I find that I have to mash on the button when using the regular kiss globe, works good, but seems to take a moment to start producing vapor, but when it starts, you just need to throttle the button. The Kiss Carts are really cool, I've enjoyed and am still enjoying the 3.7 Volt and 7.4 Volt Versions. The 7.4 Vapes your oil instantly with just a pulse or two of the button! POOF!! GONE!

I've just never really been a fan of LAYG Carts. They have their place in my rotation for Quick MONSTER HITS, but not really convenient for me unless I'm at home. I've always from Day 1 Loved using the Original E/O Carts of the 1.5 OHM, 2.4 Ohm and 5.0 Ohm Variety. Love just loading up a 1/2 Gram and then just pulling away at will with no inconvenience of constantly having to load. I usually just buy them by the 5 Pack, they're a Great Deal!! I usually get to run 2 Grams through them instead of the 1 they're supposed to last. I'll be Testing out all the kiss globe coils that I've recently purchased this weekend, like the dual coil nichrome and titanium and the donut. Can't wait to try them.
If anyone doesn't like to worry about fully charged batteries when your vaping at home, then you should definitely Pick yourself up a "Core" It's GREAT!! and allows you to set your Voltage and you can even charge up a phone or other 5 Volt USB accessory. It's definitely worth the $$ I purchased mine when it was first available on Pre-Order years ago at the full price of $129.99 ( & it was worth that). I love it so Much that I've just purchased another one for my Vehicle, tired of taking it back and forth from house to truck. It comes with both cords for house & vehicle, and supports Omicron, Persei & 8. At under $80, it's an Awesome Value, Grab Yourself one today!!!
@SamuraiSam & or @W9tech, chime in on how much oil to load in Kiss Mini?? Fill the cup, like some pictures on here? Thanks in advance
@StickyShisha , you can use the Hammer Top to aid in the use of The BENDER, the Hercules, use it instead of a lighter or fire when smoking a bowl or bong, vape oil straight off it, etc.