The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member

I'm familiar with chronic illness and can relate to some of the things you experience.

Your situation is so extreme, I can't imagine how hard it must be to cope.

My heart goes out to you and your loved ones.

Thanks for sharing. You are amazing.
Hello, thanks very much for your words of support and compassion and empathy. I really appreciate you I can see that you are a sincere and carong person and ot always touches me and lifts my spirits to receive warm words of support.

Yes it has been indescribably difficult for so long, I genuinely do not believe that anybody cpuld do a better job at handlong the situation and just getting this far, certainly without going crazy, which I have long ago and many times over since.

But I battle on with some hope. There is always hope and many are in far worse situations at all times. Nees to remind myself of this more often, being thankful is the name of the game after all.

Thanks again my friend wishing you a splendid day. :tup:


Well-Known Member
How dense is the vapor from the CBD flowers?

I only have experience with Tweedle farms top shelf batches, so I'm spoiled. The strain have right now is called "Bast". The vapor is just as dense. It's just as tasty at the beginning. It has some terpenes that are typically present in certain THC strains which is nice. I've heard that lots of CBD strains taste really hemp-y, not this one. It goes to dirt faster because CBD flower doesn't have as much resin, but you can still get comparable vapor by consuming bigger loads. I grind fine and pack tight in my Alfa and get great results. You should use a vape known for big clouds and max extraction. I should mention that not all CBD flower is created equal. I know there's some really shitty stuff out there that doesn't give the experience I'm describing here.
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Well-Known Member
On the cbd flower, it seems we have some pretty high quality options available here in the United Kingdom.

I'm sure that in general CBD varieties have improved considerably through breeding over recent years.
Ideally and in theory it should only be lacking in THC. So when it comes to vapour density the actual amounts of THC making up that vapor is likely still a relatively low proportion with much of the vapor coming from all of the other beneficial compounds such as terpenes and the full range of medicinal cannabinoids, which should be equally present and active ideally in good quality CBD flowers with decent genetics.

And I have seen many CBD flower products with high percentage levels up to 20% and beyond so this is effectively replacing the missing THC when it comes to the amount of and density of the vapor produced.

I would try the CBD flower myself, except I will be allergic to the organic fertilisers.
I think CBD would actually be very good for me physically and mentally I did try some 99.9% CBD isolate recently which only confirmed my expectations that I would not handle it comfortably enough.

The buds have definitely improved substantially in quality the last couple of years. I could always grow some high CBD varieties in the garden next summer who knows it's beginning to seem like a good idea actually.


Well-Known Member
Ah, thank you for the explanation, @Alexis. I hadn't seen you mention Lyme's Disease before. That really is incredibly unfortunate, but it's great that you are able to persist mentally, despite the difficulties. I hope you find some form of relief, eventually.

I only have experience with Tweedle farms top shelf batches, so I'm spoiled. The strain have right now is called "Bast". The vapor is just as dense. It's just as tasty at the beginning. It has some terpenes that are typically present in certain THC strains which is nice. I've heard that lots of CBD strains taste really hemp-y, not this one. It goes to dirt faster because CBD flower doesn't have as much resin, but you can still get comparable vapor by consuming bigger loads. I grind fine and pack tight in my Alfa and get great results. You should use a vape known for big clouds and max extraction. I should mention that not all CBD flower is created equal. I know there's some really shitty stuff out there that doesn't give the experience I'm describing here.
Interesting... Do you notice the "cherry" flavor that people describe when trying CBD isolates? I'm looking to order some pure CBD, so I should be able to make my own judgments and report back, soon, but I don't have access to high CBD flower, just yet.


Well-Known Member
Ah, thank you for the explanation, @Alexis. I hadn't seen you mention Lyme's Disease before. That really is incredibly unfortunate, but it's great that you are able to persist mentally, despite the difficulties. I hope you find some form of relief, eventually.
Good evening and thank you very much, I appreciate your words and genuine attempt to help with useful advice, and especially just for being open to learning and trying to understand more about us all and our situations, I have witnessed you taking an interest in any and all all members who are seeking help and advice and doing your best to provide that.

So credit to you my friend keep it up, I certainly never came to this thread this time to even go into any of my own details in life which just came about naturally here, but it has been very helpful actually to share this perspective and experience.

I'm well aware of so many truly caring, compassionate and undsrstanding people here on FC, and I do receive so much by way of support and genuine good will.

I'm truly thankful to all of the great people who contribute here. I see also, running underneath there is still a powerful and strong community spirit here on FC and one of the excellent features about this particular thread is how it really brings this out into the open.


Well-Known Member
Ah, thank you for the explanation,

Interesting... Do you notice the "cherry" flavor that people describe when trying CBD isolates? I'm looking to order some pure CBD, so I should be able to make my own judgments and report back, soon, but I don't have access to high CBD flower, just yet.[/USER]
Nope, no cherry flavor present in the flower so it must only be isolates that have it. Some reviews of Bast state a fruity smell when you break the buds, but there's no real cherry flavor when vaping. It's more citrusy. How does one use CBD isolate? Do you actually vape it? Or just throw it in food/smoothies/baked goods?
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Well-Known Member
With the CBD isolate, I never really tried to learn very much about it myself with regards to consumption routes because of the unlikeliness of me ever being able to use it.

But the impression I gathered quite some time back was that you can take it orally or vaporize it or dab it I think dabbing would probably be the best and most efficient method.

I think people like to sprinkle it over a bed of flower and report satisfactory results.

