The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Thanks bro, if Woody Harrelson can do it after 30 years, I can do it after 20 LOL. However, i'm going back to it (I think!)

I don't think i'd be able to tolerate the taste of the clove tea! lol However, I do have alot of great organic herbal teas and they make me feel better, my favourite is Holy Basil (Tulsi).

I also like and believe in Ayurveda and make a spicy milk concoction with some of the spices you have mentioned as well a a little honey. Have you studied your vata pitta kapha?


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, if Woody Harrelson can do it after 30 years, I can do it after 20 LOL. However, i'm going back to it (I think!)

I don't think i'd be able to tolerate the taste of the clove tea! lol However, I do have alot of great organic herbal teas and they make me feel better, my favourite is Holy Basil (Tulsi).

I also like and believe in Ayurveda and make a spicy milk concoction with some of the spices you have mentioned as well a a little honey. Have you studied your vata pitta kapha?
Yes I studied ayurved with great interest years ago. Im vata, which means more carbs, grains, and more food generally. Less suitable for fasting.

Interesting you should mention that. This is parrtly whatbwas on my mind yesterday about the "ideal right way" etc. Both ayurveda, and the traditional chinese medicine (TCM) system advise strongly against excessive consumption of raw foods like veg. Ayurveda even recommends cooked fruits.
In TCM,,raw foods are exacerbating for heat dampness, casuing excessive mucus for those out of balance.
This is what I was getting att when I said how one size doesnt fit all, all of the time. These systems are ancient and originated from times of greater wisdom and harmony within the body.
So it is hard to make sense of it all, alongside the raw foodist movement etc.

I try to draw a balanced line and adapt gradually, play around etc. I do actually eat some raw veg these days. Only in 2015 did I become able to tolerate any raw veg at all. For years I just couldnt dogest it, major digestive upset, and terrible mucus production, whether that was a good thing or not, there is no way anyone in the world could actually live life like that willfully!

However, I have only found a few types of veg I can tolerate raw-carrots, courgettes, shop bought organic sauerkraut (pasteurised though, raw is so pricey, and my condition it so debilitiating, physically and mentally I cant manage much food preparation tasks or do things right etc to make my own feremented veggies).

Greens etc are the most pesticide laden veg, and organic is barely available and a fortune, so I would feel bad about juicing loads of kale etc if not organic. Like you, I avoid so much food because of how bad/toxic it is.

This summer, I intend to experiemt with more raw veg. But I have had so many bad experiences with major indigestion from diff raw veg, I am afraid to try! I know that crucuferous veg (brocoli, cabbage etc) needs to be fermented to be digestible raw.
We should be eating more of this stuff, I need someone to make it for me though! You dont see the sick patient in the hospital bed competently running a kitchen with full array of prepared foods do you?

Society does not cater for sick people with healing food,,again this is down to the bastards! So is everything in my book, the world could and likely would be practically perfect if it wasnt being deliberately blocked and kept as far from ideal as possible.

Do you use raw honey? Ayurveda says honey should always be raw and never even be heated slightly. I cant touch honey die to dreadful mucus, like millions of other great foods and herbs etc.

Sorry about all my typos! Last year I injured my optic nerve, and this has affected my vision and focus, with delayed refocussing. Also my memory, brain function and ability to learn, store, and understand things.

Reading is really hard, especially this forum with the dark background, and the text is very dim white. A bolder white text would make it much easier.
I also have hand issues with tendonitis and repetitive strain, so have to be careful to punch the keys, like a crocodile will bite me if I dont just snap back out of each key.

Not to mentiom the stupid tablet on screen key pad doesnt help with the way it flashes the key you hit after you hit it, distracting me from seeing which key Im actually hitting next!

However, i'm going back to it (I think!)
Do you mean weed? I hope so. I presume your break is to do with employemnt? Testing etc?
I feel bad for folks when they have to suffer without. So I would be real pleased if something has changednandnit wont be necessary now after all.
And you can feel so much better about going back to vapor, whenever it is, after coping so well with these few days. Maybe you can motivate yourself just to do a few weeks, or a bit longer to reap some extra benefits that may pay off in the long run, especially if you can stick to organic herbs in the future and hopefully not face such an ordeal next time.
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Interesting you should mention that. This is parrtly whatbwas on my mind yesterday about the "ideal right way" etc. Both ayurveda, and the traditional chinese medicine (TCM) system advise strongly against excessive consumption of raw foods like veg. Ayurveda even recommends cooked fruits.
In TCM,,raw foods are exacerbating for heat dampness, casuing excessive mucus for those out of balance.
This is what I was getting att when I said how one size doesnt fit all, all of the time. These systems are ancient and originated from times of greater wisdom and harmony within the body.
So it is hard to make sense of it all, alongside the raw foodist movement etc.

I could not agree more! Although I think some raw is healthy, I don't agree that full throttle raw is the way to go, for some of the reasons you have explained. Stuff like spinach, should be cooked no? Leptins, phytic acids, etc... then again, same goes for soaking nuts, etc. I think overall, i'm starting not to give a shit as much lol.

Greens etc are the most pesticide laden veg, and organic is barely available and a fortune, so I would feel bad about juicing loads of kale etc if not organic. Like you, I avoid so much food because of how bad/toxic it is.

This is the thing, and this is why I don't expect my food and diet to be perfect. I buy some organic stuff, but some of it is shit, and I rather buy a fresher conventional version, maybe if I had way more money it would be different, and i'd be able to shop at Whole Foods, but I can't spend 5X as much on "organic" when alot of it is BS, unless you go to the farm etc. I used to buy the organic chicken at costco, loved it, and then heard about the BS scam that it was conventional chicken.

