The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
On day 4 of a break until at least next Friday.

My tolerance hasn't gotten crazy, but been feeling a lot of anxiety and paranoia each session that didn't used to be there. So much so that it was creeping into how I felt mentally when I was sober.

Felt kind of dumb to realize that it was mostly the weed and I'm already feeling much better. I'm going to go back to only vaping on the weekends like I used to when I started instead of every other day.


Well-Known Member
Back with another Break, this one will be lasting until October-November when wrapping up the last winter harvest.

I'm already remembering the dreams back so hopefully insomnia will go off in the next days, keeping up with a calisthenic challenge for the next 60 days in an attempt to go more tired to bed every day.


Well-Known Member
Took a four day break due to travel recently. First break in ~ 3 years since quitting combustion. Found that I didn’t have the withdrawal symptoms as before. Just was easier, well sort of.

So…directly after the break, and I mean the day to resume, I test positive and immediately am wiped out for nearly a week. So the 4 day turned into about 10.

I’m older (they say risk lol) and vaccinated but really believe that being on a break prior to testing positive helped me through. Well that and switching to non combustion. Back to semi normal now…waiting for taste and smell to return.


Well-Known Member
The break has been on for some time, at least the break from 24/7 consuming, because I friend traded some moby dick flowers for a couple of extra young plants I have been growing for the last winter harvest.

Insomnia is always back, body gets tired with all the exercise but the mind still races at night. Need to cut back from caffeine earlier, classic change one substance for another, at least they're the least harming ones...
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Insomnia is always back, body gets tired with all the exercise but the mind still races at night. Need to cut back from caffeine earlier, classic change one substance for another, at least they're the least harming ones...
yeah that sucks... take ABV pills or melatonin, temporarly, if you can't fall a sleep.. i remember it so well
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The AVB pills are amazing, I should save it instead of consuming the daily AVB every night, maybe just eat 25-50% because I eat a lot.

I have found it makes me sleep so well that I actually oversleep sometimes, the only issue is I still wake up every a couple hours to attack the fridge, but that's also good in my case because I'm very thin and it's difficult for me to gain weight.

Vivid dreams are also coming back slowly, one of the best things ever, even when they're nightmares, I usually control them without issues and they're better than playing video games for me, at least they're new every time :D


Well-Known Member
Dreaming about being chased in amazing situations two days in a row, I'm writing the dreams up because they're going to make amazing roleplay adventures to direct for my group of friends.

Harvest is like 60 days away from now so this is going to be one of my biggest breaks ever, the last time I did one was one year ago (according to Grounded App).


Well-Known Member
Don't want to talk much about growing to break the forum rules but that's something that keeps me alive, I think after this break I might try to do like I did with alcohol and stop consuming, at least daily from wake and bake to sleep, and just give away young plants or harvested bud to my friends and brother who are definitely not so addicted minded like I am.

When I started using, it was only on Friday nights after a great week of working on Software Engineering and it felt amazing, then I transitioned to smoking and vaping every night before sleep, then I had a period where I only slept from 4 am to 8 am and just 4 hours were enough, and then boom wake and bake and 24/7.

For me it helps because I can go into "crunch mode" and actually work 20 hours a day, but I burn myself and cannot do it for more than 2 or 3 months, and then if I get into a break (forced like this one), getting into a motivated state of mind where I actually want to work is tough.

But at least I really want to do other things, like working out, gardening, cleaning my room and office regularly, I don't have the appetite loss I had the first times because I just vaped/smoked before eating and when quitting or breaking appetite goes away, so I will try to fight my addictive personality as I managed to do with alcohol and moderate myself, it's a long way, but I will start by saying NO when offered, something currently I never did :D

Thanks everyone for the support, and looking forward to having a more healthier habit from now on :D
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Not Invented Here

Well-Known Member
I've developed a system to take breaks 1/3rd of the year. It's based on the sun and moon because having the timing tied to celestial bodies helps me from procrastinating and avoiding breaks by pushing them back day after day indefinitely. Basically I take breaks for a full lunar cycle (new moon to new moon) and the cycles I take breaks are the lunations around the solstices and equinoxes. For example, the autumnal equinox is 8:03pm September 22, so lunation 1233 is a t-break cycle and it began 3:17am August 27 and ends 4:54pm September 25th. I took a break for the summer solstice using the same method and it worked out pretty well. I like that the timing is extremely specific and out of my control. I like the regularity. I like that I start every season sober. I like paying attention to the moon. This method usually ends up being 1 lunation off and 2 lunations on. I vape a ton of CBD hemp to make it through lol.


Well-Known Member
Another week goes by, this week had me with lots of cravings, with my brother even considering buying some from a friend, but it's to expensive and we go through it so fast, is not worth it, better to keep with the break!

Dreams are amazing, insomnia still bugs me out, waking up early, doing lots of calisthenic progressive exercises, breaking my own records helps to keep up with the break, plus no caffeine on the afternoons and I might just cut it to no caffeine before 10 am but that is still an internal debate, lol.

Patience is key. My last winter harvest is not looking wow, so it might take more break time, flowers aren't even showing at almost 30 days outside, if they reveg the harvest will be next year :D


Well-Known Member
Finally a week almost free of cravings! Still some insomnia but I'm sleeping a lot better, dreaming a lot, keeping caffeine only in the mornings, and breaking my own calisthenic progressive exercises records almost daily, I really want to do a handstand push up :D

Last Sunday I went to a Rock Concert (I never go out), two amazing bands, everyone was smoking or vaping (a club called Paraguay, lol), the smell was very enjoyable, but didn't participate at all, felt amazing.