When I tried it a few weeks back I just dropped some on top of a flower bowl in my Woodscents.
I was pretty sure it affected me adversely, not too badly but enough for me to notice the extra respiratory aggravation more than I noticed any effect or benefit from the CBD.

This is what it boils down to in one way when I am appraising the effect a new substance will have on me. For example with my own organic Autoflowers i do react with a kind of allergy reaction to the vapor, like I do to food and everything ingested.

It requires extra symptom management on my part, but overall the effect the cannabis has is so beneficial, enjoyable and worthwhile. I CAN enjoy it without being constantly, primarily aware of the discomfort and aggravation. For the most part, I can relax and enjoy the effect of the cannabis.

With the CBD isolate, I noticed the discomfort to be a lot more conscious of that than I was of the actual effect of the CBD which I didn't notice at all but it was a very small amount.

So the downside will permanently outweigh the benefits so that there is no pleasure or incentive in the pursuit all things considered.

Now if I was okay with the CBD isolate, my intention would be to dab it with my still unused 710coils Opaque banger which I bought for my rosin escapade which never happened in the end.

I think dabbing the CBD isolate would work best, but I also think that you will be getting pretty good extraction and and efficiency and effect from combining the isolate with flower which could be CBD flower.

I have been told that vaporizing the CBD isolate is much more efficient than orally consuming like 3 times the dosage is required.

@mccringleberry just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you as well my friend, thank you for being so open with us and on real sorry that you are feeling so down and finding life very difficult mentally right now.

I also want to encourage you to keep hope because there is every possibility that you can find and new and greater levels of happiness in life with perseverance and commitment. I think the important and crucial thing is that you are exploring your options and and prepared to make changes and be absolutely truthful with yourself to try and improve your situation and mindset.

Our mental health is like a piece of work as we go through life, it takes hard work, commitment, sacrifice. I think we make the mistake of assuming that things are just supposed to happen for us and work out for the best always, and maybe we are wrong to get so dismayed in the face of difficulties because this is our life's purpose in a sense to discover and understand ourselves better as we work on our personalities and situations in life.

In the same way that approaching any difficult task, it can seem like a bleak unscalable mountain, but when we make a commitment and grab the bull by the horns and put the work in we can end up discovering something magnificent and feeling a wonderous sense of self achievement and relief.

And then we can reflex and say "god i'm so glad i did this I might have stayed where i was and missed out on all of this revelation and new perspective and experience in life."

Haha, it sounds easy, and I am a true hypocrite. I think I'm just trying to give myself a little pep talk here as well because I really need to practice this philosophy and I do genuinely believe in this outlook and perspective.

Happiness is ALWAYS there to be had and found and tapped into really it boils down to perspective and how we assess and appraise our reality.

We choose to be happy or sad, in a way and to a point. Physical conditions and suffering do play a huge part as well of course and muddy this simple little equation which I'm trying to make sound plausible.

But we still have so much more power than we realise when it comes to our own emotions and mind set.

Okay philosophy over now lol, it's my daily edibles which get my mind spinning so delusionally I swear.

Have a nice evening and start to the weekend I hope for everybody. :)


Well-Known Member
Good evening and thank you very much, I appreciate your words and genuine attempt to help with useful advice, and especially just for being open to learning and trying to understand more about us all and our situations, I have witnessed you taking an interest in any and all all members who are seeking help and advice and doing your best to provide that.

So credit to you my friend keep it up, I certainly never came to this thread this time to even go into any of my own details in life which just came about naturally here, but it has been very helpful actually to share this perspective and experience.

I'm well aware of so many truly caring, compassionate and undsrstanding people here on FC, and I do receive so much by way of support and genuine good will.

I'm truly thankful to all of the great people who contribute here. I see also, running underneath there is still a powerful and strong community spirit here on FC and one of the excellent features about this particular thread is how it really brings this out into the open.
Good afternoon, Alexis, and thank you for the kind words! I really appreciate them. :) I've noticed you being very compassionate and helpful, around here, as well, and it's always a pleasure speaking with you.

I know a lot of people are dealing with serious issues, and sometimes just having someone to vent to, or with whom you can bounce ideas back and forth, can be a big relief, so I'm very happy to see that this thread has taken off in the direction that it has.

I agree with you, that this community is one of the more compassionate/understanding, and helpful, I have found online. There's lots of genuine interest in helping each other out. :tup:

Nope, no cherry flavor present in the flower so it must only be isolates that have it. Some reviews of Bast state a fruity smell when you break the buds, but there's no real cherry flavor when vaping. It's more citrusy. How does one use CBD isolate? Do you actually vape it? Or just throw it in food/smoothies/baked goods?
Perhaps, the cherry flavor is too mild to be noticed in bud form. From what I've researched CBD isolate can be either mixed into food as you mentioned, or vaped, either like a dab, or by adding some to your dry herb. I'll likely try vaping it straight up, before anything else, to see what effects it has, and I'll report back.

I've tried a few THC-Free CBD vape cartridges (500mg per cartridge), and it seems like they are slightly relaxing, but I am not sure how much of that is placebo.


Well-Known Member
How does one use CBD isolate? Do you actually vape it? Or just throw it in food/smoothies/baked goods?
My CBD isolate worked great with two methods:
1. Dust a little of the CBD powder on top of some flower. This gave a more balanced vapor, vs the typical TCH heavy hits
2. Use a Mighty concentrate pad in your chamber. Preheat it with nothing on it. Add the CBD isolate powder which will then melt into the pad. Go for it.


My CBD flower seems to yield more vapor than THC flower BUT the vapor production diminishes much quicker than THC flower.