It's too frustrating realizing that everything is bad for us, so I try to stick to my macros, and eat a whole foods diet with nearly no processed food. I am a believer in hormesis and love to carb backload. John Kiefer is my god here....he's a huge proponent of an ultra low carb diet, and he's a physicist to boot. Smart dude, only carb up once in a while, and the rest of the time keep your insulin stable. I'm a fat burner, have been for the past 3 years.... I don't want to go back to burning mainly carbs for energy, you burn what you eat, and fat is just such a better more stable fuel for me, instead of messing up my insulin eating every 3 hours. You can literally see how fast sugar ages people IMO.

Do you ise raw honey? Ayurveda says honey should always be raw and never even be heated slightly. I cant touch homey die to dreadful mucus, like millions of other great foods and herbs etc.

Yes, ayurdevic doc says that heated slightly is okay, but hot is not. Regardless, I really don't care and just put in a teaspoon, usually when it's still pretty warm. I don't believe everything about it. Have you read up on cannabis and ayurveda? Interesting stuff! Bhang tea anyone? lol

Sorry about all my typos! Last year I injured my optic nerve, and this has affected my vision and focus, with delayed refocussing. Also my memory, brain function and ability to learn, store, and understand things.

Trust me man, i'm functioning at 1/2 speed here..... it's all good, i feel like a zombie right now, so i'm probably all over the map. Which isn't really anything new lol

Reading is really hard, especially this forum with the dark background, and the text is very dim white. A bolder white text would make it much easier.

You should be able to change that. I actually prefer it for my eyes, I hate BRIGHT.

Do you mean weed? I hope so. I presume your break is to do with employemnt? Testing etc?

Yep ganja! The break has many reasons....testing is one, but also because I haven't had a break from 1-2g/day in 1 year, and I severely need the detox. Nothing like the smell of pure kush coming out of your armpits lol Detox is essential, and even though it isn't easy, i'm already starting to notice a tonne of positives and I feel alot different.

Had a few organic eggs (nice and dark yolks!) lightly fried (yolk runny) in some kiwi gold organic butter, and a nice relaxing peppermint tea... thinking of a walk/jog shortly since it's sunny and beautiful.

Trying to keep my mind positive, and just want to keep my mindset as "I just stopped vaping, no big deal, everything is the same, i'm just sober" instead of making a big deal out of it.

I have to sincerely thank you and everyone else for your incredible words of wisdom and support. I feel that just hammering these words out and expressing myself is an extremely powerful form of therapy. Not everyone understands...

United we stand. Divided we're dead! Fuck all the evil greedy forces in the world! Now I gotta go watch Zeitgiest again lol

EDIT: Back from a decent run/walk.....sweating is insane OMG! And i'm starting to hack/cough zero production though (no mucus alexis lol)....just dry very hard painful hacking cough once in a while. This happens every single time I take a break, mainly post shower. But it appears post exercise too.

I feel sooooo tired spent lol. At least I was somewhat productive lol
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Completely disagree that carbs age people faster. The healthiest populations in the world have all thrived on a high carb diet. These are the elderly villagers that still have to haul water and make a fire every time they cook something... Most of the world cannot afford a high fat diet, it's only something you really see in first world countries where 70% of the population is obese. Sugar is a vital nutrient needed by every cell in the body to function.

Pretty much all those vegetables @Alexis has trouble eating shouldn't be eaten by anyone anyways. We aren't designed to eat a lot of vegetables, we can't even break down cellulose, we aren't cows. Cruciferous vegetables especially are bitter and gross, a natural warning sign for our sweet seeking palette.
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C No Ego

Well-Known Member
Completely disagree that carbs age people faster. The healthiest populations in the world have all thrived on a high carb diet. These are the elderly villagers that still have to haul water and make a fire every time they cook something... Most of the world cannot afford a high fat diet, it's only something you really see in first world countries where 70% of the population is obese. Sugar is a vital nutrient needed by every cell in the body to function.

Pretty much all those vegetables @Alexis has trouble eating shouldn't be eaten by anyone anyways. We aren't designed to eat a lot of vegetables, we can't even break down cellulose, we aren't cows. Cruciferous vegetables especially are bitter and gross, a natural warning sign for our sweet seeking palette.

bitters though, help in digestion... bitters are good too


All good, nice to have different viewpoints, but this thread is about T-breaking so imma gunna get back to that.

I researched maybe 5 minutes on Kratom.... that's pretty much all I needed to realize I want nothing to do with the stuff lol

I feel incredible....nice warm shower....then cold..... I feel like a bunch of sludge has been removed from my brain or something.

Then again.....i'm starting to feel Must be those fat cells burning up cannabinoid metabolites so my brain is happy lol


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I rarely take breaks. If I travel for work on a plane . .that's about it. Luckily I've been able to avoid air travel for quite a while now.

I got this time-locking box . .you put your stuff in it and then set the timer for a few minutes up to several days. This enables me to cut down without actually taking a break.

I have used it to enforce only indulging in the evenings, saving a bit of good herb for an upcoming occasion, etc. Right now I'm setting it for 4 hours at a time just to keep me from burning through my stash so fast and vaping mindlessly. Left to my own devices, an ounce might last me 5-10 days. With the box I can make it last 30 days if I want to...and my tolerance will go way down at the same time.

The one I have is called The Kitchen Safe:

$50 is a lot for what it actually is. but it has to be that much...if it was $10 I'd break it, lol.
Bring on the tools! Sledgehammer if required!!!


Well-Known Member
@biohacker , it just clicked in my brain- for me always, one of the worst side effects of a low carb diet, is difficulty sleeping and getting enough sleep. I had candida really bad from 2005. I got rid of it quite easily simply by adhering strictly to the anti-candida diet, which is basically very low carb with emphasis on meat and fish, with tons of veg. (plus eggs, but badly allergic to them.)

