The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel


I ° The Magician
Looks aight...I'd be so worried water would get into the chamber though. You notice a decrease in flavor with the water rig?

Thanks for your feedback! Yeah I know its nothing extraordinary, but Im just happy that this will probably be my remedy for my sore throat! Im sure some of you guys have more elaborate setups.

I havent tested it out yet, waiting a week or two for my throat to heal. I will report back though.I tried vaping the other day dry and it just hurts, my throat has gotten better though, I think it was due to using the bigger screen in the CU, after @macbill, suggested using the finer screen, I switched it up. Im like duh, why didnt I think of that!?

Its a well built perculator, No water goes through the end End. I will monitor it though.Not like my hydratube that leaks water the first few seconds. If you hold the unit upside down at an angle you dont have to worry about water getting in.

I just let it leak and I would figure after it stops, its good?

As @MinnBobber, mentioned to me to use warm water it should preserve flavor and some actives.

Anything to keep enjoying my vaping and make it comfortable.
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Well-Known Member
what f'd up your throat? Gonna try to file the vape mod tonight.. I NEED those expensive bong hits ffs :D
no-one answered my question is there any other vape that is as good as mighty? Haven't been around for a year or so


I ° The Magician
what f'd up your throat? Gonna try to file the vape mod tonight.. I NEED those expensive bong hits ffs :D
no-one answered my question is there any other vape that is as good as mighty? Haven't been around for a year or so

I think the hot plant material going through the bigger screen in the cu did it.

I heard the Milaana is a beast.

Edit to my post before this one: because the edit time elasped........@Eatrocks, nah dude if its anything Ive learned is that you fill hydratubes and that little perculator by tilting it sideways and letting water drip inside. It only requires a small amount of water. Water falling from a faucet or water fall action by tilting a cup with water towards it creates pressure and flushes the water straight out.

I can literally sit it down on the table, some minimum wet drips and it stops. Plus my throat and lungs are thanking me right now.

Massive clouds while sitting on cloud9.
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I ° The Magician
you can also fill tube bubbler from glass of water
just put the bottom end in
and suck water up to the level you want

if youve already filled it - itll leak if you accidentally blow

I was wondering how to do you said makes perfect sense. I searched for it on google, they didnt really say how to do it, but rather just showed the people using the piece.


Old & In the Way
Hey man, the whip just arrived and its awesome, my dad can smoke again. Thanks!
I also use parts from the Arizer whip. The glass mouthpiece is nice and I use two of the elbow 18mm adapters in my setup. You can purchase both of those loose, btw, without tube.
When you look to replace that clear plastic tube (over time it gets dirty inside, etc.), find some med. grade high temp silicone tubing, (5/16" i.d. X 3/8" o.d). It's more flexible and rated "safer" (for temp.) than the clear.
Good information here:
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Well-Known Member
I also use parts from the Arizer whip. The glass mouthpiece is nice and I use two of the elbow 18mm adapters in my setup. You can purchase both of those loose, btw, without tube.
When you look to replace that clear plastic tube (over time it gets dirty inside, etc.), find some med. grade high temp silicone tubing, (5/16" i.d. X 3/8" o.d). It's more flexible and rated "safer" (for temp.) than the clear.
Good information here:

Ye the new arizer whips changed to that, they have a frosted clear look and are more flexible


Well-Known Member
@WakeAndVape and others, what do you make of this message? Got word back today after I asked what they shipped me back.


Your device has been repaired and we have applied some updates to the software and housing."

I heard some people say they receive back different units when S&B claim to have repaired it. Any insight here? Thanks


Well-Known Member
unless you really know your bowl, it is pretty hard to say if you get a new unit or not if the housing is 100% new.


Well-Known Member
@WakeAndVape and others, what do you make of this message? Got word back today after I asked what they shipped me back.


Your device has been repaired and we have applied some updates to the software and housing."

I heard some people say they receive back different units when S&B claim to have repaired it. Any insight here? Thanks

Yea i wonder if they are just sending refurbished mightys/crafty's although a lot here report they recieve a new boxed unit.

What are they doing with all those broken vapes?!?!


Well-Known Member
@uhranium You're right it would be hard to tell based off the bowl itself, I would also look at the housing, and for concrete evidence, the serial #.

@Eatrocks I know most people report receiving a new unit and while i had hoped that was the case for me it looks like they're either sending me my old one (which i doubt they were adequately able to repair) or a refurbished one.


