operated and contains a high-capacity rechargeable battery and an advanced microprocessor controller. This specially programmed chip monitors the temperature and timing, to assure a superior vaporization experience with maximum efficiency and safety.
The Dabbler is push-button operated and contains a high-capacity rechargeable battery and an advanced microprocessor controller. This specially programmed chip monitors the temperature and timing, to assure a superior vaporization experience with maximum efficiency and safety.