@elmoe420 if you cant get it to fire correctly contact me via phone 818-849-6133 and i will get you up and running guaranteed.
order placed, thank you again for the great deals you regularly offer usIf any of the mods can update the post above this thanks.
The new coupon code is
all one word all caps.
I have this same issue. Sam had me check my button assembly and I'm using old assembly w/ new pins -- I put the screw into the assembly all the way and backed out 1/4 turn. It now fires Herc great, but I still see a little flex. I'll try those tips, thanks Gplease pm me your order number as we have started shipping orders out, and also pm me your 8 order number.
if the top center post you feel move then it could be two issues, not seated perfectly and the top post adjustment nut isnt extended far out enough to make contact with the cart.
Also try firing it without the pcb board see if that helps.
A fellow geek has his pride you know haha!!
Seriously though truely appreciate this offer but let me debug some more on my own and we'll use that as a last resort.
I also did not receive any discounts on my order of $130 worth of bits, but thankfully some of it was on sale or service.give me your order number let me cancel you can re order with the coupon code uptech
I also did not receive any discounts on my order of $130 worth of bits, but most of it was on sale or service related, so NBD. Just wanted to report that I also experienced this hiccup. Can't wait for KISS AC just bought these as a way to get my buddy on the w9 boat, and jump over to donuts for my globe (the DT donut I bought tasted as good as my Herc before it asploded)
I was only running it around 4.1vthe donuts are not made for VV in my opinion they crack to often.
I was only running it around 4.1voh well. Hopefully these on a fully charged battery will Last more than the 6 uses I got out of DT's unit.
Can we expect a 7.4v donut at some point?
The "Estimate Shipping & Tax" button might have glitched. It added Tax but at first it didn't add the Shipping, causing the discrepancy in price between Shopping Cart and the actual charge. I edited my previous post with more details if it helps. Thanks again for everything!no worries, had me worried that my site crapped out.
so its been 1 year since i started vaping using only w9 gear i figured i should post my collection to show my appreciation of their awesome products
Good man @THC SCIENTIFIC!you sir get the special gift for today.
A free 8.
You pay for shipping.
sooo where did i go wrong? I have produced a cart at 2.4 ohms resistance, and it kinda works on an omicron, but not at all on hammer or v4. v4 gives me a red light. any ideas?
What are those chrome or stainless steel tubes in the background?so its been 1 year since i started vaping using only w9 gear i figured i should post my collection to show my appreciation of their awesome products
those are a stainless steel cigar tube i use to carry the ophos so its safe in my pocketWhat are those chrome or stainless steel tubes in the background?
the wires coming out the bottom might be an issue, and what voltage you using on the Persei, and on top of that what wire was used to rebuild the cart?
Yeah, PMs on FC are "conversations." Took me a while to get used to, as well.@THC SCIENTIFIC , ok not sure if I did it right, I've never sent a pm, so I started a conversation?
Yeah, PMs on FC are "conversations." Took me a while to get used to, as well.
@THC SCIENTIFIC i was just reading about the new Omicron tops being waterproof. That's awesome! I don't suppose the v4 Persei tops are waterproof as well, are they?