Well-Known Member
My CBD flower seems to yield more vapor than THC flower BUT the vapor production diminishes much quicker than THC flower.
That's interesting and I wonder what the exact factors are relating to this.
I mean it sounds as though the extraction just takes place more rapidly overall.
So this will apply to the specific compounds and actives which are responsible for the Vapour production.

I'm thinking of the with the supposedly temperature correlations, but I've never personally been convinced about the black and white nature of that science and exact figures.

Still it would seem that with the CBD flower, the vapor forming actives are vaporized with less energy, time and heat, for whatever reasons?


Day 9! This has been the easiest withdrawal i've ever been through! Those of you that know my history and have read posts in this thread from years ago know what kind of hell i've been through. That was with hardcore flower vaping. I quit flower a year and a half ago in favour of low temp extract dabbing, and perhaps it was the CBD that I introduced a few weeks before my cold turkey stop, but other than sleeping issues, it's been a cakewalk!

Anyone else still on a CannaBreak? I'm not sure how long this is going to go on for.... maybe a week, maybe a month, or maybe several months to a year+. I just don't even think about it, but i'm very much enjoying my mental clarity and new found love for life!

Still love Cannabis, but loving sobriety even more. Just seeking a much less frequent and healthier relationship.


Well-Known Member
Day 9! This has been the easiest withdrawal i've ever been through! Those of you that know my history and have read posts in this thread from years ago know what kind of hell i've been through. That was with hardcore flower vaping. I quit flower a year and a half ago in favour of low temp extract dabbing, and perhaps it was the CBD that I introduced a few weeks before my cold turkey stop, but other than sleeping issues, it's been a cakewalk!

Anyone else still on a CannaBreak? I'm not sure how long this is going to go on for.... maybe a week, maybe a month, or maybe several months to a year+. I just don't even think about it, but i'm very much enjoying my mental clarity and new found love for life!

Still love Cannabis, but loving sobriety even more. Just seeking a much less frequent and healthier relationship.
Hey there bro. Real good always these days to hear you are still doing well in enjoying a much better position in life having worked so hard to get there. Well deserved bro, and a good example for others to be confident about being proactive grabbing that bull horn and really making things happen but with belief that you can get to the other side and it will all be so worth it if you put the working plus a little fortune doesn't hurt.

So the terms on which you break now, and the mindset you enter into it with with is obviously totally different to to times in the past.

And it's really nice as well to hear what sounds like your recognition of the fact that actually being free from cannabis is not so terrible after all given the right conditions and time.

And you do me a little favour here as well because now I won't be quite so tell of your top tier all round robin setup utopia lol.

I'm not sure if you caught it or not but I did proactively go in the rosin direction, or at least I tried to. Bought a press, grew some fantastic herb (this was all summer 2018), and loads of it as well, really made sure of that so that there would be plenty for converting into rosin.

So I did everything right fair play, but there was no way I could tolerate it whatsoever.
My immune system rejects the rosin but not the same flower from which it is pressed.

Fortunately I was able to find a new home for my dabpress which I was sorry not to make regular ongoing use out of. It has gone to my my loyal old friend Dave buy most of my unwanted vaporizer goodies haha, like Herb Ti, EVO, (I didn't manage the Palm the Glass Symphony on him but at least I deceived him into thinking the EVO was worth buying off of me for full reimbursement lol.)

Personally I have recently positively modified my own relationship with and usage of cannabis, which I have needed to do for a very long time as you will recall. However I have been cheating slightly by experimenting with the all new to me interesting herb kratom which has enabled me to significantly reduce my cannabis usage for the meantime but also to take a step back and a different view of things so that effectively the way I used to cannabis now is more minimal but more functional and works for me rather than working against me.

It's far less of an addictive abusive and compulsive relationship with cannabis Now more of a medical requirement for mental and physical benefits and comfort.

And of course I like to get high hi like as high as I can be be most of the time and the kratom and cannabis combination is is an extremely synergistic one. A decent uplifting Kratom strain, alongside a nice cannabis edible dose (still a vital digestive aid for me) early evening is a fantastic high, perfect compliment to each other. The Kratom's gradual and prolonged mental stimulation really improves the effect of the edible and they kind of temper and boost each other at the same time.

Amazing euphoria and full relaxation, music appreciation is massively enhanced as well as all round well being. Great pain killer as well, good for fatigue and stiffness.

Anyway I'm just really loving it but it's antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects more than anything but the way it compliments the cannabis buzz and has enabled me to massively cut down and go significantly longer between Vaping.

My tolerance to weed has been reduced and I'm able to keep it there without me having had to somehow go through song mental and lifestyle changes to make the new tolerance and usage routine stick and be psychologically and emotionally satisfactory.

So it's been interesting, and definitely helpful to add another psychoactive herb into the mix, not even a substitute, but a change. A tool to add variability and a different perspective which can lead to behavioural and habitary changes in time. Just one day at a time always though.

Next stop is microdosing Lsd, or the kind of unrefulated homologues floating around these days. Very useful for microdosing being us it is lab grade ultra Pure at trusted precise dosages or volumetric dosing.

Now this is a practice which I strongly expect to help me really start to address my relationship will cannabis and modify it where it is dysfunctional or working against me or compulsive.

I really believe that microdosing can be of enormous potential assistants to help people naturally and willfully address their relationship with cannabis, modifying it accordingly for the better in most cases.

@biohacker did you try the Microdosing? It must be pretty well known of in Canada seeing as they are just about the most lax place in the world for legal research chemicals these days.
Just curious man, you dont have to answer of course. I was just curious whether microdosing psychedelics has played any parts in you maintaining your positive mindset and approach to life and particularly your relationship with cannabis.

