I agree with what you guys are all saying about the warranty... but honestly, I think you're being a little hard on DasBlunt. The guy just spent a lot of money on a box and got scammed, he's frustrated, his reaction isn't out-of-the-blue. I think when he referred to insults stopping, he was talking about stuff like Skippy saying that he might be from an MFLB competitor just for complaining about the customer service - by this I don't mean query resolution but the time required for them to contact him etc. So hey, he's one of the few guys to complain - but even if he's the ONLY guy EVER to do so, that says nothing about his legitimacy. In fact I think he's very legit from what I read - he has a very specific complaint and didn't just make a couple of posts and leave. He also states his membership of a snowboarding forum, which can be checked for authenticity if you like. I think that comment about his legitimacy was therefore unwarranted... as were a couple others.
I myself sent Magic Flight a request from their online form two weeks ago - not with a complaint but inquiring about their international delivery. Because I wasn't in that much a hurry, I didn't think much of it when they got back to me a couple of weeks later (in style, I have to say - called me all the way from America to India

) I didn't complain about the slow service, but I can see how, if they'd taken the same amount of time with someone who got scammed, just
that could be intensely frustrating.
I hope you get the guy who scammed you man, I think it'd be justified if you went knocking on his door (if you have his address) and letting him face whatever consequences arise from talking to his parents or whatever. I also agree that Magic Flight is not responsible for your box. I just think (and I may be a newbie here but I've been on several forums for years now) that maybe you guys should've been a little kinder to someone with a genuine problem.