The MMA Discussion Dojo


Well-Known Member
Diaz/Stevenson was good, but it seemed like they were just neutralizing each other the whole fight, they both have such awesome ground games. Diaz is my homie though, I wanted him to win. Sanchez/guida was insane!!! After that intense staredown and then the opening exchange, I knew it would be insane. I can't believe Guida survived that initial onslaught, he is a friggin' animal. I wish I knew if I could take punches like that, but I've never been whaled on before, haha!! We gotta' play some UFC Monkey!!! I gotta' be on live more!


Well-Known Member
the one thing i hate about guida is his top game. its completely lay and pray he needs to get more damaging down there because he always takes it down. all he does is grind it out. its hard to watch because i think the guy is kick ass but i can barely watch his fights. i thank deigo for making it interesting. i do however completely hate deigo in his logic of why hes number 1 contender. because maynard lost to diaz who lost to guida who lost to deigo, he says hes number 1. BULLSHIT im calling it, BULLSHIT! that fight had to be nearly 2 years ago by now. maynard has yet to lose in the octagon. deigo vs maynard it is! MAKE IT HAPPEN UFC. then i want to see kenflo shut deigo the fuck up. all his talking about running through kenny. at 185. 4 years ago. when kenny stand up and wrestling were weak as shit. sure deigo standup sucked, but his size was huge different. deigo is still bigger, but both are not the same fighter. deigo has been talking to much lately, its a shame because i use to like the guy. lets hope he pulls a penn and get his ass handed to him after talking shit so much.


Chief Vapor Officer
urdoinitwrong - what's your gamertag? I will add you

Jklasd - I like the jiggly butt btw....but yes, 100% agreed, that is lay n pray at its finest/worst. Diego made it interesting by being super active on the bottom, otherwise the ref would have stood it up. Diego has been doing MMath at its worst. There is SOME logic to it, but not a lot. I'm sure the casual fan thought "oh yea, he beat Kenny 4 years ago, that makes sense!"

100 is coming, 100 is coming, I am so JUICED


Vapor concierge
I stumbled upon that Sanchez/guida fight by accident the other night. The prefight and the fight itself were, for me, some of the most intense fighting I have ever watched...great match!


Chief Vapor Officer
Sticks - oh man, did you see the intensity in both those fighters. Those guys are both animals in the most complimentary way I can think. As they say, when you fight someone, something magical happens inside you, you begin really living!

You ever cop your VHW?


Well-Known Member
jiggly butt? talking bout the other thread i assume?
yea its all guida ever does. and like i said, i like the dude, just hate his style. he seems small for this weight, id like to see him at 145 maybe.
like 4 years ago, NO ONE was as good as they are now. it was still the wrestlers era. i hope the ufc dont dissapoint bout if deigo fight isn't announced in a month, we know what the ufc is going to do.


Well-Known Member
I watched the sanchez/guida fight again today. damn that was a good fight. I wish guida had a more exciting fighting style. I like him but damn is it boring to watch him just lay on the other guy. Diego came to fight. The first minute of the first round was bad ass. Good fight. Looking forward to UFC 100 and Affliction coming up.

Any of you guys been watching the Bellator fights? Most entertaining fights I've seen in a long time.


Chief Vapor Officer
agreed, Guida can make 145 easy, he said so himself but just wanted to challenge himself, but it was obvious, Sanchez was much larger.

Owin - Bellator is the shit, I don't have DePortes but been watching on their website. I've been learning Yamada's inverted triangel CHOKE!


Well-Known Member
stonemonkey55 said:
agreed, Guida can make 145 easy, he said so himself but just wanted to challenge himself, but it was obvious, Sanchez was much larger.

Owin - Bellator is the shit, I don't have DePortes but been watching on their website. I've been learning Yamada's inverted triangel CHOKE!
Haha. That triangle choke was ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
alves like ive been saying for months. if im wrong, awesome cuz im happy whoever wins that match, but im calling alves.
mir. 2 words: fuck lesner. he will be good. just not yet. he sells tickets and thats the only reason he is where he is right now.


Chief Vapor Officer
Jklasd - I will bet you a virtual vapor rip that Lesnar takes this one. WWE nonsense aside, this guys work ethic and athleticism is almost unmatched. I beleive Mir has made significant improvements to his game but I think if it becomes a battle of wills, Mir will definitely wilt before Lesnar... just my 2 cents... the best part about my bet? No one really loses!


Regardless of the outcome of the fight -- Frank Mir is the better fighter. He has far more experience, was a former (and is a current) heavyweight champion, and is a great BJJ player. He is also not by any means a small guy. Brock is of course a freakshow of athleticism, but I think Mir should win more times out of any given number than Brock would.


Chief Vapor Officer
After watching the countdown show, I hope Mir gets crushed. Prior to beating Nog, people were not really singing the praises of Mir. His cockiness will be his downfall. He's never had crazy work ethic, and I'll take a less experienced guy with better work ethic any day of the week.

I do like Mir as a commentator tho, I think he should go into that full time for sure after he retires.

So who thinks Alves has a decent shot to take out Pierre? This one really has got my blood flowing. Its going to be interseting to see what happens after GSP's first takedown defense, can tomorrow get here already?


Well-Known Member
Dan Henderson is the MAN!
GSP made it look to easy!
Brock is a different animal!


Chief Vapor Officer
Bisping had some good ole American Humble Pie last night. Was it just me or did Bisping look super skinny? He seemed shaky from the get go and you knew Dan Henderson's plan. Right hand after right hand after right hand. What puzzled me was, why did Bisping keep circling to his left?

With all the crap that Mir was talking during the countdown show, I was happy to see him get demolished as well. Brock will never get the credit he deserves, but it will be hard to find another guy with his blend of speed, power, athleticism and work ethic. Just think if he didn't waste his years in the WWE wrecking his body and concentrated on MMA from the get go?

GSP dominated no doubt but how the hell did Thiago get up each and every time? That guy's core strength is phenomenal. Props to both guys, they both elevated themselves in my mind.


You were happy Mir got his ass kicked because of trash talking? Did you not see the disgusting disregard for sportsmanship from Lesnar after the fight?


Well-Known Member
Pseudonymous said:
You were happy Mir got his ass kicked because of trash talking? Did you not see the disgusting disregard for sportsmanship from Lesnar after the fight?
They both were douchebags. Brock was just the bigger douchebag.


Chief Vapor Officer
Ill take a hardworking douchbag over a trash talking douchbag any day of the week


Well-Known Member
No doubt Lesner is a monster. I've followed him since his college years at Minnesota. But there are rumors that Fedor might just join the UFC to have a crack at Brock. That could be a very interesting contest!


Well-Known Member
1) GSP was a beast. great gameplay against alves. now all alves needs is better takedown defence because he kept getting up form those take downs.
2)fucking lesnar. great wrestler? yes. anything else that helps you win other then size? nothing. he has nothing else cept he massively outweigh other people
3)fedor will not be coming to the ufc anytime soon. his m-1 global team will not just let him go, and they want to co-promote the event with the UFC, something the UFC doesn't do.


UncleHerb said:
No doubt Lesner is a monster. I've followed him since his college years at Minnesota. But there are rumors that Fedor might just join the UFC to have a crack at Brock. That could be a very interesting contest!
The only thing that has been said was by Dana at the post-fight press conference. He was being honest and said that he really wanted to get Fedor in the UFC for a fight. I don't think there are really any legitimate rumours yet.
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