Haha, that was all I was going to ask originally. Sorry bro can't always help myself and it's been a while since I replied to you. Okay back to being high then I guess.

Oh one amusing but so true thought- when it comes to me facing withdrawing from my soon-to-be physical kratom addiction, the fact that my cannabis tolerance and ability to appreciate the benefits with less material and downside has been improved since addimg kratom, will be very handy to pass those few restless days. I don't think kratom withdrawal is really that major at all though to be honest and overall the positives appear to greatly outweigh the negatives for most people.

Take care mate, do keep us updated. Still some good guys around here you know I will always be interested in what you have to say and share with us any time. :tup:


Hey there bro. Real good always these days to hear you are still doing well in enjoying a much better position in life having worked so hard to get there. Well deserved bro, and a good example for others to be confident about being proactive grabbing that bull horn and really making things happen but with belief that you can get to the other side and it will all be so worth it if you put the working plus a little fortune doesn't hurt.

Thanks so much my bro! You are such a kindred spirit and I consider you the "Guardian Angel" of FC!!! Much has changed since we've conversed last... i'm single now, moved across the country to the beautiful west coast of Canada, and am happier than ever! I've licked sex addiction, porn and fapping, caffeine, and alcohol! I just wanted to re-sensitize my dopamine receptors and take a break for my own personal reasons, so this is the next step.

So the terms on which you break now, and the mindset you enter into it with with is obviously totally different to to times in the past.

Yes this is SO true!! I honestly think it's the Nofap hardmode that preserved my dopamine since I went 5 months before switching to easymode. Or just the fact that I dabbed ultra low temp high quality extracts, thus no contaminants. Or maybe it's the CBD! Who knows...who cares really lol

And it's really nice as well to hear what sounds like your recognition of the fact that actually being free from cannabis is not so terrible after all given the right conditions and time.

Not only that, but I prefer it to being in a hazy cloud constantly! It takes 2-3 days after usage to actually be "clear" of that session... so basically I was NEVER sober, and I like the sober Biohacker, as do others around me lol

So I did everything right fair play, but there was no way I could tolerate it whatsoever.
My immune system rejects the rosin but not the same flower from which it is pressed.

I feel you, as you know I went down that route HARD, and now I HATE rosin! lol So I do empathize, but those contaminants just don't work for me. Shame you don't have access to cleaner extracts like live resin or full spectrum extract, but you know that your homegrown works for you, so just enjoy it my dude! All natural and organic, what's not to love about your own craft!?

However I have been cheating slightly by experimenting with the all new to me interesting herb kratom which has enabled me to significantly reduce my cannabis usage for the meantime but also to take a step back and a different view of things so that effectively the way I used to cannabis now is more minimal but more functional and works for me rather than working against me.

Oh man, please do be careful with that Kratom! Those cannabinoids are TOO STRONG! lol I personally wouldn't touch it, but I know someone that has... and they legit tripped so hard I thought they were going to go insane! Withdrawals can be MUCH harder than cannabis too.

It's far less of an addictive abusive and compulsive relationship with cannabis Now more of a medical requirement for mental and physical benefits and comfort.

That's what it's all about! Cannabis is an incredible sacred plant medicine, but it's the RELATIONSHIP with it that one must keep a watchful eye on as it's very addictive! It's amazing how the years just zoooomed by! Daily usage just isn't feasible in my world if I want healthy sleep architecture and REM cycles. Last night I was chased by a bear! lol Nightmares suck, but not dreaming for years sucks even more.

And of course I like to get high hi like as high as I can be be most of the time and the kratom and cannabis combination is is an extremely synergistic one. A decent uplifting Kratom strain, alongside a nice cannabis edible dose (still a vital digestive aid for me) early evening is a fantastic high, perfect compliment to each other. The Kratom's gradual and prolonged mental stimulation really improves the effect of the edible and they kind of temper and boost each other at the same time.

Nice to hear what's working for you. Interesting about the digestion, because my bowel habits are definitely messed up since quitting, but that will balance in a minute. My biggest thing is no night sweats!!! Or daytime sweats for that matter lol And i've dropped a few pounds of water, which I always seem to retain when using daily.

Amazing euphoria and full relaxation, music appreciation is massively enhanced as well as all round well being. Great pain killer as well, good for fatigue and stiffness.

Part of the reason why i'm abstaining is so that music and regular life shines again in technicolour! Basically I was only getting dopamine when getting high... so when NOT high, everything else would suck... major anhedonia.

Next stop is microdosing Lsd, or the kind of unrefulated homologues floating around these days. Very useful for microdosing being us it is lab grade ultra Pure at trusted precise dosages or volumetric dosing.

Experimented with shrooms and holy fuck are they ever NOT for me! Much prefer the dopamine stim of THC over the serotonin stim of psycheldelics! Talk about INSOMNIA! lol However it was at this awesome party beach called Wreck in Vancouver (nude beach), and was an experience i'll never ever forget haha.

@biohacker did you try the Microdosing? It must be pretty well known of in Canada seeing as they are just about the most lax place in the world for legal research chemicals these days.
Just curious man, you dont have to answer of course. I was just curious whether microdosing psychedelics has played any parts in you maintaining your mindset and approach to life and particularly your relationship with cannabis.