Well-Known Member
Hello All, I've had my Mighty since Nov 2015 when I fully gave up combustion and I love it! I have pampered it to the best of my ability, keeping it clean, and keeping it in it's own little special padded case when not in use. However, I am a heavy user so it's in use ALLOT!:rofl: About 2 months ago I noticed a chip in the top, like many others have posted pictures of, I don't even know when it happened, it was just gone. It didn't really seem to affect anything so I ignored it, but I've noticed a few more pieces gone missing since then, my guess being the plastic just gets brittle from heat exposure over time. Then last month my cat made a failed jump attempt and knocked over a book I had been reading on the the back side of my Mighty that was in it's padded case but with the case top open (I always put it away display side down, in my head thinking this was protecting it more)To my surprise when I powered on my Mighty the display lit up with what looks like a crack even though there is no crack in the display and it didn't show the temperature anymore! I was so bummed and really shocked that a book tipping over onto the back of the Mighty would have such an effect! Good news was it still worked I just couldn't read it anymore. Being that the Mighty is my only vape, I kept on using it without the display since I don't change the temp that much. But now a little over a week ago the power button just stopped working and I can hear something(the internal part to my power button I'm sure) moving around inside my Mighty. SO BUMMED!!!!
I immediately went to the SB website and filled out the rma form and contemplated ordering another Mighty while I wait for my repair but decided to wait till I heard back as this was my first repair request and well, I'm not rich, I'm just desperate, lol. But I haven't heard anything back, not even an acknowledgement that they received my rma request. Today, 9 days after I filled out the RMA request form on their site, I tried to fill out another one but it won't let me saying there's already a RMA request filed for my serial# so I guess that's good right? How long does it take for them to get back to people on the RMA request? I did send an email to support since it wouldn't let me fill out the RMA form again and I feel like a fool just waiting forever, so I'm hopeful to hear Something soon. If I ordered another one they would respond to my order immediately I'm sure and I'd have it here in a couple of days probably, but am I going to have to go thru this every 6 months or so? And 8 days with NO Response is really bad customer service, something I wasn't expecting from Storz-Bickel.
Forced back to combustion with my Mighty dead and not enjoying it one bit after this much time vaping! I miss my flavorful hits, not this burned flavor every time. Lungs are feeling it too. :ugh:


Well-Known Member
@wakeNvape247 I'm dealing with a Mighty RMA so hopefully I can answer some of your quesitons. S&B were almost instantaneous in replying to my inital RMA request (no guarantees the rest of their service is up to this part); as cloudsosmoke said check your spam folder. Mine was going there. If you use gmail, check promotions.


Active Member
@wakeNvape247 I'm dealing with a Mighty RMA so hopefully I can answer some of your quesitons. S&B were almost instantaneous in replying to my inital RMA request (no guarantees the rest of their service is up to this part); as cloudsosmoke said check your spam folder. Mine was going there. If you use gmail, check promotions.

So I just got my Mighty back a week ago from RMA. It said it was my unit fixed up and had a new and crazy serial number, well more letters then numbers now, original was a early unit sn was in the 4k range. I had cracked housing, one minute shut off, unreliable vibrations, and a battery you could feel moving around if you shook it. Mighty I got back could be mine, bowl was in similar state of sorta clean cause it was still working like a champ when i sent it in and couldn't stop using it one more time. They put all new reinforced housing on it and reprogrammed it. Now vibrates with perfect consistence, 2 min shut off time and feels solid as a rock. Other thing I noticed is my battery dying faster, but upon further use I have come to the conclusion that they fixed the battery meter. Used to be if i had 1 bar you couldn't get another smoke outa it, goes down to one and stays heating up on no bars now, so battery is about the same, meter just reads different. They also only had my Mighty for 1 day and did this and shipped it out, so i would assume yours is gonna be the same. And only contact you ever get from S&B is if they send you a package. On my 6th Crafty and now my 2nd Mighty, so I've been around the RMA rodeo a few times. From my experience any non-functioning units get replaced with new in box, but if it works a lil, they will fix it. Either way you get a new cu and a functioning Mighty, so its hard to be bummed about not getting an all new one for long. Ramble done, now where did i set my Mighty..........


Just got an Xtar VP4 charger and used the car charger for the Mighty! I really needed one for long drives.