I followed it with excellent discipline, took various natural antifungals and bingo! No more candida ever since 2007. Overcoming candida was a piece of piss compared to Lyme and the coxsackie viruses, it just requires knowledge and discipline.

So my point is, Im not questioning the merits or correctness of a low carb diet at all. Im all open and dont know anything really, but I wonder if it might be a facet of your low carb intake that predisposes you to sleeping difficulty wneh you break from weed, and makes your sleep more dependsnt on weed.
Just an idea, but worth considering I think.

For me there is definitely a direct link between how much carbohydrate I eat and how much and deeply I am able to sleep.
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Bang on bro....carbs and serotonin..... i'm presently not on a low carb diet, probably more moderate, and i've been biohacking my sleep for decades, i've tried it all...... unfortunately, insomnia is probably the most common withdrawal side effect. You do know that cannabis influences (mitigates greatly i believe) your own melatonin production? So what do you expect when you remove cannabis? It will take weeks for the body to get back to homeostasis. In my case months, if not longer. Some of the stories i've read about on other forums are very discouraging, but I also can't expect to be completely normal and back to myself quickly when I have 10 hardcore years under my belt lol. Not to mention, I kinda think I need it medicinally, however i've been double thinking if it's actually helping me more than it's hurting.

It's like someone going off of their meds, but need to in order to lower tolerance and get into that therapeutic level/range.... because always upping dose is not feasible, and not effective IMO.

Just had some nice shrimps for lunch! Nature's perfect food IMO....high in cholesterol for hormones, and healthy omega 3 fatty acids. I'm trying to focus on nourishing my brain this time around, and I think it's working! Typically on day 3 my hands would be FREEZING and i'd have shivers but not this time!

I have though already dropped 7 lbs of water. This always happens and I love the effect, especially since summer and beach season is around the corner. Hopefully i'll get motivated to lift weights soon, so I can put on a bit of muscle too. Just looking for a positive feedback cycle, so as to get alot more involved and busier with life, instead of just getting more and more apathetic.

EDIT: Another thing i'm doing differently this time is pounding the magnesium. Apparently this is a mineral that a huge portion of the population is deficient in.

I don't know how true this is, but it makes sense to me:

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Well-Known Member
Bang on bro....carbs and serotonin..... i'm presently not on a low carb diet, probably more moderate, and i've been biohacking my sleep for decades, i've tried it all...... unfortunately, insomnia is probably the most common withdrawal side effect. You do know that cannabis influences (mitigates greatly i believe) your own melatonin production? So what do you expect when you remove cannabis? It will take weeks for the body to get back to homeostasis. In my case months, if not longer. Some of the stories i've read about on other forums are very discouraging, but I also can't expect to be completely normal and back to myself quickly when I have 10 hardcore years under my belt lol. Not to mention, I kinda think I need it medicinally, however i've been double thinking if it's actually helping me more than it's hurting.

It's like someone going off of their meds, but need to in order to lower tolerance and get into that therapeutic level/range.... because always upping dose is not feasible, and not effective IMO.

Just had some nice shrimps for lunch! Nature's perfect food IMO....high in cholesterol for hormones, and healthy omega 3 fatty acids. I'm trying to focus on nourishing my brain this time around, and I think it's working! Typically on day 3 my hands would be FREEZING and i'd have shivers but not this time!

I have though already dropped 7 lbs of water. This always happens and I love the effect, especially since summer and beach season is around the corner. Hopefully i'll get motivated to lift weights soon, so I can put on a bit of muscle too. Just looking for a positive feedback cycle, so as to get alot more involved and busier with life, instead of just getting more and more apathetic.

Have you tried melatonin supplements? Or 5-htp? Melatonin supposedly kick starts your own melatonin production. I did also read tha about cannabis and melatonin, but Im a very light user compared to you so in my case, my melatonin production is likely not being affected so much by weed to be a particular problem (IF!) and when I do ever stop these days.

Im on day 10 of my vapor break for homeopathy. I have had edibles every day except for 2 days off last weekend. I have been suffering like hell from the homeopathy. It is kicking some serious ass out of all my infections, especially my lungs, resulting in so much biofilm being released and maximising its surface area within my respiratory tract to be cleared.

Literally every sip has an insrant effect, like a magic bullet. The suffering is always the worst at the start of the medicine course, when obviously infection levels are at their highest.
But before long, there is a suddden dramatic all round improvement, especially with my chest.

This happened 2 days ago, when I suddenly felt SO MUCH better.
If I stopped the medicine now, I would be feeling much better all round, but the die off continues as soon as I start the remedies each day and suffering perseveres, until the 30 days is up.

I cant tell you just how wonderful it always is to get to the other side of it, be free from the die off and excess mucus cycle, and be all round a million times better. I might and should come out of this course, the best I have actually been in the whole 12 years of my illness.
End of December, I was! Lowest level of infection for 12 years. But I made 2 stupid but honest mistakes since then, resulting in 2 big infections, plus a series of winter illnesses and I started this course with over twice as much infection as the previous time end of November.

Winter over, I dont expect too much risk of new infections so in theory, its looking good, but until this thing is over, and the clouds have cleared (no better analogy here), it cant be seen.

Anyway, I have just spent 75 minutes eating this meal: I hope this is not too unacceptable in present company :lol::

Raw carrot (organic), cooked kale (organic), sauerkraut (organic), wholemeal pasta (organic), with also organic tahini with: turmeric, cayenne and cinnamon mixed into it for respiratory symptoms as well as digestion etc.

A little coconut oil added to plate and very tiny drizzle olive oil, plus himalayan salt.

I think the only thing I could REALLY be taken to court over is the pasta!:lol:
Ayurveda rates wheat and swears it is very important for Vata types (me).
Howevr, they wrote this back when wheat was wild wheat. Now we have hybridised dwarf wheat, and this is why wheat gets a bad rap, grain or no grain debate aside.

