The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


96 hours without THC in my system, much much better now.

Meant to reply earlier but got distracted, this is great - seriously well done! That's it, the hard part is over :D

Just watch out for the desire creeping back hehe - it comes at the most unexpected moments.

I have been THC free for a good while now, not sure exactly as I have had the odd few tiny crumbs here and there if I feel like it, but ostensibly about 2 years... I only use ~CBD now and honestly the difference it has made is phenomenal.

I can think more clearly - it's an amazing feeling when that fog lifts and the blinkers are removed. No matter what anyone says, vision impairment (I mean thinking mentally, not your eyes) from thc is a thing.

I have energy to do things - part of the reason I always used to smoke was having too much energy and wanting to suppress that and calm down, now I am older that's kinda reversed and now I need the energy and don't want to suppress it any more.

My mood is rock solid stable - still get upset over bad things happening of course (for example, yet another friend died this week and that has been upsetting) that's perfectly normal - but I don't have the same paranoid emotional rollercoaster ride that some, many? people suffer from when imbibing large quantities of THC. When you step back and see it is is so strange. I am not judging, I have been there, but I have no desire to return.

Lungs are clearer - this is probably more from stopping smoking tobacco than weed/hash, but the two went hand in hand and I no longer have any tobacco by any means.

Anxiety/panic attacks - gone!! I used to think that smoking calmed me down, but that turned out to be totally wrong. It was so weird when I finally managed to see what it was doing and my perceptions and beliefs completely changed. Total reversal.

Weight has stabilised - no more (okay, far less) late night munchie attacks that translate to messages to your body to store fat. The impact on health this has I suspect is an unmeasured consequence of smoking weed/hash.

Work has improved - I work faster and with more directed purpose. Spend less time erm... contemplating hehe 😂 I do kinda miss that feeling of inspiration - where you suddenly think you have the best idea ever - but honestly, those 'amazing ideas' hardly ever made much sense in the cold light of day anyway.

Musical inspiration - I do miss the direct relationship between musical creativity that comes from being stoned, but again, like the work, I now produce with more purpose and directed energy.

I don't regret my years smoking thc weed/hash, but I am happy to have moved on and find CBD works for me much better.

Obviously this is just my personal experience and no one should take it as anything other than that, perhaps it helps someone, who knows.

Again I am glad that you have managed to get through this withdrawal so quickly and with minimal pain and suffering... onward and upward!!


Well-Known Member
suffering again...
I guess one advil per day isn't too much a problem?
@kel i actually manage to lose weight with vaping all day, but it took a while to change my habits. i still eat a lot of veggies every day, but less since the t-break. hope for a better day tomorrow! :)

next t-break will bring CBD ofc
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Well-Known Member
So guys. Heavy weekend again.

I won't speak of actual quantities of wotsit here..

But here is your bro after too many years.

Fisrt, relayvely normal day.

2nd, in the beautiful waves of a trip, some miles off shore lol. Still very respctable I feel.



Well-Known Member
1 week left and I am still weak, night sweats came last night, I've been told that it gets better after 14 days or so. taking 1 advil per day, 1mg melatonin before sleep, can't fall a sleep otherwise. will keep updating and stay positive!!! ✨ :rockon:


Tokin' Away Since 1968
1 week left and I am still weak, night sweats came last night, I've been told that it gets better after 14 days or so. taking 1 advil per day, 1mg melatonin before sleep, can't fall a sleep otherwise. will keep updating and stay positive!!! ✨ :rockon:
At the beginning of this year I did a 21 day cannabreak, my longest since I retired 9 years ago. I was and am a daily mostly evening user of the strongest flower and concentrates. For me during my cannabreak the nights were the primary problem, insomnia and night sweats. But after three or so nights, I settled into a routine and settled down. I've experimented and done some reading about melatonin and suggest that 5mg may be more helpful than 1mg. Try for the same bedtime every night to make it routine. Also, if you're still having sleep issues, consider over-the-counter "sleep aids", which are mostly the mild antihistamine Diphenhydramine. Advil PM is simply ibuprofen and Diphen. Non-addictive and after settling into a routine, you won't need it or think about it.

For me my cannabreak brought my vaping related wheezing to an end, lowered my sky-high tolerance, and let me feel that I rather than the weed controlled my life. Even eight months after my break I am still breathing better and having more fun because of less guilt, though my tolerance is through the roof again. So keep at it: Its a worthy thing you are embarked on.

Other than the insomnia, the worst part of my cannabreaks was that my evening or two every week listening to music wasn't as much fun.


