The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
Started a break yesterday, only a short one to re-sensitise.
It's been a while since 0.025g got me red eyes, multiple full size Anvil chambers aren't working for me as it stands. I've been ploughing through multiple grams a day fruitlessly really, such a waste and leaving me short of breath. Crossed the line from healthy use to abuse and not enjoying it.

Got a bit of CAS (copyright of @invertedisdead) and snapped at my girlfriend a couple of times, no appetite and going to bed isn't the pleasure it should be.
Second day without today, tomorrow I'll resume but only to a barely perceptible dose for a couple of days. Thursday or Friday and all should be vivid colours again.

Aiming to cap my daily limit to 0.15g in the afternoon/evening only moving forward as I have found in the past that keeping consumption to this level negates the need for me to take a break, whilst still giving me the buzz I'm after.
Are you using flower or concentrates? Tolerance with concentrates probably goes through the roof?
Truth Seeker,


Are you using flower or concentrates? Tolerance with concentrates probably goes through the roof?
IMO concentrates are actually more efficient for true micro dosing.

And by true microdosing (some people don’t like this answer :uhoh:) I mean vaping like, maybe one hit per day.

Aiming to cap my daily limit to 0.15g in the afternoon/evening only moving forward

That’s the way to do it, It’s almost weird to actually feel stoned after being used to chronic vaping (pun intended!) I always laugh at how the media depicts stoners experiencing synesthesia throughout various Reefer Madness propaganda, when the only people who can get that high are the ones who rarely partake.


Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
Trying my first T break since going medicinal, I’ve noticed it’s taking more and more to get medicated. Just traveling for the weekend and left everything at home. The biggest drawback so far is I really haven’t had more than a couple drinks since going medicinal, I had 2 whiskey’s and a beer last night and am paying for it today…I do not miss this!


Well-Known Member
Trying my first T break since going medicinal, I’ve noticed it’s taking more and more to get medicated. Just traveling for the weekend and left everything at home. The biggest drawback so far is I really haven’t had more than a couple drinks since going medicinal, I had 2 whiskey’s and a beer last night and am paying for it today…I do not miss this!
Kava. Again, it's an antidote in wait.

Not a replacement or a crutch.

A safe, harmless alternative to alcohol with no toxicity, physical addictiveness or usage rebound problems.

No hangover. Except few even know of it.

Just never combine with alcohol. One or other. By 24 hrs minimum.

Green Kiwi

Well-Known Member
And by true microdosing (some people don’t like this answer :uhoh:) I mean vaping like, maybe one hit per day.
No you are Right:i do not like that,...LOL!
I hate micro dosing , I am more of a macro guy.the more in me the better it is for me and society...
I personally, feel that if you continuous change the vape you use, and also every time a different strain, .......well , you will not build up that tolerance.
I am a heavy medical user, and by keeping those thought's in mind, I don't need a break.(thank the herb lord for that!) :2c:


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's because things in my life are going south and I've been failing at things that are dear to me, but the THC high is slowly losing its appeal to me. So my marijuana to hemp blends are gradually becoming more and more hemp heavy, I had been doing 1:1 blends but nowadays I'm doing 3:1 or even 5:1 hemp to marijuana, and using pure marijuana isn't even fun anymore. TBH all it does is make me feel incompetent, or it just gives me an impending sense of doom and depressing emptiness. And this is coming from a guy who for 20 years, LOVED being high. So I'm stepping down the staircase off of THC and when I run out of my Mary Jane stash i may not even buy more. I still love vaping but this is a time in my life where gut instinct is pushing me towards hemp and away from THC.
Perhaps the universe is telling me to get elements of my life upgraded and sorted out, and THC is my antithesis to accomplishing that. And when Ive met those goals, I'll feel like a better person and will come back to THC because I'll feel like celebrating once again. Who knows...
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Well-Known Member
yo, when you make a cannabreak, how you keep your diet without eating a lot junk foods? I'm preparing myself for a long cannabreak since the prices are so high....
last break it was hard AF to quit and also ate a lot of junk food:/


Well-Known Member
yo, when you make a cannabreak, how you keep your diet without eating a lot junk foods? I'm preparing myself for a long cannabreak since the prices are so high....
last break it was hard AF to quit and also ate a lot of junk food:/
not sure im understanding the relationship between junk food and tolerance breaks

obviously everyone is different but for me personally when I am on a t-break my junk food consumption is at an all time low, whereas when i am not a t break it is much easier for me to give into cravings and the munchies and i end up eating more junk food

it seems you are maybe using the junk food as a coping mechanism?


