Well-Known Member
Thank you for the new capsule caddy, but only holds 4? Should be 6 or 8 for the Mighty
I want one arrr....New from S&B . . . They make a liquid version but its the same and just comes with some Liquid Pads as well.
I'm vaping my brains out. I love this thing!
Also, it seems to favor large bowl fulls. I like to start taking a hit at 175C, and keep taking it until it hits 190C. The taste. The everything.
Thank you for the new capsule caddy, but only holds 4? Should be 6 or 8 for the Mighty
They make some of us buy 2!! It is a sharp head of marketing there now, I wouldn't be surprised if they came out with a cheaper Mighty, but with a knob and no screen!
Oh, I think there will a new portable from S&B by Thanksgiving. This is just my guess...
I always think of DaVinci when the question of who's due a new vape comes up!
The Ascent was around Oct 2013,
Hi everyone! First post:I joined as I've been lurking on the forum for the last couple of days, trying to learn what I can about the 'Mighty' whilst waiting on the mailman to get here
Bit about me: In the UK
This is my first ever vaporizer, moved to e-cigs about two years ago, and had thought it was time to give up tobacco completely as it ruins my throat,lungs ,mood now. Got a couple of questions that I hope you can help me with, I've either not found the answer from searching or just want to be extra-sure as I'm worried about messing up such an expensive machine.
1.) Plugged it in as soon as I received it and it was fully charged-normal?
2.)Still waiting on some Blue Cheese, so all I've got is some Lebanese red pollen hash.
3.)Having no bud to make a sandwich (and wanting pure hashish taste anyway) and only having one liquid pad for now- I'm reluctant to cut it up as suggested, so I'm going to try the cotton technique (thin layer-hash-thin layer).
4.) Do I need to crumble the hash and spread it finely on the cotton- or can i just sit a lil nugget on there?
5.)Would 'Cotton Bacon' - an e-cig vaping cotton be fine for this?
6.)or would it be easier to just stick it on top of the liquid-pad (also same question about what to do to the hash).
Thanks in advance
Highland UK
Hi everyone! First post:I joined as I've been lurking on the forum for the last couple of days, trying to learn what I can about the 'Mighty' whilst waiting on the mailman to get here
Bit about me: In the UK
This is my first ever vaporizer, moved to e-cigs about two years ago, and had thought it was time to give up tobacco completely as it ruins my throat,lungs ,mood now. Got a couple of questions that I hope you can help me with, I've either not found the answer from searching or just want to be extra-sure as I'm worried about messing up such an expensive machine.
1.) Plugged it in as soon as I received it and it was fully charged-normal?
2.)Still waiting on some Blue Cheese, so all I've got is some Lebanese red pollen hash.
3.)Having no bud to make a sandwich (and wanting pure hashish taste anyway) and only having one liquid pad for now- I'm reluctant to cut it up as suggested, so I'm going to try the cotton technique (thin layer-hash-thin layer).
4.) Do I need to crumble the hash and spread it finely on the cotton- or can i just sit a lil nugget on there?
5.)Would 'Cotton Bacon' - an e-cig vaping cotton be fine for this?
6.)or would it be easier to just stick it on top of the liquid-pad (also same question about what to do to the hash).
Thanks in advance
Highland UK
Welcome to FC Highland_UK!
You gonna love this place!
So, about your questions :
1) yep that's normal, mine was full too.
2) Make sure to put the liquid pad, and enjoy this wonderful red libanese!
3)Make sure you're using organic cotton and not one with nasty stuff inside. You could look to degumed hemp fiber, it's awesome!
4)I think it's better if it's crumble, increasing thecontact surface, but experiment yourself you can't go wrong with the mighty
5)I don't know about that as I don't use ecig.
6) The liquid pad works really good, preventing the material to leak. As for the crumble or not, again experiment with a tiny piece but I think that crumble will lead to the best results.
Water will likely void the warranty...Hey guy's my mighty stopped working, probably because of water inside, should i mention it for making the guaranty work or just send it normally for guaranty without giving much information?
We've heard that there's a sensor inside, like many cell phones have, to detect exposure to water.ok thx for answer
Hi TheVaporist, thanks for the warm welcome and answering all the questions
So through trial and error, I'm not sure where I stand with the Hash in the mighty at the moment- still working out: how much to put, how to crumble etc.