Well-Known Member
ok so that may explain why I have such a vigorous appetite, my body/brain wants to create more Anadamide becuase now there's no THC in the system, less dopamine is placed in the synapses, and we know that Anadamide is expired within the brain much faster than THC (that's why Anandamide won't produce a natural high)
thanks man!
and yeah, I drink as much as I can..
I guess that your appetite has increased in an effort of your body to get higher doses of dopamine as you where used to, in different ways than ingesting cannabis. Engage in pleasurable activities and especially physical activity if you can, that’s a sure way to produce endocannabinoids.


Well-Known Member
Well, as I’ve stated in other posts, I’m mainly a weekend user, to relax, and have some fun listening to music, playing, composing, watching movies...

Some weeks I may use a wednesday or tuesday if the day has been really rough or need to relax, but 90% of the time, just weekends.

My tolerance....even only using on weekends, I felt lately that weed was losing some of the fun it use to provide.

Now I’m doing a 2 weeks break, and see what happens.... hope the first day I use again (probably this saturday) I get some reward in the form of a niiiice high as I use to had at the beggining.

I’ll let you know :D


Well-Known Member
Do you think overweight peole tend to get 'addicted' to THC more than thin people? because.. THC dissolves in fat, not in water....
anyway, I am overweight for now and it was hard for me (over 120kg on 175cm now, taking care of it..) . and also the advil got me fater, will keep on salads etc'. take care!

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
congratulations on your break @GoldenBud :cheers: addiction knows no difference in body types, all are susceptible to it. I'm rather thin and I struggle with t breaks as well. we are all individual and terms of cannabis and its medicinal effects there is just so much more then just the high.

I have a endocrine disorder that makes my blood chemistry different then the average person and many of the regular compounds that the body needs to properly regulate itself just aren't present or the correct amounts. Suffice to say I have problems regulating functions like sleep and appetite to name a few and when those suffer everything else suffers like my mood and overall feeling of wellness. weed helps me sleep which is my number one struggle and the biggest factor to how well I feel. everything comes easier when I sleep. weed helps me regulate what I need to feel as well as possible and its also the only antidepressant that actually helps.

when your a daily user of something its easy to worry about things like is this a problem, am I addicted, do I have a problem? but think about the other vices you might also feed on a daily basis like coffee, rich foods, televisions cell phone and technology. are all those things problems too? well I must be a lose cannon cause I feed those addictions daily.......... I should be ashamed :disgust: I'm giving up everything and moving into a broom closet eating nothing but flavourless turnip mush and multivitamins! wait........... while it is possible to take things to far perhaps if I take a attitude of moderation I can indulge my vices so long as their benefit outweighs their negatives? yes its possible to still live a healthy life while still being able to enjoy things so long as I'm in control of them and they aren't in control of me.

finding your balance for your needs is a challenge I'm sure most people can attain. is it always easy? no. but the most rewarding things in life seldom come without effort.

I'm overdue for a break myself but currently taking the cowards was out and vaping some 3%thc 6%cbd nollia as a slow down the past few days. going to keep that up for a bit and maybe a 2 day reset followed by 3 days resensitizing.

the things that help me on a break are ginger and turmeric tea during the day and chamomile at night, small rich meals like a tin of brisling sardines packed in olive oil with freshly squeezed lime juice and sea salt, with crackers and a avocado on the side. or smoked meats, cheese and thinly sliced apple with the skin left on, with a piece of nice fresh bread and a small dish of olive oil for dipping. fruits and vegetables are healthy but also full of fibre which if you were overdoing it might explain your tummy troubles.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
It's been a couple weeks for me today. Previously, I don't think I've missed a day using cannabis since the end of 2016.

To be honest, I don't feel like I've had any withdrawal symptoms at all, aside from a difficulty getting to sleep the first few days after I quit using the drug. It is what it is. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones.


Well-Known Member
congratulations on your break @GoldenBud :cheers: addiction knows no difference in body types, all are susceptible to it. I'm rather thin and I struggle with t breaks as well. we are all individual and terms of cannabis and its medicinal effects there is just so much more then just the high.

I have a endocrine disorder that makes my blood chemistry different then the average person and many of the regular compounds that the body needs to properly regulate itself just aren't present or the correct amounts. Suffice to say I have problems regulating functions like sleep and appetite to name a few and when those suffer everything else suffers like my mood and overall feeling of wellness. weed helps me sleep which is my number one struggle and the biggest factor to how well I feel. everything comes easier when I sleep. weed helps me regulate what I need to feel as well as possible and its also the only antidepressant that actually helps.

when your a daily user of something its easy to worry about things like is this a problem, am I addicted, do I have a problem? but think about the other vices you might also feed on a daily basis like coffee, rich foods, televisions cell phone and technology. are all those things problems too? well I must be a lose cannon cause I feed those addictions daily.......... I should be ashamed :disgust: I'm giving up everything and moving into a broom closet eating nothing but flavourless turnip mush and multivitamins! wait........... while it is possible to take things to far perhaps if I take a attitude of moderation I can indulge my vices so long as their benefit outweighs their negatives? yes its possible to still live a healthy life while still being able to enjoy things so long as I'm in control of them and they aren't in control of me.

finding your balance for your needs is a challenge I'm sure most people can attain. is it always easy? no. but the most rewarding things in life seldom come without effort.

