The MMA Discussion Dojo


Chief Vapor Officer
jklasd - i may be wrong, but I don't think Pseudo meant that K1 and MMA are the same sport, he was just illustrating that an MMA fighter, Overeem, went to compete in K1 and KO'd one of their top fighters. I must admit that Overeem has looked impressive at heavyweight and much of his stamina problems look to be solved now that he doesn't need to weight cut. Overeem's ground game is no joke either as I've seen him in a bunch of grappling only competitions. Is he No. 2 in my book? Not sure, but I think he's top 5 right now.

UFC has a bunch of good up and comers but IMO, the heavyweight division is still sparce EVERYWHERE. Strikeforce, UFC, and every other federation need to combine their heavyweights to resemble anything close to the other weight classes in terms of the overall strength of the division.

After the Mir fight, Im not sure even Fedor can deal with Brock's size but if anyone can, it will be the Last Emperor. I can also just as easily see the fight going the same way as the Mir fight except for one fact, Fedor has HEART baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL


Well-Known Member
i agree that the HW division is shit everywhere, but the ufc is the best place for fedor to be for true tests. if he signed a 4 fight contract, he can easily fight those 4 fights against guys who deserve the shot, while giving up and comers more time to get ready for him. brock and randy, if he beat nog, would be the 1-2 punch. brock will fuck fedor up in someway, whether he loses or not is another story. health will be an issue. 4 months til next fight. theresssssssssssssssss randy, one of the best minds in the games, EASILY. no one can dispute this. its another fact. lol. 3 months til next. thats 7 months. cain or carwin will be have improved ALOT. mirko could be up next. dos santos could be hanging in there. hence why i say fuck fedor. hes talented, but hes letting m-1 global take control over something he needs control off. i wonder if it really is true that they are owned by the mob, because fedor is their bitch.


Chief Vapor Officer
agreed, M1 global has perhaps ruined and tainted Fedor's possible legacy. It's sad really, Fedor has already cleaned out the Pride heavyweights and other than Overeem, there is NO ONE in Strikeforce that can compete.

Brett Rogers is a joke, we all know AA has a glass jaw

Werdum - could give Fedor a good grappling match but will get KTFO on the feet

I REALLY want to see him against the new breed of superheavyweights out there, or even a Lyoto match, Fedor NEEDS to be in the UFC.


Well-Known Member
you almost made me cum when you said lyotos name. fuck that would be good. how high does lyoto cut from? fedor is about 230-235 right?
and i totally called that win for rogers haha. not because of AA jaw, which is really his only big weakness, but i just fight rogers had him. didn't know it be so fast though haha.


Chief Vapor Officer
I'm so bummed for Andrei. He looked really good again Rothwell and Nelson and I thought he found his groove back. He was looking so good against Fedor but his jaw and his gameplan failed him.

I beleive Lyoto cuts from about 220ish based on what some Brazilian friends told me but I don't know how valid their sources are. Either him or Anderson aren't much smaller than Fedor, which makes what Fedor has been doing at heavyweight, even more amazing

Don't mean to make you cum but I have heard rumors that Lyoto has asked Dana to fight Brock if he is able to reel off consecutive defenses against guys like Jackson, Forrest, Arthur Luis Cane, and Rua. I truly, truly beleive that Lyoto has a shot at beating Brock right now, a year or two from now, maybe not. That's the scary thing about him, Carwin, and Velasquez, they are all babies in the game


Well-Known Member
yea i really like andrei as well. he made a dumb mistake going in for that flying knee. freddie roach said when he said andrei jump, he knew it was over. the plan was straight punches, nothing crazy. beat him with your speed. and he was. dun dun dunnnnnnn.
220? anderson cuts from that. i knew lyoto wasn't a huge guy, but 220 seems small. i dont know if he could face fedor or brock. 230 would have been good, he be right around fedor and we small but quick and better defenses then randy had. and randy was going pretty well. it would be a whole other type of match. anyone going against brck has to know they will be on their back at some point.


Well-Known Member
out of 100? 30%. IMHO. i just dont see it. its a tko or ko for silva. i dont think griffin will be submitted, nor silva. if griffin does, its a UD or SD. which i hope he does because i love griffin haha.


I don't think Silva would beat Griffin 7 times out of 10. I think the number would be higher. But Griffin does have a chance, I just don't know how he could go about winning.


Chief Vapor Officer
I love it, two main events and the winner of each is really up in the air. I'm sure if BJ and Anderson win, everyone will be like "oh, I knew these guys were gonna win anyways" but for me, it really does seem like it can go both ways.


The BJ/Florian fight is a lot closer. I think Florian can take it. I made a little bet on the private mma torrent site I'm with on the fight finisher.


