The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel


The Dude
Hi guys!
I want to share with you a small project I'm working on these days.
These are only prototypes but I hope you will like them.

Let me know what you think, if there were the possibility it would be nice to create something together. I love this fantastic device like you and I would like to create things to make it even more enjoyable.

Greetings from Sicily!



Very nice indeed! This seems like a great option for a battery refresh at the same time. :love:

Take a look into the Ghost MV1. Lots of people have broken latch issues. Maybe it's something you can help with, creating a new product for you and a solution for those left in the cold with Ghost closing up shop. :science:


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!
I want to share with you a small project I'm working on these days.
These are only prototypes but I hope you will like them.

Let me know what you think, if there were the possibility it would be nice to create something together. I love this fantastic device like you and I would like to create things to make it even more enjoyable.

Greetings from Sicily!




That is really cool! Just a quick tip, if you want pictures to show on the forum link the BBCode (should be in the top right menu I believe).

There are many owners are out of warranty that may need a replacement case and this would be a really nice alternative. Fantastic job.


Well-Known Member
Very nice indeed! This seems like a great option for a battery refresh at the same time. :love:

Take a look into the Ghost MV1. Lots of people have broken latch issues. Maybe it's something you can help with, creating a new product for you and a solution for those left in the cold with Ghost closing up shop. :science:

Hey @BestBuds re: MV1's I was also gonna try a large clamp ( similar to radiator clamp but bigger) with a clip lock that pushes down to keep latch closed and clip would be easy and quick to close I'll post in MV1 when I do.... But in all honesty I had to go.with my vapes the Mighty and em both for different reasons:D!!!


The Dude
Hey @BestBuds re: MV1's I was also gonna try a large clamp ( similar to radiator clamp but bigger) with a clip lock that pushes down to keep latch closed and clip would be easy and quick to close I'll post in MV1 when I do.... But in all honesty I had to go.with my vapes the Mighty and em both for different reasons:D!!!
I hear ya!

I was actually directing that MV1 part to @ETNAMAKER


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Thank you all!
I hope the photos are ok now, I did some mess.
Sorry for my poor english, Im happy u like my case.

The MV1 fix can be my next project!

Right now I have Vapcap, Boundless Tera and the Mighty of course, probably my next projects could include these vaporizers.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
I wrecked my cooling unit screen the first time I tried to clean it years ago. As I remember, it was not finely meshed. It was then I decided the large, finely meshed screen worked better at keeping debris out of the cooling unit. The cooling unit locks the screen in place. And at times I put a little bit of concentrate on the screen for enhanced hits.
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Well-Known Member
My Mighty came today! I took apart the cooling unit and cleaned it in soapy hot water along with an ISO swab to the bowl. I'm amazed at how light it is. I get it, it's mostly plastic but wow is it light. It's a very pocketable size too imo. I haven't fired it up yet but I'm pretty psyched!


Well-Known Member
My Mighty came today! I took apart the cooling unit and cleaned it in soapy hot water along with an ISO swab to the bowl. I'm amazed at how light it is. I get it, it's mostly plastic but wow is it light. It's a very pocketable size too imo. I haven't fired it up yet but I'm pretty psyched!

It’s so consistent ....every time learning curve big vapor ....woo hoo! Welcome to the party!


Well-Known Member
As I mentioned in my original post, totally understandable that there can be shipping delays, but if you read the amount of complaints regarding NO email contact for weeks, not days, that’s hard to understand, and certainly not good for reputation. My money is now locked in “pending”, that’s not fair to the customer. That delay of shipment notice you saw is on Twitter, is not that detailed on their website, far more general, enough for me to place the original order. Buyer beware.....

You’ll be waiting a long time for that review. VapeCritic has retired from reviews, as of today, his forum is “read only”, no new posts.
hmm why he done it? no new vapes? wondering what he is into right now, He was the one who convinced me all the 2016 reviews were not just paid for bs reviews, but indeed that the M is a real thing.
My Mighty came today! I took apart the cooling unit and cleaned it in soapy hot water along with an ISO swab to the bowl. I'm amazed at how light it is. I get it, it's mostly plastic but wow is it light. It's a very pocketable size too imo. I haven't fired it up yet but I'm pretty psyched!
I can see how psyched you are in your profile pics, cheers mate, hope it will serve you well :) , I had to sell mine becuase only thing that I was able to source around here was laced crap, with powder sugar for baking and what worse crystal m. Even through I choose for my own health to stop vaping I never forget the first hit mighty gave me :D and I hope I will be able to try, some quality tested dank in legal state with it in future :) Maybe then there will be successor of the mighty :)


Well-Known Member
I'm doing a burn off of the Mighty right now and man does this thing stink! I should have done it earlier, I'm all prepped for a late night walk with the dogs and it's holding me up haha.

Vape Critic has quit weed. He posted a 30~ minute video a yesterday (or the day before) going over it. In short he doesn't like how it's making him feel lately and he feels Ghost has killed his reputation. I hope he comes back someday, I really liked his review style.II wish him all the best either way.


Well-Known Member
Good to see this forum alive and kicking after a while!

Im looking at changing my batteries (again) as it’s now been a couple of years since my last change.

I’ve had a quick look but wondering if anyone has had any joy replacing the heating element and temperature probe + (battery probes)?

@ETNAMAKER love what you’re doing.

How are is the body for heat dissipation?

I’d definitely be interesting in this sort of thing if you’d consider Uk shipping?