Well-Known Member
it seems you are maybe using the junk food as a coping mechanism?
i will be clearer... without lean protein (chicken breast, cottage cheese) i don't get satiaty and i'm always hungry
when i do the cannabreak i can't even think about lean proteins. just yak. experience from last cannabreak.
i understand many people are not like me, i get it ... i am not a lightweight guy too much but aiming for it hehe

but will try to do some smoothies as i saw some recommendation on reddit, and maybe just will add good veggies and fruits? dates maybe? probably

anyway the break will be only within 2-3 weeks so I'll keep it posted ;)
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Well-Known Member
i will be clearer... without lean protein (chicken breast, cottage cheese) i don't get satiaty and i'm always hungry
when i do the cannabreak i can't even think about lean proteins. just yak. experience from last cannabreak.
i understand many people are not like me, i get it ... i am not a lightweight guy too much but aiming for it hehe

but will try to do some smoothies as i saw some recommendation on reddit, and maybe just will add good veggies and fruits? dates maybe? probably

anyway the break will be only within 2-3 weeks so I'll keep it posted ;)
ok yes i see what you are saying now

perhaps you could try switching more towards a carb based diet during your t-breaks? you may have to eat a little larger portion size without the meat but there are a lot of healthy carb based meals that can help fill you up to stay away from the junk food. sweet potato is a good example and you could also try doing things like simple pasta dishes with vegetables. smoothies are a good idea and i could also recommend protein shakes if you like that. very easy way to feel full while also being healthy and getting your protein.

you can also try to make healthier versions of junk food so for example instead of eating chips maybe try crackers with shredded cheese on top? or for example there are many healthy alternatives to ice cream which are low in sugar but still taste very similar. this way you can have some of the junk food without worrying about the negative parts of it. :tup:
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Well-Known Member
perhaps you could try switching more towards a carb based diet during your t-breaks? you may have to eat a little larger portion size without the meat but there are a lot of healthy carb based meals that can help fill you up to stay away from the junk food. sweet potato is a good example and you could also try doing things like simple pasta dishes with vegetables. smoothies are a good idea and i could also recommend protein shakes if you like that. very easy way to feel full while also being healthy and getting your protein.
I will definately make sweet potatos on my next break as the sweet potatos really have low GI index and also is really crunchy when it comes out from the oven, seasoned with Za'athar or so. thanks for this advice!


New Member
What a cool little thread! I've taken a few t-breaks over the years(employment concerns, money, mental health concerns).

I originally approached weed 2 years ago as a way to tamp down my anxiety and deal with depression but I would get these crazy anxiety spikes when I was high and I finally just stopped last year for about 3 months(longest break, for sure). I think the irony is that weed is supposed to help take your mind of things but, for me, it suppresses my physical responses which can let my anxious mind RAGE even more.

Anyways, there was a LOT going on at the time but my experience with weed(and my therapist) allowed me to recognize that I needed a more organized chemical support system, which led me to Effexor.

Between therapy and medication, I realized my body was *constantly* sending signals of anxiety which then triggered my mind-brain which LOVES to work on problems, creating a constant cycle that drained my physical and emotional energy.

Started taking Effexor XR last summer and it has been great!

-2 weeks of 37.5 to make sure it worked.

-4 weeks at 75mg was a revelation of physical anxiety being melted away but then depression from lack of energy that I lost from the anxiety... I remember telling my therapist how spooky quiet/silent it felt when I just stopped to chill for a bit. Everything felt way too.... still. But that was my first recognition of the chaos of chemicals that had been messing with me since....childhood? (grew up on welfare, rough times, etc. and like a lot of folks who grew up with the anxiety of poverty, PTSD and long lasting affects are a thing. Please respect your struggles and take care of yourself.)

-150mg for the last 6+ months has been the sweet spot

Anyhoo, once I found the right level of Effexor and stopped drinking altogether(never was a good thing for me), weed has found its happy place as a drop in/drop out mood enhancer. I have taken small, week long t-breaks and it's always fun to get ripped like old times(now with the added bonus of being able to enjoy it!)

Cheers and good vibes!