And I would also have raw tahini made from soaked sesame seeds and blended myself. Soaked nuts/seeds are so much easier to digest and feel much better inside, but they give me the worst chest that way, hence all my nuts currently are roasted.

I would NEVER even consider eating nuts raw and unsoaked, I just cant digest them at all.:disgust:

Edit too- @biohacker I just saw your edit, but damn, I was supposed to suggest magnesiu, to you today and completely forgot. It came to me last night, on paper a great idea amd yes very important mineral so most people (lole 90% plus) are extemely deficient in. It causes all sorts of symptoms, especially restlessmess and sleeping issues.
I cant take any oral vitamins or minerals, but I use "magnesium oil" every day. I started using it in 2013 due to severe muscular tension and pain in my arms due to a virus in my nervous system.

You just slap it onto skin and rub in. It stopped the muscular tension and has beema godsend ever since. I only rub it into my arms, fingers to shoulder every day after a shower. When I dont use it, my arms and especially hands will get really sore and tight within a few days. Even one day skipped and things dont feel so good.

The fact that the transdermal magnesium is also the best way of getting magnesium into the body, is just an added bonus. They say when you start using the magnesium oil to use a lot of it for a period (several months),to get your levels up, as this is what it can take.

I never did this. Im too fatigued to go rubbing all over my body, and its never warm enough here either and Im thin, prone to cold. But the amount I do use is better than nothing.

The bramd we use is "Swanson". They seem to be the same thing as the leading brand "Ancient minerals" but much much cheaper, especially in the US.
I bet good money the magnesium has a lot to do with how you are coping this time.
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OMG that looks incredible bro! Nice presentation too! I do eat pasta, but I like the brown rice stuff from Costco, but I don't have the health issues you do. I also don't eat exactly like I would want to presently, but i'm going through alot of stress, transitions, etc. in my life so there will be a time when I dial it down even further. I can handle alot of bad food no least I think I can, perhaps instead of mucous I get mental health effects like low mood or something....everyone is different. For example, so many healthy foods cause you mucous, yet I can drink the most mucous producing food in the world (Milk?) and not have a single reaction. Surely i'd love to drink pure clean unpasteurized milk from pasture, but I have to settle for organic full fat pasteurized. I'm still debating whether to keep or remove it from my diet. Perhaps genetics plays an important role...mine are eastern european, so things like good bread, and dairy were staples.

I have tried melatonin in doses from .5mg to over 20m..the latter I was in such bad shape I honestly wanted to die, so thought WTF why not OD on melatonin lol. Same effect though, nothing! Same with 5HTP. I think blue light has more of a drug like effect, so I avoid it like the plague after the sun goes down. I'm such an anomaly that sleep specialists don't know what to do..... but i've never abstained from cannabis long enough to see if it was causing my issues. There is a genetic component, and my dad died of Creutzfeld Jacob disease (my family lived in england for a year before moving to canada where i was born) at the age of 46, so i'm not really sure what's waiting for me down the road, now that i'm 41. My brother made it to 50, so we'll see.


Well-Known Member
OMG that looks incredible bro! Nice presentation too! I do eat pasta, but I like the brown rice stuff from Costco, but I don't have the health issues you do. I also don't eat exactly like I would want to presently, but i'm going through alot of stress, transitions, etc. in my life so there will be a time when I dial it down even further. I can handle alot of bad food no least I think I can, perhaps instead of mucous I get mental health effects like low mood or something....everyone is different. For example, so many healthy foods cause you mucous, yet I can drink the most mucous producing food in the world (Milk?) and not have a single reaction. Surely i'd love to drink pure clean unpasteurized milk from pasture, but I have to settle for organic full fat pasteurized. I'm still debating whether to keep or remove it from my diet. Perhaps genetics plays an important role...mine are eastern european, so things like good bread, and dairy were staples.

I have tried melatonin in doses from .5mg to over 20m..the latter I was in such bad shape I honestly wanted to die, so thought WTF why not OD on melatonin lol. Same effect though, nothing! Same with 5HTP. I think blue light has more of a drug like effect, so I avoid it like the plague after the sun goes down. I'm such an anomaly that sleep specialists don't know what to do..... but i've never abstained from cannabis long enough to see if it was causing my issues. There is a genetic component, and my dad died of Creutzfeld Jacob disease (my family lived in england for a year before moving to canada where i was born) at the age of 46, so i'm not really sure what's waiting for me down the road, now that i'm 41. My brother made it to 50, so we'll see.
I think we reaon and rationalise very similarly, so I get your milk dilemna and Im not sure I would be any different in your posistion. Yeah you are bang on, the extent to which a food causes me excess mucus has nothing to do with how healthy or unhealthy it is.

But I am like a mining canary for things that are bad full stop as I am so sensitive to bad stuff that has no place on earth (and would not if without the demon perpetrators of the worlds downfall and destruction).

But normally, I would encourage people to avoid pasteurised milk, even if organic.
The big issue with milk is the cow breeds as well. The old breeds, A2, are okay. Some genetic mutation occured and then came about the A1 breed, which is the most predominant nowadays. Goat milk is A2, which is why many tolerate it so much better.

When I am better, I hope to male kefir from raw organic goat milk. That wil be my choice of probiotic and one I strongly reccomend.
It is the A1 breed specifically that has a lot to do with negative health effects from milk, including mucus.
There are other considerations I forget as well, but Im not saying at all you should stop the milk. Only you can decide. If it wasnt organic, I would say steer clear!! Those hormones and antibioitics ae the worst bit by far! Pesticides too!

Did you see my edit above by the way about the magnesium? You beat me to that one, but it shows my idea was on the right track.


Hey man thanks for pointing it out because no I didn't, and yes I used the transdermal as well, although I don't like it much because it smells and is kinda sticky lol. I do epsom salt baths nearly daily now too....sooo relaxing....relief.

