Well, I'm a knucklehead and posted in my old "I don't get as high vaping as I used to" thread, but foundthis thread later and this fits perfectly here, so.....
It has been like 2 years vaping and still like experimenting about tolerance/kind of high/habits.
I've been vaporizing every weekend, friday and saturday night.Even sundays, but since I have to drive to work on mondays, I don't want to take risks vaporizing , because if I have an accident or something and they find pot in my blood, could be an ugly thing to handle.
So, I always enjoy my time at friday and saturday nights, relax time after a really hard and stressing week....some lve concert on TV, a cool space / science fiction documentary.... I begin vaporizing at 23:00h and sometimes I go to bed at 3:00....sometimes I pass away on the couch and go to bed at 5
Well, though I vap from weekend to weekend, I have for sure built tolerance in my highs...not so psicodelic and not so funny as it used to be when I began vaporizing after years and years without cannabis (I'm in my 40's now and last time I smoke a joint was 28, because I hate to smoke).Indeed, it has become like a routine and has become a little boring, so I have stopped to vap for a couple of weeks, and lets see what happens. But this last weekend I've really missed vaping, miss that time on my own, the relax, the vap effect on the brain and body.....it was not as fun as the beggining, but still missed it, it was like there was no more "saturday night fun", just watched a movie and went to bed.
This has caught somehow my attention....I'm for sure not an addict

, but I missed vaping.
Sure the "hiatus" is for the best, and I'll appreciate it more next time I vap (or hope so!), but I felt like I really wanted to vap last saturday. Didn't and was not hard to do, but for sure missed it, these two weekends have been kind of boring, missing something.....guess the same would have happened with anything you like to do in a regular basis and you stop doing, but I find the subject interesting.
I remembered one thing Amy Winehouse said when she won a Grammy, confessing to a friend, when everybody was celebrating that "This is so boring without drugs...."
Guess cannabis is a nice thing to enjoy, like alcohol, chocolate or whatever other thing you do for pleasure, but is funny how it changes perspective and point of view of how to have fun.
Should I continue vaping every weekend, though I enjoyed less every session, or should I space them so I really apprciate it / have more or better highs?
Is an interesting question I wanted to share with you so you can share your experiences and point of view.
Let me know your thoughts!