Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.


Well-Known Member
Spill the beans dub.... I want my iris to work like that.... would help alot with the herc....

Aside from the mystery mode on the Iris, all he did was screw two existing tubes together (each with a 18650 inside), basically doubling the setup in Persei normally used for 7.4 Volts. Should make a big improvement in battery life.....and an effective weapon.

Fun idea.



Well-Known Member
Lets just say a customer didn't like the feature when it was in their possession so I swapped it out for one that didn't do it. One mans garbage is another's gold!

It looks to me like the button was placed in a little bit crooked so when it's depressed on the left side it will stick, right side works just like a button is supposed to. I really hope people don't start twisting things in hopes to get a sticky button, all you will end up with is a broken Iris.


Well-Known Member
Lets just say a customer didn't like the feature when it was in their possession so I swapped it out for one that didn't do it. One mans garbage is another's gold!

It looks to me like the button was placed in a little bit crooked so when it's depressed on the left side it will stick, right side works just like a button is supposed to. I really hope people don't start twisting things in hopes to get a sticky button, all you will end up with is a broken Iris.

Thanks. Amen to that, the last thing you need is a hot rock Persei that once in a while doesn't shut off when you release the button...... Probably be OK if folks didn't put THC in it, and get all distracted and stuff, of course.

Good call, DubC, don't let that one out alone. Send it in for regrooving. Still, dependable latching as an option might be cool?



Well-Known Member
I have mixed feelings about it. I love it for warming up my Herc but hate it when it sticks with a 2.4ohm @ 7.4v. I can see why the customer was upset but I doubt he knew what he possessed.
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DubCRider you inspire me!
I set up a long tube with a SS and Stock tube with 2 x 18650's and made the light work.
I was so stoked that I loaded up my favorite cart at the moment 2.4 (GIRL SCOUT COOKIES BUDDER).
THE FIRST 3 RIPS were thick and flavor city!
However in my excitement I burned my cart up!
Should have used a 5.0 cart.
Operator ERROR!
$10 cart dead & 0.2 grams medicine.


Great Scott!
So my herc 3.4 from Jam comes today. Any tips?

I've got the battery good to go. How similar is it to using the bender?

I'm sure I'll figure it out, but tips never hurt.


Well-Known Member


New Member
Idiot question but am I supposed to leave the lid of the cartridge on when I put it in the hercules? I have tried it lid on and lid off and only gotten the weakest hits off my 7.4. it burns leaf well but if you hold the button at all to long you get a scorching metal pipe taste in my mouth.

is the ceramic element actually "medical grade" or is this worse for my lungs than hitting the bong.

I think if you wan't to use the persei as a herb vaporizer bender is the only way to go. :(

BTW I have been waiting 1+ months after purchase to use this fking thing as it blew up my persei top. and hear that a new version is about to be released. Just love throwing good money at expired products....


New Member
well how does it work then? because I haven't got visible vapor off the hercules w/oil yet. Unless I mix the oil with the bud in the main cartridge. I don't think your gonna keep getting sent new units on something that has 6 month warranty I might, but not everyone will.

Lost 1 month and 3 weeks of my warranty because they sold me a product that was destined to break...... sorry that's not how I like to do business.


Well-Known Member
You gotta heat the little cart with a lighter to get the wax flowing out the bottom.. Than put it in and vape it


New Member
You gotta heat the little cart with a lighter to get the wax flowing out the bottom.. Than put it in and vape it

The wax doesn't flow out the bottom with the hercules, the tank itself sits partially on the wick

My question is
1. Do i keep the lid on the oil tank when in the hercules

I am using BHO vacuum purged @ 6 hours, Grape God bud it is 100% stable oil tastiest strain I have came across :)


Well-Known Member
V2 will be done soon. When you are told its ready, you call them and they send it.

Now as far as warranties go. Like with every product. Once you get a new one, the warranty is renewed. So that new one that you just got...yeah new warranty.

I have not been able to post lately but I have read everything. OF, you have patience. So many noobs coming in spitting hate and expecting everyone to join in. I have said it before and I will say it again. You will not change our minds, this product works great for us after proper technique.

And in closing...not just for you bassnectar (whom i love) try being a little nicer and people will be more than happy to help, but once you get on the wrong side it's hard to come back.

If everyone blocks you, nobody can help you

Also keep the lid on


New Member
well nobody has answered my question on how to properly use the Hercules, and it didn't come with instructions SO I am just pointing out facts, Maybe it would be worth the 40 minutes to design a little instruction booklet to print out with the hercules?

You should take constructive criticism instead of just saying " you will not change our minds this product works great for us after proper technique" And then you don't help a brother out with explaining your technique? HOW MEDICATED ARE YOU RIGHT NOW???

and sorry I don't feel like browsing 350 pages of forum to find my answer, as this is the only topic with valid information.

Why would you send me a hercules if you knew it was going to blow up my persei top? I opened my first hercules and 2 minutes later my persei was smoking. I just received my new piece is this the V2 or is this a V1.5? Its bad business to sell a broken product it felt like I was loaning you guys money for the past month + :p


Well-Known Member
I believe I posted page after page of my technique along with everyone else. Maybe you should search my posts and OFs posts in this thread. We have both repeatedly posted.

These threads get cluttered because people like to go off on their own personal tangents
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New Member
.... I came on here for instructions for a 100$+ product, and I have to search for it...

Put instruction on the website God damn Scientific!!!


New Member
Well I searched your post but it only came up with 2 topics non related to the hercules.

thanks for the TIP bro you really helped me with nothing.


Well-Known Member
Good luck buddy.

EDIT: I know you could not have looked through my posts. You would have seen that I was actually the first person to post my herc technique.


New Member
persei works great the way I bought it. I never said it didnt

but paying 100$ for the harshest metal pipe taste burnt weed is not worth it to me and having no instructions or help available makes it frustrating as wasting my wax is also very expensive :p

Have a better day, maybe go outside and stay off the forums for a bit ;P go get a mcgangbang or something.

is the ceramic medical grade or are we just guinea pigs for that experiment on our lungs?


Well-Known Member
I will right after I use my herc. Good luck again buddy. I will continue to perfect my technique regardless. Can't wait for my V2 herc, I have my new Teflon parts ready to go. :p
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