The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Way to finish with a beast like the BAK. You can send it to me so I can make sure the testing continues hehe.
there were no night sweats this night!! yea!!
Pizza Yes GIF


Took exactly one year off (cold turkey) after nearly 2 decades, and now have been back at it for 6 months. What a trip! Unfortunately I was still in post acute withdrawals after a year when I couldn't take it anymore, but my life and health is SO MUCH BETTER now! Won't be doing that again anytime soon! lol

Ask me anything!


Well-Known Member
Took exactly one year off (cold turkey) after nearly 2 decades, and now have been back at it for 6 months. What a trip! Unfortunately I was still in post acute withdrawals after a year when I couldn't take it anymore, but my life and health is SO MUCH BETTER now! Won't be doing that again anytime soon! lol

Ask me anything!
wow... so, how did you manage the side effects? the headaches? the problems getting into sleep mode?
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wow... so, how did you manage the side effects? the headaches? the problems getting into sleep mode?

I didn't, I just white knuckled it... I honestly don't even know how I made it. I didn't really have headaches this round, but I still couldn't sleep after even a year. The night sweats went away after about 2 months, and surprisingly haven't returned (yet) after 6 months of daily extract use. It was likely the worst and one of the hardest years of my life. I can't begin to tell you just how deeply it affected me.


Well-Known Member
I am actually regretting the break I just took recently my tolerance is too low now and I don't like it. I just need to get over the hump I guess one of these days.
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Well-Known Member
I am actually regretting the break I just took recently my tolerance is too low now and I don't like it.
because it's like, you take two-three hits and get anxiety, and it makes you vape more until you feel comfortable?
it happend to me. dunno if it's the case for you, interesting to hear tho!
PS it's already 8 days without weed here
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Well-Known Member
It is triggering my anxiety which is already high for some reason right now. When I had a big tolerance I would have to go pretty crazy on the amount the get any anxiety. Probably need to cut back on the coffee for a while I go through phases where it doesn't agree with me. I did forget I ran out of ashwagandha extract that I was taking a few days ago that's prolly it.
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Grass Yes

Staff member
I am actually regretting the break I just took recently my tolerance is too low now and I don't like it. I just need to get over the hump I guess one of these days.
I never get any of the symptoms people describe on this thread when I take a break, but this one rings true. Although I can also get too high accidentally when testing a new vape.

Grass Yes

Staff member
did you take a break after started vaporizing, or only when you were a smoker? (vaporizing is more efficient etc' hence harder to quit)
I have taken breaks from both. Sometimes I just lose interest and wander off. I love cannabis but I have never observed any effects after the high wears off. That being said I avoid edibles completely.


Well-Known Member
CBD the first evenings will definitely help night sweats and ease sleep. I'm on a break now and the first night I started dreaming again. Usually that takes many days and up to a week without the CBD. It must be lowering the thc in the brain somehow making the recovery faster. I "usually" (3rd time tbreaking with cbd) take CBD a few days then cut that off aswell.
Never had any problem with headaches mentioned here though. I eat good and try to sleep 7-8 hours. Only problem is the cravings here and there, but surely they are psychological and must be tamed by will...

For referance I don't use concentrates. I've been vaping around 0.5-1g everyday for a few months. My last break when I wrote here did not last long... I also combusted like hell in the weekend that was. Burned through atleast 5g with my friend (old habits...):ugh: What I'm saying is the thc percentage in my body was not low going into this break.


Active Member
I only vape a couple of hours before bedtime to help me sleep. Every time I take a break I will have a bad case of insomnia for a few days. Would hate to find out it's a permanent condition but so far I've always gotten over it within a few days. When I do finally fall asleep I can expect vivid and very interesting dreams for a day or two.


