My Mighty has stopped working!!I'm absolutely gutted as I really liked the little fuck,
Anyway, I've sent it off to the vendor, who will get it next week! they will then send it to on to S&B, blah blah!
I'm pissed off as I've not even had it a year, tbh, I thought that (out of all the S & B items that I have, and I've got em all, I really felt) the Crafty would've gone first!
German technology? Yeah right!!!
I could go on and on, ranging from depression, to pure outrage!!!
But what's the point??? Cos at the end of the day, (when all is said and done) I am just GUTTED!
Not saying,Just saying,
Without saying
Pure Peace
Do you need to borrow a vape bro? a few of us here suffer from major VaS and have quite a few we could part with for a few weeks. Hit me up if you need me to locate you a loaner vape! Hell a simple vapcap or vapman could get you through.