I microdosed the shrooms (0.5g) and it was ok.... but I just don't like it. Not for me... the come downs are soooo depressing!!! Didn't like where my mind went, like a really bad anxious weed trip. I DO microdose high quality cannabis extracts though! Like 0.01-0.015 is the perfect dose.... 0.02 gets to be a bit much. It's about 0.1g of flower..... man, remember my .25g bowls multiple times a day?? hahahaa

Haha, that was all I was going to ask originally. Sorry bro can't always help myself and it's been a while since I replied to you. Okay back to being high then I guess.

Haha yeah it's been a minute! You always amaze me with how much you can type out on that tablet! lol

Oh one amusing but so true thought- when it comes to me facing withdrawing from my soon-to-be physical kratom addiction, the fact that my cannabis tolerance and ability to appreciate the benefits with less material and downside has been improved since addimg kratom, will be very handy to pass those few restless days. I don't think kratom withdrawal is really that major at all though to be honest and overall the positives appear to greatly outweigh the negatives for most people.

I don't know about Kratom, but weed is only psychologically addictive, but has physical withdrawals... and have read HELLISH reports of kratom withdrawals. Just watch out and be conservative lol

Take care mate, do keep us updated. Still some good guys around here you know I will always be interested in what you have to say and share with us any time. :tup:

Thanks my dude! It's nice being VAS free and not buying/selling gear constantly! lol I have my trusty ruby insert banger rig and torch in the closet for whenever I feel like I want to explore again. Again, I LOVE cannabis, but absolutely not down with the "stoner culture" whatsoever anymore... it's constantly in my face here in Van City and probably even worse than regular smokers. Nobody cares about the bylaws and just blow smoke every where. Even those e-cigs, so gross walking down the sidewalk... i've become REALLY good at holding my breath! lol Also thanks to the Wim Hof Method! lol

I'm not going anywhere, but just stick to certain threads, mainly health related. Stay well my good friend from across the pond! :)


Well-Known Member
I been on one since Sunday. Had some traumatic shit happen in my life and I just lost the urge to vape. Then instead. I started smoking cigarettes again. Haha. Yup. I know. And the best part is now I’m sick or well getting sick. May give some CBD flower a go through the Flowermate V5 nano. I know it’ll probably do nothing for my sickness. Wishful thinking as always.


Well-Known Member
Hello mate, thank you for such a thorough, insightful and warm response. Im always interested in your journey and experience and you have filled in so many gaps to quell my curiosity, big thanks for that. :tup:

Thanks so much my bro! You are such a kindred spirit and I consider you the "Guardian Angel" of FC!!!
Haha, I think I see myself more as the Pet Philisopher! :myday:

Much has changed since we've conversed last...
I have no doubt. The same for myself, although outwardly much may appear the same, I have actually radically changed my personality for the better and woken up on so many levels to who I really am since our last contacts.

I was a total dick in many ways on these forums for a long time, I had really lost sight of who I am. I have reconnected with my true identity again now, maybe more than ever although I'm still in an incredibly difficult situation in life and nowhere near running on full cylinders or anywhere near my true potential as a person.

Beforehand I was a dick, now I'm just ME! (I'm not distinguishing btw) :lol:.

Or maybe it's the CBD! Who knows...who cares really lol

Exactly, it doesn't really matter and truthfully it probably isn't anything specifically as such you just did everything you could and really went the extra mile to try and cover all bases and all in all it paid off and enabled transformation which has stability to create a new pattern and existence in your body and reality. Again well done for that, remember to enjoy and take nothing for granted.

I feel you, as you know I went down that route HARD, and now I HATE rosin! lol So I do empathize, but those contaminants just don't work for me. Shame you don't have access to cleaner extracts like live resin or full spectrum extract, but you know that your homegrown works for you, so jus
I was really dreadfully disappointed at the time because I had high hopes that rosin would be an answer for me on paper which it should be be but I honestly don't think it would make any difference however pure the extracts are I'm not saying those impurities aren't a problem but I'm pretty sure my immune system would just be reacting to extracts in any form.
I just had to accept that rosin was not for me.

Oh man, please do be careful with that Kratom! Those cannabinoids are TOO STRONG! lol I personally wouldn't touch it, but I know someone that has... and they legit tripped so hard I thought they were going to go insane! Withdrawals can be MUCH harder than cannabis too.
Yes I was really surprised by the power of kratom I have heard of it since a long time ago but never really looked into it mostly because of my inability to tolerate drugs or herbs without excessive respiratory mucus and aggravation in every case.

But I was really surprised when I tried it recently at the power of the herb. It's an interesting one and by no means black and white it does appear from everything I have researched on it and heard from others of all backgrounds with various usage Histories,, on the whole to be be generally more beneficial and positively transformative for many lives and health conditions than it is harmful or problematic.

So I do believe that in general it's gives more than it takes but there are exceptions and caveats, and it's extremely individual.

I am actually pretty confident about not having any major problem with kratom I do still react to it adversely with my typical respiratory reaction which is the case with virtually all medicinal herbs and actually the kratom is much easier to tolerate then many others I have tried including all the non-psychoactive ones as well.

So taking the kratom does make my life harder when it comes to managing my symptoms but this is at least balanced some what's by the modification I have made to my cannabis usage specifically less vapor and longer periods between sessions, with a lower tolerance and better effects with less symptom management required for the cannabis usage specifically.

So I have more incentive to break from kratom when I feel it is necessary or essential than most people and it will be harder for me to be motivated to continue with any sort of long-term real addiction when I have to manage these extra respiratory symptoms.

More than anything in life my mental frame of mind has been really killing me with hopeless deep depression and I also have developed the most severe anxiety disorder over the past 2 years related to many factors and situations in life and largely physical to do with the optic nerve injury problem I still contend with.