I should be using my Crafty for that but I still havent been using it. I miss the hour count for the Crafty. Id love to see how much my Mighty had gone


Old & In the Way
Folks are having some odd experiences with warranty exchanges. I understand that S&B must have lots of old broken Crafty's and Mighty's and refurbishing is a temptation.
But to include a dirty bowl in a refurb. unit? I don't think they'd do that if they planned to sell them, maybe only for customer swaps? It's weird either way. C'mon this is a tantamount to a medical device, people put it to their mouth and lungs. Why on earth do S&B put an obviously dirty part in there?

There was a time when some folks were getting their piece back with a hand written note saying that this is your old unit, we just changed almost everything and put a new serial number on it, and that itself seemed odd. Why not just a refurb. unit in that instance?

I'd be curious to know if anyone has sent in a clean broken unit and gotten back a working dirty one???? Or do they reserve these beauties for the folks who sent in a dirty bowl?
Or is this fodder for a separate thread? (ha!)


Well-Known Member
I will post the question on this topic too

Question for those who live in the US,

I live in Brazil, if I send my product warranty in Germany and ask them to resend the US address (a friend's house to bring me the new / repaired product), the US government charges a tax of this unit entering the country?



Old & In the Way
I will post the question on this topic too

Question for those who live in the US,

I live in Brazil, if I send my product warranty in Germany and ask them to resend the US address (a friend's house to bring me the new / repaired product), the US government charges a tax of this unit entering the country?

I suggest you put the question to S& B service, primarily to learn if they'll do what you need, as well as to learn about the costs, etc. for shipping.
My understanding is that customs and taxes are waived on a warranty repair item coming into the US, but as I said, you might check with S&B on that.
You might save something if you were to deal with S&B America directly, no? Leave Europe out of the equation.


Well-Known Member
I suggest you put the question to S& B service, primarily to learn if they'll do what you need, as well as to learn about the costs, etc. for shipping.
My understanding is that customs and taxes are waived on a warranty repair item coming into the US, but as I said, you might check with S&B on that.
You might save something if you were to deal with S&B America directly, no? Leave Europe out of the equation.

Thanks for your reply

Faster? Sure, but not without a cost. And at the time the value of this important service more than time for me = /


Well-Known Member
Hello All, I've had my Mighty since Nov 2015 when I fully gave up combustion and I love it! I have pampered it to the best of my ability, keeping it clean, and keeping it in it's own little special padded case when not in use. However, I am a heavy user so it's in use ALLOT!:rofl: About 2 months ago I noticed a chip in the top, like many others have posted pictures of, I don't even know when it happened, it was just gone. It didn't really seem to affect anything so I ignored it, but I've noticed a few more pieces gone missing since then, my guess being the plastic just gets brittle from heat exposure over time. Then last month my cat made a failed jump attempt and knocked over a book I had been reading on the the back side of my Mighty that was in it's padded case but with the case top open (I always put it away display side down, in my head thinking this was protecting it more)To my surprise when I powered on my Mighty the display lit up with what looks like a crack even though there is no crack in the display and it didn't show the temperature anymore! I was so bummed and really shocked that a book tipping over onto the back of the Mighty would have such an effect! Good news was it still worked I just couldn't read it anymore. Being that the Mighty is my only vape, I kept on using it without the display since I don't change the temp that much. But now a little over a week ago the power button just stopped working and I can hear something(the internal part to my power button I'm sure) moving around inside my Mighty. SO BUMMED!!!!
I immediately went to the SB website and filled out the rma form and contemplated ordering another Mighty while I wait for my repair but decided to wait till I heard back as this was my first repair request and well, I'm not rich, I'm just desperate, lol. But I haven't heard anything back, not even an acknowledgement that they received my rma request. Today, 9 days after I filled out the RMA request form on their site, I tried to fill out another one but it won't let me saying there's already a RMA request filed for my serial# so I guess that's good right? How long does it take for them to get back to people on the RMA request? I did send an email to support since it wouldn't let me fill out the RMA form again and I feel like a fool just waiting forever, so I'm hopeful to hear Something soon. If I ordered another one they would respond to my order immediately I'm sure and I'd have it here in a couple of days probably, but am I going to have to go thru this every 6 months or so? And 8 days with NO Response is really bad customer service, something I wasn't expecting from Storz-Bickel.
Forced back to combustion with my Mighty dead and not enjoying it one bit after this much time vaping! I miss my flavorful hits, not this burned flavor every time. Lungs are feeling it too. :ugh:

Send an email to the Oakland email address with an explanation of what happened and they will respond. I had the same problem with my ISP blocking responses from the America's address.