I'm overdue for a break myself but currently taking the cowards was out and vaping some 3%thc 6%cbd nollia as a slow down the past few days. going to keep that up for a bit and maybe a 2 day reset followed by 3 days resensitizing.

the things that help me on a break are ginger and turmeric tea during the day and chamomile at night, small rich meals like a tin of brisling sardines packed in olive oil with freshly squeezed lime juice and sea salt, with crackers and a avocado on the side. or smoked meats, cheese and thinly sliced apple with the skin left on, with a piece of nice fresh bread and a small dish of olive oil for dipping. fruits and vegetables are healthy but also full of fibre which if you were overdoing it might explain your tummy troubles.
-I assume that I am addicted to Caffeine too, but I don't drink 4-5 coffees per day, just 1 for now. in the past it used to be more.
-I eat more than 15 cucumbers per day and about 5 tomatoes since 3 monthes ago. before the cannabreak, never had any problem, the opposite is right - the microbiome in the my gut enjoyed these fibers, and the digestion was perfect. on the other hand, I know that I hadn't eaten more than 75gr of fibers per day, that would be considered as too much fibers.
-Now I dunno which path Ill take but I don't want to be addicted to THC, maybe I'll vape one day and then I'll take the next day off
-feel good and keep vaping ;) THC really helps me sleep too!


Well-Known Member
It's been a couple weeks for me today. Previously, I don't think I've missed a day using cannabis since the end of 2016.

To be honest, I don't feel like I've had any withdrawal symptoms at all, aside from a difficulty getting to sleep the first few days after I quit using the drug. It is what it is. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones.
That may be why the Psilo as underwhelming.

3.5 might make the difference. But a system full of THC (and Kavalactones) greatly potentiates psychedelics.

I need a break too. Not from weed though, LSD, 378 100 Microgram doses last 10 months, lately 40-55 in a week number of times, with nasty flu too.

Too too much eventually will lead to a very severe acute depressive state, also psychosis.

A simple break is all needed up until now always, to settle the dust though.

And then things actually always swing back the other way the extent to which you feel melancholy and depressed can be reversed and you can feel like a whole new self.

Glad you have handled this break so comfortably though it's good to hear more reports of this because honestly compare to a lot of things in life it really is a case of mind over matter and just sticking with it there's not really much to lose all that can go wrong compare to say for example my own situation where I have acquired a phenomenally high level benzodiazepine addiction affectively equivalent to 300 to 600 mg of diazepam daily, as kava doubly potentiates benzos.

Which is a totally different matter to broking from cannabis.

So it's nice to see reports which are not scare stories in anyway but I do reckon that your current abstinence played a significant part in the lacklustre experience you had.
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Well-Known Member
I decided to bring down my tolerance again, after my usage was a bit out of control for a few days or so (which was fun. don't get me wrong).
So I decided to go back to 1 bowl a day, which i use when needed and spread through the day.

The first day I still felt the effects were a bit weak so it was a bit hard to do a t-break while dealing with some resentment issues. but the second day i already had a stronger effect. Today is the third day and I can feel it is already starting to whoop me a bit more and stronger head high effects.

I was thinking about doing the one bowl per day thing for the whole week, and the next week,. I can feel it is hitting me pretty good already now after 2 hits or so. (ione bowl can last me hours, i vape pretty slow)..


Well-Known Member
I decided to bring down my tolerance again, after my usage was a bit out of control for a few days or so (which was fun. don't get me wrong).
So I decided to go back to 1 bowl a day, which i use when needed and spread through the day.
with 1 bowl per day, you feel any kind of anger? more OCD shit? maybe these could save me a bit of pain in my cannabreak, i didn't know the OCD is higher hehe before I stopped, knew about anger tho....going completely into a cannabreak is harsh process....


with 1 bowl per day, you feel any kind of anger? more OCD shit? maybe these could save me a bit of pain in my cannabreak, i didn't know the OCD is higher hehe before I stopped, knew about anger tho....going completely into a cannabreak is harsh process....