Well-Known Member
I only vape a couple of hours before bedtime to help me sleep. Every time I take a break I will have a bad case of insomnia for a few days. Would hate to find out it's a permanent condition but so far I've always gotten over it within a few days. When I do finally fall asleep I can expect vivid and very interesting dreams for a day or two.
I suggest taking melatonin (1-2mg) when you start the cannabreak, but don't get used to it. it's only for special occasions.
I will stop taking it after day 14-21~
the brain seeks for the dopamine levels he used to have, but it's missing. no sleep because of that I assume

I also take Green Tea/Cinnamon/Ginger supplements now, and feeling much better than the last 3 days. today is day 12 of the break.
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Well-Known Member
Taking melatonin for sleep has been debunked by sleep experts it seeems. You would rather find good routines like waking up early and take a cold shower to make the brain and body wake up/get used to the time cycle. Before night time eating a 🥝 kiwi has been found to be the only fruit/thing helping for gettingsleepy and sleep well. Blue light in screens should also be reduced a few hours before sleep time. Training and less caffeinated products is also helpful.

About the kiwi:


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Well-Known Member
Taking melatonin for sleep has been debunked by sleep experts it seeems. You would rather find good routines like waking up early and take a cold shower to make the brain and body wake up/get used to the time cycle. Before night time eating a 🥝 kiwi has been found to be the only fruit/thing helping for gettingsleepy and sleep well. Blue light in screens should also be reduced a few hours before sleep time. Training and less caffeinated products is also helpful.
if somebody is not working at the time, he may skip the Melatonin, because after 24 hours without sleeping, you can get sleep, but for example if I went to sleep every day around 1am or 2am, without weed, I couldn't even sleep at 7am (!) without melatonin

but, I had so much bad headaches and weakness so I took Advil 200mg twice a day, for the first 9 days of this break. Was reading that it can cause problems to my heart, stopped it, and faced the weakness and the headaches by Cinnamon/Green Tea/Ginger. a lot of water, and exercise too.

So, maybe the insomnia also happened because of the Advil, too? combination or so, idk, but things are better for now
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Well-Known Member
I still suffer ... much less than the first week, but day 15 and i feel still weak in the evening ... anybody knows when it will pass? around day 30?
tho, no more night sweating or crazy dreams not every night....
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Well-Known Member
What do you mean by weaknin the evening? Lige fatigue?
I felt yesterday and today like I'm seek, weak, don't have the power to drive, meet people, doing anything. yesterday I had headaches and took Ibuprofen and it helped.

today I didn't want to take it, so I did a Push-Ups training, 5 sets of around 8 reps, really helped my mood. 4 hours elapsed and I still feel fine. totally normal. my brain is trying to tell me that he missed the high levels of Dopamine he used to have, and the training really helped it.

Today I had no headaches at all, so it is getting better absolutely!

btw I am doing 4-5 sets of Push-Ups, every 2-3 days, since August, it was really fun doing it high also, but now as a sober person, I feel like it helps a lot to my mood. When I started it back in August I could only do like 3 sets of 3 reps.
no more back pain at all too

Using wrist protection because I weigh a bit more than 260 lbs

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Tokin' Away Since 1968
Starting a cannabreak today. Only missed getting high probably less than half a dozen days in the last few years. I'm having to do some complicated and difficult things related to selling my remote wonderful cabin in Canada(I'm an American in America:)) and I've found myself procrastinating. I have a wonderful stash of flowers and concentrates that I supplemented just this last weekend. Nonetheless, I've decided to take a break until I resolve the most critical issue: finding a lawyer to prepare the deed. Vaping every evening (and nearly every afternoon before exercising) seems to have dulled my senior(74) brain and reduced my motivation.

Last cannabreak was nearly three years ago. That time I spent the first week using edibles and then took two more weeks of complete abstinence. This time I'm starting with abstinence at the git go. Worst aspect last time was trouble sleeping. I've been doing better in that regard than in previous years, so hopeful it won't be too bad of a problem.


Tokin' Away Since 1968
The other problem I have: I exercise 4-6 days a week every week. I'm nearly 75 and it keeps me both alive, relatively pain free, and relatively sane. But I always get high, usually for the first time each day, right before my afternoon workout. Unfortunately we're now in the season where biking outside is out of the question here in the northern snowy mountains. The exercise bike is incredibly boring to me and weed is really the only way I can do it...or so it seems. We'll begin to find out this very afternoon if I can discipline myself to exercise even when straight. It was easier during my last cannabreak as I was still riding outside.
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