The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So I ended up kinda breaking 2 days ago and dipped into my jar of avb. It definitely felt kind of disappointing but my stress kinda got the better of me from bills being due but not being able to pay them yet, having to cancel on an interview because on my way there my car ended up overheating again before I was even close and there would have been no way I could have made it without possibly severe damage to the car. But if I were to have been able to get that job it would have been a move to more stability. But I also had an interview the day before and it had gone super well and it was a field I already had experience in, but I ended up not actually getting the job because he needed somebody sooner. Moving forward though, I have another interview Monday I should be able to make it too without too much trouble or worry about the car overheating again (hopefully) and my rehire check for my last part time job right around the corner from my place cleared so soon I should at least be back there even though I'm going to be going back to being at work for about 70 hours a week but it just kinda is what it is at this point.


Well-Known Member
So I ended up kinda breaking 2 days ago and dipped into my jar of avb. It definitely felt kind of disappointing but my stress kinda got the better of me from bills being due but not being able to pay them yet, having to cancel on an interview because on my way there my car ended up overheating again before I was even close and there would have been no way I could have made it without possibly severe damage to the car. But if I were to have been able to get that job it would have been a move to more stability. But I also had an interview the day before and it had gone super well and it was a field I already had experience in, but I ended up not actually getting the job because he needed somebody sooner. Moving forward though, I have another interview Monday I should be able to make it too without too much trouble or worry about the car overheating again (hopefully) and my rehire check for my last part time job right around the corner from my place cleared so soon I should at least be back there even though I'm going to be going back to being at work for about 70 hours a week but it just kinda is what it is at this point.
you're trying to do a cannabreak without any meds? no Ibuprofen/Melatonin? it will be harsh....
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Well-Known Member
I had a couple of harsh days past week, a lot of anxiety, exercise numbers went down, insomnia hit hard, but I'm back on track again.

I finally released my first game on early access, between that and constantly looking for more freelance work I'm exhausted and income is paper thin, got a little demotivated but I'm keeping my head up and doubling the efforts this week.

Keep strong everyone, it will pay off at the end of the break :D
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Here's 10 days without THC, I will never start a Cannabreak without CBD. Advils are not the solution. Temporary taking of Melatonin is OK, but better vaping CBD than Advils for sure... The mood is much better now tho! And the feeling in my body too, way less weak feeling than the first 6 days
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Any experts for cannabreak of THC in da house? 20 days left and I still have headaches.... when it's going away for good?! after day 28~?
The CBD still hasn't arrived yet
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I’m in the midst of a break myself. I’m roughly a month into abstinence right now, just a few days shy probably. I did take an expired urinalysis test and received a faint line. I will like keep my break going until I am convincingly peeing clean.

Then plan to return back with much lighter use. Ideally I’d only be using on weekends and clearing up during my work week.


Well-Known Member
in case of coming back to vaporize a small amount, about 4gr, after 28 days of cannareaking, then after the 4gr is gone, there'll be side effects of the something like the first two weeks after the previous real cannabreak? like having a flu or something, sleep problems? tia


Well-Known Member
in case of coming back to vaporize a small amount, about 4gr, after 28 days of cannareaking, then after the 4gr is gone, there'll be side effects of the something like the first two weeks after the previous real cannabreak? like having a flu or something, sleep problems? tia
Yes but you already went through this so you know what works and what not, and should know better about what triggers your psychological dependance symptoms, so it will last a lot less time, maybe 25% of the days and not so strong.
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Well-Known Member
Well, I took a 7 days break to lower tolerance a bit and enjoy this “first high” after a break, I was starting to leave 3/4 days maximum between my sessions and after three days in a row (vacations) it become boring.

So, tonight I will enjoy my reward :science:

I don’t know if starting with the V-Tower and 0.25g of a really nice Lima Haze or go BIG, get the Flowerpot and try 0.5.
I would really like today to be a fun enjoyable session. Will pay attention to a nice set and setting too.

