I disagree that inverted on a water piece is detrimental to Mighty.
It was possible to kill a Crafty with overheating, but Mighty is much more robust.
In 5 years, I only saw an overheat error message once or twice. It shut down rather than over-heat. Let it cool a few minutes, back in business.
This is the first I've ever heard anyone say "don't use that Mighty too hard!"
Vape the best shit you can find?
I think one of the best suggestions is that you experiment and find your own sweet spot for use.
Maybe try fine grind, snug, full, pack high temp, let it heat soak a minute or two, slow draw.
Another is try small load with dosing cap on top to press it down.
Lots of ways to try.
I do agree with
@VapePerson, that water can steal some flavor; so try your water piece dry sometime...