For battery vapes i started with a flowermate, then a davinci, and pax - then sold the last two after getting a mighty, so the saying 'who buys cheap buys two(or more) times' is correct. Main reason was it just felt so inefficient using any other vape than the mighty, so add the economic factor of getting the most out of the herbs, while it's turning into abv, that will add up quickly

I always went back to combustion being away from home with some people before having the mighty, it was just too much fiddling with loading, stirring, clogging and so on with the pax and davinci. Most portables are not suited to use with more than 2 people around. Now i just preload some capsules and i'm good anywhere...
i'm also a HIFI / acoustics freak, i even build speakers, andi it's pretty much the same - start with the best and you're set for the next 20 years.
Now i get a bit polemic, but what is the cost of a new lung? - also stopping combustion can make the difference of seeing some grandchildren in your life or not.
But i don't get your impression about the plenty, maybe the load fell a bit to the side and didn't cover the whole screen? - the coil can also be precooled in the fridge, but u are right no need for it if you have the cano.
As you have mentioned butane vapes - my favourite are vaponic(really cheap) and vapman, with the cano and mighty thats 98% of my rotation. the last 2 % are vapcaps(quick hitter) and the flowermate(only for concerts/festivals).
Nice thing about the vaponic is, its a very joint like experience with the heating and allows 4-5 draws with one heating cycle, also very good taste. I would say ex-joint users prefer vaponic, ex-one hitter users prefer a vapcap.
The Vapman is just nice swiss engineering and craftmanship, the mostly conduction heating offers a different punch. My preferred outdoor vape, it works in any weather condition.