My mental experience of life has been total torture with an inability to cope with anxiety and depression and I have desperately felt the need for some form of medication natural or prescription which can assist an impossible to handle situation and bodily condition like my own where nobody else with this type of multiple condition and mindset would be without some form of medication natural or otherwise to ease things.

But with my allergies and intolerances the only psychoactive substance I have been using for all of these years is cannabis even a cup of cocoa once a day would make the world of difference to my ability to relax and feel positive but I just can't tolerate cocoa powder at all or any other medicinal herbs I have have tried for relaxation stress and anxiety.

So this is where the kratom has really been shining for me because for the first time in all the years of illness I have been able to completely relax physicallyally when I am experiencing the effects with an enormous reduction in my anxiety.

It has helped me to achieve much better quality sleep and generally a much higher level of relaxation round the clock.

Even if this is arguably drug-induced it's nonetheless has been incredibly therapeutic for me just to be able to let go and relax and feel happy and enjoy parts of the day and certain activities.
Having that more positive enjoyable and comfortable experience has been necessary to really take the edge off of the trauma and stress I have been through.

So I have just allowed myself to explore the herb for the meantime but I'm certain that soon enough I will need to revert to occasional use like once or twice a week or even less often which will still be a privilege to be able to access a thoroughly enjoyable psychoactive experience on occasion.

Regarding the kratom withdrawals I have read and heard a lot from many people on this and my intuition is telling me that it probably isn't quite so bad really and I'm confident about not getting myself into any position I cannot manage or get out of, but I do appreciate the warnings of course, echoed by many.

One of the really interesting thing about the kratom which makes it similar to cannabis in many ways is the wide variety of different strains with varying profiles of active compounds, with different effects with certain strains be more suited for specific conditions or individuals or occasions or simply times of the day.

Mixing and matching keeps things fresh and helps with tolerance as well so it's very similar and analogous to cannabis in that sense.
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Well-Known Member
My biggest thing is no night sweats!!! Or daytime sweats for that matter lol And i've dropped a few pounds of water, which I always seem to retain when using daily.
Yes I remember you went through hell with that particular symptom I have actually experienced that myself in the past when I used to use cannabis daily for several weeks then take a break.

Fair play for having a go at the microdosing although I would like to suggest that maybe you did not microdose correctly or by definition or suitably for your own requirements regarding dosage and this does appear to be a fairly common mistake in the microdosing world currently.

A microdose is by definition required to be sub threshold which for mushrooms is more like between 0.1 and 0.2 grams for most people with 0.5 arguably being more than a microdose and by definition, an underdose which can actually produce undesirable effects and can be more mentally troubling and uncomfortable than a full macro dose.

So I'm not saying that it would have worked for you anyway but that is my understanding that possibly your dosage was too high and produced uncomfortable effects and negated the actual positive effects and benefits of the microdosing concept.

Just something to consider if you ever should explore that route again, thanks very much for answering that I was curious whether that had been a part of your regimen but clearly you don't even need it.

And sure I remember your monster bowl extractions. You took consumption to a harder-core level than most people and I'm sure that this conditioning to your brain and receptors from that sustained heavy hitting usage pattern for so long would have created the physiological situation you needed to address so vigorously with everything you did.

It makes sense anyway so the hardship and struggle you had to restore equilibrium was probably related to your specific usage and dosing routine, I don't know if that resonates or not but it makes some logical sense to me.

I never have vaped that way myself. If I hit the Elev8r, I can take ridiculously huge hits from a large bowl maybe on occasion I am inhaling 0.1 equivalent of herb but never more than that I doubt, and those hits are INSANE.

Okay mind run blank, just wanted to say thanks and I really appreciate your response and filling in those gaps for me, really pleased to hear you sounding so collected and positive still.

I have just been laying down recovering my energy after managing all of my symptoms today the evening is mine now. My mum is actually going on holiday for a week tomorrow the first time in a few years I will have any sort of space to myself.

I have a tonne of of legal LSD homologues here to experiment with I just haven't had the space and opportunity to really get my teeth into it since learning about these avenues this year and stocking up while the opportunity is there.

Psychedelics have really hit the mainstream and are showing so much promise going forwards regarding mental health treatment and as with cannabis The Propaganda constructs erected around us so long ago are crumbling fast being pushed over by science.

So I have been particularly interested in this area and I made several sizeable acquisitions from these Laboratories, seeing as the lysergamides will keep almost indefinitely if stored right.

But now, I am ready for my early evening kratom and edible dosage which I'm really looking forward to.

Take care bro, hopefully see you around from time to time but it' been particularly refreshing to hear from and engage with you again here after so long, maybe do it again one day hehe. ;)
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Well-Known Member
Halfway through sober October. Free from cannabis and alcohol. In general, my wife and I are trying to live a cleaner life with healthier food and more exercise this month.

Giving up alcohol was easy for us, as we typically aren't big drinkers. Maybe a beer or two with dinner, maybe 2 times a week or so. Neither of us really like distilled spirits.

My wife doesn't consume cannabis more than maybe 3 times a year, so that was easy for her. I'm the daily user out of the two of us, so that has been my biggest challenge. Not difficult, but not awesome at first. I think about vaping more when I haven't exercised for a couple of days, and I haven't felt like exercising much lately either.

Ive started dreaming again, which is wild! Some dreams are real weird and fucked up, but I haven't had dreams in a while. Also, someone above mentioned night sweats. I haven't had any that I can remember since starting sober October. Also been focused on getting 7hrs of sleep a night. Some nights are better than others.