Well-Known Member
Day 3 of my T-Break. Got a Coronavirus booster AND a shingles shot a couple days ago decided to take a 5day break. First 2 days were tough, mostly because I kept thinking about weed and I've got this amazing jar of like 35% 4.5% terps Animal Face that's stinking up my bedroom. But I was sick from having the 2 vaccines so I didn't really feel like vaping anyway. Day 3 I'm feeling pretty okay, not really thinking about weed, enjoying being sober for a while. I was amping up for a while, 4-5 bowls at night and hitting live rosin every now and then during the day for a while. Time to do a reset. I figured I'll take 5 days off this week, party next week, and then the week after that, me and the fam are heading to the BVI for a week (not gonna take weed internationally) so I guess I'll have another t-break. Always easier to have a t-break sitting on a beach with a fruity drink in hand.


Well-Known Member
Floribud you've got some cahones man. Those 2 vaxxes in 1 day just sounds outright dangerous, or an unnecessary pain in the ass at the very least. I would've given myself like a month in between them. My 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine made me full blown sick, it sucked. I couldn't imagine doing anything more than that at one time. And Animal Face is some damn good weed.
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Well-Known Member
anyone else feels like he needs to take Advil if he doesn't vape for like 16 hours? number 1 reason I want to quit someday..


Well-Known Member
Not really, I just find it takes slightly longer to fall asleep.

Coffee on the other hand.... if I don't have it, the headache is insane, and advil won't help.


Well-Known Member
anyone else feels like he needs to take Advil if he doesn't vape for like 16 hours? number 1 reason I want to quit someday..
Why do you feel that way? Headaches? Body aches? Inflammation? I'm curious about the cause of the correlation (is it no weed causing a withdrawal, or is weed taking care of an inflammatory/pain issue that flares up when it is no longer being treated).

Not really, I just find it takes slightly longer to fall asleep.

Coffee on the other hand.... if I don't have it, the headache is insane, and advil won't help.
Sleep is my main struggle, without weed. I can go all day without touching the stuff, and have no cravings or anything, but if I'm not dead exhausted when I get in bed, I tend to have a lot of difficulty falling asleep without some chemical aid, and weed seems like one of the safest options (im not taking Ambien lol).


Well-Known Member
Why do you feel that way? Headaches? Body aches? Inflammation? I'm curious about the cause of the correlation (is it no weed causing a withdrawal, or is weed taking care of an inflammatory/pain issue that flares up when it is no longer being treated).
I gained weight during my studies, lol, and (I THINK) because I have high fat content in my body (need to lose around 50 lbs) so I have more thc in my body (fat soluble...) so my body misses it more than thin people. lost already 20 lbs in the last 8 months and keep going (proteins, veggies, low carb etc')

Coffee on the other hand.... if I don't have it, the headache is insane, and advil won't help.

yeah I have this too if i skip coffee... but Advil cures this headache for me...

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
I stoped taking breaks, they suck when you're a med user. I've tried tapering down, vaping cbd, clean breaks and it always sucks. now I slow down, I only vape weak 1:2, my strongest is 5%thc 10%cbd my others are weaker. right now I don't have anything lower than 20%thc reg weed, got stronger and concentrates so the 1:2 is a significant step down, doesn't get me super high, really just takes the edge off. my dose is usually the same no matter when I vape .05 doesn't matter if its my strongest weed or my 1:2 I don't do a lot of straying from my dose. slow downs are so much easier and I don't struggle with sleep as bad and a general felling of shittyness but I'm not tripping either so I do miss blasting off for bed but the 1:2 makes me fell well enough so I don't feel like I'm going to crumble, its strong enough to help more than pure cbd and I can keep slow downs going for weeks without struggling so much.


Less soul, more mind
I gained weight during my studies, lol, and (I THINK) because I have high fat content in my body (need to lose around 50 lbs) so I have more thc in my body (fat soluble...) so my body misses it more than thin people.

I don't think that's how it works. It's true that THC is fat soluble, but it is metabolized to THC-COOH („Carboxy-THC“) within a few hours. THC-COOH can stay in our body fat for quite some time (up to a month I think), but it has zero psychoactive properties.
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Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Floribud you've got some cahones man. Those 2 vaxxes in 1 day just sounds outright dangerous, or an unnecessary pain in the ass at the very least. I would've given myself like a month in between them. My 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine made me full blown sick, it sucked. I couldn't imagine doing anything more than that at one time

I feel lucky. I've had both regular shots, as well as the boosters, and I never experienced any side effects from any of them.

I've had friends that had side effect symptoms, but I have not.
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