The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


I'm on day 4 and really enjoying this T break I'm thinking of not consuming the edibles or tinctures and taking my body detox to another level. The medicine really helps me focus on things like creating music but I want to be just as happy and content without it as I am with took a while to build up to this state of mind it almost takes a militant attitude and one must really mean business but your body and mind will tell when to hold em and when to fold em!
T-BREAK is very wrong?


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm a knucklehead and posted in my old "I don't get as high vaping as I used to" thread, but foundthis thread later and this fits perfectly here, so.....

It has been like 2 years vaping and still like experimenting about tolerance/kind of high/habits.

I've been vaporizing every weekend, friday and saturday night.Even sundays, but since I have to drive to work on mondays, I don't want to take risks vaporizing , because if I have an accident or something and they find pot in my blood, could be an ugly thing to handle.

So, I always enjoy my time at friday and saturday nights, relax time after a really hard and stressing week....some lve concert on TV, a cool space / science fiction documentary.... I begin vaporizing at 23:00h and sometimes I go to bed at 3:00....sometimes I pass away on the couch and go to bed at 5 :D

Well, though I vap from weekend to weekend, I have for sure built tolerance in my highs...not so psicodelic and not so funny as it used to be when I began vaporizing after years and years without cannabis (I'm in my 40's now and last time I smoke a joint was 28, because I hate to smoke).Indeed, it has become like a routine and has become a little boring, so I have stopped to vap for a couple of weeks, and lets see what happens. But this last weekend I've really missed vaping, miss that time on my own, the relax, the vap effect on the brain and was not as fun as the beggining, but still missed it, it was like there was no more "saturday night fun", just watched a movie and went to bed.

This has caught somehow my attention....I'm for sure not an addict ;), but I missed vaping.

Sure the "hiatus" is for the best, and I'll appreciate it more next time I vap (or hope so!), but I felt like I really wanted to vap last saturday. Didn't and was not hard to do, but for sure missed it, these two weekends have been kind of boring, missing something.....guess the same would have happened with anything you like to do in a regular basis and you stop doing, but I find the subject interesting.

I remembered one thing Amy Winehouse said when she won a Grammy, confessing to a friend, when everybody was celebrating that "This is so boring without drugs...."

Guess cannabis is a nice thing to enjoy, like alcohol, chocolate or whatever other thing you do for pleasure, but is funny how it changes perspective and point of view of how to have fun.

Should I continue vaping every weekend, though I enjoyed less every session, or should I space them so I really apprciate it / have more or better highs?

Is an interesting question I wanted to share with you so you can share your experiences and point of view.

Let me know your thoughts! :myday:


Well-Known Member
Welp, forced cannabreak starts today due to onset of a pretty nasty sore throat which I never get unless I've got an intruder. Probably just a cold, hopefully not the flu or strepthroat. I was doing so good this winter but you can't always avoid other people's fuckin germs.
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Well-Known Member
Should I continue vaping every weekend, though I enjoyed less every session, or should I space them so I really apprciate it / have more or better highs?

While that is a completely valid question, as I ask it myself when I have a whole day of freedom in front of me (a rare event), my answer is always the same.

Um...yeah, I'll have another. Thank you for asking.


Well-Known Member
While that is a completely valid question, as I ask it myself when I have a whole day of freedom in front of me (a rare event), my answer is always the same.

Um...yeah, I'll have another. Thank you for asking.

One of the best pleasures in life is drinking water when you are really thirsty. If you are never thirsty, you can never feel that sensation.Guess vaping weed is kinda the same thing.The more you wait or hope for something, or the more your body needs it, the more you appreciate it.

But is so nice to vap anytime you want to......


One of the best pleasures in life is drinking water when you are really thirsty. If you are never thirsty, you can never feel that sensation.Guess vaping weed is kinda the same thing.The more you wait or hope for something, or the more your body needs it, the more you appreciate it.

But is so nice to vap anytime you want to......

That's a very unique analogy.

Love it! Trying to cut back myself to experience those satiating effects!


Well-Known Member
I'm sat here twiddling my vapcap an wishing the days would go quicker..
My reason for the t-break is I have a chest infection, so its more of a forced one than voluntary.

I hope this doesn't last longer than a couple of weeks...


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm a knucklehead and posted in my old "I don't get as high vaping as I used to" thread, but foundthis thread later and this fits perfectly here, so.....

It has been like 2 years vaping and still like experimenting about tolerance/kind of high/habits.

I've been vaporizing every weekend, friday and saturday night.Even sundays, but since I have to drive to work on mondays, I don't want to take risks vaporizing , because if I have an accident or something and they find pot in my blood, could be an ugly thing to handle.

So, I always enjoy my time at friday and saturday nights, relax time after a really hard and stressing week....some lve concert on TV, a cool space / science fiction documentary.... I begin vaporizing at 23:00h and sometimes I go to bed at 3:00....sometimes I pass away on the couch and go to bed at 5 :D

Well, though I vap from weekend to weekend, I have for sure built tolerance in my highs...not so psicodelic and not so funny as it used to be when I began vaporizing after years and years without cannabis (I'm in my 40's now and last time I smoke a joint was 28, because I hate to smoke).Indeed, it has become like a routine and has become a little boring, so I have stopped to vap for a couple of weeks, and lets see what happens. But this last weekend I've really missed vaping, miss that time on my own, the relax, the vap effect on the brain and was not as fun as the beggining, but still missed it, it was like there was no more "saturday night fun", just watched a movie and went to bed.

This has caught somehow my attention....I'm for sure not an addict ;), but I missed vaping.

Sure the "hiatus" is for the best, and I'll appreciate it more next time I vap (or hope so!), but I felt like I really wanted to vap last saturday. Didn't and was not hard to do, but for sure missed it, these two weekends have been kind of boring, missing something.....guess the same would have happened with anything you like to do in a regular basis and you stop doing, but I find the subject interesting.