I'm well versed with the A1/A2 protein casein types, and have heard that it's mostly A2 in europe? Here in North America is all A1, although I just found a farm that is claiming he has A2 so we'll see. You're right pasteurized milk is not a health food, but for some reason I still think the nutrition in it outweighs the risks for me. I don't drink milk straight up often, although love a nice cold glass after some haagen daaz strawberry! I usually just use milk in my smoothies... the one I just made now has 1 scoop organic whey concentrate (switched back from isolate), some avocado, pineapple, and mango. I'm not pro powders whatsoever, but at this point I need to drink alot of my calories because the receptors in my gut are acting up.

My girlfriend makes her own kefir, but I woudn't go near that stuff yuck! lmao

I think we just have alot of knowledge to share, we would probably become great friends in person...if you're ever in the Toronto, Canada area, let me know!

Oh yeah, you're awesome meal pic gave me an idea for a new thread - MEALS? If you start it and post that pic, i'll post some of my own meals too!


Well-Known Member
Currently, on day 25/31, and the only thing I'm somewhat worried about with frequent/daily Cannabis use, changes in brain volume/brain matter ratios. As enjoyable as Cannabis is, it's not worth being dumber or mentally slower/less efficient in middle/old age.

The amotivation issue hasn't been changed at all in the past 3 weeks. There's more energy there, but it's nervous/restless energy as opposed to "let's go be productive" energy. Not enjoyable at all.


Well-Known Member
Hey man thanks for pointing it out because no I didn't, and yes I used the transdermal as well, although I don't like it much because it smells and is kinda sticky lol. I do epsom salt baths nearly daily now too....sooo relaxing....relief.

I'm well versed with the A1/A2 protein casein types, and have heard that it's mostly A2 in europe? Here in North America is all A1, although I just found a farm that is claiming he has A2 so we'll see. You're right pasteurized milk is not a health food, but for some reason I still think the nutrition in it outweighs the risks for me. I don't drink milk straight up often, although love a nice cold glass after some haagen daaz strawberry! I usually just use milk in my smoothies... the one I just made now has 1 scoop organic whey concentrate (switched back from isolate), some avocado, pineapple, and mango. I'm not pro powders whatsoever, but at this point I need to drink alot of my calories because the receptors in my gut are acting up.

My girlfriend makes her own kefir, but I woudn't go near that stuff yuck! lmao

I think we just have alot of knowledge to share, we would probably become great friends in person...if you're ever in the Toronto, Canada area, let me know!

Oh yeah, you're awesome meal pic gave me an idea for a new thread - MEALS? If you start it and post that pic, i'll post some of my own meals too!
About the magnesium being sticky-this is the main reason I only put it on my arms after a shower. I roll up my sleeves and after 15 minutes the magnesium has beem taken in leaving the sticky brine. Then I rinse my arms off. I am OCD about sticky stuff, oils etc. I dont want it on my clothing, I dont even like anything on my hands that will get on anything I touch, like olive oil etc. Real OCD me!!:nod:

I think we just have alot of knowledge to share, we would probably become great friends in person...if you're ever in the Toronto, Canada area, let me know!
My feelings exactly. I admit, I am kinda jealous of you and lazy being able to hook up for some quality vapor sessions. From reading the VHW thread agas ago, you both seemed really cool and fun. But I had no idea we would have so much thinking and experience in common!

I will have to do that abput the meal thread. I have loads of shots of dead simple, easy but healthy meals I photoed just to give friends ideas.


Currently, on day 25/31, and the only thing I'm somewhat worried about with frequent/daily Cannabis use, changes in brain volume/brain matter ratios. As enjoyable as Cannabis is, it's not worth being dumber or mentally slower/less efficient in middle/old age.

Hey man, congrats on making it almost to the end! What is your usage pattern/history? Have you taken breaks before? Age? I'm in middle age now, and I love cannabis and always will, but i'm no longer in denial about it being the pancea without any negative side effects, which alot of people deny. I just don't see what's so natural about inhaling exogenous phytocannabinoids with high heat to disrupt our own endocannabinoid receptors, hour after hour, day after day unless you have no choice for medical reasons. I will always support cannabis over anything chemical or pharma, although it seems like alot of cannabis has alot of pesticides unless you grow your own.

Dr Daniel Amen has some interesting info on cannabis and the brain, and it's not great...spect scans.

My feelings exactly. I admit, I am kinda jealous of you and lazy being able to hook up for some quality vapor sessions. From reading the VHW thread agas ago, you both seemed really cool and fun. But I had no idea we would have so much thinking and experience in common!

Dude, I met lazy on this forum a few years back....he's like my BFF now! :lol: So weird, we're both the same age and have so much in common it's insane. Thanks to FC! Would be awesome having a sesh together, lightweight ;)

I will have to do that abput the meal thread. I have loads of shots of dead simple, easy but healthy meals I photoed just to give friends ideas.

Awesome! I have a tonne of meals that I made at the firehall, mostly meals for myself and not my unhealthy crewmates lol They are from a couple of years back, but at a time when I was so razor focussed on my diet and fitness, I was in the best shape of my life at single digit body fat, i'm not far off now, but need put some more effort in. The only shitty thing back then was my love and dependency for bulletproof coffee. I don't touch the stuff anymore, but it did make it way easier burning fat, especially with MCT oil!