I call it Cannabis Asshole Syndrome

another topic I’ve thought about making a thread on for a number of years 🥶


Well-Known Member
My experience is that these symptoms of cutting back - anger, anxiety, etc, are just a temporary result of not getting the dose you're used to. Once I get used to a new dose/frequency all those symptoms go away.

Tolerance in general is a lot like appetite. If you get used to eating large quantities you'll need large quantities to feel satisfied. If you get used to eating frequently you'll be hungry more frequently.

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
This current canna break is a real eye opener it's been about 6 days and I'm re thinking whether I should just continue and get rid of everything and just say good bye to the plant which I was eventually planning on doing. Getting in touch with my emotions without the plant is something I think everyone should do at some point. Taking an almost militant anti-canna outlook seems more appealing now than ever!

I'm rethinking the amount of time we have in this life and if I really want to be stoned for any the time I have left on this planet. It's almost a night/day difference and far better than I thought it would be.


unbearably light in the being....
That may be why the Psilo as underwhelming.

3.5 might make the difference. But a system full of THC (and Kavalactones) greatly potentiates psychedelics.

I need a break too. Not from weed though, LSD, 378 100 Microgram doses last 10 months, lately 40-55 in a week number of times, with nasty flu too.

Too too much eventually will lead to a very severe acute depressive state, also psychosis.

A simple break is all needed up until now always, to settle the dust though.

And then things actually always swing back the other way the extent to which you feel melancholy and depressed can be reversed and you can feel like a whole new self.

Glad you have handled this break so comfortably though it's good to hear more reports of this because honestly compare to a lot of things in life it really is a case of mind over matter and just sticking with it there's not really much to lose all that can go wrong compare to say for example my own situation where I have acquired a phenomenally high level benzodiazepine addiction affectively equivalent to 300 to 600 mg of diazepam daily, as kava doubly potentiates benzos.

Which is a totally different matter to broking from cannabis.

So it's nice to see reports which are not scare stories in anyway but I do reckon that your current abstinence played a significant part in the lacklustre experience you had.
So…you’ve been tripping constantly for the last ten months?
AND a half-gram of benzo daily?

I guess you DO need a break

This current canna break is a real eye opener it's been about 6 days and I'm re thinking whether I should just continue and get rid of everything and just say good bye to the plant which I was eventually planning on doing. Getting in touch with my emotions without the plant is something I think everyone should do at some point. Taking an almost militant anti-canna outlook seems more appealing now than ever!

I'm rethinking the amount of time we have in this life and if I really want to be stoned for any the time I have left on this planet. It's almost a night/day difference and far better than I thought it would be.
Interesting POV

OTOH, I haven’t had a dependable source in 6-7 years, and have thus had multiple breaks ranging from a few weeks to a few months that whole time. Hoping that getting in touch with your emotions w/o cannabis works well for you; for me, not being cannabinated puts me in touch with anger, frustration and despair - and that’s not healthy for me.

Sonds like your experience of being off is similar to my experience of being on: I may still have 10-15 years…how many of them do I want to spend on a cannabreak? NONE. It would be very much like wearing too-small clothes all the time…age has enough discomforts without that

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
So…you’ve been tripping constantly for the last ten months?
AND a half-gram of benzo daily?

I guess you DO need a break

Interesting POV

OTOH, I haven’t had a dependable source in 6-7 years, and have thus had multiple breaks ranging from a few weeks to a few months that whole time. Hoping that getting in touch with your emotions w/o cannabis works well for you; for me, not being cannabinated puts me in touch with anger, frustration and despair - and that’s not healthy for me.

Sonds like your experience of being off is similar to my experience of being on: I may still have 10-15 years…how many of them do I want to spend on a cannabreak? NONE. It would be very much like wearing too-small clothes all the time…age has enough discomforts without that
Well Lou my break came to a pause as I just received a new Vapor Bros unit!
I'm performing all my tests in the name of science! I'm doing it for the people my friend!


AVB Inspector
Started a break yesterday, only a short one to re-sensitise.
It's been a while since 0.025g got me red eyes, multiple full size Anvil chambers aren't working for me as it stands. I've been ploughing through multiple grams a day fruitlessly really, such a waste and leaving me short of breath. Crossed the line from healthy use to abuse and not enjoying it.

Got a bit of CAS (copyright of @invertedisdead) and snapped at my girlfriend a couple of times, no appetite and going to bed isn't the pleasure it should be.
Second day without today, tomorrow I'll resume but only to a barely perceptible dose for a couple of days. Thursday or Friday and all should be vivid colours again.

Aiming to cap my daily limit to 0.15g in the afternoon/evening only moving forward as I have found in the past that keeping consumption to this level negates the need for me to take a break, whilst still giving me the buzz I'm after.
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