Ive dropped a couple of pounds also, I'm thinking mostly due to not having a bottomless pit of an appetite from vaping. Damn munchies hit me hard!

The part about cannabis that I absolutely love is the internal reflection, if that makes sense. I miss that more than the stoney feel.

I think this break has been very beneficial for the both of us. Moving forward, at least one month a quarter will be a sober one for us. I know that cutting back from daily to weekend only, or special occasions for cannabis is what I SHOULD do as a responsible adult. I think that will be my biggest challenge. Especially since I really enjoy growing as a hobby.

Happy October 16th friends!


1 month down! Anyone still on a break? @mccringleberry ?

This has been the best decision i've made, so much in fact that i'm extending it to 6 months+, probably even a year, and then see what's up!

My only issue is my sleep... can only get about 5 hours max, but the quality is so much better and it's nice having my dreams back, and surprisingly no nightmares (I have PTSD). Everything else has been nothing but benefits. In fact, many of my health problems were actually from daily usage.

Again, the cannabis wasn't a problem, it was my unhealthy relationship/usage with it. I still maintain that it's the most amazing plant medicine out there, but it's nice not being dependent on it for once in a very, very long time.

It's so weird feeling stoned from time to time though, but i've been here before, and it goes away with time. Doesn't even feel like a "good stone" either lol. Oh, and in week 3 I developed a migraine that hasn't gone away yet, but I can't say for sure if it's due to withdrawal PAWS or something else. However headaches are a very common withdrawal symptom that can last a couple of months.

Looking forward to month 2! Cheers fam!


Well-Known Member
1 month down! Anyone still on a break? @mccringleberry ?

This has been the best decision i've made, so much in fact that i'm extending it to 6 months+, probably even a year, and then see what's up!

My only issue is my sleep... can only get about 5 hours max, but the quality is so much better and it's nice having my dreams back, and surprisingly no nightmares (I have PTSD). Everything else has been nothing but benefits. In fact, many of my health problems were actually from daily usage.

Again, the cannabis wasn't a problem, it was my unhealthy relationship/usage with it. I still maintain that it's the most amazing plant medicine out there, but it's nice not being dependent on it for once in a very, very long time.

It's so weird feeling stoned from time to time though, but i've been here before, and it goes away with time. Doesn't even feel like a "good stone" either lol. Oh, and in week 3 I developed a migraine that hasn't gone away yet, but I can't say for sure if it's due to withdrawal PAWS or something else. However headaches are a very common withdrawal symptom that can last a couple of months.

Looking forward to month 2! Cheers fam!
Woo! Good job, man! It should only get easier, from here on out.

I find it interesting that most people lose their dreams due to Cannabis use (esp. nighttime use). I know I dream very frequently, regardless, but when I was on my long break (199 days), my dreams did change. They were much more negative, though I wouldn't consider them nightmares, as they weren't really scary. They just had more angry themes, such as being back in school with a rude teacher, and I often defended myself by verbally lashing out at the antagonist of the story (still in the dream of course).

Are you going THC-free with CBD, or are you abstaining from Cannabis altogether? If it's the former (since I've heard you mention CBD use recently), how do you consume the CBD? I ask, because I'm curious if the physical act of vaporizing, even with another chemical other than THC, satisfies the desire for relaxation, or if it has some other effect(s).


@EverythingsHazy Thanks!! Finally had my BEST sleep last night!

And no CBD...nothing..... no drugs (neither alcohol nor caffeine) as well as no other artificially induced floods of dopamine. I don't really have a desire for relaxation anymore, it was like my abuse created that need when I wasn't under the influence.

I'm more into accessing the cannabinoid and opioid receptors via the Wim Hof Method, yoga, meditation, and exercise these days, and I set and accomplish goals for dopamine since my abuse just kept me content with doing nothing. I'm definitely noticing improvements in my ability to enjoy things such as music, and my passion for life has increased ten fold.

Apparently for heavy users such as myself, the REAL benefits don't even really come until after 6 months, so this is why I really want to go the distance this time. That, and my fear that if I ever do return to it, i'll be back in the daily usage saddle and I can't ever let that happen again. It's not easy though, because with my ptsd the cannabis was essentially the only thing that let me "put my guard down" enough that I wouldn't be so startled by sudden noises when I was trying to get some sleep, as well as muting any nightmares I would get since i'd never dream. I'm very hypervigilant from both the ptsd and my career and super sensitive to noises so have to use earplugs every night (which is another nightmare), as well as a mucked up nose so it's hard to breathe.

Fortunately so far so good, and I can't even remember my dreams from last night which makes me think my sleep was just better quality overall. It's amazing how getting sufficient quality sleep can make one feel! I've been listening to a lot of Dr Matthew Walker's podcasts...him and Dr Michael Breuss are definitely the top dogs in sleep science for anyone interested.

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
@EverythingsHazy Thanks!! Finally had my BEST sleep last night!

And no CBD...nothing..... no drugs (neither alcohol nor caffeine) as well as no other artificially induced floods of dopamine. I don't really have a desire for relaxation anymore, it was like my abuse created that need when I wasn't under the influence.

I'm more into accessing the cannabinoid and opioid receptors via the Wim Hof Method, yoga, meditation, and exercise these days, and I set and accomplish goals for dopamine since my abuse just kept me content with doing nothing. I'm definitely noticing improvements in my ability to enjoy things such as music, and my passion for life has increased ten fold.

