Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info, I already have a Omicron V2.5 and a Persei so I think I'll try the Dart with these and see how it goes before I dump another $100 on a new vape. Unless you found a problem using the Dart with them?
Have you heard anything new on the release of the Bender? Should be soon!:clap:I can;t wait to get mine.
Also looking forward to Oct party with G!

They work OK, Omicron is 'softer' due to the extra voltage drops but they will do the job (and without the adapter). Having both as options, I 'never' use Persei or Omicron since the TV unit is smaller, more compact, and 'fits' better (cosmetically).

Last word I heard is 'early in October', my guess is a few days after G gets back and gives the word?

You're right it will be good to see G and the new stuff.....if he survives the vacation (I don't really think he's very good at vacations, do you?). I wonder where it will end up? Too late in the year to use a local Ball Park I guess?



Great Scott!
Persei comes today. If I'm lucky I can evap the oil stuff I have to try it. IDK though since my car also shit the bed today, which cost me a days pay at work :/
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Well-Known Member
Persei comes today. If I'm lucky I can evap the oil stuff I have to try it. IDK though since my car also shit the bed today, which cost me a days pay at work :/

I don't know, DR..... Could be a sign you know.

Consider the immortal advice of Freewheelin' Franklin, "Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope". Words to live by.

Given the way your 'luck' often seems to run, I wouldn't go passing any clues without due consideration.



Look Into My Eyes
DR, from what someone said in a previous post as well, Supposedly you bought bluesurfboys alledged "disfunctional" unit. Given bsb didnt seem to want to cooperate with any suggestions, lets hope your odds at bat are better...


Great Scott!
Oh my car is at the dealer. I JUST traded my nice car for it less than 30 days ago. Warranty better cover it with only 33k on it and I bought the mitusbishi 100k mile 10 year warranty!

My ECU is frieeeed. And a strut is broken from the previous owner. $$$$$

Waiting a few hours to see what happens.


Great Scott!
DR, from what someone said in a previous post as well, Supposedly you bought bluesurfboys alledged "disfunctional" unit. Given bsb didnt seem to want to cooperate with any suggestions, lets hope your odds at bat are better...

Oh lovely....I didn't hear anything and must have missed this. I'll just be peaches around here if I just bought a broken persei to go with my pre-ordered bender. And at nearly full price too since its described as like new.

Oh happy day today!:disgust:

Is there a way I can test the persei assuming I have no oil to work with? At least if the device functions with the bender I'd be LESS ripped off.
Oh lovely....I didn't hear anything and must have missed this. I'll just be peaches around here if I just bought a broken persei to go with my pre-ordered bender. And at nearly full price too since its described as like new.

Oh happy day today!:disgust:

Is there a way I can test the persei assuming I have no oil to work with? At least if the device functions with the bender I'd be LESS ripped off.


Two questions:

Can you test if the unit works? If it can heat a cart, it most likely is fine (dsb said it was intermittent and mentioned his brother, a student at ?UCB gave him a rationale) - easy test (besides, it had been supposed to have been just returned from D9 for repairs/testing).

Can you "just evap" your cloud reclaim ISO? Yes and no - noone has mentioned the extreme importance of filtering the extract to remove any solid particulate matter. If you filter it, then evaporate, it should work fine. Most people seem to use coffee filters and/or presses - I have no experience with anything but lab equipment, so maybe someone else (younger and with more recent experience) can give advice of an easy cheap and safe method (I would have used a rotovap back in the day).



Well-Known Member
They work OK, Omicron is 'softer' due to the extra voltage drops but they will do the job (and without the adapter). Having both as options, I 'never' use Persei or Omicron since the TV unit is smaller, more compact, and 'fits' better (cosmetically).

Last word I heard is 'early in October', my guess is a few days after G gets back and gives the word?

You're right it will be good to see G and the new stuff.....if he survives the vacation (I don't really think he's very good at vacations, do you?). I wonder where it will end up? Too late in the year to use a local Ball Park I guess?


I just ordered a Revolution WinDart, it is both the cart with the window, best for solid concentrates and also the Dart top for oils! Looking forward to trying it out this weekend any tips other than load small and often?
I'm thinking it will be end of Oct before G makes it up here, maybe somebody lives in central location and would like to have a party, I would do it but I'm out in Tracy unless everybody wants to come here thats cool but a long drive for most I'm sure. I guess we will just have to wait and see.