Well-Known Member
which mma torrent site?
i think silva would win bout 7-8 out of 10, but as stated, its just my opinion.
i do agree that florian shot is higher to win then griffins and im expecting kenflo to win as well. i think his mauy thai will be huge advantage compared to bjs boxing


Can't say! It's agianst the site's rules, sadly. I have the same username there as here, though, if you were wondering if it is the same one you may be on.

Anyway, I'm been watching SpikeTV all day, and I'm starting to think BJ is going to kill Florian now. He's never really lost at lightweight, aside from that Pulver fight, and that was ages ago (and he has since pulverized Pulver).


Well-Known Member
i think kenny is the best person at lw that penn has face, including gomi, pulver, sherk, etc. hes just such a beast right now compared to everyone else. plus, i totally want tgat deigo- kenny fight so kenny can shut deigo fuckin mouth with his retarded logic and repeated saying of how it would be tge same result if the face again. if florian does lose but its very close and good fight i can see florian vs sanchez for number 1 contender.
ahh right on. thats why i was wondering lol. is it hypenated? like www.***-*******.com? lol


Well-Known Member
very true, i have it in my favourites so i forgot the suffix:p
haven;t seen but heard. poor forrest.


vapor junkie
Staff member
Tough crowd...





Buffer 360! ->

Yves Lavigne barrel roll



Chief Vapor Officer
Bruce has surpassed Michael Buffer in my eyes....the intro he gave Anderson Silva was sweet, if anyone has it recorded, watch what he does right after he says "Anderson, the Spider....."

he screams "SILVA!" and shakes his head violently as he jumps up and down, a true fan


Yeah, I really like Bruce. He's grown on me a lot over the years.

And what a dick that fan was stealing Florian's hat!


Well-Known Member
anyone see the brawl in the crowed? haha a blonde woman pounded on this chick after the guys got in a scuffle.
finally watched it. griffin lost was bad. but not as bad as people are making it out to be. 1. anderson waved him on 1 time for about 2 second. every story i hear is anderson the entire fight is calling on griffin. 2. the first 2 knockdown were not that vicious. people tend to over blow shit. i think the first one was a misstep. 3. while forrest did put up his hand to say no more, the ref was already on his way over and stopped it. on another note, wtf was griffin doing? like seriously? more leg kicks. his chin was ALWAYS up and not tucked. his hands were pretty low. this was not the best griffin we have seen. he made alot of mistakes.
penn looked good. started getting tired though, you could see it. i think his next fight he will have the best condintion that he ever had. if deigo gets the shot, this is my prediction: sub by penn. deigo will be wild, like he always his, and get penn down. then he will be GnPing with very little landed. hes going to get too wild and penn, the BJJ master he is, is going to take his fucking arm. i perfer penn as the LW champion over deigo anyday.


Chief Vapor Officer
I dont think that Forrest was waiving him off, its just has piss poor way of blocking. Remember it looked like he was tapping against Rashad? It was actually him raising his hand to block but Evans was bouncing his head off the mat so it looked like he was tapping. Forrest has too much heart to ever tap or just quit in a fight...IMO at least...


Chief Vapor Officer
But if he was waiving him off don't you think "waiving his hand" or tapping would've been better than just putting your hand up in the air? To me, based on what I've seen how other fighters react during fights as well as the gym, putting your hand up after getting knocked down is almost an automatic response. Just watch how Forrest was defending himself when Jardine was ground and pounding him, it is very similar.

Anyhow, it almost doesn't matter if Forrest was actually waiving the fight off or if it was just a reaction, he lost by a wide margin. I just have a hard time believing a guy known for his toughness and that went tooth and nail with Bonnar is the same guy that would just quit in the middle of a match...


If I was that fucked up, I don't know what I would do. I probably wouldn't do what is best though. And Forrest didn't complain about the stop at all. Everyone else I know also seems to think the same. The article above also seems to imply he was just too hurt. I think he waved his hands a little. He didn't want to completely leave himself exposed in the event that Silva didn't know what he was doing, either, I guess, but Forrest was clearly very hurt and still fought on against Anderson Silva despite having a dislocated jaw. It matters because of his reputation. He got hurt and if I was in his position I know I'd be really pissed off if a load of people were calling me a pussy despite fighting against one of the greatest fighters ever with a dislocated jaw.


Well-Known Member
according to current and updated reports, griffin jaw was not dislocated. the true extent of injuries will not be known until the man himself issues a statement. the stop was a good stop. forest fell down and then went on his back with arms spread. good stop. i also highly doubt giving the type of person forest seems to be that he would care what people on the e-net were saying bout him. anyone challanging his heart is moronic. there is no one with a bigger heart in mma then forest griffin.
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