Morning fellas.... day 4! Major night sweat for the first half of the night, then dry for the latter half. I'm wondering if the sweating is due to some sort of anxiety that occurs when i'm trying to sleep. Sleep is broken right through the night, constantly being aroused, toss and turn, but tolerance. Feel like complete shit from the lack of sleep, yet i've been through way worse in the past. It's weird, i've heard that withdrawals just get more severe every time you go through them, but this is the easiest time i've had with it in years. Still focussing on nutrition, had some amazing wild pacific salmon for dinner with these tiny little sweet potatoes which were the sweetest i've ever tasted. Continuing to pound the water, magnesium, and trying to eat as much as my stomach will allow because the weight keeps on dropping. But unlike before, i'm not constantly urinating all the time, but more than usual. I can literally start seeing the definition in abs now which is nice because they have been in hibernation since last summer! lol

I also really took some time to check out the Dr. Amen stuff and i'm not completely convinced. Although I do believe in some of the long term damage, I think it's not balanced whatsoever and almost seems like a prohibition agenda. I'm not sure what these spect scans are really about, but I think some studies that show how any long term effects can be reversed would be beneficial, because they are out there.


Well-Known Member
Morning fellas.... day 4! Major night sweat for the first half of the night, then dry for the latter half. I'm wondering if the sweating is due to some sort of anxiety that occurs when i'm trying to sleep. Sleep is broken right through the night, constantly being aroused, toss and turn, but tolerance. Feel like complete shit from the lack of sleep, yet i've been through way worse in the past. It's weird, i've heard that withdrawals just get more severe every time you go through them, but this is the easiest time i've had with it in years. Still focussing on nutrition, had some amazing wild pacific salmon for dinner with these tiny little sweet potatoes which were the sweetest i've ever tasted. Continuing to pound the water, magnesium, and trying to eat as much as my stomach will allow because the weight keeps on dropping. But unlike before, i'm not constantly urinating all the time, but more than usual. I can literally start seeing the definition in abs now which is nice because they have been in hibernation since last summer! lol

I also really took some time to check out the Dr. Amen stuff and i'm not completely convinced. Although I do believe in some of the long term damage, I think it's not balanced whatsoever and almost seems like a prohibition agenda. I'm not sure what these spect scans are really about, but I think some studies that show how any long term effects can be reversed would be beneficial, because they are out there.
Keep going bro! It's all going to pay off. You just need to start getting some more restful sleep sometime soon.
I dont sleep well at all myself. I am majorly sleep deprived, but it is mostly because my digestion doesnt work, I can never eat enough, and becasue it takes me all day and night to eat 2 minimal meals and deal with my respiratoty symptoms around the clock- not being able to even think about food for about 4 or 5 hours after I get up each day cos I have to deal with my symptoms first, then Im too exhausted to start cooking, to take over annhour to eat, then up to 2 more hours to deal with the mucus again.

So yesterday for example, I fifnished my first meal at 7 pm. Bybthe time I did my aftrvfood steam inhalation it was 9 pm, and I was totally exhausted.

It was time to start cooking my dinner, but I just cant get on with that, and so when I finally do it is so late.
I always need at least 4 hours between meals, often 5. So between managing symptoms after food, there is only a tiny window to do anything else, or getbsome essential rest, before I have to start cooking my second meal. And im so slow to do things due to fatigue and mental tiredness.

I try and set targets, like thebaim was to have my dinner cooked as close to 11 pm as possible.
But it was a lot later, and could not possibly have been sooner.
Then is the trouble actually eating it. I finished it at 2 am!!

It is just impossible for me to do things the right way, at the right time, due to the demading nature of the respiratory symptoms. I hate eating late, but no matter what I try, thenonly way to avoid it is to not eat nearly enough, or do nothing in life except deal with mucus, cook, eat, deal with mucus, rest, etc etc, just so I miht get to bed at a semi reasonable time.

It is a trap I just cant getbout of until my chest and stomach improve, when infections are better. Ive had several major intestinal infections the past 3 months, 2 virus and 2 bacteria and my guts have been awful. Should be a lot betterbvery soon, but what a rough ride.

My lungs have been seriously bad also, and when the intestines are all crapped up and clogged, the chestbis infinitely worse.

So I batled like fuck after my dinner, against amazing weakness and tiredness, mynchest so bad but unable to do anything about it last night- to stay awake for as long as I could to dihest my food just enough to not have TOO much of an uoset stomach this morning.

I stayed awake until 4 am. You would not believ the resilience it takes to keep going with the level of tiredness I have acrued from years of insufficient sleep, and never any actual restful sleep, to stay awake aftr my dinner at night.

Every day, when I get up, im totally fucked and need to go to bed. I start each day like that. Basically more tired than most people feel after being up all night.
So because I was too weak to do anything about the mucus aftr dinner last night, I havebto do it all when I get up.

I start each day with "Oil pulling", an ayurveda detix method, which I mainly do for my respiratory symptoms. Then comes the steam inhalation. It takes at least 2 hours before that is all done and then another hour to get washed and dressed cos Im so worn out.

Doing the steam etc and painfully hacking up 3/4 of a cup of mucus from my lungs takes so much energy. Inhaling, holding in, spitting out sheds of mucus, blowing nose etc etc, like 60 or 70 times. It really is a nightmare. I am so strong to keep going, you wouldnt believe how much so.
If and when this all does come to a happy end, it will be truly amazing! Fingers crossed!

So now Ive been up 3 hours and have just gotten wahed and dressed. Im hungry but have things to do, so I cant commit another 3 hours right now to cook, eat and do the next steam.

Just an insight into my crazy impossible life. I am NEVER looking for sympathy. So many people are far worse off than me. I have hope! That said, I really dont believe that anybody in the world would cope with this without going completely crazy. Many would already be dead, as I have had to be ingenious to find ways to stay alive and prevent chokingband suffocating to death.

Put me on a standard diet, or a fruit diet etc, and I give myself 1 week tops to live before I die from mucus suffocation. No joke man! Thats why I saybI just cannot follow the advice of a naturopath, or anybody else. Only I know what I can and cant do.

