Somewhere North of The Wall
For the same reasons that the TM users adopt the Mighty capsules. It seems to work satisfactorily for them.I might be stupid but I fail to see why anyone would want to subject themselves to such a hassle?
The original Nomad stem with two screens is de-facto a capsule inside the stem, nothing can fall out, nothing can get stuck, you can unload it right after using it...
I think there's a chance that dropping a capsule into the Nomad/Toad, then dropping it out again when spent, to replace with another freshie might be more convenient (for me, and maybe others) than debowling the stem and then refilling from another container while out and about.
YMMV obviously.
I like the idea of pre-loaded capsules for convenience.
I only mentioned the possible drawbacks/risks so anyone in possession of a Lobo (or similar) capsule and able to test the fit, wouldn't be 'put out' if it didn't readily drop back out. Belt and braces so to speak.