Great Scott!

Two questions:

Can you test if the unit works? If it can heat a cart, it most likely is fine (dsb said it was intermittent and mentioned his brother, a student at ?UCB gave him a rationale) - easy test (besides, it had been supposed to have been just returned from D9 for repairs/testing).

Can you "just evap" your cloud reclaim ISO? Yes and no - noone has mentioned the extreme importance of filtering the extract to remove any solid particulate matter. If you filter it, then evaporate, it should work fine. Most people seem to use coffee filters and/or presses - I have no experience with anything but lab equipment, so maybe someone else (younger and with more recent experience) can give advice of an easy cheap and safe method (I would have used a rotovap back in the day).


Thanks. Yes i'd be filtering the solids through coffee filter. It'll be just liquid green alcohol. Nothing to lose at this point.


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to trying it out this weekend any tips other than load small and often?

Sure. From clean load .15 to .20 grams (3 dabs). Melt it in to the sponge with a series of short heat cycles (say 3 to 5 seconds each). You can watch it, it's kinda fun and it helps you understand what goes on. As soon as it 'melts in' you're ready to go, button up and hang on.....

When you hit it oil absorbed in the bulk of the ceramic sponge has to get hot enough to vape off. That takes a bit of time, a few to several seconds usually. You can usually hear it crackle a bit after a fresh load. Fairly quickly enough of a mass is hot enough to produce vapor wholesale. Once this happens, it's like water boiling in a pan on the stove, more heat delivered doesn't make it get hotter, just provides more 'steam' (which of course we eagerly suck up.....). Nothing burns, but volume of vapor goes up. So let it heat up, take a test puff, let it heat a bit more if necessary before another test puff, and 'once there' go for it. You need to hit it hard enough to keep the vapors from backflowing out the vents, past that you're getting all it's producing, but unlike Omicron honking on it doesn't seem to slow it up all that much.

When it gets slower, first consider 'is the battery OK'? If you think it's OK and the ceramic floor looks 'dry' go ahead and add another dab (.05 for me, never more than .10). The give it a go. Melting it in can make this part easier but it should eventually flow down and be absorbed. If that doesn't get it flying again NEVER ever add another dab before figuring out what's really wrong. If a little more doesn't help, a lot more is going to make it worse.

Good luck. I think you'll be impressed.



Great Scott!
I've got it in a glass cup inside another glass cup with boiling water in the lower cup. I wonder if thatll be enough :/


Look Into My Eyes
DR, if you read bluesurfboys posts on this topic he explains to supposed problem. It was supposedly running through massive amounts of concentrate it short amounts of time. Which its really possible unless its EVAPORATING, which wouldnt happen. Or massive clouds. Which would be clearly noticable. If its malfunctioning, surely G will help. Regardless of the situation.


Great Scott!
I'm more worried about making this oil successful today, then I can read up how to use the device properly and go from there. If I fuck up this oil there will be no need since I'll probably have my bender before I give oil another attempt.

I'm thinking of just hitting the glass with the heat gun.


Great Scott!
Oil fail :/ ? ?


I don't get why I can't do this. Every time I try I waste FAR more than I can afford.


in flavor country
you just need to collect it with a razor or something, it doesn't look bad for ISO oil... if that container is too deep to reach, you can always re-desolve it in more iso (not that much), letting it collect all at one end of the contaner, and do another evap, in a smaller container, that lets you have better access to it. I usually finish my iso purge in the final container so I don't have to scrape it later. Also want to be sure it's not bubbling any more to be fully purged.
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Great Scott!
Its fucking impossible for me to work with this shit. I need to find someone local and just show them and buy it off them. Then trying to get a few dabs into the filler thing and hitting it with the torch NONE of the black oil moved and the silicone looking piece melted a bit.

I'm having HORRIBLE luck with concentrates and there is nothing I need more than some of them for fucks sake.

Bob Loblaw

it also depends on quality and quantity of starting material. that's really where oil comes from... iirc, you are making it from abv which is gonna have little left to get to begin w/ even if you're talking ounces.
Bob Loblaw,
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Great Scott!
I was making it from my ELBs for my cloud. Should be a fairly good starting point. I just can't do it.


Well-Known Member
Just let it sit. I dont use heat. PATIENCE GRASSHOPPER

buds in ISO for 20 seconds strained, then evap for 24 hours.
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