Sepaerately, here is my dinner from last night. It was yummy:

It was actually nicer than it looks there- organic chicken, with sweet potatoes roasted in coconut oil, plus greej olives.
I mixed up cinnamon, cumin, turmeric, cayenne, and cardamom with garlic into a paste with a little olive oil for punch and flavor.

Im going to start that thread for meals very shortly when symptom management gives me a free time slot.

Doktor Dub

Well-Known Member
@biohacker Stay strong, respect for your Willpower. And thank you very much for your kind words a few posts back.

@Alexis Thanks for all the personal information and the insights. Not everybody would give so much... I was away over the Weekend and will read this Thread with time again this evening.

Have a great Week everybody, consuming or not!


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I must say ... I read through some of this (around nutrition), and I'm somewhat jealous. I eat well (relatively), but not as well as those of you on here do. Would I like to eat all organic and more whole foods? 100% definitely! Is it possible? Definitely not ... I live in Northern Canada where our availability of organic produce (or produce period), meat, dairy, grains, etc. is quite poor. Obviously one could order a lot of stuff online, but that's time consuming and very costly. (it costs me $10-$15 to ship something from Toronto, really closest major centre, and it takes 2 days to get here best case ... that's for something small that weighs less than a pound!).

The fact that I live in a remote location, with a relatively short growing season, severely limits the availability of food (and other things). Half the time when I need a spice for a meal, I can't get it at the grocery store or anywhere else in Town (yes there is just one grocery store and very few other places to get any food in Town apart from frozen)--and half is probably generous ... most would probably be more accurate ... if it's not parsley or oregano or chives good luck!

I do get fresh fish and partridge (rough grouse) often enough in season, and moose occasionally when someone gives me some, but apart from that, there really aren't options to get good quality meat (actually, you can get good quality beef, but you have to buy half a cow, and I don't want/use all the cuts so it is wasteful for me as it gets freezer burnt before it all gets used).

Anyways ... I'm sure you can understand my dilemma ... our grocery bill for 2 adults and 2 kids is about $1,000/month and going up as my kids get older; and we eat normal portions for the most part (not what North America has adopted as normal portions!). I had some asparagus with supper last night for example, and for enough to put ~5 stalks per plate ... about 20 stalks ... that's >$5. We had some filet on the BBQ with that (I know not something all of you approve of), not organic, but steaked myself from a full tenderloin, and that was probably about $4-$5 per steak for a ~5oz portion. Pretty good! But if I didn't steak it myself and buy it when it was on sale I would be looking more at $10-$15 per steak.
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I stayed awake until 4 am. You would not believ the resilience it takes to keep going with the level of tiredness I have acrued from years of insufficient sleep, and never any actual restful sleep, to stay awake aftr my dinner at night.

Every day, when I get up, im totally fucked and need to go to bed. I start each day like that. Basically more tired than most people feel after being up all night.

Oh how I can relate! I basically inherited insomnia/sleep disorder after watch my father take his last 3 breaths when I was 11. And now the past decade of stressful shift work in the emergency services seems like it has completely crippled my quality of life. I feel for you bro. I feel like i've just been away for 4 days straight, and today it's hitting me. Alot of vertigo/dizziness and just brain pain lol

I greatly empathize with your health condition Alexis, I do agree that you are a fighter!!!

I start each day with "Oil pulling", an ayurveda detix method

Like coconut oil pulling in the mouth?

That said, I really dont believe that anybody in the world would cope with this without going completely crazy. Many would already be dead, as I have had to be ingenious to find ways to stay alive and prevent chokingband suffocating to death.

Keep on marching bro!!! You are an inspiration!

Im going to start that thread for meals very shortly when symptom management gives me a free time slot.

No worries bro, I may beat you to it! lol

our grocery bill for 2 adults and 2 kids is about $1,000/month

Damn, I don't eat any processed food, only meat, fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, and pure water....some rice/potato but nothing crazy expensive, and I spend about $1500/m (CDN) on groceries, but that also includes toiletries. Stores make such a massive difference, where I moved to recently sucks! I'm rural too, and have to drive 1/2hr to anything....which is why the house is up for sale and moving back to the city, as much as I hate the pollution.

Actually @JCat read an article this morning that said Northern Ontario has double the heart disease risk as Toronto? Blew me away! I did walk way more living in the city, than now in the country where i'm dependent on driving everywhere.
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I must say ... I read through some of this (around nutrition), and I'm somewhat jealous. I eat well (relatively), but not as well as those of you on here do. Would I like to eat all organic and more whole foods? 100% definitely! Is it possible? Definitely not ... I live in Northern Canada where our availability of organic produce (or produce period), meat, dairy, grains, etc. is quite poor. Obviously one could order a lot of stuff online, but that's time consuming and very costly. (it costs me $10-$15 to ship something from Toronto, really closest major centre, and it takes 2 days to get here best case ... that's for something small that weighs less than a pound!).

The fact that I live in a remote location, with a relatively short growing situation, severely limits the availability of food (and other things). Half the time when I need a spice for a meal, I can't get it at the grocery store or anywhere else in Town (yes there is just one grocery store and very few other places to get any food in Town apart from frozen)--and half is probably generous ... most would probably be more accurate ... if it's not parsley or oregano or chives good luck!

I do get fresh fish and partridge (rough grouse) often enough in season, and moose occasionally when someone gives me some, but apart from that, there really aren't options to get good quality meat (actually, you can get good quality beef, but you have to buy half a cow, and I don't want/use all the cuts so it is wasteful for me as it gets freezer burnt before it all gets used).

Anyways ... I'm sure you can understand my dilemma ... our grocery bill for 2 adults and 2 kids is about $1,000/month and going up as my kids get older; and we eat normal portions for the most part (not what North America has adopted as normal portions!). I had some asparagus with supper last night for example, and for enough to put ~5 stalks per plate ... about 20 stalks ... that's >$5. We had some filet on the BBQ with that (I know not something all of you approve of), not organic, but steaked myself from a full tenderloin, and that was probably about $4-$5 per steak for a ~5oz portion. Pretty good! But if I didn't steak it myself and buy it when it was on sale I would be looking more at $10-$15 per steak.

