By the way, I don't mean to pry, so feel free to not answer whatever you rather not share.
Do you have a specific diagnosis for what is causing such a debilitating intolerance to so many substances? There has to be something going on. I've never heard of someone being unable to take any form of medicine.
To my knowledge, though, there is no CBD-free strain of Cannabis. Are you just unbothered by the microdoses of CBD or do you suffer from that?
Hey, just lying in bed about to go back to sleep, so I type this very bluntly and quickly just to give a gist.
I have mentioned this many times of course but you must have not seen it but basically I I've had a very severe case of full-blown Lyme disease from a single tick bite in 2004 and this is the root bottom cause of my condition and allergies because the borrelia bacteria bacteria which is is an infection of the nervous system completely messes up the immune and nervous system and leaves them in a dysregulated state which is essentially what "lyme disease" is, not an infection so to speak which triggers the condition my own bacterial infection was cleared over 2 years ago but the condition remains because it is not even about the infection anymore.
You may not have heard of people not being able to take remedies/medicines to my extreme because anybody in a similar situation to myself would be having such an incredibly hard time living a normal life if that you simply would not hear or see from them most likely I'm sure many people with the severity of my respiratory symptoms and adverse reactions would perhaps not have survived for this long i dare because the symptoms and potential complications if not managed and accounted for/anticipated thoroughly consistently every single day could easily be fatal. I have had to be so incredibly resilient and resourceful and imaginative in finding ways around these obstacles to try and live as normally and optimally and balanced a life as I can on but really it is all about survival literally.
I am without doubt the most overly and abnormal reactive person I have ever come across or known myself and is likely to be the case for everybody who has ever met or heard from me.
It's an extreme case involving my immune system being so dysregulated in a hyper reactive state ever since 2005 no matter what I do.
On the CBD being presents in most bud yes you've gotten the slightly wrong impression from me here I'm not saying I cannot have CBD entering my body at all I just cannot take CBD products because my immune system differentiates between the same substances in different forms and reacts selectively so my reaction to the pure CBD product is very severe and intolerable but the tiny amount of cbd that maybe present in my own flower is not triggering a big reaction in anything like the same way although i do still react allergenically to my own cannabis as i would to any medicinal or psychoactive substance ingested in any form, with very few exceptions.
I have tried everything and anything over the years and I'm incredibly mentally strong and resilient when it comes to riding things out and mind over matter but it is completely impossible to live with these adverse reactions even one day day to try one supplement just once is absolutely hell for one or two days until the reaction has completely worn off and nothing I ever experienced in my life up to the age of 25 came close to the difficulty of handling the symptoms and just the general package of of it all, day in , day out 365.
Easily 7 or 8 hours every day is required to continually clear the excessive mucus from my respiratory tract which is triggered by the ingestion of any food and virtually anything except plain water and two types of herbal tea there are no other teas or drinks I have tried which I can tolerate without adverse respiratory reaction.
I have tried all sorts of natural herbs and remedies and discovered some truly amazing healing and health supporting plants out there which benefit me extraordinarily in every single way except for the unnecessary immune respiratory reaction which is always unbearable.
I've not been able to tolerate any vitamin supplements or anything like that despite massive deficiencies and recommendations from the doctor it's just impossible to take any of them I've tried and tried and suffered too much to be interested in trying again when there is literally a 99% chance a new remedy or supplement will be exactly like the others.
I really don't have the answers and no way could anybody even possibly relate to my situation and what I describe without directly experiencing it because words just cannot convey how different ones life becomes when you have to permanently think 24/7 about managing this over reactive vessel and trying to live some sort of normal life which is completely impossible.
For example and I say this with Confidence (and respect) if you yourself or any random person from the street where to write down a detailed food intake diary for the past 3 weeks, I would put a great sum of money now that every single time you have ingested something, be it food, drink, herb, remedy, supplement etc.... I could almost guarantee that I would have a big problem with at least one thing being consumed every single time if not the vast majority of ingredients and food items making up that meal, drink or ingestion.
This is no exaggeration honestly the need for dietary and overall restriction and awareness of the problematic items is so extreme and comprehensive it's almost unbelievable.
So could you imagine if suddenly every single thing that yourself and normal people have been eating and consuming your entire lives without a second thought and just getting on with your daily stuff suddenly you would not be able to consume without unbearably severe reactions of all sorts, which in every single case are far more extreme and difficult experiences than you have ever experienced in your life until that point.
This apart from the whole illness itself and all of the complications and believe me there are many including multiple chronic long-term infections in my lungs I've had at least two infections in both lungs every single day since 2005 due to such heavily compromised immunity, most of the time that is between 4 and 6 infections in my lungs at the same time and this has been constant for the past 2 or 3 years now at this level.
The same for my bladder I have had urinary infections permanently since 2012 due to heavily compromised immune system in those areas as well as well as infections all over the place like sinuses throat intestines.
I treat and overcome the infections and I could clear everything 100% in say one month probably but my immune system is so compromised that I'm developing new infections faster than I clear them so it's just a battleground treading water and trying to stay on top as best I can which is incredibly difficult.
There are many cases of Lyme Disease out there which have been equally severe as my own and I would suggest that these people's situations and lifestyles are so extreme and challenging that you just do not hear of or from them because they are reclused away simply surviving one day at a time.
Recovering fully from Lyme disease, not just clearing the infection which is actually the easy part in my experience is incredibly difficult even if you have all of the money and resources in the world and no intolerances at all it can still take years and prove unachievable for many.
It would require a very comprehensive treatment and supplement program which apart from the fact I could never afford one relative penny towards I simply could not take any of the supplements anyway which has made my own situation all the more impossible when it comes to to maintaining nutrition and energy levels and treating infections and rebuilding and restoring the immune and nervous system essentially.
It is all or nothing. People can give me brilliant advice saying you need to eat this and do this and take that etc but 100% of the time I can't even consider it because of the reactions to everything.
Really sorry guys to say so much on this I'm just trying to give you a worthwhile insight
@EverythingsHazy because if I just say a few words you would not possibly be able to fathom the type of extreme and unusual situation and condition I am talking about.