And I'm back full of energy to keep working on my projects, for a couple of weeks felt very unmotivated, but now I see progress and keep pushing as hard as when I vape all day, so will try to keep my sessions as reward on evenings/nights or just weekends.

Thanks everyone for the amazing support, this might be the best forum ever, love you all :love:


Well-Known Member
The weekly break update is here! I actually broke the break during the weekend, my brother brought 3gr and we made it last from Fri-Sun.

I got really high like haven't felt in ages, motivation went up, but Monday felt as apathetic as when running out of weed a month or so ago. Luckily it lasted only one day, and yesterday and today I'm back with full energy to wake up and starting to work straight away.

So back again on the break, at least one extra month until harvest time, and then some drying and curing, will keep busy on my Calisthenics and Indie Game Dev, I actually got my second Patreon Supporter last Friday and motivation went up to the roof, without any foreign chemicals :D

Looking forward to the next week update, thanks everyone for the amazing support, this is definitely the best forum and people ever, love you all :love:


Well-Known Member
decided few days ago about a cannabreak for few months, re-vaped my yelloish ABV yesterday, today no weed, did some Anaerobic training, took 1 Advil pill because i felt really dizzy. 36 hours without fresh weed, so far so good!

edit: i'm feeling weak, but it will be better. also sweating more than usual
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Well-Known Member
I don't know if it gets better faster every time, or is just that you have experienced the break symptoms many times so you know what to expect.

At least I didn't got like the first time where I couldn't eat at all, because I was very used to just THC before food to make it taste better.

My goals for the weekend: more exercise, keep with the break, finish the download page for my game, and send a subscriber monthly email for October telling about the first release.

I have been doing the pomodoro technique to keep focused, without my loved cannabis reward, embracing the insomnia, yesterday I put almost 16 hours up to 2am today and now I'm back at it, pomodoros and push ups and pull ups :D

First vape in 4-5 weeks extra break will be amazing, love and great health to all.
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Well-Known Member
weak, weak, weak, the opposite of John Wick
weak, weak, weak, just downloaded the movie John Wick
weak, weak, weak, can't get any vapor with my beak
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Speaking of weakness, my plants are flowering but they're not close to done yet, and I'm salivating just thinking on vaping a wet bud, like a quality test, I need to keep active to avoid doing that because that translates in a huge loss of final harvest size.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of weakness, my plants are flowering but they're not close to done yet, and I'm salivating just thinking on vaping a wet bud, like a quality test, I need to keep active to avoid doing that because that translates in a huge loss of final harvest size.
Do you get yummy food craving in the first days of the Cannabreak? Haven't seen a pizza for 3 months...
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I'm lucky that lately even during breaks I'm very hungry, I assume that comes from "greasing the groove" all day long, this is my first entire month without taking a single rest day, and also doing software engineering all day uses a lot of energy.

When I have cannabis, I eat 10x but also work and work out 10x, it gets me so motivated.. my breaks are like stopping to take an antidepressant because you don't have anymore or it got stolen :( , and the prescription will be in a couple of months, sucks at first thinking how great it makes me feel overall, but also going back to microdosing by lowering the resistance makes sense and is very worth it.


Well-Known Member
I think coffee helps me with the withdrawals, 2 strong cups a day
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Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
First time I'm posting in this thread. I'm normally an everyday, multiple times a day user and I'm kinda on a forced cannabreak right now. I'm pretty much out (besides a huge jar of mediumish brown avb) and some life circumstances (car problems and I would use the car as a means to earn money) have left me in a spot where I really can't go and just get anymore at the moment. I've been out for about 4 days but today so far has been the first day that I haven't gone into the AVB jar to try and revape it. I've been doing okayish so far through it. I feel hungry but I've kinda been feeling lethargic about actually going and making something to eat and nothing really sounds that appetizing. Besides that I've had no issues continuing with working my regular full time job (I never use before or during work time) as well as interviewing for new jobs to hopefully get myself into a better place both financially and mentally.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone,
First time I'm posting in this thread. I'm normally an everyday, multiple times a day user and I'm kinda on a forced cannabreak right now. I'm pretty much out (besides a huge jar of mediumish brown avb) and some life circumstances (car problems and I would use the car as a means to earn money) have left me in a spot where I really can't go and just get anymore at the moment. I've been out for about 4 days but today so far has been the first day that I haven't gone into the AVB jar to try and revape it. I've been doing okayish so far through it. I feel hungry but I've kinda been feeling lethargic about actually going and making something to eat and nothing really sounds that appetizing. Besides that I've had no issues continuing with working my regular full time job (I never use before or during work time) as well as interviewing for new jobs to hopefully get myself into a better place both financially and mentally.
good luck!
I suggest preparing Ibuprofen pills for the withdrawals, Melatonin (1mg/2mg is enough) pills for sleeping problems, drinking a lot of water, exercise too..


Well-Known Member
good luck!
I suggest preparing Ibuprofen pills for the withdrawals, Melatonin (1mg/2mg is enough) pills for sleeping problems, drinking a lot of water, exercise too..
Thank you! Thankfully the water and exercise part isn't too hard for me since water is pretty much 95% of my liquid intake and my work is fairly demanding physically. So far the only real withdrawals I've been having is a headache, and I can tell that I'm probably going to have a hard time falling asleep tonight but we'll see what happens


Well-Known Member
throat pain is a side effect of CannaBreak, right? anyway, brought pastilles of Lidocaine/Tyrothricin/Centrimonium Bromide for letting it go. hope it works. 1 week already, without weed
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