uh oh ----- not just blinking
@THC SCIENTIFIC --- today I decided to try batteries since the core is on the fritz a bit....( i put a ticket in recently but no reply yet -- n i just checked and do not see the ticket any longer ??? )
but today I tried my sr-74 with my v3 top / batteries ---- I pressed button -- and of course it blinked n blinked -- then it worked for a few seconds and blinked again ---
now it will not do anything but blink ??? no power going through it seems at all? it just blinks every time it is pushed --
I put it on the core and same deal blinking -- no solid button even with zero cartridge on top ?
(sounding bad ?

i have the old hammer top n it woks -- so it must be the silver v3 top ? and unfortunately the core (which I know is the connection going into the bottom of the core top .... ) since i can only work it when I fool around with it --
suggestions my friend
or should it get sent in ?
thx for advice and help my friend ? -- I purchased in July 4 my B-day .... the core and the silver top ...
I checked the site -- n i cannot find ticket section ... --
I sent a msg on oct 28th re the core problem ... (under my account --
but now its the Persei top as well

b4 the weekend too

uh ohhhh ....
what are my next steps my friends ?
thank u in advance !
ok ok ok ---- trying to troubleshoot ---
and how about this -- its not off >??????? it won't stop working ????? not safe now .....
I guess --
since I use the hercules .... i didn't realize till now ..... since it takes some time to heat up rod
i am using the 3.7v herc rod --- and was when this happened -- w/blinking n all n i thought it wasn't working at all ?? a little of the opposite ?
i just tried some extra testing -- using a kiss globe coil system and to my surprise after I screwed it in it started pumping out voltage / vapor if it was loaded / getting hot --- even with the silver top off -- if I hit 5 times and turn off -- the light shows off but it keeps running off or on -- just no way to shut it off -- and the light only blinks and never will stay solid -- but if battery inside it will not stop pushing power ??
very odd ?
any ideas my friend ...
ill stop here till I hear from you ?
thx in advance
doesn't seem gd 4 me
i miss her already