This is veering topic, and I'm sorry I brought it up, but to be clear: pets and people are different things. It's part of every pet person's job to know that foods as benign to humans as chocolate can be fatal to pets, so I'm not sure why you think that couldn't be the case here too. This is universally understood in the veterinary world, even among advocates of the potential of MMJ for pets.
(Also off-topic, and not to get political, but there aren't many
government studies talking about marijuana toxicity in the US, because the government all but completely forbids MMJ research
at all. My calling them "idiots" is a non-partisan observation.

If you don't want to read any of the links below, I'll summarize. More dangerous for small dogs and cats than big ones, but even horses can be affected. Fatal in doses of 3g weed/kg of animal size, so about half an ounce for a 10lb adult dog, less for young, old, or sick dogs. Edibles can be potentially more dangerous if they're more concentrated (cannabutter is particularly hazardous for dogs, and the chocolate in brownies makes them a double threat), and concentrates are of course more dangerous than flower. And because of the toxicity of THC, most of the talk about MMJ for pets is focused around CBD extracts.
Pot and pets: For them, a high is dangerous - so stash that stash (Denver Post, VERY pro-pot coverage, and a nice sidebar on the potential for medical applications in dogs)
Marijuana Toxicity in Pets: Way More Scary Than Funny
ASPCA: Toxic & Non-Toxic Plants: Marijuana: Toxicity for Dogs, Cats, and Horses
Marijuana Toxicity in Dogs and Cats (
Everything You Need to Know About Marijuana and Dogs (Buzzfeed, ironically, noting hazards while also noting potential medical uses)
Can Marijuana Kill Your Dog? (Alternet,
very pro-pot for
people, but they also note, “Animals don’t react the same way as humans. Without treatment, dogs can go into comas and die.” )
Marijuana for Pets: Poison or Medicine? (, actively advocating for MMJ treatment for pets, but focused on CBD because of the toxicity of THC)
Pets On Pot (, the Oregon online MMJ resource, pointing to potential treatments for pets but also noting symptoms including "
ataxia(loss of motor coordination, including loss of balance), vomiting and hypothermia (low body temperature), bradycardia (slow heartbeat) or tachycardia (fast heartbeat), agitation, vocalization, vomiting, diarrhea, hypersalivation (drooling), urinary incontinence, seizures, and in severe cases, coma or death.")
I'll close with
this article from the LA Times. The writer had no idea what was wrong, except that their small puppy was having seizures, so they took him to the ER. When they got the diagnosis of THC poisoning, they burst out laughing, but as the writer admits, it got serious again when they remembered that their dog was in real trouble. "Monte recovered after spending the night in the hospital with an IV drip to flush the toxins from his system. The bill came to $730 for the exam, lab testing, radiographs, toxicology screen, catheter, fluids and hospitalization."
She also observed that an owner with a chihuahua came in at the same time she did, and simply left because he couldn't afford the treatment. Oops.
She also noted that that particular ER typically saw 2-3 cases of THC poisoning cases every single night. I don't doubt it. That's LA, but I live in a very small town, and my ER staff said that they get THC poisoning cases every couple of days.
So am I overreacting? Maybe, sure, but heck, I had an episode with a cat that was in the hospital for 3 days on a blood-filtering machine and IV drip after he just
bit on the leaf of a lily, didn't even actually eat it. (Remember: cats and lilies don't mix.)
As noted above, I'll put the cleanliness of my prep up against any operating room in America (admittedly perhaps a low bar), but if I can spend less time on cleanup because I made less of a mess, I'll take any advice I can get.
Apologies again. If mods care to delete my original reference and this reply, I'm all for it. We can restart the conversation in a more appropriate forum. It's worth talking about...somewhere.
Still love my Mighty. Still looking forward to tips how to best use the filling device.
GREAT tip! I actually have salt spoons on hand, but it never crossed my mind to use one. I'll do it!