I put some on the liquidpad last night and a few bits have just melted and got stuck inside the wires of the liquidpad itself! Does this make it unusable now? Still got the desired effects, but haven't got the satisfactions of the flavour quite right yet. I guess with vaporizers, you don't really get the satisfaction of smoke/vapor hitting the back of your throat.
If you found that your liquid pad is dirty, just soak it in ethanol (or iso) brush it and it will be clean
In case you doesn't know, hash need a higher temp than flower so don't be afraid to push the beast!
Although don't overfill with the concentrate in order to avoid leaks, less is more
The mighty is really flavorful, of course it depends on the material but don't try to replicate the smoking experience. Smoke is really hot, full of combustion by-product and you'll never experience that again with a vaporizer. Of course you can take giant, potent thick cloud of vapor but it doesn't compete in the same world.
You're in the dream world of pure vapor now, let the combustion days behind you and go to the moon in a giant cloud!
Hi TheVaporist, thanks for the warm welcome and answering all the questions
So through trial and error, I'm not sure where I stand with the Hash in the mighty at the moment- still working out: how much to put, how to crumble etc.
I put some on the liquidpad last night and a few bits have just melted and got stuck inside the wires of the liquidpad itself! Does this make it unusable now? Still got the desired effects, but haven't got the satisfactions of the flavour quite right yet. I guess with vaporizers, you don't really get the satisfaction of smoke/vapor hitting the back of your throat.
@Trypsy Summers
Appreciate the response whilst you were pressed for time. MinnBobber also recommended the degummed hemp fiber and I'm in the process of having a little scout for it in the UK.
Not a fan of Cheese? An old favourite of mine, along with Jack Herrer- other favourites/recommendations are welcome. (Not sure if explicit discussion of this sort of things are allowed-If not, I'll delete this post)
Yeah it just one of those week's and today n tomorrow is just GO GO GO, but anyway, yeah you'll love that Mighty, I know that we did, even though its currently back at the vendor (awaiting some kinda shout from S & B) before they send it on to them for repair/replace! Even though I rarely got to use it, my significant other claimed it as soon as it arrived (even though I paid for it,) I was assigned the Crafty, which as portables go is fine, the only gripe with the Crafty is that the battery is just fuckery!
I find that even tho the bowls are the same the Mighty seems to extract more, i.e. the Crafty doesn't last as long as the Mighty and the other fall back is that the Crafty is stuck on two temps (unless you have a smartphone) whereas the Mighty has a variable (digital) control which is very easy to use.
If you want the 'authentic' throat burner, you need to roll with a Plenty or even the EVO, as that, with out the Hydratube, can burn your 'throat out' as can the Volcano set on (230C) the higher temps.
As for Cheese,get me right, if you love it good for you, (or anyone else), but there ain't no way in the universe, you'll get me acknowledging it as anything other than foul tasting crap, and, I don't mean shit, I mean fucking crap
, I just can't get why people rave over that obnoxious crap, I don't mean no offence, but 'Cheese' is just not doing it me, the strength ain't all that, and the taste OMG!
I could write for hours on how much I detest it, On the other hand, Jack Herer, is very nice, its kinda respectable in every sense, a good grow, a great vape, it's medicinal, and recreational! What's not to like? It's kinda like White Widow, now to me those are great * OG strains, as is Skunk#1, NL#5, Haze, Durban, PPP, etc.
Yeah now look what you've got me doing!, Lol, I gotta be gone....
*OG as in 'Original Godmother' (or is that Good-mother), strain.
PPS Sorry to any cheese lovers, no offence meant, its just I cannot stand that strain, I just hope it never comes to the day that its my only option - cos that day would quite possibly be my penultimate day!!lol
Not saying, just saying
without saying
Pure Peace![]()
If you are referring to the bottom screen in the oven, then no, you don't have to remove it. Just drop the capsule into the chamber.hello mighty users I have just ordered a set of the dosing capsules and was wondering if anyone had any tips on using them ? do I have to remove the gauze in the oven or drop it ontop cheers all
Like I said, to me Cheese =A quality cheese through a decent vape is like a match made in heaven, it impregnates a hot oven and develops a sweet offspring that keeps you coming back for more.
It's taste is completely different to its smell through the vape, sweet taste with earthy undertones ummmmmm!!! Give me some more!!!