Any advices? :cool:


Well-Known Member
Well, I took a 7 days break to lower tolerance a bit and enjoy this “first high” after a break, I was starting to leave 3/4 days maximum between my sessions and after three days in a row (vacations) it become boring.

So, tonight I will enjoy my reward :science:

I don’t know if starting with the V-Tower and 0.25g of a really nice Lima Haze or go BIG, get the Flowerpot and try 0.5.
I would really like today to be a fun enjoyable session. Will pay attention to a nice set and setting too.

Any advices? :cool:
Listening to good music is always very enjoyable to me, when vaping with a very low tolerance. It feels so much more immersive and powerful than it does when I'm sober.

It may also be worthwhile to avoid driving your tolerance back up to the level that it was prior to your break, so that you can get similarly beneficial effects while consuming less bud, which can help lessen some of the potential negative effects associated with Cannabis consumption. Just be careful doing certain things while/after consuming Cannabis, when you have a low tolerance, because you may experience more disorientation, confusion, tunnel vision/hyper-focus on one thing, etc., than you are used to, if you are accustomed to having a high tolerance.

in case of coming back to vaporize a small amount, about 4gr, after 28 days of cannareaking, then after the 4gr is gone, there'll be side effects of the something like the first two weeks after the previous real cannabreak? like having a flu or something, sleep problems? tia
Experiencing some negative effects is possible, and they're not all psychological, either.

Also, how strongly you experience certain negative effects of not vaping, after consuming your 4 grams, might be somewhat dependent on how strong the weed was, as well as how quickly you consumed it, and how much of your time you spent buzzed vs sober during your using vs break time periods.


Well-Known Member
Also, how strongly you experience certain negative effects of not vaping, after consuming your 4 grams, might be somewhat dependent on how strong the weed was, as well as how quickly you consumed it, and how much of your time you spent buzzed vs sober during your using vs break time periods.
it was almost a month without weed, now it's 1.5 month with weed, and I will have a cannabreak soon, don't wanna get too addicted to THC
couldn't find proper CBD. but now i'm way less addictive to THC than 2.5 months ago, so it will be fine
hope you're doing well too!
@TheFatBastard start from microdosing!! don't go big when you're coming from even small cannabreak


Well-Known Member
Well, after a 7 days break, I had a nice session.

Around 0.4gr of Lima Haze in 3 Flowerpot bowls. It was nice, but happened the same than in my last 15 days break…. Very good high, but not as good as I used to have a year or two ago, and not very different than when I stay 2/3 days without vaping.

I could feel more body high and the psychoactive effect of the weed, but not as strong as I’ve experienced in the past (not the first times, but the first years).

Guess is not a tolerance problem, I probably could stay a month without vaping and the effects would be similar. It probably has to do with the set and setting (I always vape while listening to music in the dark) and my brain has become used to that.

I thought of vaping only friday/saturday after a whole week break, expecting a really good high after the week break, but guess the high is not that good after 5/6 days, so I’d rather vape tuesday/friday/sunday.
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Well-Known Member
So my previous cannabreak didn't go as planned. I came into a little extra money after about a week and splurged and got some stuff then after that I decided to dip into my avb jar and revape some of that to some less then satisfactory results. But I'm back on the cannabreak train now that me and my woman have a newborn and our toddler and there just isn't really time for it plus any free time I'm just trying to rest now and we're going to use the savings to try and get caught up again on the bills. Though if someone offers if I'm visiting with someone in the near future it'll be hard to say no. But hopefully my tolerance will sizably drop by the time that even happens.


