I love cars especially Britsh ones."As we used to say in the Dynamite business, if some's good, more's better....".
My Jag was the 4.2 Liter, always reminded me of the Merlin engine from WWII, in the XJ6 Saloon. Wanna ask if gas mileage got me to switch to a Diesel Rabbit (high forties per gallon)? Well, that and all those little electric motors everywhere. Nice ride, though.
Never got near the XKE I wanted as a kid. Well, I guess I got kinda close.
I was younger then, it was fun, though. Like all the other English cars I've owned though, not the last word in reliable......
My jag has been a real good one.
It's a 2004 long paid for and no car payment is kind of nice.
84,000 is the reading.
Dad is on his 4th one 2011.
My wife likes to drive the Mercedes better since she is French and likes to feel the road more when she drives.
With the family around I keep a PERSEI in my pocket with PG on a SS TUBE: