The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I thought this was the CannaBreak thread, not the piss drinking thread.

Her skin looks flawless! :|

I feel so sad for you Alexis when I read posts from you like the one above. It's like the ramblings of a madman. I'm not trying to be an asshole to you, but you are the one who posted it (probably better in a DM?).


Well-Known Member
I thought this was the CannaBreak thread, not the piss drinking thread.

Her skin looks flawless! :|

I feel so sad for you Alexis when I read posts from you like the one above. It's like the ramblings of a madman. I'm not trying to be an asshole to you, but you are the one who posted it (probably better in a DM?).
It’s simply true though. A genuine precise reason for stopping it at the time and never even thinking about it for years now. I feel it could actually help me a lot personally, from experience, to manage anxiety and especially without dependence on psychoactives.

Fasting too, can really improve all round mental state and focus if done sensibly I swear.
No need for sadness though Morty, it’s just learning. I accept now, the fortune of things.

Give me a world I really want to be conscious of and everything I’ve done so far will pay off.
Lots of people, households, families etc have been under more stress too.

I’ll always gladly retract or delete anything deemed inappropriate, but I’ll never shy from speaking honestly. I’m not excluding myself Morty from needing a reality check still.
Hope you are good and managing on all fronts.

And Morty, if you think that sounds crazy, how does it go now….You ain’t seenthing yet! Lol.

Hard times I’ll admit. Major sleep dep atm and some psychoactive issues, also tapering shameful heavy benzo addiction, but strong skunk edibles last 3 days and more weed wise, it’s s very likely 250 mg’s THC minimum daily, to combat less vapor need, and withdrawals from a big initial benzo drop.

so yeah, won’t argue I’m not unstable. But I still know what Immtaling about I swear, more than it would seem.

The combo of sudden higher doses of THC authority major rebound withdrawal anxiety has sent me a bit loops, just now. Thanks for your straightforwardness too. always off the cuff but never bad meaning and I do love utter, well meaning frankness.

Okay I’ll say a word no more because on this day I will only get myself into further trouble.
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Well-Known Member
I did. From mid 2010- May 2012.

It’s nothing alarming, nor even gross, urine therapy is long established with roots thousands of years back in Ayurveda.

I only drunk one fluid ounce daily of morning mid-stream urine, but the practise also involves massaging the rest of the morning urine into the skin, specifically face and neck, as that urine is high in recycled or more bioavailable hormones, which are absorbed through the skin, and save a lot of energy usually used manufacturing more hormones.

As well as amino acids, enzymes, our body actually tailors our own urine to our exact needs and imbalances, antibodies to allergies, infections.

A clean, natural diet is required.

I can only say good things about the noticeable benefits from day one.

It’s also the best skin health remedy or lotion going. Beauty models practise it.

And the top skin creams are made with urea.
Everything about my life and health was better, bolstered from the urine therapy, especially allergies, respiration, immunity, as well as a very powerful benefit to mental health.

Urine works like an antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication better than anything or drug I’ve known. Very mentally and emotionally stabilising and fortifying.

I only stopped because I wasn’t satisfied still not having freedom to live a full, normal life.

I was relatively comfortable, fit and strong. But I was still leashed. I didn’t know then, 2012, that the original root cause of everything was Lyme, or Borrelia, until June 2015.

I had a lot to discover or uncover, and a great way to go healing still.

I lacked knowledge and hindsight. After 7 years working so hard, as committed as an Olympian, digging so deep, searching for answers, desperate to restore normality to life.

I put a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself at that time, April 2012. I was under the illusion that it was, way back insignificant then lol, Now or Never.

I was only 32, but felt unless I could hack away the irregularities and hurdles that still made it impossible to live life “normally”, even for a single day, no matter what I do, think, follow or try, my life would pass me by.

I had some great success fasting, starting in 2010, just “one-day” fasts initially, aka 36 hours IMO is the real minimum for a true actual “fast”.

Like, breakfast breaks a fast, hence.

24 hours no food, would qualify as a 24 hour fast for an operation for example.

And the health benefits of intermittent fasting have been well extolled and are pretty indisputable scientifically. I still fast intermittently to this day, as a way of lifestyle.

I still look younger than people 10 years younger than me. It’s nothing to do with vanity, but keeping a clean, youthful body and skin is worth doing IMO.

But a fast in this sense is a process of detoxification, cleaning, repair, rejuvenation.

It take a full cycle for the process to complete. Stop short and it will never have the same effect.

So eg- dinner finished 8 pm. Ideally eat light leading into a fast, and best if system is not constipated, congested, still catching up etc too, for better results.

Then simply, 36 hours later, 8 am, next food.

That is a true one day fast. 36 hours. But a true 2 day fast is 60 hours. A 3 day fast is 84 hours. Etc.

It’s analogous to a cash deposit. I completed 10 36 hour fasts in 2011.

Early 2012 I purposely did my first ever real true, properly conducted 2 day fast. I’d gone days without food in youth, but was fit, well, and on drugs as well so it wasn’t detoxing.

That’s what hurts. In most cases, ironically, the sensation of hunger isn’t real hunger at all, but the body’s cry for detoxification presenting as an illusion. True hunger awaits the other side of the much needed but enduring detoxification process.

That may sound peculiar, and is a bit ironic but it’s basic healing principles I believe.

The second day, towards evening, I was suddenly hit by the most extreme herxeimer reaction ever,

It was like dying. I had never felt so aware of my mortality, and so humble, repented.

Literally, the only way to describe it. I accepted how feeble a mortal I am. A lot of things really sunk in, shifted or became clearer, emotionally.

I can’t describe the subjective experience in terms of the nature of the suffering, but like I say it literally felt like death.

Not a figure of speech but a concept. I was committed never looking to back out of the 2 day fast. I just didn’t like having my arse kicked so so hard unexpectedly on day 2.

I’d never known an experience like it.

It was irrelevant anyway, just a lesson on my long healing path.

So even if I had been contemplating eating to end the detox, I was too struck by fatigue, malaise, shock, to be interested in food.

I could only go to bed. About 9 pm, deep true sleep for maybe 12 hours.

I expected to feel like hell the next day. But, I woke up feeling truly on top of the world. Zero fatigue, discomfort, pain, anxiety, I looked a decade younger, my skin and hair literally- Shone!

I felt agile, light, buoyant, so much energy. I had a new body, and a new mind.

I saw the necessity and power in fasting and detoxing that day.

I was very well following. But I still didn’t know I was flooded with Borrelia, brain, blood, nerves and all, and I got concerned about time slipping and the pressure to solve the riddle fully.

So I decided to attempt a true true fast. Or long fast. I read up on fasting heavily, I was aiming for about 30 days no food, that’s how determined and committed I was, still am.

I went into it, that genuine objective.

It was however, in hindsight, very ill-advised for me personally physically at the time.

Long fasts really require some medical supervision for safety. I was fully unsupervised. It became incredibly hard mentally by day 3, feeling so so hungry, no energy.

But I’m not a quitter, I continued. It got increasingly hard to endure by the day. The only good part, I’d go to sleep at 9 pm each night, like a baby for 12 hours in a blink.

THE best sleep of my life.

But after 7 days and nights, plus the initial time deposit so literally over a week in a round about way, I had to abandon.

I detoxed very heavily sure, but under supervision and in hindsight, beyond 3 days and nights is unadvisable.

I survived, not comfortably, but “comfortably” if you get me, but my immune system and Lyme was influenced, my immunity dropped hugely, the Borrelia, still unknown to me then, would almost surely have used the weakness level in my body to maximise its stronghold and scope.

The point, I developed an immune deficiency in my urinary tract.

Since April 2012, to July 2021, I’ve had at least one minimum, but as far as reason to believe, never less than two urinary infections every day since, never once clear.

Exactly the same case with my lungs from 2005, never once have actually been free from infection, likely minimum two at some level always at best.

They all go, but new ones come. Like a nightclub taking in/churning out drunks.

I was forced to abandon urine therapy as a result.

2 years I’d not had anything but positive results and health benefits from the urine. But the tract was suddenly unable to prevent or clear pathogens. The pathogens in the imbibed urine would instantly lead to a huge level respiratory infection.

My urinary system, and urine, tested positive every time for a bacterial, and a viral infection typically as it has been still.

I was really gutted. Urine therapy was a wonder drug all round. I’d do it starting tomorrow if I knew it was safe, but I know it’s not, instant re-infection guaranteed.

Until somehow, some day, the leak is fixed. I’m working on that. That’s just one little angle of it all really. It’s a bizarre and quite complex existence.
I do intermittent fasting as well, but I only aim for 14 hours of pure water, and then I either continue, have black coffee / tea, or eat my first meal. I usually end up fasting for over 15 hours, but the minimum is 14.

I won't drink my urine, though. I do a lot of crazy shit, like ice baths, breath holds, etc., but consuming or covering myself in bodily fluids is a hard boundary, for me. :lol:
I feel so sad for you Alexis when I read posts from you like the one above. It's like the ramblings of a madman. I'm not trying to be an asshole to you, but you are the one who posted it (probably better in a DM?).
This would've probably been better said via DM, too, no? ;)


Well-Known Member
I do intermittent fasting as well, but I only aim for 14 hours of pure water, and then I either continue, have black coffee / tea, or eat my first meal. I usually end up fasting for over 15 hours, but the minimum is 14.

I won't drink my urine, though. I do a lot of crazy shit, like ice baths, breath holds, etc., but consuming or covering myself in bodily fluids is a hard boundary, for me. :lol:

This would've probably been better said via DM, too, no? ;)
Thanks for sharing Hazy. I always look forward to your replies without any apprehension.

I do cop myself some interrogation or due flak at times (I don’t mean from you @Morty you have always been sound and very friendly).

16 hours is my usual intermittent fasting gap, but it’s flexible like 20/4, or 18/6, or 24 straight hours indoor lights for autos.

sorry if that was just plain carried away guys. I had a strong edible tea just before and it was an anguabable dose, much bigger than I anticipated.

Thanks for not rejecting me over it too. I’ll,admit, I’m sensitive and unbalanced atm.

I had true 6 week flue In January, numerous neurological viruses since plus legit Long Covid causing nerve and nerve ending damage, healing currently but major anxiety flare up as a result of that.

Now, Im not on a canna break. But I have drug addictions I need to address. Shamefully, a heavy benzodiazepine addiction picked up to manage severe anxiety in 2019, but equiv to 200 mg’s Diazepam daily,

Hazy Im hoping you would appreciate that quantatively.
And LSD Im taking less now after astronomical intake last 5 months.

So Im still looking at ways to address some similar aspects. And the info I shared above, I think it’s good, insightful info in places.

I hoped it may help someone sometime, hence.

I’m not as nuts as I seem I’d say. Just, struggling I’ll admit and not ashamed to admit it.

Thanks @EverythingsHazy for a typically gentle and fair, honest reply hope you too are doing well mate.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
I’m two days into a break and it was a spur of the moment kind of thing? Haven’t been feeling great since I got my second vaccine and thought I might make some adjustments to my prescription medication that I’ve been planning to try for some time. I made the change but have only been feeling worse and when I don’t feel well I don’t feel like getting high. Frankly I’d be better off vaping if I want to monkey 🐒 with my other meds but since I don’t feel like vaping I thought I’d kill two birds 🦅 with one stone and take a long overdue t break. I think I’ll keep it up for a week if I level off from my medication change. It’s been a total t break, no cbd vaping or oil and I think I’ll stay the course for the rest of the break. I don’t feel great but I’ve been a hell of a lot worse so another 5 days should not be too bad.

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Still plugging away on my break, still a total t break.......... Still feeling kinda lousy. Don't seem to be having any benefits to my Rx change, only having more trouble sleeping so I think I'll resume my regular dose tonight but keep the t break going till Sunday night. Don't think I will keep it going any longer than that since my appetite has been shit! And I don't want to lose that much weight, frankly I'm not happy unless I have a bit of a ponch, when you have appetite problems it's always good to have a bit of fat to burn on days I don't eat the best, and a six pack might look sexy but it's not my preference health wise. It's been a unpleasant break but I knew it would be going in since I was already not feeling my best when I started. Already decided to end my break with a nice dose of edible oil instead of vaping?!? Don't worry I haven't quit :rofl: Just looking for something with a gentler onset that will only keep kicking harder after I get into bed 😁. Monday????.... Who knows? Maybe a dab day and pancakes with home made maple syrup and a black coffee for lunch 🤔 or English muffins with sliced tomato drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper and a tin of brisling sardines on the side 😋 looking forward to getting my appetite back and putting on a few pounds!

I never enjoy my t breaks but I still feel like they are a worth while endeavor........... But man do I love it when they are over :lol:

Bad Dog

Yeah I pissed on the rug...... so what
Gave up early........ But only by a couple of hours so victory? Couldn't wait till tonight so I broke at 5pm. Finally feeling a bit better now and I'm glad I didn't wait since I might actually be able to eat something in a bit now cause I wouldn't have before taking the oil. Hopefully a good night sleep and I'll start to be on the mend. Going to stick with the oil tonight and maybe wake and vape tomorrow morning :tup: Glad this break is behind me!
T Break start was forced on me by fear of Covid infection on the 8th of July (2.5 ish weeks ago). Got tested next day and was positive so wanted to abstain for the simple reason of not impeding my immune system (the whole thing was like a head cold, no throat or lung issues whatsoever, some minor taste/smell loss for a day, and was vaxxed so can attribute the mildness to that). Anyway isolated until the Saturday of the next week and was abstaining from cannabis that whole time. At that point it was 9 days and I figured why not just do a full three weeks so here I am! This upcoming Thursday (or Friday if I'm not feeling like partaking Thursday), I'll be back on that horse.

I have ADHD and OCD and I found that taking it occasionally in the evening (3-5 times a week) actually really helped me focus during the day when I was completely sober, outside of ADHD meds and sometimes coffee. I'd recently gotten into a habit of using cannabis nightly and it had begun impacting my daily productivity. Likewise, during the break I've also found my productivity to me diminished, although my head is definitely more clear. So I think proves that the middle ground is the way to go for me :).


Tokin' Away Since 1968
Congrats to all the Cannabreakers, taking time off for myriad reasons. Several pages back I took my longest cannabreak--20 days--in at least ten years. Dope is a larger part of my life than I like to admit, but knowing I can do without makes doing it that much more enjoyable. The worst part of taking a break for me was the insomnia on the first couple of nights. But that passed.


Well-Known Member
Longest cannabreak ever so far. Smoked and vaped very little on the past 60 days, and I'm planning to practice moderation when back after harvesting in late September.

Also 8+ months sober, and that's for life :)

Thanks to everyone for the support, and keep going strong you guys, it's totally worth the effort!


Well-Known Member
I have realized I'm craving caffeine (and not weed) after lunch or during the evenings, as I stopped drinking so much yerba mate and limiting it only to one liter on the mornings, because it doesn't let me sleep at all and I'm used to keep drinking even if it's 11pm or 2am.

Also, I remember you can vape other herbs, mostly to fight oral anxiety, and I have a huge lavender and lots of mint/peppermint/hierba buena in my backyard :)

Also I'm making the best progress ever in not biting my nails, a hideous habit I carry for the past 30 years and fills me up with embarrassment and hiding my hands everywhere I go, now they're acceptable/good looking again!


Well-Known Member
Still on break, today depression hit hard, future is so uncertain and currently in the middle of a huge crossroad. Not too much else to report, at least not relapsing on any front.

Stay strong everybody!
Could you use kava at all? Sometimes, the lesser evil is by far the best option, and kava is really no evil.
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This is a tough thread, but here goes...

I am on a break, hopefully a permanent one, from thc but not from cbd.

When I was younger I loved smoking, it was so relaxing, fun, chilled, easy-going, mellow, pain reducing, thought provoking, awareness enhancing, giggle inducing, truly wonderful way of passing time with a friend or three and a welcome respite from the all day every day pain that I have no choice but to live with.

As I got older I found the hash and green I had grown to love was no longer so readily available and had been replaced with this super green herb that had ever increasingly intense, anxiety inducing, hard core, 'class a' effects that I simply do not enjoy. Speaking frankly I personally find it extremely disruptive and damaging and I actively avoid it.

Enter 'CBD' ... and a welcome return to the aspects of this wonderful herb I have always sought, nope it's not quite the same, but it's a lot closer than the gear available at other end of the spectrum and ticks all the boxes for me.

I don't need any response to this, I only share my experience in the hope it might raise awareness and help others.

Peace 🕊️


Well-Known Member
No kava here in my place in South America sadly, at least to my knowledge.

Thanks for the recommendation, I will ask around anyways, someone might have.
I live in UK. Nobody sells Kava in U.K. because it’s not legal for human consumption, but handy for pets while cannabis prohibition prevails.

I bet kava is fully legal in your country. I order all my kava from overseas. It’s legal to buy and possess everywhere.

Nobody knows about kava still. Imagine if this was a kava forum, and I was mentioning cannabis, exposure and notoriety flipped.

It’s right there to be had just nobody thinks, considers, realises it.

When it can seriously help especially with cannabreaks and generally.

Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Currently on a short break and enjoying some Sceletium Tortusa a.k.a , Such a great herb,it is the only one other the mj that can bring a smile on my face on a gray day.


Well-Known Member
Currently on a short break and enjoying some Sceletium Tortusa a.k.a , Such a great herb,it is the only one other the mj that can bring a smile on my face on a gray day.
Have you tried kava?

There is also Kanna. I would use kanna if not allergic to it.

Edit- lol. Kanna! Good old Abysmal, never needs telling.
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Well-Known Member
hi.. hope everyone is doing well!
i need to cut my weed consumption to 0 for a month+-. have to fly to some wedding in another country and don't want the weed to limit me (i have at least 1gr for the last 3 years)
so i have to prepare for not consumption any thc...
**i will not try Kava / another herbs / Abv vaping this time. it worked 1.5yr ago, but i want completely free now

if i stop tomorrow - how much days the bad effects last? of the brain not getting enough Dopamine etc' in the canals? like 72 hours?

if somebody wants to know how exactly the THC makes the Dopamine stay in the canals, see here:
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Drinking beer or exercise helps, but honestly, I don't really get any come down from it...

The main problem is excessive energy, I highly recommend planning a few days of deep cleaning around your home, ting!!

freddie mercury abandon thread GIF

Good luck! :tup:


Well-Known Member
recently due to a bad illness (now chesty cough) i had to have a break for 1 whole day on the count of every time i vaped even through a water bong i would cough like a bitch for 2 hours straight after lol
Its ok though back on it today,
have taken extended canna breaks in my lifetime though ranging anywhere from 6months to 2 years+ and i have to say i actually achieved very little in the breaks

MUSA Vaporizer

Love, Peace and Harmony
hi.. hope everyone is doing well!
i need to cut my weed consumption to 0 for a month+-. have to fly to some wedding in another country and don't want the weed to limit me (i have at least 1gr for the last 3 years)
so i have to prepare for not consumption any thc...
**i will not try Kava / another herbs / Abv vaping this time. it worked 1.5yr ago, but i want completely free now

if i stop tomorrow - how much days the bad effects last? of the brain not getting enough Dopamine etc' in the canals? like 72 hours?

if somebody wants to know how exactly the THC makes the Dopamine stay in the canals, see here:
Good decicion!

It will work if you want it, without any/much negative symptoms.
Doing sport is always good to fight the lack of dopamin within the first 2-3 days.

Much success for you!
MUSA Vaporizer,
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