I remembered one thing Amy Winehouse said when she won a Grammy, confessing to a friend, when everybody was celebrating that "This is so boring without drugs...."

Guess cannabis is a nice thing to enjoy, like alcohol, chocolate or whatever other thing you do for pleasure, but is funny how it changes perspective and point of view of how to have fun.

Should I continue vaping every weekend, though I enjoyed less every session, or should I space them so I really apprciate it / have more or better highs?

Is an interesting question I wanted to share with you so you can share your experiences and point of view.

Let me know your thoughts! :myday:

I would just say if you get bored. then give it a break one weekend then try again the next. I use to be a daily user pretty much all day long. But now I vape 2-3 days or evenings a week. And I find my tolerance is super low now. If it goes up a bit I just take a break for a couple extra days or something.


Well-Known Member
One of the best pleasures in life is drinking water when you are really thirsty. If you are never thirsty, you can never feel that sensation.Guess vaping weed is kinda the same thing.The more you wait or hope for something, or the more your body needs it, the more you appreciate it.

But is so nice to vap anytime you want to......
Ain't that the truth. After a hard, sweat inducing workout, a nice big glass of cold water is amazing.

I definitely prefer the actual change in headspace more than just constantly being buzzed. Being clear and sober is nice, and contrasts well with being buzzed, so you can enjoy both.


Waiting for winter
I'm on day 3 of a short unplanned T-break. I last vaped on 4/12/19 (the last of my indica concentrate too). I was crazy busy traveling on Saturday. On Sunday I was too busy with getting ready for my first child. Then I realized that if I took the week off, I'd have an extra fun time on 4/20 day so here we go :tup:


Well-Known Member
I started a new 2 weeks break. Maybe I'll do a whole month. I don't know how much tolerance I've acquired since I only vape on weekends (so I do a 5 days break between sesions) but I'd like to have one of these amazing, almost psychedelic highs that I used to have when I started vaping.


Well-Known Member
i think i might have to take a break. My eyes have been really red this month and idk what it is i thought it was an infection but its not. I already saw a specialirt and he said it was dry eyes not sure if i think thats the case. I was misdiagnosed like 2 times by 2 doctors so im a little hesitant.


Waiting for winter
i think i might have to take a break. My eyes have been really red this month and idk what it is i thought it was an infection but its not. I already saw a specialirt and he said it was dry eyes not sure if i think thats the case. I was misdiagnosed like 2 times by 2 doctors so im a little hesitant.
You get red-eye from vaping? That never happens to me.


i think i might have to take a break. My eyes have been really red this month and idk what it is

I just completed a 4 day break because I WANT red eyes! :rofl:

Sorry dude, not trying to poke fun of your situation! Just trying to add some light to t-breaks because if you're not used to them, they can be something else! :D

This is my first t-break after quitting flower over a year ago and have been dabbing exclusively!

Have any of your diagnoses been blepharitis? My ex g/f had some real issues with that... it was awful, red eyes every morning.


Well-Known Member
I'm on a 3 week cannabreak so far and my eyes are red and doped-looking.
Not to discourage your break, @Grifo, but it's pollen time, allergy season.
These damned trees are having sex in the yard and coming all over my
freshly washed car.
You might try some eye drops, some Flonase (steroid) spray and Allegra.


Well-Known Member
They call those "first world problems" I think.

But isn't Hemp pollen Kief? Claybar THAT
off the car, bro!

I stay awake at night thinking of all those
sexually frustrated female plants, all gooey
an' all. Now there's a first world #metoo
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Well-Known Member
I started a new 2 weeks break. Maybe I'll do a whole month. I don't know how much tolerance I've acquired since I only vape on weekends (so I do a 5 days break between sesions) but I'd like to have one of these amazing, almost psychedelic highs that I used to have when I started vaping.
I'd think that you would have a pretty low tolerance, but the psychedelic effects seem to be the first to go.

They call those "first world problems" I think.

But isn't Hemp pollen Kief? Claybar THAT
off the car, bro!

I stay awake at night thinking of all those
sexually frustrated female plants, all gooey
an' all. Now there's a first world #metoo
Definitely a first world problem, since it means there will be hemp everywhere, which is a useful crop, but the pollen isn't kief.

Kief is made of trichomes (usually collected from female Cannabis buds), whereas pollen is the often yellowish dust that carries a male plant's sperm cells. Some people call kief "pollen", though, even though it's a misnomer.

Day 4 completed.

I had some real struggles today. First was boredom from 7am to 9:48am when my boss called me, and he was not happy. Now I was bored, and stressed. I held out though. CBD vape juice is turning into a godsend.
Congrats! You're gonna be in for a treat! Be sure to have a clear schedule, though, because you might be surprised with how strongly it hits you.

Do you think the CBD vaping helps because of the CBD itself, because it satisfies vaporizing ritual, or a bit of both?
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Waiting for winter
Congrats! You're gonna be in for a treat! Be sure to have a clear schedule, though, because you might be surprised with how strongly it hits you.

Do you think the CBD vaping helps because of the CBD itself, because it satisfies vaporizing ritual, or a bit of both?
It was great. I should do longer breaks more regularly but...

The cbd I think just helps with the vaping ritual. It’s hard to assess its therapeutic value. That being said, I’m still using it.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to say something unpopular. CBD is garbage. It's a commercially motivated fad. Lots of people making money, and justifying it by saying it doesn't make people "high". At low doses CBD has some calming effects that may benefit some people. But it's very instructive watching how large doses affect a cancer patient who's miserable with chemo. THC greatly helps. CBD deepens the depression and reverses THC benefits. It's dramatic, and nearly instantaneous.
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