Well-Known Member
I'm heading into a break to "clean the space up", lower tollerance and gain some modesty. Going the rest of the month clean and hopefully a few days extra.. Writing this to remind myself and indulge in the community for support and transparency. "Stay hard mf" (said w David Goggins voice)
If it's hard falling a sleep take Melatonin
For the bad feeling in the body take Advil
Good luck!
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Well-Known Member
How do you guys approach your t-break? I usually will vape 1.5-2g a day but may need to stop for work. It seems like it is easy for everyone on this form (I know this is an assumption and ppl deal with withdrawals). I get major withdrawals and just feel horrible Do you guys taper down (getting ready for a t-break) or just stop cold Turkey?

delta hotel

Well-Known Member
How do you guys approach your t-break? I usually will vape 1.5-2g a day but may need to stop for work. It seems like it is easy for everyone on this form (I know this is an assumption and ppl deal with withdrawals). I get major withdrawals and just feel horrible Do you guys taper down (getting ready for a t-break) or just stop cold Turkey?
I find that as I've done a few, they get easier and I don't mind how I feel on the breaks if I approach it all right. To me a lot of it is intent and mindset, but there are obviously other ways to help too. I've never tried CBD for a break and just broke entirely, and at most used light sleep aids.

My first few breaks I've tapered down, but my last one I just stopped and I thought it'd be harder but I didn't find it any more difficult, or difficult at all (mind you my breaks are 3-4 days and don't typically run longer.)


Well-Known Member
after 3 months of vaporization every day, gonna make a long break. CBD really helps? because it doesn't help the dopamine system etc
and in my last breaks it felt like my body/brain is giving me side effects of withdrawl weed because the brain feels something isn't right

did any have to take a break during workdays? how to function normal at work? besides of training, drinking pleny of water, and advil / melatonin for night

my message from 18.1 in this thread is ofc canceled, got some crazy ass weed deal 2 weeks ago
@mixchu69 i never succeeded the first week of cannabreak without Advil during the day (or another Ibuprofen) and Melatonin (1-2mg) before sleep. i couldn't fall a sleep.
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Well-Known Member
I forgot @GoldenBud were you able to get your hands on some CBD? Did you get flower or isolate? There can be some small amounts of THC in there. This will be my third night of totally dropping my evening tincture dose which at the time was 150-160 mg THC. I have gotten up to around 600 mg doses of tincture. It doesn't take long to start having to double up each time if you don't watch. I went for months at 15 ish mg. Still have been vaping but luckily the melatonin is allowing me to sleep and I think I am getting better REM sleep so it's good.


Well-Known Member
I forgot @GoldenBud were you able to get your hands on some CBD? Did you get flower or isolate? There can be some small amounts of THC in there.
ok, that may reduces the chances for me to get my hands on any CBD too. may quit cold turkey and hoping for the best, because I vape for 3 months and not year(s) for now. should be easier than last time.
I went for months at 15 ish mg. Still have been vaping but luckily the melatonin is allowing me to sleep and I think I am getting better REM sleep so it's good.
Even with taking melatonin 1-2mg per night, It wasn't so easy falling a sleep. there were days I went to sleep at 11am and woke up 19pm or so. melatonin definately helps tho!
bad nightmares happened only within the first week or two...
my last cannabreak was after an year with daily usage
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Well-Known Member
I only have had cbd distillate with no thc so far this morning for the first time in a while. I am not sure if it's an official break or just a tolerance reduction procedure. I remember seeing that Dustin Sulak guy years ago talking about the sensitization protocol and I feel like his information is accurate for most people. I may get high or fall asleep watching some on his videos though.


Well-Known Member
How do you guys approach your t-break? I usually will vape 1.5-2g a day but may need to stop for work. It seems like it is easy for everyone on this form (I know this is an assumption and ppl deal with withdrawals). I get major withdrawals and just feel horrible Do you guys taper down (getting ready for a t-break) or just stop cold Turkey?
I did a three week t-break late last year and just went cold turkey without issues. FWIW, I also didn't notice any real difference in my tolerance or high when I started vaping again. For reference I vape THC daily usually twice a day. It's a recreational after work/dinner thing, typically two sessions of 3-4 hits each.

For the first day or two there were times when I thought "hey, time to vape" and then just reminded myself I was on a break. But I didn't experience any real craving or jonesing. I think part of that was that I was doing this on my own voluntarily (I think it is a good idea to take a break from any recreational drug from time to time, just to know that you can). So I knew that if I really truly wanted to vape, I could. It wasn't like I had a drug test coming up where I really could not partake. And I think that helps mentally.
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