As Above ∞ So Below
Teak, classy shit
Teak, classy shit
TommydCat: I make things work for the fun of it!Freakin' MacGyver...
You're ahead of your time - most people pay a couple more zeros at the end of that type of technology!![]()
Got my SS kit, ejuice carts/tank, extra batteries and extract cartridges from d9v yesterday!! I really like the SS kit and the quad coil cartomizers. The ss ejuice tank leaks like crazy though, maybe I'm doing something wrong.
Once my SMA is finished I will have a rig made for the HERCULES for WATER PATH. I have a rig now that's really ugly however it works:My Nibbler X and two new 2.4 ohm carts arrive tomorrow and I'm friggin' stoked to give them a go!I'm just hoping that this time around, the carts won't taste like metal.
Also, to the Hercules users, do you have a particular sites that you would recommend for a whip (or any particular whips for that matter) to connect my Herc to a water pipe? I really wish that the Hercules could be used upside down in order to take Herculean rips through my Nate Dizzle Swiss Perc, but unfortunately it makes an absolute mess. Hopefully, the v2 Hercules fixes that problem!
Once my SMA is finished...
Plus I need to clean it!
Any Tips?
Have searched multiple times and cant find how long you should INITIALLY charge the Persei batteries? I know the charger goes Green after they are charged, but for the FIRST charge do you need set a timer for like 8 hrs or something?
sweeet! yea i just got my Nibbler and extras today as well! if you meant you needed 2x18350, then yes, otherwise you'd need two perseis or a persei and the long tube from the SS kit and then you can use 2x18650. (hope you got aw imr)D9V... Wow...
420 Order on Friday morning. It's on my desk in Seattle Monday morning. Bender, batteries, SS kit, more 5.0 ohm carts, battery box and lots of those damned white caps for keeping my concentrates safe when on the go..
I figure I needed the 2x18650 capability for the Bender... Was that wise in planning?
Thanks for the tip!Nuke Option:
My go to for cleaning is Zep Citrus Organic Drain and Disposal Cleaner....very cheap and works well to pull off everything. Use gloves when handling. I think I had a post in here on my results of a very hard to clean Bender.
Do you know how much juice the quad coil can hold? What voltage are you running it on? How's the throat hit?
I haven't had trouble with the ss tank leaking. Is the cap for the fill hole screwed all the way in?
i put .8ml in to start in the quad coil but I estimate you can put about 1.2ml in. I'll double check tomorrow. I couldn't get any vapor at 3.7v so I doubled up to 7 and it produced crazy clouds. Taste isn't the best but if you're looking for heavy vapor production this is it. 2 at once on the dual top is crazy clouds. Carts get really hot though. i don't know what I did wrong with my ss tank the first time but I dumped and cleaned it and now it's hitting great! Really good tank setup for anyone who uses ecigs or is thinking of quitting smoking cigarettes. Used the little ss tube with a single 18350 and the ss ejuice tank is a nice little setup....despite the chode remarks my girlfriend kept making.
Does anyone know if it would be safe to run a single cartridge on the dual top and just leave the other spot empty?
I was thinking Gary will come up with a way of making a one-piece Bender+NibblerX device. Or at least a version of the Nx that will mate directly with top of Bender.EDiT - i have just had a great idea, we need to attach the nibbler to the bender, right?
(of course we do!)
I do it a lot:Does anyone know if it would be safe to run a single cartridge on the dual top and just leave the other spot empty?
did it work? you should post a vid! Would be cool to see in action. Cant wait to try it out myselfNibbler X for the Hercules? I thought I might give it a try.