VapeLife X
@WakeAndVape and others, what do you make of this message? Got word back today after I asked what they shipped me back.


Your device has been repaired and we have applied some updates to the software and housing."

I heard some people say they receive back different units when S&B claim to have repaired it. Any insight here? Thanks
If they send you a new device, it will be in a new box and they send you all accessories in it...

Maybe they just gave you new housing and a software update, thats what they did to mine the first time I was expecting a replacement as many others were getting.

If your vigilant you can get a new mighty...keep sending it back, they'll get tired of paying for postage.
Hello All, I've had my Mighty since Nov 2015 when I fully gave up combustion and I love it! I have pampered it to the best of my ability, keeping it clean, and keeping it in it's own little special padded case when not in use. However, I am a heavy user so it's in use ALLOT!:rofl: About 2 months ago I noticed a chip in the top, like many others have posted pictures of, I don't even know when it happened, it was just gone. It didn't really seem to affect anything so I ignored it, but I've noticed a few more pieces gone missing since then, my guess being the plastic just gets brittle from heat exposure over time. Then last month my cat made a failed jump attempt and knocked over a book I had been reading on the the back side of my Mighty that was in it's padded case but with the case top open (I always put it away display side down, in my head thinking this was protecting it more)To my surprise when I powered on my Mighty the display lit up with what looks like a crack even though there is no crack in the display and it didn't show the temperature anymore! I was so bummed and really shocked that a book tipping over onto the back of the Mighty would have such an effect! Good news was it still worked I just couldn't read it anymore. Being that the Mighty is my only vape, I kept on using it without the display since I don't change the temp that much. But now a little over a week ago the power button just stopped working and I can hear something(the internal part to my power button I'm sure) moving around inside my Mighty. SO BUMMED!!!!
I immediately went to the SB website and filled out the rma form and contemplated ordering another Mighty while I wait for my repair but decided to wait till I heard back as this was my first repair request and well, I'm not rich, I'm just desperate, lol. But I haven't heard anything back, not even an acknowledgement that they received my rma request. Today, 9 days after I filled out the RMA request form on their site, I tried to fill out another one but it won't let me saying there's already a RMA request filed for my serial# so I guess that's good right? How long does it take for them to get back to people on the RMA request? I did send an email to support since it wouldn't let me fill out the RMA form again and I feel like a fool just waiting forever, so I'm hopeful to hear Something soon. If I ordered another one they would respond to my order immediately I'm sure and I'd have it here in a couple of days probably, but am I going to have to go thru this every 6 months or so? And 8 days with NO Response is really bad customer service, something I wasn't expecting from Storz-Bickel.
Forced back to combustion with my Mighty dead and not enjoying it one bit after this much time vaping! I miss my flavorful hits, not this burned flavor every time. Lungs are feeling it too. :ugh:
Hello...welcome to FC...dig the name :brow: others have said check the spam folder.

OR you could just follow the instructions online and just mail it with her no word, I'm pretty sure it will get back to just won't have the reassurance of emails.
Folks are having some odd experiences with warranty exchanges. I understand that S&B must have lots of old broken Crafty's and Mighty's and refurbishing is a temptation.
But to include a dirty bowl in a refurb. unit? I don't think they'd do that if they planned to sell them, maybe only for customer swaps? It's weird either way. C'mon this is a tantamount to a medical device, people put it to their mouth and lungs. Why on earth do S&B put an obviously dirty part in there?

There was a time when some folks were getting their piece back with a hand written note saying that this is your old unit, we just changed almost everything and put a new serial number on it, and that itself seemed odd. Why not just a refurb. unit in that instance?

I'd be curious to know if anyone has sent in a clean broken unit and gotten back a working dirty one???? Or do they reserve these beauties for the folks who sent in a dirty bowl?
Or is this fodder for a separate thread? (ha!)
When they send out refurbished units...its your SAME unit, not one that was fixed and set aside.

When they fixed my housing and upgraded the software I got back the same dirty bowl and all (I actually recognized the scratches)


Old & In the Way
If they send you a new device, it will be in a new box and they send you all accessories in it...


When they send out refurbished units...its your SAME unit, not one that was fixed and set aside.

When they fixed my housing and upgraded the software I got back the same dirty bowl and all (I actually recognized the scratches)

Well this is, at minimum, better than getting someone else's old bowl!
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