Hello ,
I have mine since last December ( Serial 77939 ).
a) I have to say ( and should have done it before ) that , as often mentionned here ,
Ariel from Blisssville has been really great .
First LB pack sent never reached my home ( here in France ) and Ariel did the necessary with a 2nd one .
b) It's my first real experience with vape , with main purpose to stop combusting.
Unfortunatly , since too long now , i have no green materials , but when i had
i was not fully satisfied but not really due to the LB itself.
I mean i think i have not reached the good way of use/acceptation of the LB as :
- I'm still used to/expecting the combusting's immediate big hit , ( the one before the high state )
even if knowing that vape does not work like this ..... i miss it
- i'm afraid to combust ( hard to find the border between vapor and smoke .... )
so i have tendancy to draw fast enough , to avoid it , therefore trench last long
but i will persist , and learn for sure ! ( when i will have again right material )
Magicflight , in one of your post , months ago , you explained that for a given inhalation
about 20% of the 'green benefits' are used by the lungs ... so 80% are exhaled
=> c1) can we consider that someone using the LB in a small space
is 'passively greening' other people in this space .... especially kids/driver of a car/.... ?
If yes , please , all , take care of this
=> c2) could exhaling in a plastic bag/balloon be then re-inhaling from then re-exhaling ....
be a good idea to optimize the 'green benefits' ?
d) for stealthy and rapidity purpose , i like to carry only the current battery ( other fresh ones being stored somewhere else in the batteries case ) but i has happened that suddenly

na it's burning ( as often in lmy trouser , often close to balls .... )
==> As someone found a solution for an easy "1-battery-protection" such like a small elastic sock ( as for portable , but smaller ) so that while in the pocket , no burning , but when wanting to use it just needing to plug it in the LB , and when unplugged the protection is ( almost automatically ) on ?
( .... not sur to be clear ) This would sound more quick and stealth than opening a battery case , picking battery out , closing the battery case .............. green use ............ then re-opening battery case , storing .. and so on ...
e) On somes site , i have seen a box with MF logo on it , i assume supposed to store the LB and features,
but does not see it as is on Blisssville.
Could someone tell me what is it ? ( as , for me , black bag is nice but does not provide enough protection when carrying in pockets )
Thanks for patience , reading , indulgence , and ( hopefully ) answers