I’ve been thinking about transferring my internals to something more homemade once the plastic body finally gives up. - but my fabrication skills leave something to be desisted!

(Down to two corners to lock the CU down and a couple of zip ties to hold the body together!)


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Hi guys!
I want to share with you a small project I'm working on these days.
These are only prototypes but I hope you will like them.

Let me know what you think, if there were the possibility it would be nice to create something together. I love this fantastic device like you and I would like to create things to make it even more enjoyable.

Greetings from Sicily!

That's nice work. Please remember that if you decide to sell these, you will have to become an Accessory Maker. Here's the rules for members with a commercial interest. Good luck with your project!


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!
I want to share with you a small project I'm working on these days.
These are only prototypes but I hope you will like them.

Let me know what you think, if there were the possibility it would be nice to create something together. I love this fantastic device like you and I would like to create things to make it even more enjoyable.

Greetings from Sicily!


the shell/case is the only (spare) part missing to make this vaporizer future proof.
I'm already missing bits of plastic around the bowl..... so yea I'm definitely interested !
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Old & In the Way
Hi guys!
I want to share with you a small project I'm working on these days.
These are only prototypes but I hope you will like them.

Let me know what you think, if there were the possibility it would be nice to create something together. I love this fantastic device like you and I would like to create things to make it even more enjoyable.

Greetings from Sicily!



That's some really nice work. European Beech? While I love the look and applaud the effort my concern (as a 'former' woodworker) would be the design holding up in use, the wood is very thin in places. The areas where cooling unit tighten will be what we call "short grain" and may be quite weak without reinforcement of some kind.

I look forward to pictures with a finish (beeswax, maybe?) on it.

I wrecked my cooling unit screen the first time I tried to clean it years ago. As I remember, it was not finely meshed. It was then I decided the large, finely meshed screen worked better at keeping debris out of the cooling unit. The cooling unit locks the screen in place. And at times I put a little bit of concentrate on the screen for enhanced hits.
It's been a continuous stream of minor variations on method for use of the Mighty/Crafty. All but forgotten are the 'pac-man' sliced top screen, the muzzmod and others.

Yours is cool and as I'm writing this I realize it actually resolves a small quandry for me. I mainly use capsules lately and prefer to leave screen out of the c/u. I've mused about how to use the full chamber without having to install a c/u screen, and your method is great; I just unearthed a handful of flat pipe screens last week!

By the way, many of us, when we do use a screen in c/u, use the fine screen - same one that's used for the chamber bottom. When I do have one installed I don't take it out for cleaning, just soak it with c/u. @macbill I'm sure you know about most of these things, I'm laying some of this out for the newcomers.
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Well-Known Member
So, the last 3-4 times that I’ve used my Mighty, it just didn’t seem quite right. It hasn’t been producing vapor in the way it always had. I wondered if something was wrong with the heat. I thought maybe that I was packing the capsules too tight or too loose. I just wasn’t getting that much vapor any longer. A noticeable difference.

Then I started looking at the o ring seals and noticed that the small middle one on the cooling chamber was gone. I just replaced it but won’t be able to test until later. I was curious what others’ experience has been with these rings? Could a broken or missing ring really have that much affect?
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Well-Known Member
So, the last 3-4 times that I’ve used my Mighty, it just didn’t seem quite right. It hasn’t been producing vapor in the way it always had. I wondered if something was wrong with the heat. I thought maybe that I was packing the capsules too tight or too loose. I just wasn’t getting that much vapor any longer. A noticeable difference.

Then I started looking at the o ring seals and noticed that the small middle one on the cooling chamber was gone. I just replaced it but won’t be able to test until later. I was curious what others’ experience has been with these rings? Could a broken or missing ring really have that much affect?

Yes a missing o ring prevents it from making an airtight seal as a result you get a much more wispy hit because you're letting in significantly more air.

Another mistake some people can make is failing to relock the mighty at the top after opening the cooling unit.


Well-Known Member
Leak test cooling unit, cover the bottom hole of cu then sip thru mp, should be airtight when you sip.:)

I’ve replaced the seal now. It’s just so small and the CU seems to fit into the top so snugly, that I’m surprised that the missing little ring would be a problem. That said, I know it is there for a reason and it is about the only thing that could be an issue right now.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to top my Mighty loads with a quarter-sized, fine screen instead of a screen in the cooling unit. Keeps cooling unit clean, too.
I wrecked my cooling unit screen the first time I tried to clean it years ago. As I remember, it was not finely meshed. It was then I decided the large, finely meshed screen worked better at keeping debris out of the cooling unit. The cooling unit locks the screen in place. And at times I put a little bit of concentrate on the screen for enhanced hits.
I use both personally. I put a fine mesh screen in the cooling unit, then use a coarse mesh screen to keep the material packed down. Frankly, the coarse mesh screens are kinda useless imo. I wish they'd just include the fine mesh ones.
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Seeking My Shangri-La
Ask yourself this question, what is the Mighty lacking that the Mighty+ could "potentially" have that you need, or can’t live without. :hmm:

1. Higher maximum temperature of at least 220C
2. Non-proprietary charging option (i.e. USB)
3. Different setup for attaching the CU so plastic parts don't break
4. Smaller form factor

...I could go on.

I guess I don't 'need' these features and can probably 'live without' them, but it would make the Mighty experience better IMO. There is always room for improvement. :)
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