Apparently for heavy users such as myself, the REAL benefits don't even really come until after 6 months, so this is why I really want to go the distance this time. That, and my fear that if I ever do return to it, i'll be back in the daily usage saddle and I can't ever let that happen again. It's not easy though, because with my ptsd the cannabis was essentially the only thing that let me "put my guard down" enough that I wouldn't be so startled by sudden noises when I was trying to get some sleep, as well as muting any nightmares I would get since i'd never dream. I'm very hypervigilant from both the ptsd and my career and super sensitive to noises so have to use earplugs every night (which is another nightmare), as well as a mucked up nose so it's hard to breathe.

Fortunately so far so good, and I can't even remember my dreams from last night which makes me think my sleep was just better quality overall. It's amazing how getting sufficient quality sleep can make one feel! I've been listening to a lot of Dr Matthew Walker's podcasts...him and Dr Michael Breuss are definitely the top dogs in sleep science for anyone interested.

Very impressive! Avoiding caffeine and any type of stimulant is very difficult especially for those of us that are coffee drinkers. I would love to have you point me to any links on what you've been studying especially about the real benefits after 6 months. In 10 months at my 50th b day I've decided my love affair with the plant must come to an end as I don't want to be inhaling anything but fresh air from 50 onward.

I'm kind of programming myself right now for my departure from the cannabis world.

I've never heard of the "Wim Hof Method", will definitely google it!

Thanks for the inspiration!


Very impressive! Avoiding caffeine and any type of stimulant is very difficult especially for those of us that are coffee drinkers.

Thank you! It's the most difficult things that create the most growth and are most rewarding in my experience. Nothing worth anything is easy in life. And avoiding anything that you're dependent on is very difficult, because your brain kicks and screams like a a baby wanting it back. Personally, I never ever had any "cravings", only physical withdrawals. Quitting my coffee addiction way back was nearly as hellish! Headaches, insomnia, constipation, etc. and I witnessed the same things with my girlfriend back then. So much for my Bulletproof coffee kick! :lol:

I would love to have you point me to any links on what you've been studying especially about the real benefits after 6 months. In 10 months at my 50th b day I've decided my love affair with the plant must come to an end as I don't want to be inhaling anything but fresh air from 50 onward.

I feel you, however there is always the option of a very low dose edible like a gummy right? I mean they even have high cbd/low thc or 1:1's these days, so that can completely eliminate inhaling anything. Just something i've considered for way down the road. I can honestly tell you that from my cessation, the benefits have been absolutely incredible in so many ways. TMI Warning: But my bowel habits are completely different now, I used to always have loose stools, and after quitting things got really out of hand, but now a month later, perfectly formed. The other TMI relates to my private parts lol Nothing but amazing things happening below the belt, including flaccid size! lol Surely related to dopamine, as well as all the receptors we have down there. I can't overstate the benefits of quality sober sleep, but we all have different ailments that we deal with, mine were specifically mental health related, as I don't find cannabis effective for pain, personally.

As for links, i'm on a few addiction/recovery forums, mostly cannabis related, and Reddit Leaves is a pretty active resource in real time essentially. Fortunately people who have taken a very long time to recover have popped in to motivate and spread their experiences. However, I sometimes question some of the other forums with PAWS, because I feel like some people dwell and focus so much on it, they essentially become hypochondriac and think EVERYTHING is the result of their cessation. However most things cannot be denied, PAWS is a real phenomenon that i've personally experienced. I think much has to do with mindset, for instance on my last break 2 years ago when I went 90 days, I KNEW I would be returning to cannabis, and it was more of a self discovery process and tolerance check. This time I KNOW i'm going the distance, with the possibility of returning to plant medicine as a medicine, but will never, ever, EVER abuse and use daily like my past decade+. I had issues, and i've dealt with those issues and completely restructured my life and lifestyle, and perhaps that's why my withdrawals/PAWS isn't as severe as in the past. Otherwise it has more to do with abstaining now from extracts exclusively, instead of flower (which I am allergic to).

I'm kind of programming myself right now for my departure from the cannabis world.

Smart choice my friend, much of it IS a mental game, and when you're ready, go get 'em!

I've never heard of the "Wim Hof Method", will definitely google it!

Dude has proven science wrong, and with a simple 4 min. technique, you can dive deep into the depths of your physiology, and tap in and control your autonomic nervous and immune systems. Something we've been told and programmed that it's impossible. And ANYONE can do it! Nothing but respect to this 25+ guiness book of world record holder. He's all over youtube for free! :nod:

Thanks for the inspiration!

Thank you! I'm more than happy to share all my experiences and help anyone that is willing to keep an open mind and listen. I have many, many posts here from my break 2 years ago as well. I feel like i'm a pro at PAWS/withdrawals, especially considering my long term heavy daily usage over a decade+. I really, really respect those on this forum that are able to moderate, micro dose, and most of all use it infrequently. If you can just stop, for several weeks, and have no withdrawal effects, you have a very healthy relationship with this sacred plant IMO. However, like all dopamine flooding activities, it's very easy to get in a negative feedback loop/trap, and this includes VAS!!! Which I think I have the Heavyweight Championship of the World in! :rofl:

I'm always here for ya'll, and my PM mailbox is always open for anyone that wants a bit more discretion or whatever. I just love helping people, it's in my nature, I was a firefighter for over a decade (hence some of my ptsd), and get all the satisfaction in the world from helping others. Time to go help the homeless, even if it's just doing nothing but listening to their stories... some of them are remarkable. I actually donated my last 2g of extract to a homeless guy, and it was a mix of FSE CBD and Live rosin, and he still can't believe how much it helps his pain (recent broken ribs) lol.

Have a blessed day fam! :peace::leaf:
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