Bro one of the worse things you can do is guilt trip over the organic thing, you just gotta do the best you can. Myself and others on the health journey have all done this, it will have you feeling bad about otherwise good decisions! Also know that organic is mostly a broad marketing term currently, so unless you know where it's coming from there's no guarantee that it's anything better. Everything gets more expensive the further you get from our ideal tropical climate. Closer to the equator, sacred foods grow wild and in abundance. We don't have much wild food in North America, it's been staged so nobody gets bold enough to try and live off the land. Ironically the environment just isn't ideal, so you're going against the grain the whole time. This is why people in other countries can thrive without any money, tools, or formal education - it's just easier to live in certain climates.


Well-Known Member
Firstly, thank you so much to all of you for being so open, non judgemental and receptive!
@Doktor Dub , thanks for your friendly words of support. I just cant help myself but to share, and I dont do things in halves! I am dead honest and always wantnto help others.

@invertedisdead , I persoally really appreciate all of your views, and Im sorry if it seems like we have beem shooting you down in flames. I have taken on board all you have said and dismissed nothing. I entertain all notions, even when my schizophrenic friend comes out with the most preposterous delusional shit, I find myself actually considering it momentarily, when what I should really do is take cold shower to come to my senses!:lol:

@JCat , I feep for you. We often fail to realise how lucky we are in certain ways. Yoit situation with food choices and prices sounds tough. Like inverted has wisely ssid, dont feel too bad about what you cannot help. Just do the best you can. Dont get me wrong, we dont eat totally organic at all. But we are lucky to get a lot of things organic for a good price. Organic foods we eat are:
Porridge oats, pasta, millet, quinoa, peanut butter, tahini, sunflower and pumpkin seeds (no other nuts are organic though), coconut oil, meat (I dont eat a lot of meat, like 2 times a week, 150 gram portions- fish most non meat days, at least one day a week with no flesh foods, sometimes 2 or 3, where all protein comes from nuts, beans and grains).

I only ever eat flesh foods once per day. I try to keep it minimal out of respect for life, but I suffer badly without fish or meat in my diet I would sure love to be vegetarian. If I wasnt allergic to eggs, this would be a lot easier, with maybe some organic dairy or goat milk/cheese.

Also foods like chia seeds are complet proteins (like hemp seeds), I can eat them due to mucus reactions. Chia seeds are also LOADED with omega 3. They also detox the liver. They are a superfood indeed.

Recently we started getting all of our spices in organic form. They are WAY superior in every sense- smell, flavor, medicinal profile. We get them cheaper than the loose jar non-irradiated ones we were getting from the local health food shop.

We order the spices online in 500 gram or kilo bags. We get everything in advance for the best deal possible. Food, supllements etc. It takes forward thinking, discipline, scrutiny, and structure, but it is the only way my mum and I can get what we do out of our limited money.
Dilligence pays!

The only veg we eat organic that is always available and affordable is: white potatoes, carrots, garlic, and pasteurised saurkraut.
And coconut oil of course. So a good range, but still a lot of non organic foods.

Jcat, Your apsaragus actually sounds a lot cheaper than ours lol! I never buy it, it is like £2-3 for about 8 stalks.

@biohacker I am sorry to hear how you lost your dad. My dad was a heroin addict and killed himself when I was 3. I was too young to remember though. My step dad was manic depressive and killed himelf when I was 7, but I had not learned to grieve and it did not effect me at all.

I lost my nan 7 years ago, but even that was very easy for me to deal with and accept, as uch as I loved her. Apart from that, the only real tauma from loss I have endured is pet dogs through time. In some ways it can be harder than losing people. I feel a lot closer to my dogs than relatives or friends, I dont mean thay to sound callous, but our family apart from my mum is really shit and not much support.

And most humans care little for others. Our animals truly love us and are indeed "a man's best friend" (dogs)!

So I have been really lucky not suffering any difficult losses, so I feel for you a lot.
You may be right feeling that emotional issues are at he heart of your insomnia. There are ways to work on this. I have seen a chiropractor who specialises in N.E.T, "neuro emotional technique".
It is genuine stuff. They get to the bottom of emotional problems that always seem to originate very early in life, and are added to or enhanced by later life events. We are so affected by shit from literally the moment we are in the womb, on a consciousness level, that stays with us for years.

I had a number of treatments and cleared a load of stuff. It really helped me to develop as a person. It is like peeling back layers, the work is Never complete. We are so deep and complex.

It is called "heartspeak". I will see if I can find a good link for you. I swear on my life this is not bullshit or quackey and it really will help anybody. If you had the chance for some of this work, it may well bring some surprising and unexpected changes on many levels.

With the stress you have have faced in your fire carrer, this will very likely be related to the unresolved trauma from losing your dad.

My mum also had a treatment with this lady. She was gobsmacked at how amazingly different she felt in relation to her own unresolved trauma from losing 2 partners to suicide.

Im not trying to press anything on you here, but I feel that emotional issues may be a factor for all we know.

Like coconut oil pulling in the mouth?
Yes exactly that, excpet I use unrefined sunflower oil for 2 reasons-1, it is cheaper, and 2, i find that a very specific amoint of oil works optimally for me to clear my sinuses and throat in the morning. It is about 11 ml. It is much easier to measure this with sunflower oil. Sesame oil is also good, but more costly.

I often have to adjust the amount of oil in my mouth for optimal results, add a drop, or let a drop out. It is a brilliant blood detox. And brings amazing releif for my respiratory symptoms.

A great health practice, not to mention it is about the best thing going for good oral, tooth and gum health.
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